Audiologist warns that a balloon pop can be louder than a gun | CBC Radio (2024)

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University of Alberta audiologists aren't trying to ruinyour parties. They aretrying to make parties safer for your ears.

The sound made by popping balloons, they found, can be louder than a shotgun. And, as you can imagine, that can cause problems.

Bill Hodgetts is one of the study's co-authors. He spoke with As it Happens guest host Helen Mann from Edmonton. Here is part oftheir conversation.

[A]ny loud impulse noise that we might think is really transientis something thatcan actually do some prettyserious damage to our ears.-Bill Hodgetts, associate professor at the University of Alberta and co-author of a study examining the effect of balloon popping on long-term hearing.

Audiologist warns that a balloon pop can be louder than a gun | CBC Radio (1)

Helen Mann: Professor Hodgetts, what have you got against balloons?

Bill Hodgetts: I have absolutely nothing against balloons. In fact, the whole paper was designed out of curiosity. We do have kids, and we were interested in whether or not these things were as loud as we thought they were. But we were really moreinterested in raising the conversationup about the potential hazards of a really short noise over our long-term hearing health — balloons, firecrackers, guns, any loud impulse noise that we might think is really transient and doesn't need to be worried about is something thatcan actually do some prettyserious damage to our ears.

HM: Most of us have been surrounded by balloons at parties since we were little kids. So when did you get this idea that maybe you should investigate how loud the popping sound can be?

Audiologist warns that a balloon pop can be louder than a gun | CBC Radio (2)

Study co-author Dylan Scott blows up a balloon until it pops, emitting a sound louder than a 12-gauge shotgun

6 years ago

Duration 0:19

Study co-author Dylan Scott blows up a balloon until it pops, emitting a sound louder than a 12-gauge shotgun

BH: We have lots of birthday parties in our lives these days, my co-author and I, with four kids amongst us. Kids just love balloons. I'm not trying to take that fun and joy away from children. Just popping them is something we ought to be a little bit cautious about, because the amount of damage that can occur at that kind of an impulse might not seem obvious, and it might not happen for a very long time, but it's a little bit like getting a really bad sunburn. You'll heal up and things will be OK, but you might have done some longer term damage.

HM: So how do you go about measuring the volume of balloon pops?

It's about 4 decibels higher than a 12-gauge shotgun. I think no parent would let their child shoot a shotgun without hearing protection.- Bill Hodgetts

BH: We started with a mannequin that we use oftenin audiology research. And we found that the microphone wasn't capable of detecting how loud the impulse was. We had to get a different microphone that was more sensitive to these loud sounds. And then we blew them up 'til they ruptured— that was the loudest of course, the explosion was the most intense. Then we crushed them to simulate sitting on a balloon, or having one crushed in your ear. And then we also pin-popped them. And the pin-pop and crush were a little bit lower, because you have a different breaking point. So where the pin goes in, the balloon just peels back and there's less of a shock wave, whereas the ones you blow up to the full exhaustion, it's just a ripple of sound that's quite intense.

HM: So what was the highest decibel level that you measured?

Audiologist warns that a balloon pop can be louder than a gun | CBC Radio (3)

Dylan Scott blows up a balloon to the point of rupture

6 years ago

Duration 0:14

Dylan Scott blows up a balloon to the point of rupture

BH: The average that we got for the 'right-to-exhaustion' next to the microphone was 168 decibels. It's about 4 decibels higher than a 12-gauge shotgun, measured in a different study. And I think no parent would let their child shoot a shotgun without hearing protection. I would hope they wouldn't let their child shoot a shotgun at a party anyway, but that's the same kind of level we're talking about. People wear safety glasses when they're using a table saw 'cause they're worried about getting something in their eye. But their ears don't bleed. And suddenly you go into the later part of your life and you've got ringing in your ears, and conversations are hard to hear, especially in background noise. And no hearing aid yet on the market can replace what your inner ear was capable of. And it never grows back.

HM: Are you able to estimate the number of balloon pops an ear could endure before it would suffer from damage?

If they accidentally go off, they accidentally go off. But doing it intentionally— they're pretty loud, and we shouldn't really be doing that.-Bill Hodgetts

BH: Yeah, that's in the paper. It's tricky to do that because you can't just blow up a whole bunch of balloons in your kids' ears to know what the actual number is. But we got somewhere in the region of that 168 DB that you wouldn't really want it near a kid's ear, and maybe only one or two exposures to an adult before you'd reach your maximum dose for a day.

HM: What do your daughters think about balloons now?

