Canada Passport Ranking 2023 (2024)

');if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/ar/") > -1) {lang = "/ar";//countryLink = window.location.pathname.split('/')[3].split('-passport')[0];countryLink = $('.dropdown-menu>.col-md-12>a').attr('href').split('/')[4].split('-passport')[0];} else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/fr/") > -1) {lang = "/fr";//countryLink = window.location.pathname.split('/')[3].split('-passport')[0];countryLink = $('.dropdown-menu>.col-md-12>a').attr('href').split('/')[4].split('-passport')[0];} else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/tr/") > -1) {lang = "/tr";//countryLink = window.location.pathname.split('/')[3].split('-passport')[0];countryLink = $('.dropdown-menu>.col-md-12>a').attr('href').split('/')[4].split('-passport')[0];}else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/fa/") > -1) {lang = "/fa";//countryLink = window.location.pathname.split('/')[3].split('-passport')[0];countryLink = $('.dropdown-menu>.col-md-12>a').attr('href').split('/')[4].split('-passport')[0];}else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/ru/") > -1) {lang = "/ru";//countryLink = window.location.pathname.split('/')[3].split('-passport')[0];countryLink = $('.dropdown-menu>.col-md-12>a').attr('href').split('/')[4].split('-passport')[0];} else {lang = "";countryLink = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2].split('-passport')[0];//countryLink = $('.dropdown-menu>.col-md-12>a').attr('href').split('/')[4].split('-passport')[0];}var visaIndex = document.createElement("div");visaIndex.className = "visa-index";$("section:has(.elementor-widget-program_description)").append(visaIndex);/*$('.content').load("" + lang + "/country/" + countryLink + "-passport-ranking .introductory-section, .permissions", function () {*/$('.content').load("" + lang + "/country/" + countryLink + "-passport-ranking", function () {$(".buttonContainer").remove();$(".mainTitleContainer h1").remove();$(".requirementsLists").addClass("container m-auto pt-5");let imgSrc = '';if(imgSrc)$(".passport-image img").attr('src',imgSrc);let countrySrc = $(".imgShadow").attr("data-lazy-src");if(countrySrc)$(".imgShadow").attr('src', countrySrc);$(".rank").addClass("display-4 font-weight-bold");$(".score").addClass("display-4 font-weight-bold");$(".statistic-name").addClass("text-secondary");if(lang === "") {var country1 = $(".mainTitleContainer h2").text();var country2 = $(".mainDescription").text().split(' passport')[0].split('The ')[1];var rank = $(".mainTopContainer .rank").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var destinations = $(".mainTopContainer .score").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var required = $(".requirementsLists .required").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');rank = ordinalSuffix(rank);$(".scoreName").html("Visa-free destinations");/*console.log("Country1: " + country1);console.log("Country2: " + country2);console.log("Rank: " + rank);console.log("Destinations: " + destinations);console.log("Required: " + required);*/var excerpt = "The " + country2 + " passport is currently ranked " + rank + " among global passports, according to the Guide Passport Ranking Index. The " + country1 + " passport ranking is due to the degree of global entry it guarantees to " + country2 + " passport holders, who may travel visa-free to " + destinations + " countries, but who otherwise need a visa to access " + required + " countries globally.

National passports are ranked according to how many countries a holder can access visa-free. The " + country1 + " passport ranking therefore reflects the number of visa-free countries accessible to " + country2 + " passport holders. Visa-free countries include those where entry is possible without a visa, and with a visa on arrival / electronic travel authorization (eTA).";$(".mainDescription").html(excerpt);$("head").append('

