Bonus Depreciation vs. Section 179: What's the Difference? (2024)

Updated December 21, 2022

When your business buys a piece of equipment, you’re supposed to spread the tax deduction over the asset’s life. But why wait? The Section 179 deduction and bonus depreciation are two ways to get your entire tax break upfront.*

Bonus Depreciation vs. Section 179

So what’s the difference between Section 179 and bonus depreciation? Section 179 lets business owners deduct a set dollar amount of new business assets, and bonus depreciation lets them deduct a percentage of the cost. In the past, bonus depreciation only covered 50% of an asset’s cost upfront, but as of the 2020 bonus depreciation rules this is now 100%, so now both methods let you deduct the entire cost in the same year. Based on the 2020 Section 179 rules, Section 179 gives you more flexibility on when you get your deduction, while bonus depreciation can apply to more spending per year.

When considering Section 179 vs. bonus depreciation, how do you know which works best for your business? We break down the main factors:

Key Points for Section 179 Deduction

Section 179 deduction allows a taxpayer to elect to deduct the cost of certain types of property as an expense on their income taxes, meaning the cost of the property doesn’t have to be capitalized and depreciated. Here’s what that means for you.

  • Annual limit on deduction: The maximum Section 179 deduction for 2022 is $1,080,000. If your business spends more than $2,700,000 on a piece of equipment, the amount you are eligible to deduct starts to decrease.
  • Flexibility with timing: You can choose which purchases to cover under the Section 179 deduction and which to save as future tax breaks. You can even split the deduction for individual purchases. For example, claiming half the cost of a new car upfront while spreading the rest of the purchase over time.
  • Covers improvement to real estate: You can use the Section 179 deduction for real estate upgrades, like adding a new roof to your building. Bonus depreciation does not cover this category.

Bonus Depreciation vs. Section 179: What's the Difference? (5)

Key Points for Bonus Depreciation

  • No annual limit on deductions: This deduction isn’t limited to cost, a stark difference between Section 179 and bonus depreciation. You can deduct your entire investment no matter how much you spend per year.
  • Can be larger than your business income: While a Section 179 deduction cannot be larger than your annual business income, bonus depreciation does not have this restriction. You can carry any unused deduction forward as a future tax break.
  • Less flexible, must apply to all assets: Unlike the Section 179 deduction, bonus depreciation must apply to 100% of an asset’s cost and all assets must be in the same category. If you use bonus depreciation for one 5-year asset, you’ll need to use it for all 5-year assets bought that year.
  • Changes for next year: Starting on January 1, 2023, bonus depreciation decreases by 20% and will decrease by 20% through 2026 when the program closes. So it’s better to make qualifying purchases sooner rather than later.

As a final note, you can use both bonus depreciation and the Section 179 deduction in the same year. Consult with your accountant to see what combo will deliver the most bang for your small business tax write-offs. To learn more about purchasing or financing equipment to use with Section 179 deductions, read our guide on Section 179 for equipment.

*Some deductions listed may not be available to your small business. Consult with your tax advisor before claiming a deduction on your tax return.

Tags: bonus depreciation, Equipment Financing, Section 179 Tax Deductions, Tax Advice, Tax Deductions for Small Business

Bonus Depreciation vs. Section 179: What's the Difference? (2024)


Bonus Depreciation vs. Section 179: What's the Difference? ›

Section 179 offers greater flexibility but also caps the benefit. Bonus depreciation has no limitations but may force a company to “waste" depreciation that it could benefit from in future years.

Is it better to take Section 179 or bonus depreciation? ›

Section 179 offers greater flexibility but also caps the benefit. Bonus depreciation has no limitations but may force a company to “waste" depreciation that it could benefit from in future years.

What is the difference between bonus depreciation and Section 179 for vehicles? ›

As of the 2020 bonus depreciation rules, businesses can now deduct or depreciate 100% of the cost of a vehicle or truck. In other words, Section 179 gives you the ability to take all of your deduction in one year, whereas the bonus depreciation allows you to deduct the full cost of the vehicle(s) in one year.

Can I take bonus depreciation instead of Section 179? ›

A company can take both Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation allowances, but Section 179 must be applied first, and any amount over the $1,160,000 limit to Section 179 may then be taken in bonus depreciation. Effective 1/1/23, any property placed into service is no longer eligible for 100% bonus depreciation.

