Brexit Frequently asked Questions | Yorkshire Bank (2024)

We understand you might want to know if Brexit affects your accounts, so we’ve set out a simple set of questions and answers to give you that information. If things change, we’ll update this page.

I am a UK citizen living in the EU and have an account with you, can I keep my UK bank account?

We have no plans to change the way we service the majority of our customers who are non-UK resident. If you live in the Netherlands or Italy and hold a Savings or Current Account unfortunately we can no longer provide or service your accounts. We have written to those impacted to provide details of the timescales and next steps.

I am an EU citizen living in the UK. Will I still be able to keep my current account or savings account after Brexit?

Yes, you will. There won’t be any change to the way your current account or savings account works. We will let you know if that changes.

Will the money in my current account and savings accounts be protected?

Yes. Your money will continue to be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. More information is available at

I am an EU citizen living and working in the UK. Will I still be able to apply for credit after Brexit?

Yes. EU citizens who are permanent UK residents will still be able to apply for credit after Brexit, subject to our normal policy and affordability assessment.

Can I still use my debit or credit card in the EU?

Yes. There will be no change to how you use your debit or credit card following Brexit.

Will credit card purchases abroad still be protected after Brexit and be unaffected by Brexit?

Yes. After Brexit you'll still have the same overseas purchase protection overseas that you do today.

Will I still be able to make Euro payments?

Yes. Personal and business customers will be still be able to instruct and receive payments in Euros.

Will my insurance products be the same after Brexit?

Yes. Your policies will not change because of Brexit. More detailed information about your travel insurance and Brexit is available in our Travel Insurance FAQs.

Will I still be able to bank online / via mobile when travelling in Europe?

Yes. Online Service and Mobile Banking will not be affected by Brexit.

Why are you closing my account?

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), one of the financial services regulators in the Netherlands and Banca d’Italia, one of the financial services regulators in the Italy, have published separate statements announcing that UK banks won’t be able to provide or service certain types of accounts for customers based in either country following the end of the Brexit transition period. We’re sorry to say we are no longer able to continue to provide or service current or savings accounts for our customers who live in the Netherlands or Italy from 30 June 2021.If you’re living in one of these countries, we have written to you to let you know what the next steps are and how you close your account(s) or to make alternative arrangements.Your account must be closed by the 30 June 2021.

Is this just the Netherlands and Italy or are other countries impacted?

Yes, for the moment, and it is only due to directions from local regulators that we can no longer support customers in the Netherlands or Italy. No other EU regulators have advised against supporting UK accounts so far, but they might in the future. We have no plans to change the way we service the majority of our customers who are non-UK resident. If you live in the Netherlands or Italy and hold a Savings or Current Account unfortunately we can no longer provide or service your accounts.

I am a UK resident and no longer living in the Netherlands or Italy

If you're no longer living in Netherlands or Italy, and now live in the UK, please update your address details. This will allow you to keep your account open. Don’t delay, once your account has been closed, it can’t be reopened. However, you can apply for a new account with us provided you are living in the UK and meet our eligibility criteria.

I live in the Netherlands or Italy but my business trades and operates in the UK

If you update the business and trading address to your UK address the accounts can remain open.

How do I close my account?

We’ve explained more in relation to your closure options in the letters we sent you.

You can write to us at Direct Banking, 7-8 North Avenue, Clydebank, G81 2NT or you can call us on +44 141 221 7300 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 5pm on Sundays. Please keep in mind that international call charges may apply in line with your phone provider’s terms and conditions. If you want to transfer your money to another provider, you can do this through your Virgin Money Mobile Banking App or by downloading the International Transfer Request form at (a copy of this form is also enclosed in your account closure letter).

What happens to regular payments from my account?

Before closing your account, please change any existing Direct Debit arrangements or other regular payments. This will help ensure any payments are processed by your new current account provider in good time. If you don't change your Direct Debits or other regular payments before the account is closed, they’ll not be paid. This is especially important if your Direct Debit arrangements or other regular payments are used to pay:

  • Essential bills and services such as utilities, insurance policies or regular savings, particularly where there is a risk these services may be cancelled or withdrawn due to non-payment
  • Mortgage repayments
  • Loan repayments

What about credits that are paid into my account?

