California’s high risk for owner-occupancy mortgage fraud (2024)

Posted by Amy Thomas | Aug 10, 2015 | Finance, Real Estate | 0

California has the second-highest risk level for mortgage application fraud in the nation, according to the Interthinx 2014 Mortgage Fraud Risk Report. Even a 15% decrease in mortgage fraud activity during 2014 failed to free the Golden State from its dubious standing as the second-greatest state at risk for mortgage fraud. Another sand state, Florida, is the first.

Homebuyer occupancy misrepresentation is now the most common form of mortgage application fraud in California. Occupancy misrepresentation occurs when the buyer of a property to be funded by a mortgage lies about whether the property they’re purchasing will be used as their primary residence. [See first tuesday Form 202-2 and 202-3]

Los Angeles, Riverside and Fresno are all listed in the top ten metropolitan areas at risk for occupancy misrepresentation in mortgage originations.

Why lie about occupancy?

What benefit do these unscrupulous single family residence (SFR) buyers reap when they lie?

Buyers of houses misrepresent occupancy with the intention of misleading the lender to originate a lower interest rate consumer-purpose mortgage with minimum down payment requirements.

On taking title, the deceptive buyer is really an absentee owner who rents out the property either as an income-producing investment property or one to hold until it can be flipped at a profit.

The current high demand for rental accommodation in California tempts more and more speculators and investors to commit what they incorrectly believe is merely a minor infraction.

Speculators instigate occupancy fraud

California’s many metropolitan areas with high foreclosure and short sale rates are the main reason for the state’s top standing in the risk list. High turnover rates mean more short-term investors, called speculators, are likely to purchase and flip property while claiming primary residency. [See first tuesday Form 202-3]

Two types of speculators prey on properties available to flip. Speculators who appear with cash during an imploding market offer a way out for sellers and REO lenders unable to wait for a buyer offering to pay a higher price. When the market is starved for buyers, as in the Great Recession, these cash speculators provide much-needed liquidity in the face of a greatly diminished demand by owner-occupant buyers, called users.

The other type of speculator crowds the market when momentum is high, forcing out willing and able users by offering hassle-free cash to sellers.

These speculators tend to sit on these properties depriving buyer-occupants of housing while waiting for momentum and an artificial reduction in available housing to do its magic before selling at optimum prices.

Do the crime, do the time

Occupancy misrepresentation is terrible for all involved. Borrowers caught committing mortgage fraud are flagged by name on Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). SARs are filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a database maintained by the federal government. As penance for their fraud, these alerts will prevent the listed speculators and investors from obtaining new mortgages or refinancing existing ones, regardless of their legitimacy.

Further, when the speculator gets caught, the mortgage holder may call the mortgage and demand immediate repayment of the balance – extracting their ultimate payoff at the speculator’s expense.

Lenders are just as guilty as speculators

The real salt in the wound comes from mortgage lenders and mortgage loan originators (MLOs) who are willingly complicit in the fraud. Many mortgage lenders turn a blind eye, even encouraging the fraud through their MLOs or NMLS registered employees, electing to originate the present mortgage rather than maintain long-term business integrity.

The promise of greater earnings will continue to entice lenders and MLOs into compromising situations with occupancy fraud. Lenders need to originate greater volumes of mortgages if they are to increase their profits. This economic force means the likelihood of occupancy misrepresentation diminishing in California is minimal.

We have been here before. During the 2004-2006 housing bubble, loose lending practices allowed speculators to run rampant in that momentum market. Speculators took advantage of adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) with low short-term interest rates and little to nothing down, flipping properties until the 2007 crash stuck them with a whole lot of nothing. With no organic, end-user buyers to ultimately hold the properties for a prolonged period, speculators defaulted on their mortgages en masse. This, in turn, contributed to the massacre of property values and left a badly hemorrhaging real estate market.

This brings us to the current threat of occupancy fraud. If mortgage lenders continue originating high-risk mortgages for quick but small profits, momentum speculators will be free to damage the market – again.

The need for 20% down

As first tuesday has iterated and reiterated before, it is time lenders return to fundamental lending practices.

Minimum 20% down payments ensure only borrowers able to sustainably meet the terms of the mortgage are granted funding. Consider that in the late 1970s, many lenders required 30% down when the buyer was not going to occupy the property. Fickle profiteers are far less likely to drop 20% on a property they’re going to flip – but they will gladly buy and flip with OPM (other people’s money).

Of course, strict mortgage qualifications will produce disgruntled, unqualified applicants struggling to reach homeownership in California’s slow financial recovery. However, even those homebuyers who are today unqualified will be grateful when lending restrictions act to stabilize the housing market and avoid originations that nearly always lead to another miserable housing crash.