BH: They actually still like them. We use them for science experiments. The older girl's sort of like the balloon police now, and she educates all her friends. And actually, it's not banned in our houses. If they accidentally go off, they accidentally go off. But doing it intentionally— I think that's the message we'd like to get out there: they're pretty loud, and we shouldn't really be doing that.

This interview transcript has been edited for length and clarity. For more on this story, listen to the full interview with Bill Hodgetts.

Audiologist warns that a balloon pop can be louder than a gun | CBC Radio (2024)


Is a gunshot louder than a balloon? ›

Dylan Scott blows up a balloon to the point of rupture

BH: The average that we got for the 'right-to-exhaustion' next to the microphone was 168 decibels. It's about 4 decibels higher than a 12-gauge shotgun, measured in a different study.

Does a gunshot sound like a balloon popping? ›

The tone of a gunshot ranges from high-pitched pistols, which sound like a popping balloon, to larger caliber rifles that sound more like a bomb or cannon.

What decibel level does a balloon pop? ›

Researchers found a balloon inflated to rupture peaks at 168 decibels (dB). That's louder than a 12 gauge shotgun which hits 165 dB and louder than thunder at 120 dB. It's also louder than a firecracker which peaks at 140 dB, according to the Center for Hearing, Speech and Language.

What makes a balloon pop louder? ›

The air in a balloon is at a higher pressure than its surroundings because the elastic tension of the balloon skin is pulling inwards. ... The high-pressure air that was inside the balloon is now free to expand and this creates a pressure wave that our ears hear as a bang. Q.

Can popping a balloon damage hearing? ›

To be more specific, while balloons themselves can in no way affect hearing, the volume from a popped balloon potentially could. Any exposure to sound that reaches above 85 decibels (dB) has the potential to damage your ears and lead to hearing loss. The louder the sound, the less time it takes for damage to occur.

Does the size of a balloon affect how loud it pops? ›

Depending on the size and initial pressure in the balloon, the oscillation between compression and expansion takes different times. That's why popping different balloons produces different pitches." (1) Marder et al (2) suggest that the noise is an artifact of the balloon latex ripping faster than the speed of sound.

How loud is a gun? ›

Firearms Are Loud

Almost all firearms create noise that is over the 140-dB level. A small . 22-caliber rifle can produce noise around 140 dB, while big-bore rifles and pistols can produce sound over 175 dB.

Do fireworks and gunshots sound the same? ›

"Gunshots are very crisp and they have a certain timing or cadence to them." "Fireworks are very loud, just like gunfire, but they are very sporadic. There is a lot of crackling, sometimes they echo and sometimes there is a whistle before the fireworks.

Why does balloon burst with a sound when it is pricked with a needle? ›

The molecules in a balloon are under higher pressure and their concentration is higher (packed more closely together) hence the diffusion from inside to outside takes place, but by the very nature of diffusion outside to inside takes place very fast, when pricked with a pin making the balloon to deflate.

How loud is 100000000 decibels? ›

Sound Levels
SoundSound Level (in dB)Sound Intensity (in pW/m2)
Noise inside car7010,000,000
Vacuum cleaner80100,000,000
Leaf blower901,000,000,000
10 more rows

How many decibels is the loudest thing? ›

10 of the loudest sounds
  • 230 dB: Sperm whale.
  • 180 dB: Rocket launch.
  • 130dB: A plane taking off 100m away.
  • 120 dB: Fireworks.
  • 110 dB: Live music gig.
  • 100 dB: Night club.
  • 97 dB: Fire alarm.
  • 94 dB: Lawnmower.
Dec 15, 2021

How do you make Pops louder? ›

“Pops and bangs” are created by unburned fuel in the exhaust system. When excess fuel enters the exhaust system it increases in temperature and ignites inside the exhaust instead of the combustion chamber. The noise can be exaggerated by fitting a decat or full decat exhaust system.

Do balloons pop in low pressure? ›

The lower the pressure in the environment, the more the balloon will expand. Once the difference becomes too big, the balloon will pop. Studies for helium filled latex balloons have shown that this happens at an altitude of about 28,000 to 30,000 feet.

Do helium balloons pop louder? ›

He noticed that the helium balloons seemed to pop with a louder sound than the air-filled balloons. This led to a series of experiments to see if this was true. In general, for round balloons, he found that air was louder. How- ever, for long balloons, helium was louder.

Can popping your ears damage your eardrum? ›

The pressure you're blowing against forces your Eustachian tubes open a little which drains pressure and fluid stuck in your ear. It's a common misconception that this method is dangerous. As long as you don't force too much pressure or sneeze like this, you won't have risks of bursting your eardrum.

