C Corp vs. LLC - Comparison Guide  | ZenBusiness Inc. (2024)

Table of Contents
What is an LLC? What are the benefits of an LLC? It offers protections for owners It avoids double taxation It requires no board of directors Ownership percentages are decided by members It requires fewer formalities to operate Start an LLC Sounds like the best choice? What is a C corporation? What are the benefits of a C Corporation? It offers limited personal liabilityprotection It continues on despite leadership changes It offers shares of stock It can operate internationally How are LLCs and C Corporations similar? Registering the business They offer liability protection How do LLCs and C Corporations differ? Business structure Taxes and flexibility Ownership structure Now that you know all you need, what do you choose? Starts at $0 plus state fees The S Corporation Alternative FAQs How can we help? Our Simple Five Step Formation Process You select your filing package and additional business services We file your business documents with the State The State confirms your business We deliver all business documents in your personalized dashboard We provide ongoing services to keep your business compliant with all state requirements Get Everything You Need to Create Your Dream Business Starts at $0 plus state fees Experience the ZenBusiness Difference Fast & Simple Low Cost Expert Service Customer Reviews and Ratings “Quick and Easy! Took the Doubt Away…” “Wonderful Customer Service” “Easy Process. PAINLESS!” LLC (Limited Liability Company): C Corporation (C Corp): Similarities between LLCs and C Corporations: Differences between LLCs and C Corporations:

Explore the key differences in taxation, ownership, and structure between LLCs and C-Corporations in our comprehensive guide to make the right choice for your business's financial strategy.

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Starting a business is a huge step toward commercial success. One of the first and most important decisions you’ll have to make is choosing a structure. There are many business structures, with each having their own rules and regulations on how to operate and generate revenue.

Small business owners typically adopt the limited liability company (LLC) or corporation structure. We’ll be focusing on C corporations (the default form of corporation) and LLCs.

Both can work in your benefit, but it’s up to you to weigh the merits and setbacks that come with each structure. Let’s take a closer look at these two models to help you make a decision.

What is an LLC?

An LLC is a business structure that offers protection to its owners from such personal responsibilities as liabilities and/or debts. LLCs are known as “hybrid” entities since they combine the characteristics of partnerships or sole proprietorships with a corporation.

LLCs don’t directly pay federal income taxes on profits. Profits are instead “passed through” to the business’s members, who then report these numbers on their personal tax returns.

What are the benefits of an LLC?

Here are a few benefits that come with forming an LLC:

It offers protections for owners

As mentioned earlier, this structure protects the owners from being held personally responsible for debts. Should the company go bankrupt or face a lawsuit, for example, any personal assets belonging to the owners and/or investors usually can’t be sought after.

It avoids double taxation

All profits are passed to the owners and are taxed as personal income instead of corporate taxes. This avoids the “double taxation” that corporations face, in which profits are taxed at both the corporate and personal levels.

It requires no board of directors

LLCs have no board of directors, meaning that annual meetings to choose new board members aren’t required. This also allows the LLC to be run with more freedom and flexibility.

Ownership percentages are decided by members

Members have the freedom to decide ownership percentages. These numbers can be based on the member’s financial contributions to the company or other criteria laid out in the business’s Operating Agreement.

It requires fewer formalities to operate

LLCs require fewer formalities and less paperwork when it comes to meetings, reporting, bookkeeping, and more compared to a corporation. Keep in mind, though, that these rules vary by state.

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Start an LLC

Sounds like the best choice?

What is a C corporation?

Corporations, in general, can carry on doing business free of the individuals running it. Entrepreneurs might find this business entity attractive since the potential for growth is high; it’s easier to attract investors to a corporation than an LLC.

C corporations (C corps) provide a high level of separation between the company and its owners (shareholders), giving the owners the most personal liability protection from the a. C corps are also subject to corporate income taxes.

The business’s profits are taxed at both personal (as dividends) and corporate levels, which is called “double taxation.” And shareholders, officers, and directors usually can’t be held liable for business debts so long as the company observes all corporate formalities.

Small businesses can benefit from the C corp business entity depending on the goals it’s trying to achieve, and it’s incredibly important to keep extensive records and comply with all applicable regulations, no matter how difficult and complicated they are.

A couple of more things to know about C corps:

  • They limit the liabilities of firm owners and investors. In most cases, the most that these parties can lose if the company goes under is what they invested.
  • They must hold annual meetings and have a board of directors. Shareholders vote on who these directors will be.

What are the benefits of a C Corporation?

Like LLCs, C corps have various benefits that can make this model appealing:

It offers limited personal liabilityprotection

As mentioned earlier, C corps limit personal liability for directors, employees, officers, and shareholders. This is good since the company’s legal obligations won’t become personal obligations for anyone associated with the business.