Re: “A little lie on a mortgage application can cost you big,” from The Washington Post

California’s high risk for owner-occupancy mortgage fraud (1)

California’s high risk for owner-occupancy mortgage fraud (2024)


How do lenders detect occupancy fraud? ›

Mortgage Fraud Red Flags: Occupancy Fraud

To anticipate occupancy fraud, lenders should be on the lookout for appraisals that include expected rent payments, buyers who provide evidence of living “rent-free” in their residence, and very large down payments.

Do people get caught for occupancy fraud? ›

In short, they're caught red-handed. Because occupancy fraud is a federal crime, there's little chance the person will be given probation. According to the United States Sentencing Commission guidelines, a person convicted of occupancy fraud would be given prison time.

How serious is occupancy fraud? ›

Occupancy fraud is akin to banking fraud, where banks can request the loan be paid in full. Those who commit occupancy fraud may also face fines, penalties, and even jail time.

Do banks verify owner occupancy? ›

If the borrower indicates that the property will be their primary home, they usually are given 30 to 60 days to occupy the property. After that time, the lender may hire someone to physically verify occupancy, a practice known casually as an “occ knock”.

What are the exceptions to occupancy fraud? ›

The most common exception is when the owner needs to relocate due to work, family, or other unavoidable situations. In such cases, the borrower/owner should inform the lender about the change in circ*mstances to avoid committing occupancy fraud.

What are the 3 types of motivations mortgage fraud? ›

Lack of due diligence by loan officers or others involved in process. Acceptance of suspect or inaccurate info. Inaccurate representation of current occupancy.

How do you break an owner occupancy clause? ›

Can you get out of the owner occupancy clause? If you decide later on that you no longer want to occupy your current home, you'll need to contact your mortgage company. Ultimately, it'll be the mortgage company that decides whether or not you can convert your home to a rental property.

Why would a mortgage company verify occupancy? ›

Essentially, banks need to ensure that occupants have vacated the property under foreclosure and are not squatting. Similarly, if a tenant misses a mortgage payment, banks may schedule an Occupancy verification inspection to see if the tenant has abandoned the property.

What is usually the intent when fraud for property occurs? ›

Fraud for property generally involves material misrepresentation or omission of information with the intent to deceive or mislead a lender into extending credit that would likely not be offered if the true facts were known.

Does FBI investigate every allegation of mortgage fraud? ›

The FBI is the agency that handles most criminal mortgage fraud investigations. You can report mortgage fraud to them by calling 202-324-3000 or by using their website at Other federal agencies also investigate mortgage fraud but the FBI is generally the best place to start.

What is the penalty for lying on a mortgage application? ›

Mortgage fraud can get you a maximum penalty of 30 years in federal prison, up to $1,000,000 in fines, or a combination of these punishments, according to the FBI. Falsifying income, assets, debt, your identity, or the value of real estate to sway a mortgage lender's decision constitutes criminal activity.

What does verify occupancy mean? ›

Verification of Occupancy combines the wide-reach of LexisNexis® public and proprietary records with powerful linking and analytics to deliver a comprehensive evidence of occupancy perspective that links disparate information in one place for quick risk analysis.

How does a bank verify who you are? ›

Banks use two-factor biometric authentication to verify your identity through a piece of who you are. For example, it could be your fingerprints, voice, typing behaviour, facial features, iris structure, and even your hand shape.

When must a borrower move into an owner-occupied primary residence? ›

This can vary by state. Typically, the borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the principal residence within 60 days after the execution of the security instrument. Refer to the applicable state security instrument form for requirements.

What is reverse occupancy? ›

What is Reverse Occupancy? A borrower buys a home as an investment property and lists rent proceeds as income in order to qualify for the mortgage, but instead of renting the home, the borrower occupies the home as a primary residence.

What is occupancy fraud in mortgage? ›

Occupancy fraud occurs when the borrower states on the application that they intend to live in the home they are buying when it's actually an investment property. So before you sign a mortgage application or any other loan documents, carefully review them to make sure they are complete and accurate.

What is any conduct in real estate activities that constitutes fraud? ›

Real estate fraud occurs when individuals or agencies provide false information for fraudulent real estate transactions (obtaining money). For example, a seller provides false information regarding the square feet and amenities of the home they are selling, resulting in a negative impact for the buyer.

What are valid exceptions to an alienation clause? ›

Exceptions to the alienation clause

The borrower passes away and the property is transferred to a joint owner or to a relative of the owner. The property transfers during a divorce or separation. The property is transferred to a living trust. The owner obtains a second mortgage on the home, such as a home equity loan.

Who investigates mortgage fraud? ›

The ATFO advises that upon receipt of mortgage fraud information, the ATFO conducts searches of the Automated Case System (ACS) to locate Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and FD-71 Complaint Forms. Special Agents (SAs) print out the SARs and FD-71s and extract pertinent information from these reports.