What are the disadvantages of Section 179 deduction? ›

Cons. Makes taxes more expensive in the future because you can't claim the property anymore. Makes taxes more complicated when the property is sold or no longer used for business purposes. Companies that spend more than $2.7 million on equipment, machinery or another investment in 2022 can't get the full deduction.

What is the disadvantage of bonus depreciation? ›

Con: you cannot use that asset's depreciation again in the future, so you have to consider the potential value of the deduction in the future. Generally, it's best not to have major swings in income as it makes it more difficult to manage tax rates on an annual basis.

Can you take 100% bonus depreciation on vehicles? ›

The rules allow Bonus Depreciation to 100% for all qualified purchases made between September 27, 2017 and January 1, 2023. Bonus Depreciation now ramps down to 80%, starting in 2023. Bonus depreciation will continue to ramp down for ensuing years: 60% for 2024, 40% for 2025, 20% for 2026, and 0% beginning in 2027.

Why would you not take bonus depreciation? ›

The taxpayer didn't use the property at any time before acquiring it. For example, if your business leases a piece of equipment before purchasing it, you would not be able to claim bonus depreciation on the equipment. The taxpayer didn't acquire the property from a related party.

What are the benefits of bonus depreciation? ›

Bonus depreciation is an important tax savings tools for businesses as it allows them to take an immediate deduction in the first year on the cost of eligible business property. This lowers a company's tax liability because it reduces their taxable income.

How much can you write off a 6000 lb vehicle in 2023? ›

For 2023, the limitations are based on the automobile component deduction limits and the weight of the vehicle. The maximum amount that can be deducted for the first year is $20,200 (with bonus depreciation) or $12,200 (without bonus depreciation) for passenger automobiles weighing 6,000 pounds or less.

What asset qualifies for 100% bonus depreciation? ›

For tax years 2018-2022, the maximum bonus depreciation has been 100% of the cost of the qualified assets placed into service. For example, if a taxpayer buys (and places into service) a $100,000 qualified asset, they can take a $100,000 deduction in 2022.

What is Section 179 for dummies? ›

Section 179 allows small businesses to deduct 100% of the purchase price for a piece of eligible property during the first year that it was put into service for your business. This is a deduction you should understand if you make major purchases of property, equipment, or machinery for your business.

Does bonus depreciation reduce taxable income? ›

Bonus depreciation allows a taxpayer to reduce their short-term taxable income by the cost of depreciable assets.

How much can Section 179 save me? ›

Section 179 can save your business money because it allows you to take up to a $1,160,000* deduction when purchasing or leasing new machinery. This easy to use calculator can help you estimate the tax savings of a new or used equipment purchase.

What assets don't qualify for Section 179? ›

While you can claim a Section 179 deduction for most kinds of property or assets, there are some types of assets that don't qualify:
  • Real property – Buildings, land and land improvements (this includes swimming pools, paved parking areas, docks, bridges and fences)
  • Air conditioning and heating equipment.

Does a 179 deduction reduce taxable income? ›

If you are interested in starting a business to provide quilting or sewing services or you already own a business and you need to purchase new or used equipment, then Section 179 might help to reduce your tax liability.

Can you take Section 179 and bonus depreciation on vehicles? ›

Heavy Section 179 Vehicles

For 2023, a vehicle qualifying in the “heavy” category has a Section 179 tax deduction limit of $26,200. However, these autos are eligible for 100% bonus depreciation through the end of 2022. Starting in 2023, the allowable bonus depreciation percentage will decrease each year.

Does bonus depreciation reduce capital gains? ›

Bonus depreciation in real estate allows an investor to deduct the full cost of capital improvements in the same tax year the expense is incurred. Bonus depreciation is scheduled to be phased out by the end of the 2026 tax year.

Is Section 179 going away in 2023? ›

In 2023, the Section 179 deduction limit has been raised to $1,160,000 (an increase of $80,000 from 2022). This means your business can now deduct the entire cost of qualified equipment up to a total equipment purchase limit of $2.8 million.

What is the best depreciation method for vehicles? ›

According to Form 4562 instructions, automobiles are a 5-year property for MACRS depreciation, and the half-year convention is used for them. You would use the 200% declining balance rate for the vehicle.

