Best Option Trading Strategies - Every Trader Should Know (2024)

Trading Options, when done correctly, are among the most efficient ways to accumulate wealth over the long term. The terms Option Strategies or Option Trading Strategies might be unfamiliar to you if you are a beginner in the stock market or the investing game, but don't worry—we've got you covered!

An Option is a contract that enables an investor to buy or sell an underlying instrument, such as a stock or even an index, at a set price, over a specified period, in exchange for a premium paid by the buyer to the seller.

In this blog, we will discuss some of the best Option Trading Strategies that we think every investor or trader should at least be aware of.

Best Option Trading Strategies That Every Trader Should Know –

Here is a list of some of the best Option Trading Strategies one may give a try. Whether you decide to use these strategies or not depends on your trading style, but at least if you have an understanding of how they work, you will be more adaptable to changing market conditions.

  • Bullish Option Trading Strategies

Let us first have a look at the Bullish Option Trading Strategies here-

1) Bull Call Spread

Bull Call Spread is an Option Trading Strategy that falls under the Debt Spreads category. If you're bullish on a stock or ETF while not wanting to risk buying shares outright, consider purchasing a call option for a lower-risk bullish trade.

However, even Call Options can be costly and may expose you to more risk than you are accustomed to. You may be wondering, "Is there another way?" The answer is Yes! You could purchase a Bull Call Spread to reduce your preliminary cost and risk.

Primarily, in the Bull Call Spread option, you will still be able to buy that long call option expressing your bullish views, but you can compensate for some of that cost by selling a short call option in the face of it, hence lowering your risk.

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

2) Bull Put Spread

When an options trader believes that the price of the underlying asset will increase moderately shortly, they will use the Bull Put Spread Option Trading Strategy. Typically, this option falls under the Credit Spreads category. Although it is not the most complicated Option Trading Strategy, buying and selling puts and calls are more tangled than that.

Therefore, to put it simply, this spread entails selling a put option and purchasing a put option with a lower strike. Theta decay would benefit you in this situation since the Short-Put Option will start losing value faster than your Long-Put Option position.

In this case, it would be better to execute a Bull Put Position since such a position gains value quickly every day due to theta decay. This strategy is considered a great option buying strategy.

3) Bull Call Ratio Backspread

A trader needs to be very bullish on the stock to make this trade. Being only marginally bullish won't work for this trade. The biggest loss in a Bull Call Ratio Backspread happens in the direction the trader hopes the trade will move, which is one of the odd things about this strategy.

A bullish strategy that might be used instead of just purchasing call options is the Bull Call Ratio Backspread. The Call Ratio Backspread consists of two parts: selling one or more at-the-money or out-of-the-money calls and purchasing two or three calls that are longer in the money than the call that was sold. This strategy is also considered the best option selling strategy.

4) Synthetic Call

An investor purchases and holds shares to start a Synthetic Call, also known as a Synthetic Long Call. To hedge against a decline in the stock's price, the investor also buys an at-the-money put option on the same stock.

Numerous investors believe that this strategy can be compared to an insurance policy against the stock falling sharply while they are holding the shares.

  • Bearish Option Trading Strategies

Following are the Bearish Option Trading Strategies-

5) Bear Call Spread

When one's outlook on the market is largely bearish, one might use a double options trading strategy called a Bear Call Spread.

With this method, a trader sells a shorter-term call option while simultaneously buying a longer-term call option with the same underlying commodity and time frame of the expiration date but a higher strike price. By receiving a higher option premium on the call sold than the cost of the call purchased, one achieves a net profit.

6) Bear Put Spread

A trader or investor will use a Bear Put Spread when they predict that the price of a security or asset will slightly decline. Purchasing Put Options and selling the same number of puts on the very same asset with the very same expiration date at a relatively low target price results in a Bear Put Spread.

The distinction between these two strike prices, less the total cost of the options, represents the maximum profit a trader can make using this strategy.

7) Strip

When an investor is bullish on volatility and bearish on the direction of the market, they must employ the Strip Strategy. Buying two lots of "At-the-Money Put Options" and "At-the-Money Call Options" are both parts of this strategy. The same underlying security and expiration month are required for both options. The common Long Straddle is similar to a bearish version of the Strip.

