Bookkeeping vs accounting: Main differences | QuickBooks (2024)

To fully understand how responsibilities differ between an accountant and a bookkeeper, it’s important to know about the system of tasks—or the accounting cycle—every business must follow to generate accurate financial statements. A bookkeeper can manage most of these tasks, but an accountant takes them further by using those financial statements to offer valuable financial advice.

The primary steps of the accounting cycle are as follows:

1. Create a chart of accounts

A chart of accounts is a list of all of the accounts within your company that are recorded in the general ledger. There are four main sections to the chart of accounts, which primarily consists of:

  • Assets accounts: Anything you own that has value, like buildings, land, inventory, and vehicles.
  • Liability accounts: Payrolls taxes, bank loans, credit card balances, personal loans, and deferred tax liabilities.
  • Income accounts: Rental income, contra income, dividend income, and sales income.
  • Expense accounts: Advertising expenses, interest expenses, depreciation expenses, salaries or wages, and cost of sales.

A bookkeeper will complete these steps and use the chart of accounts to post every journal entry and financial transaction within the general ledger.

2. Maintain journal entries and the general ledger

The bookkeeper posts accounting transactions in the general ledger using documents such as receipts, invoices, and other records of business activity. The general ledger is a sheet that houses all accounting data and financial records within a business.

Bookkeepers also post transactions using journal entries that track all account activities.

A bookkeeper usually performs these steps, however, an accountant may step in to complete these tasks, or oversee them as they’re completed by the bookkeeper.

3. Generate the trial balance and adjust entries

Once the bookkeeper posts all transactions, the accountant generates a trial balance that lists all business accounts and balances. A trial balance may require adjustments and corrections using adjusting entries, which are necessary to comply with the accrual basis method of accounting required by the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Accountants will then use the updated trial balance to produce financial statements.

These steps require a more in-depth understanding of finances, so an accountant will typically perform them.

Note: Every step in the accounting cycle is performed at the end of each month and year. Without an accountant or bookkeeper, it’s up to the business owner to accomplish them on their own.

Bookkeeping vs accounting: Main differences | QuickBooks (2024)


Bookkeeping vs accounting: Main differences | QuickBooks? ›

While accounting is similar to bookkeeping in that it involves documenting business financial transactions, the former process is more in-depth. It involves the summary, analysis, and interpretation of financial data. Accounting also involves reporting these findings to tax collectors and regulators.

What is the difference between accounting and bookkeeping answer? ›

In the simplest of terms, bookkeeping is responsible for the recording of financial transactions whereas accounting is responsible for interpreting, classifying, analyzing, reporting, and summarizing the financial data. Bookkeeping and accounting may appear to be the same profession to an untrained eye.

What is an important difference between bookkeepers and accountants? ›

Bookkeepers and accountants sometimes do the same work, but have a different skill set. In general, a bookkeeper's role is to record transactions and keep you financially organized, while accountants provide consultation, analysis, and are more qualified to advise on tax matters.

What is an important difference between bookkeepers and accountants quizlet? ›

What is the difference between accounting and bookkeeping? Accounting is a system for measuring, processing and communicating financial information. Bookkeeping is a procedural element of accounting.

What is the difference between record keeping and bookkeeping? ›

Bookkeeping refers to the activities involved in properly recording and classifying an organization's financial data. It is a record-keeping function that is performed to aid in the accounting process. It aids in the preparation of an organization's financial statements at the end of the fiscal year.

What are the similarities and differences between accounting and bookkeeping? ›

Bookkeeping does not require any special skills, where accounting requires highly specialized skills because of its analytical and complex nature. The bookkeeping process doesn't require analysis, but accounting uses bookkeeping information to analyze and interpret data which is then compiled into reports.

What is the difference between accounting and accounting? ›

Accounting is the process of recording the financial transactions especially regarding business. Accountancy is defined as the process of measuring, processing, and recording the non-financial and financial statements. 2. The accountants perform the work based upon its nature.

What are the five differences between bookkeeping and accounting? ›

While bookkeeping is all about recording of financial transactions, accounting deals with the interpretation, analysis, classification, reporting and summarization of the financial data of a business.

What can an accountant do that a bookkeeper can t? ›

Here's an easy way to think about it—bookkeepers lay the groundwork by recording financial transactions so that accountants can analyze financial statements and provide strategic recommendations.

Do bookkeepers do balance sheet? ›

Bookkeepers will also be responsible for preparing some significant financial statements for small businesses. These can include a profit and loss statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

What is the difference between accounting and bookkeeping Quora? ›

Bookkeeping is the process of recording financial transactions, while accounting is the process of analyzing, interpreting, and communicating financial information.

How does the purpose of accounting compare to the purpose of bookkeeping? ›

The main role of a bookkeeper is to maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records. The role of an accountant is to analyze financial data to determine a company's financial position. Accounting software automates many traditional bookkeeping tasks.

Do I need both a bookkeeper and an accountant? ›

Ideally, a bookkeeper and accountant will work together. And of course it's important that you, the business owner, work closely with both of them to keep tabs on the money side of your business, including its current state and the projections for its future financial health.

What are the golden rules of accounting? ›

What are the Golden Rules of Accounting? 1) Debit what comes in - credit what goes out. 2) Credit the giver and Debit the Receiver. 3) Credit all income and debit all expenses.

What are the responsibilities of a bookkeeper? ›

On a day-to-day basis, Bookkeepers complete data entry, collect transactions, track debits and maintain and monitor financial records. They also pay invoices, complete payroll, file tax returns and even maintain office supplies.

Is bookkeeping outdated? ›

Luckily, despite the myriad of modern-day advancements, very little about actual bookkeeping is out of fashion. “Bookkeepers” and “accountants” have been tracking and interpreting the complexities of finance into understandable information for thousands of years.

Is an accountant better than a bookkeeper? ›

Accountants are responsible for: Signing off on year-end accounts: While a bookkeeper can help prepare all of the financial information that goes into end-of-year reconciliations, it is the responsibility of an accountant to ensure all information is accurate, track down any inaccuracies and resolve them.

What is bookkeeping with example? ›

Bookkeeping is the process of tracking and recording a business's financial transactions. These business activities are recorded based on the company's accounting principles and supporting documentation. Examples of these documents include: Bills.

What is the function of bookkeeping? ›

To record the transactions

The first objective of bookkeeping is to maintain accurate and complete records of all financial transactions in an orderly manner. It systematically records all transactions and ensures that all financial transactions recorded are reflected in the books of accounts.

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