What is the 6000 pound tax write-off? ›

The 6,000-pound vehicle tax deduction is a rule under the federal tax code that allows people to deduct up to $25,000 of a vehicle's purchasing price on their tax return. The vehicle purchased must weigh over 6,000 pounds, according to the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), but no more than 14,000 pounds.

Is bonus depreciation being phased out in 2023? ›

But the program is beginning a phase-out. For 2023, first-year Bonus Depreciation is 80% of the purchase price. It falls to 60% in 2024, 40% in 2025, and 20% in 2026. In 2027, the program will cease to exist.

What states don't allow bonus depreciation? ›

No tax, no deductions: Nevada, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Washington have no corporate income tax, so section 179 deductions and bonus depreciation don't apply.

When should I opt out of bonus depreciation? ›

However, there are some instances when electing out of bonus depreciation makes sense. One of the biggest factors of electing out of bonus depreciation would be whether or not your company plans to make money for the year. If you are forecasting a loss for the current year, it may make sense to elect out of bonus.

What happens after bonus depreciation? ›

The 100% bonus depreciation will phase out after 2022, with qualifying property getting only an 80% bonus deduction in 2023 and less in later years.

Can bonus depreciation offset ordinary income? ›

First – Depreciation, bonus, or otherwise, only offsets passive income. Passive income includes rent from investment real estate, profits from ownership in a business you don't actively participate in, etc. It does not offset ordinary income like your W-2 income.

What are bonus depreciation examples? ›

Calculating Bonus Depreciation

For example, if you invest $10,000 on new equipment in 2022, you will get the whole $10,000 bonus depreciation. If you buy the identical $10,000 piece of equipment in 2023, the extra depreciation will be $8,000 instead (10,000 times 0.8).

What is Section 179 for SUVs in 2023? ›

Guidelines for Section 179 deduction on vehicles in 2023

Businesses can deduct up to $1,050,000 of the cost of qualifying equipment and software under Section 179 for the tax year 2023. The maximum deduction for vehicles is $18,100 for heavy SUVs and trucks, $10,200 for cargo vans, and $18,100 for passenger vans.

What equipment qualifies for Section 179? ›

What Vehicles Qualify for a Section 179 Deduction?
  • Heavy construction equipment.
  • 18-wheelers.
  • Vehicles that seat 9+ passengers (such as shuttle vans)
  • Cargo vans.
  • Taxis, vans, and other vehicles that transport people or property for hire.

How do I use Section 179 deduction for my car? ›

How the Section 179 Tax Deduction for Vehicles Works
  1. Purchase. or lease a qualifying vehicle and put it to use for your business before December 31st.
  2. Deduct. the cost of the vehicle, up to the current limits, from your business taxes in the year you put it into use.
  3. Save.

Can you take 50% bonus depreciation? ›

For tax years 2015 through 2017, first-year bonus depreciation was set at 50%. It was scheduled to go down to 40% in 2018 and 30% in 2019, and then not be available in 2020 and beyond. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, enacted at the end of 2018, increases first-year bonus depreciation to 100%.

Can I take bonus depreciation on a used vehicle? ›

Used property is eligible for additional first-year depreciation if the property was not used by the taxpayer or a predecessor at any time prior to acquisition.

How do I take advantage of Section 179? ›

To qualify for a Section 179 deduction, your asset must be:
  1. Tangible. Physical property such as furniture, equipment, and most computer software qualify for Section 179. ...
  2. Purchased. Leased property doesn't qualify.
  3. Used more than 50% in your business. ...
  4. Not acquired from a related party.
Jan 13, 2022

How does Section 179 save you money? ›

Section 179 is a tax code section that allows businesses to deduct the total cost of equipment or software they bought during the year. It essentially allows you to write off the total price of the equipment from your business' taxable income.

Why is Section 179 good? ›

Section 179 of the IRC allows businesses to take an immediate deduction for business expenses related to depreciable assets such as equipment, vehicles, and software. This allows businesses to lower their current-year tax liability rather than capitalizing an asset and depreciating it over time in future tax years.