Which of these is a red flag for mortgage fraud? ›

It's prudent to look for warning signs like: inconsistencies in the type or location of comparables. the house number in photos doesn't match the appraisal. the owner is someone other than the seller shown on the sales contract.

What are the 2 main categories of mortgage fraud? ›

Transaction fraud

Silent buyer -- The perpetrator will deceive the lender by borrowing their down payment. The lender believes the buyer invested his own money. The additional loan is hidden from the lender. Straw buyer -- The real buyer may have bad credit, so they'll use a straw buyer to act on their behalf.

What is occupancy limit clause? ›

Your occupancy limits clause should specify that the tenant may not move anyone else into the rental unit or add a roommate without your consent, and that doing so will be considered a breach of the agreement; violation of the occupancy limits clause gives you grounds to terminate the tenancy.

Can a local occupancy clause be removed? ›

A full planning application can demonstrate to the local planning authority that the occupancy condition is no longer needed. First, it needs to be demonstrated that there is no need for 'tied' property on the holding at the time of the application, nor will there be a need in the future.

Is occupancy the same as closing? ›

The period between occupancy (i.e. when you move into a new house) and the final closing (i.e. when you will take title of the property and thus require a mortgage), is called the “interim occupancy period.” During this time, buyers don't live in the home for free but instead pay the builder a monthly interim occupancy ...

Can a mortgage company lock you out of your home? ›

When you're a homeowner and you're still living in your home, the mortgage company can't legally lock you out. This is true even if the company starts to foreclose on the real estate or sells it in a foreclosure sale.

What is occupancy status in mortgage? ›

An occupancy status on a mortgage refers to how one intends to use the home.

What is intent to occupy as primary residence? ›

A letter of intent to occupy is a concise legal document that you write stating your intention to live in the home you're mortgaging as your primary residence. Your primary residence is important because it ties directly to certain tax benefits and usually a better mortgage rate.

What are the three conditions required for fraud? ›

They are (1) a perceived un-shareable financial need (motive/pressure), (2) a perceived opportunity to commit fraud, and (3) the rationalization of committing the fraud.

What are the 3 elements for fraud to occur? ›

According to Albrecht, the fraud triangle states that “individuals are motivated to commit fraud when three elements come together: (1) some kind of perceived pressure, (2) some perceived opportunity, and (3) some way to rationalize the fraud as not being inconsistent with one's values.”

What three elements must be present to establish fraud? ›

While each type of fraud may require different levels of evidence, proving fraud generally requires three components under common law:
  • The making of a false statement with intent to deceive.
  • The reliance of the victim on the false statement.
  • Damages resulting from the reliance on the false statement.
Sep 7, 2021

What state is the riskiest for mortgage fraud? ›

New York, Nevada, and Florida are the top 3 states for mortgage application fraud risk. Nevada moved into the top 3 for the first time since 2014. Hawaii and Maine are the other states in the top 5 for overall risk levels.

Is mortgage fraud taken seriously? ›

What Is The Penalty For Mortgage Fraud? Mortgage fraud is a serious offense, and as such can have some serious legal consequences. There is local, state and federal legislation in place to hold borrowers and mortgage professionals accountable.

How often is mortgage fraud prosecuted? ›

Prosecutions for mortgage fraud under section 225 are fairly rare; only one case has been reported where the defendant was charged with managing a continuing financial crime enterprise in conjunction with mortgage fraud.

What can invalidate a mortgage? ›

If there is evidence that the mortgage lender engaged in fraudulent practices or coerced the borrower to agree to its terms when forming the contract. Any such actions are illegal and will most likely render the mortgage loan contract as null and void.

Can someone take out a loan in my name without me knowing? ›

If anyone, including a spouse, family member, or intimate partner, uses your personal information to open up an account in your name without your permission, this could be considered identify theft.

Is lying on a mortgage application a federal crime? ›

Knowingly providing false information on a loan application is considered fraud and is a crime. For instance, putting an incorrect salary or falsifying documents would qualify as lying — and can impact you in serious ways. You could lose your loan.

Does occupancy mean ownership? ›

Legal Definition of Occupancy

Legally, the occupancy noun is defined as when a person has ownership or possession of land, a room, or a building that is actively living in or using it as a tenant or owner.

What does suitable for occupancy mean? ›

Suitable for occupancy means a structural area in a home currently lived in or an area not currently used for occupancy, such as a basem*nt, that an occupant or homeowner could use for living space without renovations.

How does occupancy work? ›

The use and occupancy agreement — often referred to as the “U&O,” — is an agreement between a buyer and seller, where one of them is permitted to occupy the property for a set period. It's usually put in place if the buyer needs to move into the property before ownership can be transferred.