');$( ".list-group a" ).each(function() {$(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href").replace("", ""));});} else if(lang === "/ar") {var country = $("h1").text().split('ترتيب جواز سفر ')[1].split(' 2')[0];var rank = $(".mainTopContainer .rank").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var destinations = $(".mainTopContainer .score").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var required = $(".requirementsLists .required").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');$(".scoreName").html("وجهة سفر");if(rank == 1) rank = 'الأولى';else if(rank == 2) rank = 'الثانية';else if(rank == 3) rank = 'الثالثة';else if(rank == 4) rank = 'الرابعة';else if(rank == 5) rank = 'الخامسة';else if(rank == 6) rank = 'السادسة';else if(rank == 7) rank = 'السابعة';else if(rank == 8) rank = 'الثامنة';else if(rank == 9) rank = 'التاسعة';else if(rank == 10) rank = 'العاشرة';var excerpt = "يحتل جواز سفر " + country + " المرتبة " + rank + " عالميًا وفقًا لمؤشر جايد Guide لترتيب جوازات السفر. يتحدد ترتيب جواز سفر " + country + " استنادًا إلى مستوى حرية التنقل العالمي الذي يتيحه جواز سفر " + country + " لحامليه، والذين يمكنهم السفر بدون تأشيرة إلى " + destinations + " دولة على مستوى العالم، في حين أنهم سيحتاجون إلى الحصول على تأشيرة مسبقة قبل السفر إلى " + required + " دولة.

يتم ترتيب جوازات السفر عالميًا بناءً على عدد الدول التي يتيح كل جواز سفر لحامليه إمكانية السفر إليها بدون تأشيرة. ولذلك فإن ترتيب جواز سفر " + country + " يتحدد وفقًا لعدد الدول التي يمكن السفر إليها بجواز سفر " + country + " بدون تأشيرة. وتشمل هذه الدول قائمة الوجهات التي يمكن السفر إليها بدون تأشيرة مسبقة بالإضافة إلى الدول التي يمكن دخولها بتأشيرة عند الوصول وكذلك الدول التي يمكن السفر إليها بتصريح سفر إلكتروني.";$(".mainDescription").html(excerpt);$("head").append('

');$( ".list-group a" ).each(function() {$(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href").replace("", ""));});} else if(lang === "/fr") {var country1 = $(".mainTitleContainer h2").text();var country2 = $(".mainDescription").text().split(' se classe actuellement')[0].split('Le passeport ')[1];var rank = $(".mainTopContainer .rank").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var destinations = $(".mainTopContainer .score").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var required = $(".requirementsLists .required").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');$('.rankName').html("Classem*nt
du passeport");$('.scoreName').html("Destinations
sans visa");var excerpt = "Le passeport " + country2 + " est actuellement classé à la " + rank + " place dans l'indice de classem*nt des passeports (Passport Ranking Index) de Guide Consultants. Le classem*nt du passeport " + country1 + " est calculé selon le degré d'accès mondial qu'il garantit aux détenteurs du passeport " + country1 + ", qui peuvent se rendre sans visa dans " + destinations + " pays, mais qui ont besoin d'un visa pour accéder à " + required + " pays dans le monde.

Les passeports nationaux sont classés en fonction du nombre de pays dans lesquels leur détenteur peut se rendre sans visa. Le classem*nt du passeport " + country1 + " reflète donc le nombre de pays sans visa accessibles aux détenteurs du passeport " + country1 + ". Les pays sans visa sont ceux où l'accès est possible sans visa et avec un visa à l'arrivée/une autorisation de voyage électronique (eTA ou AVE).";$(".mainDescription").html(excerpt);$("head").append('

');$( ".list-group a" ).each(function() {$(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href").replace("", "*nt-passeport/"));});} else if(lang === "/tr") {var country1 = $(".mainTitleContainer h2").text();var rank = $(".mainTopContainer .rank").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var destinations = $(".mainTopContainer .score").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var required = $(".requirementsLists .required").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');$(".scoreName").html("Gidiş Noktası");var excerpt = country1 + " pasaportu şu anda Guide Consultants Pasaport Sıralama İndeksi'nde " + rank + ". sırada bulunmaktadır. " + country1 + " pasaportunun sıralaması " + country1 + " pasaport sahiplerine sağladığı giriş özgürlüğüne göre belirlenmektedir. Buna göre, " + country1 + " sahipleri " + destinations + " ülkeye vizesiz giriş yapabilirken " + required + " ülkeye giriş için vize çıkarmaları gerekir.