With the Strip Strategy, significant gains are possible when the underlying makes a significant move at expiration, moving more favourably in the direction of loss.

8) Synthetic Put

An investor who sells stock short and purchases a call is using a strategy that is risk-equivalent to buying a Put option.

It is an Option Strategy that mimics a Long-Put Option by holding both a Short Stock position and a Long Call Option on the same stock. In a nutshell, it's a tactic that investors can employ if they have a bearish bet on a stock but are concerned about that stock's potential for near-term strength.

  • Neutral Option Trading Strategies

Now, let us have a look at the Neutral Option Trading Strategies here-

9) Long Straddles & Short Straddles

Straddle is considered one of the best Option Trading Strategies for Indian Market. A Long Straddle is possibly one of the easiest market-neutral trading strategies to execute. The direction of the market's movement after it has been applied has no bearing on profit and loss. The market's movement can go either way, but that which never changes is its direction.

And regardless of the trend, as long as it moves, a profit and loss are produced. In a Long Straddle Options Strategy, a trader essentially purchases a long call and a long put.

A Short Call and a Short put are purchased with the same underlying asset, expiration date, and strike price as part of the Short Straddle Options Strategy. Since it is applied during the times when the market is least volatile, this strategy seems to be the complete antithesis of a Long Straddle Strategy.

10)Long Strangles & Short Straddles

The Long Strangle (also known as the Buy Strangle or Option Strangle) is a neutral strategy in which slightly OTM Put Options and slightly OTM Call Options with the same underlying asset and expiry date are purchased simultaneously.

This Long Strangle Strategy might be utilized when the trader anticipates high volatility in the underlying stock shortly. It's a method with low risk and high payoff potential. When the underlying moves significantly higher or downwards at expiration, the maximum loss is the net premium paid, whereas the maximum profit is when the underlying moves significantly upwards or downwards.

The Short Strangle is a variation of the Short Straddle. It aims to increase the profitability of the trade for the option seller. The breakeven points are widened to achieve this. This necessitates significantly more change in the underlying stock/index. In exchange, the Call and Put option may be worthwhile to use. This method entails selling two options at the same time.

  • Intraday Option Trading Strategies

Here are the Intraday Option Trading Strategies-

11) Momentum Strategy

As the name suggests, the basis of this Intraday Option Trading Strategy is to make the most of the momentum in the market. This involves tracking the right stocks before a significant change in the market trend materializes.

Based on this change, traders buy or sell securities. The choice of stock depends on the latest news, the announcement of takeovers, quarterly earnings, and more.

Thus, intraday traders need to study such news regarding stocks that are on their watchlist and place buying or selling orders accordingly.

Since share prices fluctuate owing to various external factors, intraday traders must make quick decisions to earn returns. The duration for which individuals hold the shares depends on the momentum of the market. Additionally, this strategy is the best option strategy for intraday.

12) Breakout Strategy

When it comes to buying and selling securities on the same day, timing is undoubtedly one of the most crucial factors. This intraday trading strategy involves finding the stocks which have broken out of the territory in which they usually trade.

Alternatively, a trader can identify stocks that are about to trade in a new price range. In other words, traders have to spot threshold points at which share prices increase or decrease. If the stock prices rise above the threshold point, intraday traders consider entering long positions and buying shares.

That said, stock prices plunge below the threshold point, which is an indication for individuals to consider short positions or sell shares.

13) Reversal Strategy

This trading strategy is associated with high risk. It involves making investment decisions against the market trend, based on analysis as well as calculations.

In comparison to other methods, this intraday trading strategy is more difficult. This is because intraday traders need to have extensive knowledge of the market. Furthermore, pinpointing the pullbacks and strengths accurately can also be quite challenging.

14) Scalping Strategy

The scalping trading strategy involves making financial gains from small price changes. This method is commonly used by intraday traders when buying and selling commodities. In addition, usually, individuals engaging in high-frequency trading utilize this technique.