How do I know if my bank account is being monitored? ›

5 Ways You Can Tell If Your Bank Account Has Been Hacked
  1. Small unexplained payments.
  2. Unexpected notifications from your bank.
  3. A call claiming to be your bank demands information.
  4. Large transactions empty your bank account.
  5. You learn your account has been closed.
Dec 11, 2020

Do banks have facial recognition? ›

Combining sophisticated facial recognition and document authentication technologies, banks can validate customers' vital information and verify their true identities remotely.

Can someone get your bank info from your name and bank? ›

Yes, this is possible. Identity theft was the number one reported type of fraud in 2020 [*], according to the FTC. When scammers gain access to your personal information by phishing, for example, they can do one or more of the following: Gain access to your bank account and spend or transfer all your money.

How do I get around owner occupancy? ›

Lending companies cannot force a homeowner to live in a home when they have legitimate reasons –– or even desires –– to move. However, to get out of the owner-occupancy clause on a primary residence home loan, the owner should be able to prove that they had every intention of occupying the home at the time of purchase.

What is lying about owner occupancy? ›

Occupancy fraud is a form of mortgage fraud that occurs when the borrower lies, stating a property will be owner-occupied. This type of fraud is relatively common and happens because lenders offer lower interest rates on owner-occupied properties.

What is equity skimming? ›

Equity Skimming is a Mortgage Fraud committed by skimming the equity from a property as part of subprime lending refinancing. This fraud occurs when a homeowner who is in default on their real estate taxes or mortgage is offered a loan to prevent immediate foreclosure.

What is a straw buyer in real estate? ›

Straw buyer schemes typically involve a real estate agent who convinces a person with good credit to buy a home for someone with poor credit and financial problem. The person they buy a home for can be a friend, a family member, a stranger, or even a fictitious individual.

How is mortgage fraud detected after closing? ›

QC reviews are completed within the first 2-3 months after closing and usually re-verify credit reports, income and assets. Fraud found in these reviews are most likely to be undisclosed liabilities or job loss that happened prior to closing.

Which of the following is a red flag indicating possible mortgage fraud? ›

It's prudent to look for warning signs like: inconsistencies in the type or location of comparables. the house number in photos doesn't match the appraisal. the owner is someone other than the seller shown on the sales contract.

How can you detect mortgage fraud? ›

Resources to Help You Combat Mortgage Fraud
  1. Appraisal.
  2. Asset Documentation.
  3. Closing Disclosure.
  4. Credit Report.
  5. Employment and Income Documentation.
  6. High-level Red Flags.
  7. Mortgage Application.
  8. Owner Occupancy - Purchase Transactions.
May 3, 2023

What is the owner occupancy clause? ›

The mortgage occupancy clause requires you to make your home your primary residence. Occupancy statements are there to protect the value of the home and the lender from losing money. If you lie about your property being owner-occupied, you'll be committing mortgage fraud.

What is occupancy verification? ›

Verification of Occupancy strengthens investigations to quickly identify areas of potential exposure to mortgage occupancy risk while speeding research time and occupancy verification, fortifying occupancy fraud prevention and lowering investigative costs.

What are the two most common types of mortgage fraud committed by borrowers? ›

There are two distinct areas of mortgage fraud—fraud for profit and fraud for housing.

What can mortgage fraud be prosecuted as? ›

Under federal law, the crime known as “mortgage fraud” is not a specific federal charge, so acts of mortgage fraud are instead prosecuted as bank fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy or some other type of fraud, depending on the circ*mstances of the case.

Which of the following are warning signs of mortgage fraud? ›

Here are a few potential signs of this type of fraud:
  • The loan documents appear to be altered.
  • The W-2s and bank statements have different mailing addresses.
  • There are discrepancies in the Social Security number throughout the application.
  • The applicant has the same phone number as their employer.
Nov 16, 2021

What are three most common red flags that could indicate fraud might be taking place? ›

There are four elements that must be present for a person or employee to commit fraud: • Opportunity • Low chance of getting caught • Rationalization in the fraudsters mind, and • Justification that results from the rationalization.

How does the FBI define mortgage fraud? ›

Mortgage fraud schemes are perpetrated by individuals acting alone or in collusion with borrowers, loan originators, or real estate professionals. All mortgage fraud schemes contain a material misstatement, misrepresentation or omission relied upon by an underwriter or lender to fund, purchase, or insure a loan.

What is the arm's length mortgage fraud? ›

An arm's length transaction is where the buyer and seller have no relationship. They act independently from one another and act in their best interest. As a result the chance of fraud is lower and the transaction price is typically fair market value.

Who monitors mortgage fraud? ›

The FBI is the agency that handles most criminal mortgage fraud investigations. You can report mortgage fraud to them by calling 202-324-3000 or by using their website at Other federal agencies also investigate mortgage fraud but the FBI is generally the best place to start.

Does the IRS investigate mortgage fraud? ›

Through federal tax fraud investigations and money laundering charges, the Internal Revenue Service is playing a key role in the fight against real estate fraud.

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