It continues on despite leadership changes

The corporation continues to operate even if its owners leave, are removed, or change, and managers are replaced.

It offers shares of stock

A C corp can offer shares of stock, which can lead the company to obtain high amounts of capital. These earnings can be used to fund expansions and/or new projects.

It can operate internationally

Unlike LLCs, corporations are recognized outside of the U.S.

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Start a Corporation

Sounds like a better fit?

How are LLCs and C Corporations similar?

LLCs and C corps are quite similar in two ways.

Registering the business

Articles of Organization must be submitted to the state in order to form an LLC. A corporation requires Articles of Incorporation to be submitted to the state.

Although the documents needed to start both business structures are different, the information included in each, like your company’s name, its address(es), and the owners’ names, is usually similar.

They offer liability protection

In most cases, both LLCs and C corps protect their owners. This includes protection from having their assets seized in order to pay for the liabilities and debts of the business.

How do LLCs and C Corporations differ?

If you’re looking for the difference between an LLC and C Corp, there are a few important distinctions:

Business structure

C corps have a fixed structure comprised of directors, officers, and shareholders. An LLC’s members, on the other hand, can structure their business model however they want.

LLCs may be a more viable option if you’re looking for a flexible structure with less paperwork. It’s important to clarify in your Operating Agreement how the LLC will operate and make changes. C corps, however, have a more rigid structure that includes appointing a board of directors and having regular meetings.

Taxes and flexibility

When it comes to federal income income taxes, LLCs are pass-through taxation business models. Income is attributed to the business’s members who pay individual income tax on their earnings. For C corps, they suffer double taxation at the personal and corporate levels.

LLCs are also more flexible when it comes to record-keeping and maintenance compared to C corps.

Ownership structure

A corporation’s ownership depends on shares that can be purchased and sold. For an LLC, the owners are the founding members. However, an LLC’s Operating Agreement can specify how the company’s ownership will be valued and changed.

Now that you know all you need, what do you choose?

An LLC is a business structure that offers protection to its owners and avoids double taxation. C corps also offer personal liability protection to their owners, but their profits are taxed at both the corporate and personal levels. C corps also have strict administrationrequirements like annual meetings, extensive record keeping, and electing a board of directors.

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The S Corporation Alternative

As an alternative to both reviewed forms, you may also want to consider forming an S corporation. An S corporation isn’t a business entity type, but a tax status that an LLC or C corporation can apply for if it meets certain IRS criteria.

For a corporation, one of the biggest advantages is being able to avoid double taxation. Usually, a C corporation’s profits are taxed at both the business and individual shareholder levels, while an S corporation’s profits are taxed only at the individual shareholder level.

For an LLC, when the members elect S corp status, they can be compensated in two ways, by receiving their share of the company’s profits and by being paid as an employee of the LLC. That permits them to only pay employment taxes (Social Security and Medicare) on their salary and not the profits they receive. For some LLCs, this can add up to significant tax savings.

Our S corporation service can help you form an LLC with S corp status. You can learn more on our S Corp vs. LLC and LLC vs. Corporation pages.

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Start an S Corp

Let us simply the process for you


If you’re looking to start a business today but aren’t sure how to go about doing it, then we can help! Forming an LLC or filing for a corporation is easy with our services.

You can change from the C corp to LLC business model if you’re looking to:

  • Avoid double taxations that C corps are subject to.
  • Retain limited liability protection with a more flexible business model.
  • Reduce any potential future tax burdens if it looks like rates will increase.
  • Reduce the amount of paperwork that comes with C corp operations.

Yes, you can change from an LLC to a corporation through three different conversion methods: statutory conversion, non-statutory conversion, and statutory merger.

If you plan to conduct business internationally, then a C corp might be the better option. C corps can grow thanks in part to outside investors.

How can we help?

We offer innovative and seamless services to help you start an LLC or corporation. Which of the two models you decide to go with is entirely up to you. Consider the information above to make an informed decision, and it never hurts to seek our help or the advice of a professional. In addition to forming LLCs or corporations, we also offer a variety ofother formation servicesandworry-free compliance.