Ulusal pasaportlar, pasaport sahiplerinin vizesiz giriş yapabildiği ülke sayısına göre belirlenir. Yani " + country1 + " pasaport sıralaması, " + country1 + " pasaportu sahiplerinin vizesiz giriş yapabildiği ülke sayısını yansıtmaktadır. Vizesiz ülkeler vize olmadan giriş yapılabilen ve varışta vize/elektronik seyahat belgesi (eTA) ile giriş yapılan ülkeleri kapsar.";$(".mainDescription").html(excerpt);$("head").append('

');$( ".list-group a" ).each(function() {$(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href").replace("", ""));});} else if(lang === "/fa") {var country = $(".mainTitleContainer h2").text();var rank = $(".mainTopContainer .rank").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var destinations = $(".mainTopContainer .score").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var required = $(".requirementsLists .required").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');$('.scoreName').html("مقاصد بدون ویزا");$(".score").html(destinations);var excerpt = "گذرنامه " + country + " در حال حاضر رتبه " + rank + " شاخص رده‌بندی گذرنامه Guide Consultants را به خود اختصاص داده است. رده‌بندی گذرنامه " + country + " بر اساس امکان سفر بدون ویزای دارندگان گذرنامه " + country + " به " + destinations + " کشور است، که در غیراینصورت نیازمند دریافت ویزا برای سفر به " + required + " کشور جهان هستند.
گذرنامه‌های ملی بر اساس تعداد کشورهایی که دارنده گذرنامه قادر است بدون دریافت ویزا به آنها سفر کند رده‌بندی می‌شوند. بنابراین، رده‌بندی گذرنامه " + country + " نشان دهنده تعداد کشورهایی است که دارنده گذرنامه " + country + " دسترسی بدون ویزا به آنها دارد. کشورهای بدون ویزا شامل کشورهایی است که امکان ورود به آنها بدون دریافت ویزا یا با ویزای فرودگاهی/مجوز الکترونیکی سفر (eTA) وجود دارد.";$(".mainDescription").html(excerpt);$( ".list-group a" ).each(function() {$(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href").replace("", ""));});} else if(lang === "/ru") {var country1 = $(".mainTitleContainer h2").text();var country2 = $(".mainDescription").text().split(' имеют право')[0].split('Владельцы паспортов ')[1];var rank = $(".mainTopContainer .rank").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var destinations = $(".mainTopContainer .score").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');var required = $(".requirementsLists .required").text().replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');$('.rankName').html("Рейтинг
без визы");var excerpt = "Паспорт " + country2 + " занимает " + rank + " место в Рейтинге паспортов Guide. Рейтинг паспорта " + country2 + " зависит от возможности его обладателя путешествовать в другие страны без визы. Граждане " + country2 + " имеют право безвизового въезда в " + destinations + " стран, но для въезда в " + required + " требуется виза.

Рейтинг присваивается паспортам в зависимости от того сколько стран может посещать владелец данного паспорта без визы, включая те страны, где виза не требуется и страны в которых нужно получить визу по прибытии или электронное разрешение на поездку (eTA).";$(".mainDescription").html(excerpt);$("head").append('

');$( ".list-group a" ).each(function() {$(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href").replace("страна/", "рейтинг-паспортов/"));});}$(".score").html(destinations);$(".ellipsis").hide();function ordinalSuffix(i) {var j = i % 10,k = i % 100;if (j == 1 && k != 11) {return i + "st";}if (j == 2 && k != 12) {return i + "nd";}if (j == 3 && k != 13) {return i + "rd";}return i + "th";}});});
Canada Passport Ranking 2023 (2024)


What is the best passport to hold in 2023? ›

These are the world's 10 best passports in 2023, according to Nomad Capitalist:
  • Switzerland.
  • Ireland.
  • Portugal.
  • Germany.
  • Czech Republic.
  • New Zealand.
  • Sweden.
  • Finland.
May 16, 2023

What is the Henley Passport Index for Canada 2023? ›

The organization's first-quarter ranking of 2023 of the passports of countries all over the world put the Canadian passport on par with those of Australia, Greece and Malta. All of those countries, including Canada, scored 186 on the index.

What rank is Canada in the passport index? ›

Canada Passport Power: An All-round Strong Passport

Canada ranks relatively high in each category, particularly in the Quality of Life Index. This pushes Canada into the eighth position in the overall Global Passport Index ranking.