What sound can damage your ear? ›

Noise above 70 dB over a prolonged period of time may start to damage your hearing. Loud noise above 120 dB can cause immediate harm to your ears.

Can loud noises really damage your hearing? ›

Loud noise can damage cells and membranes in the cochlea. Listening to loud noise for a long time can overwork hair cells in the ear, which can cause these cells to die. The hearing loss progresses as long as the exposure continues. Harmful effects might continue even after noise exposure has stopped.

What happens when there is too much pressure in a balloon? ›

If the balloon is fully inflated on the ground, the gas will either need to be vented out (zero-pressure balloons) and wasted as it expands. In the case of super-pressure balloons (closed system), the excess gas would exert excessive pressure on the skin and ultimately can cause it to rupture.

How much volume can a balloon hold? ›

Helium has a lifting force of about one gram per litre. An average sized balloon is 28cm and therefore holds approximately 15 litres of helium.

What happens to a balloon with too much air pressure? ›

As you add more gas, the pressure inside the balloon increases, and in response, the balloon expands... up to a point, that is! If you put in too much helium, and the pressure inside the balloon exceeds the atmospheric pressure on the outside of the balloon, the balloon will burst.

How loud can a human yell? ›

A whisper is between 20-30 dB. On the other hand, a human scream can reach decibel levels between 80 and 125 dB.

What is the most quiet gun? ›

De Lisle carbine - Wikipedia.

How loud are military guns? ›

In a similar fashion, warfighters are exposed to impulsive noise from weapons systems such as handguns, rifles, rockets, and howitzers. These range in intensity from 157 dBP (peak unweighted decibels) for a 5.56mm M16 rifle to 183 dBP for a 105mm towed howitzer.

Can gunshots sound like knocking? ›

A handgun shot can be heard about a mile away. At that distance, though, it might sound “almost like somebody tapping on a table,” Beisner says.

What noise drowns out fireworks? ›

White noise is one of the most effective ways to diffuse the sound of fireworks while you're sleeping.

What other noises sound like gunshots? ›

For the average ear, fireworks and gunshots can sound very similar. But Creighton says there are a few simple ways to distinguish the two and save law enforcement some time. “So the biggest way to tell the difference is going to be how you're hearing the sound,” Creighton says.

What does a rubbed inflated balloon when brought near your arm but not touching it causes the hairs on your arm to raise? ›

This tendency is why we have static electricity. When two objects – such as your hair and the balloon – rub together, one loses some of its electrons to the other. This makes one object positively charged and the other object negatively charged. The opposites then are attracted to each other.

Why does a balloon stick to your skin? ›

When you touch another person or an object, you can suddenly discharge the static as an electrical shock. Similarly, when you rub a balloon on your head it causes opposite static charges to build up both on your hair and the balloon.

What balloons pop the loudest? ›

TFE was loudest for all cases except less-inflated cylindrical balloons, for which all gases were about the same loudness. Air was usually 2nd loudest but relatively close to He. Long-skinny He balloons were quietest. All cylindrical balloons had relatively small loudness differences between gases.

Is there a balloon that won't pop? ›

Foil balloons will also expand or shrink, depending on temperatures rising or falling. But due to their sturdier material, they won't pop as easily as latex balloons.

Can a human survive 200 decibels? ›

Sounds above 150 dB have the potential of causing life-threatening issues. Sounds between 170-200 dB are so intense that they can cause lethal issues like pulmonary embolisms, pulmonary contusions, or even burst lungs.

What is the highest decibel a human can scream? ›

Human screams can be quite loud, possibly exceeding 100 dB (as of March 2019, the world record is 129 dB!) —but you probably want to avoid that because screams that loud can hurt your ears!

Can 1000 decibels destroy the universe? ›

It may be possible to destroy everything with a loud enough sound. NASA estimates the mass energy of the universe at 4x1069 joules. But that number that is considerably smaller than the energy created by 1,100 decibels of sound.

What is loudest thing on earth? ›

The Loudest Sound, Naturally

The loudest sound in recorded history came from the volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island Krakatoa at 10.02 a.m. on August 27, 1883.

How loud is a black hole? ›

For the first time in history, earthlings can hear what a black hole sounds like: a low-pitched groaning, as if a very creaky heavy door was being opened again and again.

What's the loudest place on earth? ›

The Krakatoa volcanic eruption: Not only did it cause serious damage to the island, the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 created the loudest sound ever reported at 180 dB. It was so loud it was heard 3,000 miles (5,000 km) away.

