All You Need To Know About Gifting Property And Gift Deed Rules (2024)

Shaveta Dua October 28 2022

All You Need To Know About Gifting Property And Gift Deed Rules (1)


Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act defines 'gift' as the transfer of certain existing moveable and immoveable property made voluntarily, without any consideration, by a donor to a donee. There, however, are certain essentials of a gift – the gift, for example, must be tangible, and its ownership should be transferred by the donor and accepted by the donee.

Which property can be gifted?

You cannot gift everything that you own. If you are a Hindu, you may dispose of your self-acquired property. Similarly, if you are a coparcener, you may give away your coparcenary interest in a property, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions. A widow might in certain cases gift a small portion of the property inherited by her from her husband, but she cannot do so by will.

How is a gift different from a sale deed?

In sale deed, you give away your property in return for money. The deed is registered stating how much you have been paid for the property sold. But if it is gift, then it is a relinquishment of your assets without any monetary consideration. The government does not accept gifting between two non-relatives; it earns revenue through stamp duty on real estate transactions.

Can a gift be revoked?

A gift, once completed, is binding on the donor. It cannot be revoked by him, unless the property has been taken from him by fraud or undue influence.

When can a gift be taxed?

Normally, the donor is not liable to pay any tax on the property he has given up. However, in some cases, recipients are taxed under the head 'Income from other sources' under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Gifts are not taxed if they are received from relatives on the occasion of marriage, by way of will or inheritance, or from any local authority, fund or foundation registered under Section 12AA.

A relative can be the donor's spouse, sibling, sibling of spouse, sibling of either parent, etc.

Outside of this, a property received by an individual is taxable if the stamp duty value of such a property received without consideration (land or building or both) exceeds Rs 50,000.

For the purpose of making a gift of immovable property, the transfer must be registered, signed by or on behalf of the donor, and attested by at least two witnesses. The stamp duty, calculated on the basis of the market value of the property (differing from state to state), must be paid at the time of registration.

States have different laws, however, in the matter.

In Rajasthan, for instance, no stamp duty has to be paid if a husband is gifting an immovable property to his wife. However, 2.5 per cent of the property value has to be paid as stamp duty in case the property is being transferred in the name of father, mother, son, sister, daughter-in-law, grandson or daughter as a gift.

With inputs from Sunita Mishra

Last Updated: Fri Oct 28 2022


Sale Deed




All You Need To Know About Gifting Property And Gift Deed Rules (2024)


How does gifting a property work? ›

A deed of gift, often known as a transfer by way of gift, is an exchange in which the current owner of real estate gives up all rights to it to another person for no 'valuable consideration. ' It implies that no money, assets, debt assumption, or even service exchange is involved.

Can I gift my property to a family member? ›

Yes, you can gift a property to a loved one, whether that's a partner, a child or someone else.

Can I gift my property to my son and daughter? ›

Gifting property to your children

The most common way to transfer property to your children is through gifting it. This is usually done to ensure they will not have to pay inheritance tax when you die.

Do you pay tax on gifted property? ›

A gift of property is subject to capital gains tax (CGT), which is charged on any profit arising, or treated as arising, on the gift. It is the person selling or gifting the property who would be liable to pay the CGT and not the receiver of the gift.

Is it better to gift or inherit property? ›

Capital Gains Tax Considerations

It's generally better to receive real estate as an inheritance rather than as an outright gift because of capital gains implications.

How can I avoid gift tax on my property? ›

The gift received is not taxable if the donee is a relative as defined in the income tax act, which includes a spouse, siblings, children, linear ascendants and descendants of the donee, etc.In case the shares are gifted to someone other than relatives as mentioned in the Income Tax Act, the same is tax-exempt if the ...

How long does it take to gift a property? ›

It usually takes four to six weeks to complete the legal processes involved in the transfer of title.

How does a deed of gift work? ›

A Deed of Gift is a formal legal document used to give a gift of property or money to another person. It transfers the money or ownership of property (or share in a property) to another person without payment is demanded in return.

