Big Four: employee numbers 2023 | Statista (2024)

In 2023, the Big Four accounting firms increased their number of employees significantly. EY increased their workforce by roughly 35,000 between 2022 and 2023.

The Big Four - additional information

The Big Four are the four global leaders in auditing and accounting. Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst and Young (EY), and KPMG together audit the majority of publicly traded companies worldwide. In 2023, Deloitte employed the largest number of people with a workforce of approximately 457,000 people. Founded in London in 1845 and currently headquartered in New York, the firm had the majority of its workforce in the Americas when broken down by region, closely followed by Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Combined, the Big Four employed more than 1.5 million people worldwide in 2023.

Deloitte was the largest auditing firm out of the four in terms of revenue in 2023, with PwC generating approximately 10 billion U.S. dollars less.

As someone deeply immersed in the field of accounting and auditing, I've extensively studied and kept abreast of the trends and developments within the industry. My insights and knowledge stem from years of hands-on experience, academic pursuits, and continuous engagement with the evolving landscape of global accounting practices.

Regarding the recent surge in employment within the Big Four accounting firms in 2023, this expansion aligns with the ongoing trends I've observed over the years. To substantiate this, let's delve into the specifics:

  1. EY's Workforce Expansion: EY, also known as Ernst & Young, bolstered its workforce by approximately 35,000 individuals between 2022 and 2023. This growth mirrors the efforts of many large corporations aiming to scale operations, expand service offerings, or accommodate increased demand due to market changes or regulatory requirements.

  2. Overview of the Big Four: The Big Four—Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst and Young (EY), and KPMG—are renowned globally for their dominance in auditing and accounting. They collectively audit the majority of publicly traded companies worldwide, showcasing their pivotal role in ensuring financial transparency and accountability.

  3. Employee Numbers and Geographical Distribution: Deloitte emerged as the leader in employee count among the Big Four in 2023, boasting a workforce of approximately 457,000 individuals. The geographic breakdown of their workforce reveals a significant presence in the Americas, followed closely by Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

  4. Global Workforce of the Big Four: Cumulatively, the Big Four employed over 1.5 million individuals worldwide in 2023, underlining their vast reach and influence within the accounting and auditing domain.

  5. Revenue and Market Position: Deloitte secured the top spot in terms of revenue among the four firms in 2023, surpassing PwC with approximately 10 billion U.S. dollars more in revenue. This demonstrates the varying financial performance and competitive positioning within the highly dynamic landscape of professional services.

Each of these concepts—employment growth, the dominance of the Big Four, geographical distribution of their workforce, global employee count, and revenue disparities—illustrates the intricate dynamics and significant impact these firms wield in the realm of accounting and auditing. This profound understanding stems from my extensive involvement in this sector, continuously analyzing market trends, financial reports, and industry publications to stay informed and knowledgeable.

Big Four: employee numbers 2023 | Statista (2024)
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