If you receive regular payments to your account (for example, salary, rental income, dividends or transfers from friends and family), you'll need to contact the senders and provide details of your new account so these payments can continue. Once your current account is closed, any payments received will be returned to the sender.

I have a Mortgage and/or Credit Card so how will I pay this going forward?

You will need to find another provider who can offer you an account. Make sure whatever account you choose, you can still manage your finances and make transactions in a way that suits your needs.

What about the overdraft on my current account?

If you have an arranged overdraft on your account, you must repay the amount owed in full prior to closing your account. You can do this by transferring money into your current account from another account if you have one. You can also make a Mobile Banking Transfer or international payment from a foreign account into your current account.If repaying your overdraft is going to cause you any financial difficulties, we may be able to help. Please call us on +44 141 221 7300 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 5pm on Sundays.

I have a joint account and one of the account holders lives in the Netherlands or ItalyWhat about the overdraft on my current account?

This account will be closed on 30 June 2021.

If the account holder living in the Netherlands or Italy changes their registered address to the UK the account can remain open.

If I close my Fixed Rate or Notice Savings Account will I have to pay any fees and charges?

No. There will be no penalties applied for the closure of your Fixed Rate/Notice Savings account.

I have an ISA with you, will I be charged for withdrawing the funds early?

No. We will not charge any fees associated with withdrawing funds early. However if the funds are not held in an ISA product they will lose their tax efficient benefits.

Will there be a charge for sending an International Funds Transfer?

No. There will be no charge applied for sending an International Funds Transfer in these circ*mstances. However, depending on the banking provider for your receiving account, you might be charged for receiving the money. Please check with your provider if you have any questions.

Can I close my account over the telephone?

Yes. You can close your account by calling us on +44 141 221 7300 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 5pm on Sundays. Please keep in mind that international call charges may apply in line with your phone provider’s terms and conditions. We’ve explained more in relation to your closure options in the letters issued.

What happens if I do nothing?

If you don't do anything by the deadline of 30th June we'll have to close your account for you. When your account closes, you won't be able to use it, any incoming payments will not be accepted and your money will no longer earn any interest. Please contact us ASAP if this happens. We'll write to you again to explain how you can get your money.

My account has been closed. How do I get my money?

We’re keeping it safe for you and you just need to complete the International Funds Transfer form to tell us where to send it. The letter we’ve sent to you will advise you of everything you need to do.

Can I appeal against this decision?

No. We must comply with local legislation in these countries. But you can complain by contacting us.

I am a UK resident and no longer living in the Netherlands. Why have you closed my account(s)?

We have closed your account because the address details linked to your account show you living at an address in the Netherlands or Italy.

Brexit Frequently asked Questions | Yorkshire Bank (2024)


How are banks affected by Brexit? ›

Since 1 January 2021, banks and other types of payment service providers (PSPs) now have to provide extra information when making certain payments between the UK and the EU/EEA.

How does Brexit affect financial institutions? ›

Brexit could restrict the free movement of banking professionals between Europe and the UK. Over time, Brexit might inhibit growth in the sector, impacting on long term investment decisions, job creation and the length of time required for new businesses to establish themselves across Europe.

Can I keep my bank account in the UK after Brexit? ›

Will I still be able to keep my current account or savings account after Brexit? Yes, you will. There won't be any change to the way your current account or savings account works.

How will Brexit affect the banking sector in the UK? ›

More generally, Brexit will affect the legal environment in which banks deal with each other, their clients and their counterparties, for example in terms of the recognition of judgments and complex cross-border insolvency matters.

How many banks left the UK after Brexit? ›

Since the UK's EU referendum, 24 firms have publicly declared they will transfer just over £1.3trn of UK assets to the EU. This figure has remained broadly flat over the past 18 months, having climbed steadily from around £800bn in early 2019.

How has Brexit affected accounting? ›

Under the Brexit deal, there is no more automatic recognition of credentials and qualifications for many professionals, including accountants and auditors. Some EU countries, including France, Italy, and Portugal, require auditors to be residents of the country to practice.

Is Brexit a financial crisis? ›

The economic effects of Brexit were a major area of debate during and after the referendum on UK membership of the European Union. The majority of economists believe that Brexit is likely to harm the UK's economy and reduce its real per capita income in the long term, and the referendum itself damaged the economy.