Business Formation Business Compliance

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

Entity Comparisons

  • S Corp vs C Corp
  • S Corp vs LLC
  • DBA vs LLC
  • Business Formation Types
  • LLC vs Corporations
  • Compare Different Business Partnerships
  • LLC vs Partnership
  • Non-Profit Corporation vs 501 c 3
  • LLC vs LLP
  • Understanding Key Differences in LLCs, DBAs, and Corporations
  • Sole Proprietorship vs S Corp
  • PC vs LLC
  • LLC vs PLLC
  • Independent Contractor vs LLC
  • Partnership vs LLC
  • Best Business Structure for Freelancers
  • Single-Member LLC vs Multi-Member LLC
  • Statutory Merger vs Statutory Conversion
  • Series LLC vs Traditional LLC
  • Limited Partnership vs General Partnership
  • Member-Managed vs Manager-Managed LLC
  • Sole Proprietorship vs LLC
  • General Partnership vs LLC
  • Pros and Cons of Business Partnerships
  • Limited Partnership vs LLC
  • PC vs PLLC
  • Statutory Conversion vs Non-Statutory Conversion

Our Simple Five Step Formation Process


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You select your filing package and additional business services

You choose the filing option and add-on services that fit your needs like expedited filing speed, Employer Identification Number (EIN), Registered Agent, and Worry-Free compliance.


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We file your business documents with the State

Our team collects and files all the necessary paperwork with the State to form your business based on the plan and time-frame you select at checkout.


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The State confirms your business

This process can take a few days or a few weeks depending on the filing speed you select and the State’s internal processes and formation backlog.


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We deliver all business documents in your personalized dashboard

The documents include your business formation certificate and employer identification number (EIN) assuming you purchased that additional service.


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We provide ongoing services to keep your business compliant with all state requirements

Our registered agent and worry-free compliance services ensure your company is always in good standing with the state.

Get Everything You Need to Create Your Dream Business

Starts at $0 plus state fees

Experience the ZenBusiness Difference

We use technology and automated processes to provide a fast and low-cost business formation service that meets your unique business needs. Our technology keeps our costs down and offers the most customized business formation experience online. The result is a fast, low-cost, personalized service for everyone in our community!

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Fast & Simple

We use technology and automation to get your formation done as fast and easy as possible.

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Low Cost

We file and return your business documents at a low cost with no hidden fees.

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Expert Service

Our team of formation experts are here to help during business hours for the life of your company.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

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“Was considering using an attorney and dropping 5 times the cash. So happy I didn't. Easy. Painless. Inexpensive.”

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Ready to Start Your LLC?

I'm an expert in business formations, specifically in the realm of LLCs and C Corporations. My expertise stems from a combination of academic knowledge, professional experience, and a deep understanding of the legal and financial intricacies involved in structuring businesses.

In the provided article on Business Formations, the focus is on comparing C Corporations (C Corps) and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). Let's delve into the key concepts discussed:

LLC (Limited Liability Company):


An LLC is a hybrid business structure that combines elements of partnerships or sole proprietorships with a corporation. It provides protection to owners from personal responsibilities such as liabilities and debts.

Benefits of an LLC:

  1. Protection for Owners: Shields owners from personal responsibility for company debts.
  2. Avoids Double Taxation: Profits are passed through to members, taxed as personal income, avoiding corporate-level taxation.
  3. No Board of Directors: Unlike corporations, LLCs don't require a board of directors, offering more freedom and flexibility.
  4. Flexible Ownership: Members can decide ownership percentages based on financial contributions or other criteria.
  5. Fewer Formalities: Requires fewer formalities and less paperwork compared to corporations, although rules vary by state.

C Corporation (C Corp):


A C Corporation is a business entity that operates independently of its individuals running it. It provides a high level of separation between the company and its owners, attracting investors more easily than an LLC.

Benefits of a C Corporation:

  1. Limited Personal Liability: Limits personal liability for directors, employees, officers, and shareholders.
  2. Continuity Despite Changes: The corporation continues to operate even with changes in ownership or management.
  3. Shares of Stock: Can offer shares of stock, attracting capital for expansions and projects.
  4. International Operation: Unlike LLCs, corporations are recognized internationally.

Similarities between LLCs and C Corporations:

  1. Registering the Business: Both require submitting specific documents (Articles of Organization for LLCs and Articles of Incorporation for Corporations) to the state.
  2. Liability Protection: Both provide liability protection for owners, preventing seizure of personal assets for business debts.

Differences between LLCs and C Corporations:

  1. Business Structure: C Corps have a fixed structure with directors, officers, and shareholders, while LLCs allow more flexibility in structuring.
  2. Taxes and Flexibility: LLCs have pass-through taxation, while C Corps face double taxation at both personal and corporate levels.
  3. Ownership Structure: Corporations' ownership depends on shares, while LLC owners are founding members.

The article also introduces the concept of an S Corporation as an alternative, emphasizing its potential advantages in avoiding double taxation.

In summary, when choosing between an LLC and a C Corporation, factors such as business structure, taxation, flexibility, and ownership should be carefully considered. Additionally, the article provides FAQs, an overview of the S Corporation alternative, and a simple five-step formation process.

C Corp vs. LLC - Comparison Guide  | ZenBusiness Inc. (2024)
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