Which passport is the strongest USA or Canada? ›

A report from U.K.-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners reveals that for the fifth year running Japan has the world's most powerful passport, with Canada also near the top of the list.

How powerful is US passport in 2023? ›

The United States came in 43rd place, with U.S. passports named less powerful than those issued by Romania, Canada and Malaysia. Most of Nomad Capitalist's ranking comes down to visa free travel – that is, the number of countries a passport will allow its holder to enter without a visa.

Is the US passport powerful? ›

7 on the list, last year's Global Citizen Solutions Global Passport Index named the U.S. passport the world's most powerful based on its ranking of investment, quality of life and enhanced mobility indices in 2022.

How strong is Canada's passport? ›

Canadians continue to have one of the most powerful passports in the world, according to a recent report. Each quarter, the Henley Passport Index presents its ranking of passports according to the number of countries their holders can enter without the bother of applying for a visa in advance.

Do you need a passport to go to Canada 2023? ›

Entry into Canada: Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry proof of citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens.

What is the number 1 most powerful passport? ›

Most powerful passports in the world in 2023: Japan takes lead.

Where does the US rank in powerful passport? ›

The United States passport ranked seventh with Belgium, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Norway, and Switzerland. All of the countries offer citizens visa-free visits to 187 countries.

How long can Canadians stay in the US? ›

Canadian visitors are generally granted a stay in the U.S. for up to six months at the time of entry. Requests to extend or adjust a stay must be made prior to expiry to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.

Does Canada allow dual citizenship? ›

Canadians are allowed to take foreign citizenship while keeping their Canadian citizenship. Ask the embassy of your country of citizenship about its rules before applying for Canadian citizenship.

Which is the No 2 strongest passport in the world? ›

The World's Strongest Passports for Travel Freedom

A passport issued by Japan allows the holder to enter 193 different countries and territories without having to get a visa in advance. Singapore and South Korea are tied for 2nd place.

What are the top 5 strongest passports? ›

Here are the world's 10 most powerful passports for 2023:
  • Japan (193 locations)
  • Singapore, South Korea (192 locations)
  • Germany, Spain (190 locations)
  • Finland, Italy, Luxembourg (189 locations)
  • Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden (188 locations)
  • France, Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom (187 locations)
Jan 27, 2023

What is the hardest passport to travel with? ›

Here are the worst passports in the world ranked by Nomad Capitalist.
  • Nepal. Visa-free score: 54. ...
  • Palestinian Territories. Visa-free score: 51. ...
  • Somalia. Visa-free score: 45. ...
  • Yemen. Visa-free score: 45. ...
  • Pakistan. Visa-free score: 45. ...
  • Syria. Visa-free score: 40. ...
  • Iraq. Visa-free score: 42. ...
  • Afghanistan. Visa-free score: 39.

Can a US citizen hold 3 passports? ›

Yes, the U.S. does allow for triple citizenship and does not require naturalized U.S. citizens to give up citizenship in their home country or other countries.

What countries can a US passport not go to? ›

What countries do not accept U.S. passport? The only destination where it is forbidden for US citizens to travel to is North Korea, due to its closed border status for both US citizens and citizens of other countries.

How strong is Mexican passport? ›

Visa Requirements for Mexican Citizens

The Mexican passport is considered the 24th most powerful passport in the world regarding travel freedom, according to the Henley Passport Index. Mexican passport holders are currently able to travel to around 120 states without a visa or with a visa on arrival.

How many countries accept U.S. passport? ›

With the power of the US passport, you can travel to 186 countries or territories visa-free or with a visa on arrival. Ranked among the top 10 passports for travel freedom, the US passport opens doors to countless adventures.

Are U.S. passports good for? ›

How long is a passport valid and is it true that it needs to have at least 6 months of validity remaining? If you were age 16 or older when your passport was issued, your passport is valid for 10 years. If you were under 16 when your passport was issued, your passport is valid for 5 years.

How powerful is a US visa? ›

Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States.

Can you live in the US with a Canadian passport? ›

1. Can a Canadian move to the USA? Yes, Canadians can move to the United States. However, they must first obtain a valid visa or green card in order to be eligible for permanent residency and citizenship.