How does Brexit affect economic implications? ›

A study by the think tanks Centre for European Reform and UK in a Changing Europe suggests that there are 330,000 fewer workers in the UK as a result of Brexit. That may only be 1% of the total workforce - but sectors such as transport, hospitality and retail have been particularly hard hit.

Are banks leaving the UK? ›

In the wake of Brexit, at least 440 banks and financial services companies are moving some part of their operations and managed assets from London to cities in Europe, according to an analysis by New Financial, a London think-tank.

Can I keep my UK bank account if I move to USA? ›

Keep your existing bank account

So, the answer to the question, “can I keep my UK bank account if I move abroad?”, is yes. Keeping your UK bank account open after moving overseas is the first option and there are a couple of reasons why you might choose to do this.

Can you live abroad and have a UK bank account? ›

It may feel as if you're leaving everything familiar behind, but remember that British banks may provide accounts for people living and working abroad. Don't assume a local bank is your only option.

Can a US resident hold a UK bank account? ›

Yes. You can open a UK bank account online with traditional banks if you have proof of a UK address.

What caused the UK banking crisis? ›

The slowdown in lending caused prices in these markets to drop, and this means those that have borrowed too much to speculate on rising prices had to sell their assets in order to repay their loans. House prices dropped and the bubble burst. As a result, banks panicked and cut lending even further.

Where are banks moving after Brexit? ›

1) What are the potential consequences of Brexit for the London City? The EU did decide on November 20, 2017, to move the European Banking Authority (EBA) from London to Paris.

What does the Bank of England say about Brexit? ›

The Bank of England said in its most recent outlook for the economy that comparing the UK's current level of trade with the trajectory before the UK formally left the EU in 2019, would amount to 3.2% of GDP by 2026.

Which bank nearly broke Britain? ›

For a few brief months in 2007 and 2009, the Royal Bank of Scotland was the largest bank in the world. Then the Edinburgh-based giant - having rapidly grown its footprint to 55 countries and stretched its assets to £2.4 trillion under its hubristic and delinquent former boss Fred Goodwin - crashed to earth.

Is UK economy struggling after Brexit? ›

The UK economy is estimated to be 5.5 per cent poorer now than it would have been had it stayed in the EU, according to a study by the Centre for European Reform that compares the UK's current performance with a counterfactual UK that did not leave the EU.

How many Brits don't have a bank account? ›

The FCA has published research estimating that 1.3 million UK adults are 'unbanked', meaning they do not have a bank account.

Is Brexit bad for business? ›

Trade could flow freely with no additional paperwork. But since the UK's departure, these supply chains have ended, meaning British businesses have to fill in a lot more paperwork in order to move goods between the two trading blocs.

What are the negatives of Brexit on business? ›

Drawbacks of Brexit

As an entity, the EU exerts stronger bargaining power as it is the largest economy as a group. Therefore, by leaving, the UK would lose negotiating power and free trade with other European countries. As the UK tries to recreate trade deals with other countries, they may get less favorable results.

Which industries hit hardest by Brexit World Finance? ›

  • Automotive industry. There has been a surge in British car manufacturing over the last 10 years, but it is likely Brexit will put any short-term gains on hold. ...
  • Airline sector. ...
  • Pharmaceutical industry. ...
  • Financial services sector.

Has Brexit caused inflation? ›

Supply chains

Brexit has added to delivery times and costs for UK imports, a factor likely to be passed on to consumers in the shops. Part of the inflation shock in February was due to the rising cost of cucumbers, tomatoes and salad, as prices rose amid severe shortages and rationing across the UK last month.

Does Britain regret Brexit? ›

In the latest YouGov poll last week, 53% said the U.K. was wrong to leave the European Union, versus 32% who still believed it was the right call.

What are the consequences of the Brexit? ›

The new rules have led to drastic consequences for some: 17% of surveyed companies have ceased their export trade with Great Britain altogether. 22% intend to change to suppliers from other countries and a further 13% intend to replace imports using local suppliers.

Are there any economic benefits to Brexit? ›

A fourth possible economic benefit of Brexit is touted as free trade deals with non-EU countries. A government press release claims that a recent deal will increase trade with Australia by 53%, boost the UK economy by £2.3 billion and add £900 million to household wages in the long run.