Individuals must keep in mind that the fundamental or technical setup in its entirety does not have much relevance in this case. That said, price action has a greater significance in the case of a scalping strategy.

When picking stocks, individuals opting for this intraday trading strategy must ensure that they choose shares that are liquid as well as volatile. Furthermore, they must make sure to put in a stop loss for all orders.

15) Moving Average Crossover Strategy

Another successful intraday trading strategy in India is the moving average crossover strategy. When the prices of stocks or any other financial instrument move above/below the moving average, it serves as an indication that there is a change in momentum.

When share prices rise over the moving average, it is called an uptrend. Whereas when stock prices are lower than the moving average, it is referred to as a downtrend. In the case of an uptrend, experts recommend entering long positions or buying stocks. That said, when there's a downtrend, traders enter short positions or sell their shares.

16) Gap and Go Strategy

The gap and go strategy involves finding stocks not having any pre-market volume. The opening price of these stocks represents a gap from yesterday's closing price. When the price of a stock opens higher in comparison to the closing price of the previous day, it is known as a gap up.

However, if the opposite happens, it is known as a gap down. Intraday traders opting for this strategy identify such stocks and buy them believing that the gap will close before the closing bell.


We have discussed the most significant Option Trading Strategies in this blog. We hope this blog will aid in your understanding of concepts. In conclusion, traders can use several fundamental strategies that have low risk in place of the high risk that is typically associated with options.

So even traders who are afraid of taking risks can increase their overall returns by using options. However, it's crucial to comprehend the risks associated with any investment so that you can decide whether the potential gain justifies them.

Disclaimer: This blog is solely for educational purposes. The securities/investments quoted here are not recommendatory.

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Research Analyst - Bavadharini KS

Best Option Trading Strategies - Every Trader Should Know (2024)


What is the most effective strategy for options trading? ›

Straddle is considered one of the best Option Trading Strategies for Indian Market. A Long Straddle is possibly one of the easiest market-neutral trading strategies to execute. The direction of the market's movement after it has been applied has no bearing on profit and loss.

What every trader should know get pro trader tips? ›

Classic rules from pro traders can help keep a sharp focus on profitability.
  • The Road to Long-Term Profitability.
  • Stick to Your Discipline.
  • Lose the Crowd.
  • Engage Your Trading Plan.
  • Don't Cut Corners.
  • Avoid the Obvious.
  • Don't Break Your Rules.
  • Avoid Market Gurus.
Apr 13, 2022

Which option strategy has the highest probability of success? ›

The most successful options strategy is to sell out-of-the-money put and call options. This options strategy has a high probability of profit - you can also use credit spreads to reduce risk.

What is the secret of option trading? ›

To become successful, options traders must practice discipline. Doing extensive research, identifying opportunities, setting up the right trade, forming and sticking to a strategy, setting up goals, and forming an exit strategy are all part of the discipline.

What is the least riskiest option strategy? ›

Two of the safest options strategies are selling covered calls and selling cash-covered puts.

What is the easiest option strategy? ›

Buying Calls Or “Long Call”

Buying calls is a great options trading strategy for beginners and investors who are confident in the prices of a particular stock, ETF, or index. Buying calls allows investors to take advantage of rising stock prices, as long as they sell before the options expire.

What is the 5 3 1 rule in trading? ›

The numbers five, three and one stand for: Five currency pairs to learn and trade. Three strategies to become an expert on and use with your trades. One time to trade, the same time every day.

What are the golden rules for trader? ›

  • Rule 1: Always Use a Trading Plan.
  • Rule 2: Treat Trading Like a Business.
  • Rule 3: Use Technology to Your Advantage.
  • Rule 4: Protect Your Trading Capital.
  • Rule 5: Become a Student of the Markets.
  • Rule 6: Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose.
  • Rule 7: Develop a Methodology Based on Facts.
  • Rule 8: Always Use a Stop Loss.

What is the most consistently profitable option strategy? ›

One strategy that is quite popular among experienced options traders is known as the butterfly spread. This strategy allows a trader to enter into a trade with a high probability of profit, high-profit potential, and limited risk.

