International Programs (2024)

Social Security Payments Outside the United States


If you receive Retirement, Survivors, or Disability Insurancebenefits and you are leaving (or have already left) the United States, your payments might be affected.

Questions & Answers:

1. Can I receive Social Security benefits if I am not a U.S. citizen and I live outside the United States?

Generally, we cannot pay Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits to noncitizens after their sixth calendar month outside the United States. However, you might qualify for an exception, which could allow you to receive benefits without visiting the United States. If an exception does not apply, you must be physically and lawfully present in the United States for a full calendar month to begin receiving benefits. If you leave the U.S., we will stop your benefits the month after the sixth calendar month in a row that you are outside the country. You can make visits to the United States for specific periods of time, depending on how long you’ve been outside, to continue receiving your benefits. Here’s how it works:

  • We will not start counting the calendar months of absence until you have been outside the United States for 30 days in a row. If you return to the United States for any part of one day before 30 days have passed since you left, we stop counting days absent.For example, if you left the U.S. on January 15, we stop counting your absence if you return for any part of one day before the end of the day on February 14.
  • Once you have been outside the U.S. for 30 days in a row, you will continue to receive benefits if you stay in the U.S. for 30 days in a row before the end of the sixth calendar month after the date you left. For example, if you left on January 15, and did not return before the end of the day on February 14, you must complete a 30-day stay in the United States before the end of July to continue receiving payments. This means you must return to the United States on or before the first day of July. If you do not return on or before July 1, your benefits will stop beginning August.
  • If we stopped your benefits, you must return and remain lawfully present for the entire calendar month to start receiving benefits again. A full calendar month visit means you are physically present for every hour of every day of any month of the year. For example, to considered present in the U.S. for the full calendar month of August, you must arrive in the United States no later than July 31 and leave no sooner than September 1.

For more information about receiving Social Security benefits outside the United States, see thePayments Abroad Screening Tool and Your Payments While You Are Outside The United States.

2. How do I prove that I came to the United States?

When you visit the United States, you must provide proof of your physical presence in the United States. Your proof must include your name and the date(s) that you were physically and lawfully present in the United States.You do not have to visit a Social Security office to submit proof of U.S. presence. Copies of this evidence can be mailed or faxed to us. For information about contacting Social Security, visit the International Programs page.

For a one-day visit, you must provide at least one copy of proof confirming your physical presence in the United States for a specific date or dates.An example of proof includes an official U.S. Government document from the Department of Homeland Security. Another example is a payment receipt showing your name, date, and location of a purchase in the United States. If this proof is not available, we can accept at least one signed statement from someone who has knowledge of your U.S. visit. The statement must include the date or dates you were physically in the United States, and the address and signature of the person making the statement. You will also need to submit an explanation of why the person has knowledge of your U.S. visit.

For a 30-day or full calendar month visit, you must provide a statement of the dates you entered and left the United States. The statement must include an explanation that you did not go outside the United States during these dates. Your statement must also include the U.S. address where you stayed and your signature. With your statement, you must also provide a copy of an official document or receipt as proof. If proof is not available, you must explain why, and you must provide two signed statements. One statement must be from the person who provided lodging to you in the United States during your visit. The other statement can be from anyone who had knowledge of your visit. Both statements must show the dates you entered and left the United States. They must also include the addresses and signatures of the people making the statements, and explanations of why they have knowledge of your U.S. visit.

Additional Information and Resources:

  • Payments Abroad Screening Tool

    ThePayments Abroad Screening Toolwill help you learn if you can receive benefits outside the United States. By answering a few short questions, you will learn if your Social Security payments will continue.

  • Publication

    The Social Security publication—Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States.(Spanish)- explains how your benefits might be affected and other important information you need to know while you are outside the United States.

  • Requirements for Dependents/Survivors

    The Social Security publication—Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States.(Spanish)- explains how your benefits as a dependent or survivor of the worker might be affected. There are additional U.S. residency requirements that may affect your right to receive Social Security payments while you are outside the United States.

International Programs (2024)


Why are international programs important? ›

The primary goals of international education are furthering knowledge and cultural capital, learning about places and cultures, and gaining intercultural skills in the process.

What is your motivation to study overseas answers? ›

Experience life in a different culture

This might simply be for the pleasure that comes from encountering new experiences and perspectives, or it could be that students are already looking ahead to their graduate careers; international experience and intercultural skills are highly valued by many employers.

Do the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages? ›

The advantages of studying abroad include learning a new language, boosting your résumé and experiencing new things, while the disadvantages include crippling homesickness, high costs and cultural barriers. Send My Bag will explore each of these advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad in more detail.

What are the disadvantages of studying abroad essay? ›

Before choosing to study abroad, one must consider the positive and negative aspects. Negative aspects or disadvantages include high expectations, homesickness, a chance of facing racism, and language barriers.

What are the benefits of studying international development? ›

International development programs bring knowledge and resources to help communities and governments around the world as they work to end extreme poverty; support the advancement of human rights; and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing global security and prosperity.

What are the four motivations to go international? ›

These two dimensions result in four internationalization motives: sell more, in which the company exploits existing resources at home and obtains better host country conditions; buy better, in which the company exploits existing resources abroad and avoids poor home country conditions; upgrade, in which the company ...

What motivates international students? ›

Using independent samples t-tests, significant differences were found in motivations related to language learning, academic enrichment, avoiding social limitations, and aspiration to work in host country; these factors were significantly higher among international students as compared to US students.