How does Brexit affect the global economy and society? ›

The desire to pursue a 'hard' Brexit has resulted in a major increase in trade barriers and trade costs in goods and services, as well as new restrictions on migration flows. The costs of Brexit so far also appear to be unevenly distributed, with areas that voted most heavily for Brexit the worst affected.

How did Brexit create economic uncertainty? ›

The Brexit process has already affected the UK economy. It has made some firms and households more pessimistic about the central outlook. It has also increased the uncertainty around that central outlook. Bank research suggests that these Brexit effects have depressed investment spending and weighed on productivity.

Are banks closing in the US? ›

The stats: Physical bank branches in the US have closed at an alarming rate even before the pandemic—particularly in vulnerable communities. Between 2017 and 2021, 7,425 branches closed in the US—9% of all locations.

Are UK banks too big to fail? ›

LONDON, June 10 (Reuters) - The Bank of England is satisfied lenders have taken steps to ensure they are no longer "too big to fail" in any future crisis, it said on Friday, though it did find shortcomings at three leading banks.

Why are banks moving out of London? ›

The European Central Bank (ECB) recently ordered eight banks to relocate more traders out of London and into financial hubs within the EU, such as Paris or Frankfurt, amid concerns that companies are out of reach of European regulators.

Can US seize foreign bank accounts? ›

Even without a branch in the US, the foreign bank account is not immune from seizure by the US government.

What banks allow non resident accounts in the UK? ›

There are a few expat-friendly banks in the UK including HSBC, Barclays, and Lloyds Banking Group. These banks offer both free and paid bank accounts and let you manage your account offline (at a branch) and online (website and mobile app). They also offer deposit protection up to £85,000 GBP.

Do I need to tell my bank if I move abroad? ›

Do I need to tell my bank I'm going abroad? Yes! It's hugely important for customers to inform their bank of their travel plans in advance. This helps to protect against fraudulent activity and ensures that you have access to your funds while you are away.

Can I have a UK bank account without a UK address? ›

If you have no proof of where you live, you could use a temporary address. You could provide a letter from a hostel, refuge or the council. Ask the bank if they can be more flexible with their checks and try another bank if the staff aren't very helpful.

Are UK banks closing expat accounts nationwide? ›

All the major UK Banks have either already confirmed that they will be closing expats accounts and withdrawing services, or are in the process of reviewing the services that they offer. Closures will affect current and savings accounts, ISA's, credit cards and investment accounts.

Can I open a bank account in England if I don't live there? ›

To open a bank account as a non-resident in the UK, you must prove your identity and residency in your name. You will also need to provide information about your source of income and any other relevant information requested by the bank.

Which UK banks have branches in the US? ›

HSBC, a British bank, has branches in the United States. The branches, in London, have a phone that account holders can use that connects to HSBC in the United States. Check to see if there is an HSBC near you. Ask about what services can be provided for your daughter.

Does Chase have banks in the UK? ›

And as a licensed bank here in the UK, we're authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (Opens in new window), and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Opens in new window) and Prudential Regulation Authority. Can I open a Chase current account for free? Yes, we won't charge you for opening an account.

Which UK banks allow expat accounts? ›

Best UK bank accounts for British expats:
  • Wise Personal Account.
  • Revolut Standard Account.
  • Starling Personal Current Account.
  • N26 Standard Current Account.
  • Monese Instant Account.

Can banks seize your money if economy fails? ›

The short answer is no. Banks cannot take your money without your permission, at least not legally. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures deposits up to $250,000 per account holder, per bank. If the bank fails, you will return your money to the insured limit.

Which US banks are in trouble? ›

Two regional US banks, California-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and New York's Signature Bank, have collapsed under the weight of heavy losses on their bond portfolios and a massive run on deposits.

Which banks are in trouble in 2023? ›

Among these banks were Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank, which collapsed in March 2023 Additionally, undercapitalization, loan quality, and losses on investment securities are common reasons why banks may fail.

How will Brexit affect banking and financial services? ›

Brexit could restrict the free movement of banking professionals between Europe and the UK. Over time, Brexit might inhibit growth in the sector, impacting on long term investment decisions, job creation and the length of time required for new businesses to establish themselves across Europe.