Which option strategy has unlimited profit potential? ›

Neutral Options Strategies

In this strategy, the profit potential is unlimited while the loss potential is limited. The short straddle comprises selling At-The-Money call and put options with the same underlying asset, strike price and expiration date.

How do you avoid loss in option trading? ›

So, when you buy and sell options simultaneously, the time value that you lose in the bought option position will be offset by the gain in time value in the short option position. In this way, your losses can be minimized.

Why do I fail option trading? ›

Trading Options without Knowledge: The main mistake that every trader will make while trading options is the lack of proper knowledge. There are several basic option terms like the Call, Put, Margin, and Premium strategies that an option trader should know before simply trying to trade the options.

Can you be rich trading options? ›

But, can you get rich trading options? The answer, unequivocally, is yes, you can get rich trading options.

Why do most options traders lose money? ›

Traders lose money because they try to hold the option too close to expiry. Normally, you will find that the loss of time value becomes very rapid when the date of expiry is approaching. Hence if you are getting a good price, it is better to exit at a profit when there is still time value left in the option.

What is the most complex option strategy? ›

There are a number of volatile options trading strategies that options traders can use, and the reverse iron albatross spread is one of the most complicated. It's structured in a way that it can profit from a substantial movement in the price of an underlying security, regardless of which direction that movement is in.

What is the most bullish option strategy? ›

Buying a call option is considered to be the most bullish options strategy. This strategy gives the buyer of the call option the right but not the obligation to buy a security at a specific price at a specific time.

What is a butterfly trade? ›

(1.25) A long butterfly spread with calls is a three-part strategy that is created by buying one call at a lower strike price, selling two calls with a higher strike price and buying one call with an even higher strike price.

Which time frame is best for option trading? ›

Ans: The appropriate time frame for options trading depends on your purpose and research of the trade. However, a range of 30-90 days can be a good time frame for most trades.

What is the most conservative options strategy? ›

Writing (selling) covered calls is the most conservative of options strategies. Recall that when an investor sells a call, they are obligated to deliver the stock at the strike price until the contract expires. If the investor owns the underlying stock, then they are "covered" and can deliver if exercised.

What is a 4 option strategy? ›

4. All options have the same expiration date and are on the same underlying asset. Typically, the put and call sides have the same spread width. This trading strategy earns a net premium on the structure and is designed to take advantage of a stock experiencing low volatility.

What is the 80% rule in trading? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is the 50% rule in trading? ›

The fifty percent principle is a rule of thumb that anticipates the size of a technical correction. The fifty percent principle states that when a stock or other asset begins to fall after a period of rapid gains, it will lose at least 50% of its most recent gains before the price begins advancing again.

What is the 90 rule in trading? ›

He developed the 50-50-90 Rule: “Anytime you have a 50–50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90 percent probability you'll get it wrong.” We should keep this rule in mind whenever we read or listen to someone predicting the direction the financial markets will head.

What is the 3 trade rule? ›

You're generally limited to no more than three day trades in a five-trading-day period, unless you have at least $25,000 of equity in your account at the end of the previous day.

What is the 1234 pattern trading? ›

1-2-3 Chart Pattern Criteria

Low point (point A on the chart) Higher high point (point B on the chart) Retracement from point B, but not lower than point A (point C on the chart) Reversal from point C past the point B level (B line on the chart) – this would be the buy signal for a long trade.

What is Rule #1 options trading? ›

Another main difference is that options trades are not held for the long-term - AND you know as Rule #1 investors that when we buy stocks we are planning on holding on to them for a long time. Options are not a risky thing by default. It depends on the overall market and how you're using them.

What is the rule of 16 in trading? ›

According to the rule of 16, if the VIX is trading at 16, then the SPX is estimated to see average daily moves up or down of 1% (because 16/16 = 1). If the VIX is at 24, the daily moves might be around 1.5%, and at 32, the rule of 16 says the SPX might see 2% daily moves.

What is the 25000 rule for day trading? ›

If a pattern day trader account holds less than the $25,000 minimum at the close of a business day, the trader will be limited on the following day to making liquidating trades only.

What percentage of option traders make money? ›

However, the odds of the options trade being profitable are very much in your favor, at 75%. So would you risk $500, knowing that you have a 75% chance of losing your investment and a 25% chance of making a profit?