How do I avoid tax on my bonus? ›

While you can't avoid paying taxes on your bonus entirely, you can use your bonus funds wisely to reduce how much you'll owe at tax time. Use the funds to invest in your 401(k) or IRA to get a tax break.

Is it better to expense or depreciate? ›

It's generally better to expense an item rather than depreciate it because money has a time value. You get the deduction in the current tax year when you expense it. You can use the money that the expense deduction has freed from taxes in the current year.

Can you use Section 179 every year? ›

Yes, Section 179 can be used every year. It was made a permanent part of our tax code with the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (PATH Act). How can I calculate the potential savings that the Section 179 Deduction will have on my next purchase?

How many years can you use Section 179? ›

Section 179 and bonus depreciation

For example, you could deduct half of the cost upfront and spread the rest over the next five years. Bonus depreciation has no limit, however. There is no maximum you can claim as with Section 179, and you can deduct an amount larger than your income.

Can you take 179 on real property? ›

Most types of real property (“section 1250 property”), such as land or land improvements, do not qualify for the section 179 deduction. However, taxpayers may elect to treat “qualified real property” as qualifying section 179 property. Qualified real property consists primarily of qualified improvement property.

What real property qualifies for Section 179? ›

Qualified Section 179 real property including improvements placed in service after non-residential real property was placed in service, such as heating, ventilation and air-conditioning; fire protection and alarm systems; security systems; roofs.

Why is Section 179 disallowed? ›

Section 179 Carryover

For an unlimited number of years, a taxpayer may carry forward the amount of any cost of qualifying section 179 property elected to be expensed in a taxable year, but disallowed because of the taxable income limitation of that year. This carryover can be deducted in a future taxable year instead.

How do I report Section 179 on my tax return? ›

How to report a section 179 expense recapture
  1. Under Input Return, select Income.
  2. Select Disposition (Sch D, etc.), then Schedule D/4797/etc.
  3. Select Carryovers/Misc Info.
  4. Select the 4797 Carryovers & Recap tab.
  5. Under the Form 4797 section, scroll to the Recapture 50% or Less Business Use subsection.
Jan 30, 2023

Does Section 179 apply to personal taxes? ›

Summary. Only individual and corporate taxpayers may claim the section 179 deduction. It is not available to trusts and estates.

Is bonus depreciation useful to very large businesses spending more than the Section 179 spending limit? ›

Bonus Depreciation is useful to very large businesses spending more than the Section 179 Spending Cap (currently $2,590,000) on new capital equipment. Also, businesses with a net loss are still qualified to deduct some of the cost of new equipment and carry-forward the loss.

Why would you opt out of bonus depreciation? ›

Electing out will allow you to offset the higher income with more depreciation expense in the later years. If you plan to sell the purchased property in a year in which you are in a higher tax bracket, any depreciation recapture would be taxed at the higher rate.

Who benefits from bonus depreciation? ›

Bonus depreciation is an important tax savings tools for businesses as it allows them to take an immediate deduction in the first year on the cost of eligible business property. This lowers a company's tax liability because it reduces their taxable income.

What can you take 100% bonus depreciation on? ›

Qualified property eligible for bonus depreciation includes depreciable assets with a recovery period of 20 years or less, such as vehicles, furniture, manufacturing equipment, and heavy machinery.

Do luxury vehicles qualify for bonus depreciation? ›

The depreciation caps for a luxury passenger car placed in service in 2022 are: $11,200 for the first year without bonus depreciation. $19,200 for the first year with bonus depreciation. $18,000 for the second year.

Can you buy a new vehicle every year with Section 179? ›

YES – this includes vehicles! Autos may be passenger vehicles, heavy SUVs, trucks, and vans which are purchased and put into use in the same year. A Section 179 tax deduction vehicle can be purchased new or used but the vehicle must be utilized at least 50% of the time for business purposes.

How many years can you use Section 179 deduction? ›

Nearly every business has equipment and property that depreciates over time. Rather than businesses being forced to deduct an asset's value over the course of several years, Section 179 allows businesses to take the entire depreciation deduction in a single year, a practice known as first-year expensing.

When would you want to elect out of bonus depreciation? ›

One of the biggest factors of electing out of bonus depreciation would be whether or not your company plans to make money for the year. If you are forecasting a loss for the current year, it may make sense to elect out of bonus.

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