How many passports can a Canadian own? ›

Canada is a country that allows dual or multiple citizenship. Permanent residents who obtain Canadian citizenship can also keep their citizenship from their country of origin, as long as that country also permits dual citizenship. Likewise, a Canadian will not lose their citizenship if they take on another nationality.

Is Queen Elizabeth on Canadian passport? ›

That means that the passport will bear symbolism of Queen Elizabeth II for the first five years of King Charles' reign, after which it will be primed for a new security redesign with updated heraldic symbols. The cross and Fleur-de-lis were mainstays of Queen Elizabeth II's St. Edward's Crown.

How long can I stay in Canada with a U.S. passport? ›

Most visitors can stay for up to 6 months in Canada. If you're allowed to enter Canada, the border services officer may allow you to stay for less or more than 6 months. If so, they'll put the date you need to leave by in your passport.

Do U.S. citizens need visa for Canada? ›

American citizens, including American-Canadian citizens, must carry proper identification and meet the basic requirements to enter Canada. You do not need a Canadian passport, a Canadian visa or an eTA to enter Canada if you are travelling with a valid U.S. passport.

Can I go to USA from Canada without passport? ›

Travel by air

Canadian citizens travelling by air to the United States must present one of the following documents: a passport, which must be valid for the duration of their stay. a valid NEXUS card, used at self-serve kiosks at designated airports.

What is the rarest passport in the world? ›

The Order of Malta, a Catholic religious order without official territory but solid diplomatic relationships with 112 countries, has the rarest and most uncommon passport on earth, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) Passport.

Which countries are visa-free to Canada? ›

Eligible travellers from 13 more countries now qualify for visa-free travel to Canada
  • Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Argentina.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Morocco.
  • Panama.
  • Philippines.
  • St. Kitts and Nevis.
  • St. Lucia.
2 days ago

How valuable is a US passport? ›

According to Global Citizen Solution “the Portugal-based consultancy firm”, the US passport is the world's most powerful passport in real-time on global ranking for 2022. This world passport ranking is based on the good quality of life, mobility, and excellent investment opportunities.

What rank is the Mexican passport? ›

The Mexican passport ranks 52nd in the world as of June 2023 according to VisaGuide Passport Index. This means that Mexican citizens can travel visa-free to 120 countries in the world. However, to enter the remaining countries, Mexican passport holders must apply for a visa beforehand.

Why are some passports stronger? ›

Certain passports do not require a visa to enter a country, or a visa can be obtained upon arrival. Those “visa-free” passports are deemed to be more powerful and are ranked accordingly. Passport holders from certain places are required to obtain a visa prior to visiting a destination.

Can I buy a house in USA as a Canadian? ›

Yes. Canadians can own real property in the USA. In fact, anyone may own property in the United States, regardless of their citizenship. It is important to note that if you buy property in the U.S., you still must abide by laws about the length of your stay in America.

Can Americans live in Canada? ›

3) Can I live in Canada as an American citizen? Yes, if you are an American citizen, you may live in Canada. If your stay exceeds 180 days, you will most likely need a visa. You will also need a visa or work permit if you intend to work in Canada.

What happens if a Canadian stays in the USA longer than 6 months? ›

For those intending to stay beyond the six-month mark, applying for an extension with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) through USCIS Form I-539 is necessary. A failure to leave on time can lead to complications, such as visa ineligibility or restrictions on future admissions.

Can a U.S. citizen get Canadian citizenship? ›

US citizens can obtain Canadian citizenship, but just as other foreign nationals, they need to become Permanent Residents first. After having held Permanent Resident status for a minimum of 5 years, then they can apply for Canadian Citizenship.

What is a Canadian citizen called? ›

Canadians (French: Canadiens) are people identified with the country of Canada.

Can I have 3 citizenships in Canada? ›

Dual or multiple citizenship is legal in Canada. However, it may not be legal in the other country or countries where you hold citizenship.

Which country has weakest passport? ›

Afghanistan's passport is the world's worst passport ranked at 109 with a visa- free score of 27. Afghanistan, Pakistan's passports among world's weakest passports in 2023.