Who is the best option trader in the world? ›

  • Jesse Livermore.
  • William Delbert Gann.
  • George Soros.
  • Jim Rogers.
  • Richard Dennis.
  • Paul Tudor Jones.
  • John Paulson.
  • Steven Cohen.

Which trading strategy will lead to profit 100 percent of the time? ›

A trader only thrives when a short straddle is in a market with little or no volatility. The opportunity to profit will be based 100% on the market's lack of ability to move up or down.

What is the best stop-loss for options? ›

The best trailing stop-loss percentage to use is either 15% or 20% If you use a pure momentum strategy a stop loss strategy can help you to completely avoid market crashes, and even earn you a small profit while the market loses 50%

How far out should I buy options? ›

In general, 30-90 days is the “sweet spot” for most options trading strategies. If you're correct and the price of the underlying goes exactly where you expected, you're rewarded with quick profits. If the position doesn't work, you don't have to wait until expiration.

Why do most traders never succeed? ›

It could be discipline issues, psychological factors hurting your trading, or simply having no edge in the markets. Without a trading plan, you will never know what is the cause. But when you have a trading plan you follow religiously, there will only be 2 outcomes. Whether it made you money or cost you money.

Why 90 percent of traders fail? ›

The next reason why more than 90% of all traders lose money in trading is that they endlessly change their strategies. This is common among new traders who are still learning about the industry. A good example is a trader who starts using technical indicators like moving averages and Relative Strength Index (RSI).

Is Option Trading is very difficult? ›

It's a pervasive myth about options that they are complicated and risky. The reality, however, is that options are nothing more than a vehicle to gain exposure to stocks in different ways.

Does Warren Buffett use options? ›

Buffett doesn't use them very often but when he does, the results have been more than satisfactory. The strategy Buffett uses is shorting put options. As a general note, a put option gives the buyer the option to sell the underlying stock at a certain price on a certain date.

How much does the average options trader make? ›

Options Traders in America make an average salary of $110,139 per year or $53 per hour. The top 10 percent makes over $185,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $65,000 per year.

How long does it take to learn options-trading? ›

Options are arguably the most complex, yet the most important topic you would learn. And because the topics are complex, it takes a good 2 months to understand them.

What is the riskiest option trade? ›

Selling naked calls is the riskiest strategy of all. In exchange for limited potential gain, you assume unlimited potential losses.

Which is the best option strategy? ›

Straddle is considered one of the best Option Trading Strategies for Indian Market. A Long Straddle is possibly one of the easiest market-neutral trading strategies to execute. The direction of the market's movement after it has been applied has no bearing on profit and loss.

What is the best way to learn options trading? ›

10 Best Online Options Trading Courses
  1. Bullish Bears. Options Trading Course.
  2. Udemy. The Complete Foundation Stock Trading Course.
  3. Udemy. Options Trading for Rookies (Part 1-3): Understand Options Completely.
  4. Udemy. Options Trading for Beginners.
  5. Investopedia Academy. Trading for Beginners.
  6. Coursera. ...
  7. Simpler Trading. ...
  8. Skillshare.
Jan 11, 2023

What is the safest options trading strategy? ›

The covered call strategy is one of the safest options strategies that you can execute. In theory, this strategy requires an investor to purchase actual shares of a company (at least 100 shares) while concurrently selling a call option.

What is the safest option strategy? ›

Is there a safe options strategy? Covered calls are the safest options strategy. These allow you to sell a call and buy the underlying stock to reduce risks.

Which is best indicator for option trading? ›

RSI is the best indicator for option trading and best suited for individual stocks to predict the stock level frequently.

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

How do you trade options and never lose? ›

To avoid losing money when trading options or stocks, consider these suggestions:
  1. Sell options quickly. Unlike investors, who can buy and hold indefinitely, options expire on a certain day and time. ...
  2. Don't be a stubborn seller. ...
  3. Don't sell options on stocks you don't own. ...
  4. Cut your losses quickly. ...
  5. Sell at the extremes.
Mar 5, 2021

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