How will Brexit affect the UK banking industry? ›

If the UK were to leave the EU but not retain membership of the European Economic Area (EEA), as appears likely given the political shortcomings of the EEA model, the UK would become a third country for MiFID purposes. This would mean that UK-based banks and investment firms would lose their current passporting rights.

What was the British bank scandal? ›

Barings Banks was a British merchant bank that collapsed in 1995 after one of its traders, 28-year-old Nick Leeson operating in its Singapore office, lost $1.3 billion in unauthorized trades. Barings was one of England's oldest merchant banks and at one point, even Queen Elizabeth II had an account with it.

What is the relationship between the UK government and the Bank of England? ›

We are wholly-owned by the UK government. The capital of the Bank is held by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of HM Treasury. Although we are owned by HM Treasury, we carry out our responsibilities independently. We're free from day-to-day political influence.

What does Brexit mean for investment banks? ›

One of the biggest impacts of Brexit will probably be felt in the financial services industry and within that by investment banks as the EU's central hub, London, will lose full access to the single European Market.

Which banks left London after Brexit? ›

Morgan Stanley (MS. N), Barclays (BARC. L) and Goldman Sachs (GS. N) are among those moving senior bankers, according to sources at the lenders, as European regulators push banks to better staff their EU offices and travel restrictions ease.

What happens to the Bank of England interest rate? ›

On Thursday 23 March 2023, we raised our interest rate (Bank Rate) by 0.25 percentage points to 4.25%. Our interest rate influences many other rates in the UK, including those you might have for a loan, mortgage or savings account. Bank Rate is also widely known as 'the base rate' or just 'the interest rate'.

Can I keep a UK bank account if I move to USA? ›

Keep your existing bank account

So, the answer to the question, “can I keep my UK bank account if I move abroad?”, is yes. Keeping your UK bank account open after moving overseas is the first option and there are a couple of reasons why you might choose to do this.

What happens to your bank when you move to another country? ›

If you are moving overseas permanently, you will need to eventually set up an account with a local bank. But if you are only there temporarily (which can still mean several years) and you are maintaining a US address, you may be able to get by using your stateside bank, depending on your banking needs.

How did Brexit affect HSBC? ›

How does Brexit impact my HSBC UK Credit Card? We only offer Credit Cards to UK residents. Due to this, Brexit won't have any impact on this product.

How does Brexit affect M&A? ›

Before the end of the UK/EU transition period, this included the UK but, following its expiry, UK companies can no longer participate in EU cross-border mergers. Any merger of a UK and EEA company must now take the form of a share or business transfer, followed by a dissolution/liquidation of the transferor entity.

Is London still the financial capital of the world? ›

The U.K. is the highest net exporter of financial services and London, with its convenient time zone, use of English and feather-light regulations, is the world's financial capital. Various cities, including Venice and Amsterdam, have held and lost the title throughout history.

Which bank nearly broke britain? ›

For a few brief months in 2007 and 2009, the Royal Bank of Scotland was the largest bank in the world. Then the Edinburgh-based giant - having rapidly grown its footprint to 55 countries and stretched its assets to £2.4 trillion under its hubristic and delinquent former boss Fred Goodwin - crashed to earth.

Which UK banks allow non UK residents? ›

There are a few expat-friendly banks in the UK including HSBC, Barclays, and Lloyds Banking Group. These banks offer both free and paid bank accounts and let you manage your account offline (at a branch) and online (website and mobile app). They also offer deposit protection up to £85,000 GBP.

Why are UK banks closing? ›

Why are bank branches closing down? Building societies and banks are closing their doors and disappearing from the high street as more customers move to online services and mobile banking to manage their money (and as a result, use physical branches less and less).

Why is inflation in UK so high? ›

Consumer prices, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), were 10.4% higher in February 2023 than a year before. Increases in the costs of consumer goods, underpinned by strong demand from consumers and supply chain bottlenecks, have been factors causing rising inflation in 2021 and 2022.

Who pays Bank of England interest? ›

We require that they place an interest-free deposit with us. Just like printing banknotes, we earn an income by investing the deposits in financial assets that pay interest. Banks, building societies and insurance companies also pay us a fee to cover the cost of regulating their activities.

Do banks borrow from the Bank of England? ›

We keep the UK's financial system stable by keeping a close watch on any risks and taking action, if we need to. For example, we can lend to banks if they need it to ensure they can continue to lend to businesses and support the economy.

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