Why do BMW's pop so much? ›

I mean technically, the "pops" is really indicative of poor tuning: extra, unburnt fuel makes it past the combustion chamber to the exhaust system and then "pops" due to the heat in the exhaust system, sometimes even resulting in flames out of the back of the exhaust.

Why do balloons pop so loudly? ›

The pop is a pressure wave of air rushing out. Inside a balloon they're all packed together and the skin is pulled tight. If you pop it, all the air whooshes out, making a pressure wave of fast-moving air our ears hear as a bang.

At what pressure does a balloon pop? ›

One experiment shows that the balloon reaches a relatively constant pressure of 810 mmHg until it gets close to its maximum elasticity point and then increases to 820, 830 and finally 840 mmHg when it pops.

Does the volume of a balloon increase? ›

According to Charles's law, the temperature of a gas is directly related to its volume. Thus the volume of the balloon increases, decreasing the density. Hot air rises inside the balloon, and this lifts the balloon.

Can you inhale too much helium from a balloon? ›

Is helium really that dangerous? It can be. Breathing in pure helium deprives the body of oxygen, as if you were holding your breath. If you couldn't breathe at all, you'd start to die in minutes—as soon as your body exhausted the supply of oxygen stored in the blood.

What is the loudness of a gunshot? ›

A small . 22-caliber rifle can produce noise around 140 dB, while big-bore rifles and pistols can produce sound over 175 dB. Firing guns in a place where sounds can reverberate, or bounce off walls and other structures, can make noises louder and increase the risk of hearing loss.

Are guns louder than fireworks? ›

"Gunshots are very crisp and they have a certain timing or cadence to them." "Fireworks are very loud, just like gunfire, but they are very sporadic. There is a lot of crackling, sometimes they echo and sometimes there is a whistle before the fireworks. You can see that it sounds kind of similar.

Is a shotgun louder than a firework? ›

Creighton also adding that even from far away, a gunshot should still be much louder than any firecracker ignition.

Is A Shotgun louder than a Jet? ›

For the most part, between 145 and 170 dB. That's right, even the quietest firearm is louder than a jet engine. That might seem impossible, but keep in mind that jet engines produce a constant noise, whereas guns fire in a split second, which makes them seem quieter than they are.

What makes a gun shot so loud? ›

A muzzle blast sound occurs because of the rapidly expanding propellant gasses that actually cause the bullet to accelerate; the gas expands extremely quickly, and the resulting pressure wave from that explosive expansion creates a whole lot of noise.

Is a gunshot a sonic boom? ›

It's basically a supersonic boom, as the shock wave forms a cone behind the speeding bullet. You don't always hear it either, if you happen to be standing at more than a 90 degree angle to the line of fire.

What are the loudest legal fireworks? ›

The Wolf Pack® firecrackers are the loudest available by law.

How loud is a big bullet? ›

Here is how loud a gunshot is in decibels on average:

Shotgun gunshot: 155 dB. Rifle gunshot: 158 dB. Pistol gunshot: 158 dB.

Are guns faster than sound? ›

Modern rifles are able to import a velocity of about 900m/s to a bullet which is about three times more than the speed of sound in air (340m/s). Even if we take into account the air friction which retards the bullet, it still travels faster than sound.

What is the loudest single shot firework? ›

What are the loudest fireworks? The loudest type of firework available to the public to buy is a mine. Mine fireworks, sometimes also called dump cakes, release one single shot or multiple shots all at once from ground level.

Do gunshots cause a flash? ›

A gunshot is a single discharge of a gun, typically a man-portable firearm, producing a visible flash, a powerful and loud shockwave and often chemical gunshot residue.

Do guns work in space? ›

Fires can't burn in the oxygen-free vacuum of space, but guns can shoot. Modern ammunition contains its own oxidizer, a chemical that will trigger the explosion of gunpowder, and thus the firing of a bullet, wherever you are in the universe. No atmospheric oxygen required.

How loud is TNT? ›

A 1-Ton TNT Bomb: An explosion from this bomb would measure 210 dB. 2. A 5.0 Richter Earth Quake: A strong earthquake such as this reaches a decibel level of 235.

Do bullets fly faster than sound? ›

When bullets fly through the air, they do so at amazing speeds. The fastest bullets travel more than 2,600 feet per second. That's equivalent to over 1,800 miles per hour. To put that in perspective, it's amazing to realize that bullets travel over twice the speed of sound!

What is the loudest sound ever recorded? ›

The loudest sound in recorded history came from the volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island Krakatoa at 10.02 a.m. on August 27, 1883. The explosion caused two thirds of the island to collapse and formed tsunami waves as high as 46 m (151 ft) rocking ships as far away as South Africa.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.