Is Dubai passport powerful? ›

The UAE passport has topped the global ranks to become the most powerful passport in the world. Passports are ranked based on mobility score, which indicates how many countries the passport holder can travel to hassle-free. UAE passports hold a mobility score of 181, the highest globally.

Why is Japanese passport so powerful? ›

For the fifth straight year, the Japanese passport is the most powerful among all passports in the world, as it allows visa-free access to as many as 193 countries, according to Henley Passport Index 2023.

Who has the most beautiful passport? ›

The new Canadian passport features maple leaves on the cover – a large yellow maple leaf on the front and a combination of smaller red leaves inside an engraved outline on the back. Inside on the visa pages, there are illustrations representing the four seasons, with an emphasis on nature.

Where do Americans need visas? ›

Americans can travel to most European, Caribbean, and Central and South American countries without a visa, along with many other popular tourism destinations. Countries that U.S. passport holders need visas to enter include Russia, India, China, Vietnam, Turkey, and more, and others require e-visas to visit.

Can a US citizen enter the US without a passport? ›

The American Citizen Services Section wants to remind all U.S. citizens not to travel outside the United States without a valid U.S. passport. While dual citizens may be able to travel abroad with alternative documentation, all U.S. citizens are required to present a U.S. passport to re-enter the United States.

Which country citizenship is hardest to get? ›

15 hardest countries to get citizenship
  1. Qatar. Qatar is one of the most difficult countries in which to obtain citizenship. ...
  2. Vatican City. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, with a population of just over 800. ...
  3. Liechtenstein. ...
  4. Bhutan. ...
  5. Saudi Arabia. ...
  6. Kuwait. ...
  7. Switzerland. ...
  8. China.
Jan 24, 2023

How many countries can a US citizen visit without visa? ›

As of June 2023, the US citizens can travel visa free to 186 countries and territories. To ease your worries, we've prepared a travel checklist for your convenience: Uzbekistan opens for foreign tourists from March 16!

What are the best passports to get? ›

Here are the world's 10 most powerful passports for 2023:

Finland, Italy, Luxembourg (189 locations) Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden (188 locations) France, Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom (187 locations) Belgium, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United States (186 locations)

Do you need a passport to travel in 2023? ›

Beginning May 3, 2023, U.S. travelers flying within the United States will need to show Transportation Security Administration agents either a security-enhanced driver's license that's Real ID-compliant or another T.S.A.-approved form of identification like a passport.

Can I still use a passport in 2023? ›

Passport books and cards remain valid for international travel until their date of expiration. You may continue to travel with your current ePassport book or card without a problem.

Who has the strongest passport advantage? ›

The World's Strongest Passports for Travel Freedom

In 2023, the most powerful passport in the world in terms of travel freedom is the Japanese passport, according to the HPI. A passport issued by Japan allows the holder to enter 193 different countries and territories without having to get a visa in advance.

Where does the US passport rank in the world? ›

The American passport is currently ranked 6th among global passports, according to the Guide Passport Ranking Index.

Which is the weakest passport in the world ranking? ›

Afghanistan's passport is the world's worst passport ranked at 109 with a visa- free score of 27.

How many countries can U.S. passport go without visa? ›

Good news for US passport holders – that dream is closer to reality than you might think! With the power of the US passport, you can travel to 186 countries or territories visa-free or with a visa on arrival.

Can you fly with just a passport in 2023? ›

As of March 2023, there are no states that require passports from U.S. citizens to fly domestically. Your airline or the TSA should never ask you to present a valid passport. Of course, you can always carry it with you for additional photo identification in case you lose your other forms of ID.

How much is a U.S. passport 2023? ›

I'm an adult (16 and older) and I'm applying for the first time
ProductFormApplication Fee
Passport BookDS-11$130
Passport CardDS-11$30
Passport Book & CardDS-11$160
3 more rows
Jan 31, 2023

Are US passports 10 years? ›

If you were age 16 or older when your passport was issued, your passport is valid for 10 years. If you were under 16 when your passport was issued, your passport is valid for 5 years. The Issue Date of your passport can be found on the data page of your passport book or on the front of your passport card.

What is the ground clearance of a 2023 passport? ›

Ground clearance is 8.1 inches. Approach and departure angles are sharp at 21.1 degrees and 24.3 degrees.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.