How do you answer what motivates you to study? ›

Good answers to the question 'what motivates you?'
  1. meeting deadlines, targets or goals.
  2. mentoring and coaching others.
  3. learning new things.
  4. coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new.
  5. analysing complex data in order to draw clear and simple conclusions.
  6. working well as part of a team.

How does studying abroad affect you academically? ›

By studying abroad, students have the chance to learn from expert faculty, build professional networks, and access state-of-the-art campus resources and facilities. Self-confidence — Studying abroad and living alone in a foreign country encourages you to become adaptable, self-reliant, and responsible.

Does studying abroad make you happier? ›

This may be true, but the fact is that studying abroad exposes students to so many things that will definitely make them smarter and happier. As a student, you get to see, feel and experience more since you cannot simply stay in school without exploring a little bit.

What are the main problems of studying abroad? ›

In this article, we look at these five common obstacles that international students go through when they move away from home to a new country: financial stress, language barrier, feeling homesick, adapting to a new country, and building a support network.

Why is it so hard to study abroad? ›

being too far away from family, course requirements of existing curriculum, finances, language and cultural barriers, and health and dietary issues.

Are international students at a disadvantage? ›

International students can experience challenges in a number of areas, including language barriers, academics, social and cultural differences, discrimination, financial stressors, and mental health concerns. These are not easy problems to overcome, and there is so much we all can do to help.

What are the arguments for and against studying abroad? ›

Studying abroad is a great way to learn about a new culture and become more globally minded. The drawbacks are the added cost of living and the danger of becoming homesick. Studying abroad can also be distracting because it's difficult to focus on your studies when there are so many distractions in a foreign country.

How important is international experience? ›

Why gain international experience? Volunteering or interning abroad allows you to learn about cultures, ideas, values, beliefs and religions practised by people around the world. You'll broaden your worldview, add to your personal development, and be part of a global community.

What can you do with an international development degree? ›

Career Options in International Development Studies
  • Activist.
  • Author.
  • Consumer Advocate.
  • Event Coordinator.
  • Foreign Correspondent.
  • Foreign Service Officer.
  • Health Policy Planner.
  • Historical Researcher.

What are the benefits of international activities? ›

Here are seven of the most common advantages involved with expanding your business on an international scale:
  • New Revenue Potential. ...
  • The Ability to Help More People. ...
  • Greater Access to Talent. ...
  • Learning a New Culture. ...
  • Exposure to Foreign Investment Opportunities. ...
  • Improving Your Company's Reputation. ...
  • Diversifying Company Markets.

Why do US universities want international students? ›

When colleges talk about diversity, they mean it in several ways. One of those ways is a diversity of experience, and another is geographic diversity. Both of these are key reasons they want to recruit international students.

What is the value of international education? ›

Broadening world views and ways of thinking by experiencing different cultures firsthand. Benefiting students with future career opportunities by providing more life experiences and personal connections. Complementing and accelerating fluency in speaking, reading, and writing foreign languages.

What is the impact of international students? ›

In 2020, there were over 6.3 million international students who together contributed US$370 billion to the global economy. These students have created jobs, built billion-dollar companies, and invented processes that have changed the way we live.

What are the four major international strategies? ›

Multinational corporations choose from among four basic international strategies: (1) international (2) multi-domestic, (3) global, and (4) transnational.

What factors to consider when going international? ›

However, there are several basic things to consider before beginning work with an international client that will help prevent minor glitches from turning into major problems.
  • Time Zones. ...
  • Language. ...
  • Culture. ...
  • Legalities. ...
  • Payment. ...
  • Communication.

Why do countries engage in international? ›

International trade allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that otherwise may not have been available domestically. As a result of international trade, the market is more competitive. This ultimately results in more competitive pricing and brings a cheaper product home to the consumer.

What does being an international student mean to you? ›

International students are defined as "non-immigrant" visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes or take online courses virtually from anywhere in the world.

What that means to you as an international student? ›

An international student is a student who is not a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States of America. For this study, most international students completed their K-12 education, prior to entering college in the United States, in their country of origin.

How do you make international students feel included? ›

How to make a foreign student feel welcome in your home
  1. A student exchange program is a program in which students from a school or university study abroad. ...
  2. Have her participate in your activities. ...
  3. Make sure that she understands what you are saying! ...
  4. Consider her wishes. ...
  5. Have moments of relaxation with her.

What motivates sample answer? ›

“I'm driven primarily by my desire to learn new things—big or small—and take on new responsibilities so that I'm constantly growing as an employee and contributing more to my team and organization.

What motivates you to learn as a student? ›

Students may be motivated by their interest in a topic, their prior success in a specific subject, a desire to please parents or teachers or simply by their own drive to succeed.

Can you tell me some study motivation? ›

Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise.” - Frank Ocean. “Don't complain, just work harder.” - Randy Pausch. “Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.”

What are the international programs? ›

International programs are designed for someone planning to study, teach, intern, or volunteer abroad.

What are the benefits of working with international organizations? ›

Following are five possible benefits of working for organizations with global footprints and tips to help you gain global employment opportunities.
  • Exposure to International Business Operations. ...
  • Unique Career Growth Opportunities. ...
  • Access to Innovative Technologies. ...
  • Exposure to Diverse, Multicultural Working Environments.

What are the two advantages of having international organizations in the world? ›

1. To help countries in the matters of conflicts and differences. 2. To make the countries cooperate and create better living conditions for humanity.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.