Can I transfer my house into my children's name? ›

As a homeowner, you are permitted to give your property to your children at any time, even if you live in it. But there are a few things you should be aware of being signing over the family home.

Can parents gift all property to one child? ›

A father cannot freely give the ancestral property to one son. In Hindu law, the ancestral property can be gifted only under certain situations like distress or for pious reasons. Otherwise, the ancestral property cannot be given away to one child to the exclusion of all others.

Do I pay stamp duty if I gift my house to my children? ›

There may also be stamp duty to pay on the gift if the property is mortgaged. Ultimately, any decision on gifting your holiday home or rental property will involve carefully weighing up the potential tax charges as well as considering your future intentions as regards to the property.

Can parents take back their gifted property? ›

Under the Act, the revocation of gift deed can be done through the maintenance tribunal. Each state has a maintenance tribunal where a senior citizen can file an application to revoke the gift deed and take property back.

What is the tax basis for gifted property? ›

What is the basis of property received as a gift? To figure out the basis of property received as a gift, you must know three amounts: The donor's adjusted basis just before the donor made the gift. The fair market value (FMV) of the property at the time the donor made the gift.

How does the 7 year rule work? ›

The 7 year rule

No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for 7 years after giving them - unless the gift is part of a trust. This is known as the 7 year rule. If you die within 7 years of giving a gift and there's Inheritance Tax to pay on it, the amount of tax due after your death depends on when you gave it.

How do I show gifted property on my tax return? ›

There is no requirement to show these gifts in ITRs as it does not fall under the definition of Income chargeable to tax. However, if you get a property through a registered gift deed (wherein your PAN is quoted), you can show the value of the gift received as 'Exempted Income' in ITR.

Which is better a will or a gift deed? ›

In contrast to a gift deed, which allows a receiver to become the owner of a property during the transferor's lifetime, a Will allows possession to be of the receiver only after the demise of the person implementing the Will to transfer a property.

Can I gift my house to my daughter and still live in it? ›

Therefore, if a donor wants to gift their family home to children and continue to live in it, they would have to pay the children the full market rate rent to successfully remove the property from their estate. The recipient/s may also be subject to income tax on the rent received.

What is the double basis rule? ›

Under these so-called “double basis” or “split basis” rules, the recipient of the property uses the value on the date of the gift as the basis amount to determine a potential capital loss.

Can gift deed be challenged in court? ›

Yes. A Gift deed being an instrument for transferring the rights in the property can be challenged in India. Gift: A gift is a gratuitous transfer of property by a donor to a donee voluntarily.

Who is blood relative for gift deed? ›

If the individual person receives Gift from following persons are exempt from tax
FatherGrand Father
MotherGrand Mother
BrotherGreat Grand Father
SisterGreat Grand Mother
SonDaughter's Husband
19 more rows
20 Aug 2018

How much can a person gift you for a house? ›

In many cases, there's no limit on the dollar amount of gift money that can go into a down payment, as long as the buyer is purchasing a primary residence. However, if someone uses a down payment gift to buy a second home or investment property, they have to pay at least 5% of the down payment. The rest can be a gift.

Can a person gift his entire property? ›

Defined under Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, any immovable property can be transferred through a gift deed.

Can a property received in gift can be sold? ›

Yes , you can sell a gifted property if you have received the property via a registered gift deed transfer. Once the property is transferred in your name, you have the right to sell it.

How long does a deed of gift last? ›

Once the full seven years have passed, the beneficiary will be the sole owner and the property will no longer be regarded as part of donor's estate in terms of taxation.

What are the benefits of gift deed? ›

What Are The Advantages Of Giving A Gift Deed?
  • The transfer of asset ownership from one person to another is documented in a gift deed. ...
  • Some state legislatures may waive the stamp duty on real estate gift deeds if the donors and the donee are blood relatives.
17 Oct 2022

Is a gift of deed proof of ownership? ›

Most commonly found in the legal world, a Deed of Gift is a signed document which legally transfers ownership of real, personal, and intellectual property to someone new – whether it be an individual, charity or institution.

What are the essentials of gift deed? ›

The gift deed shall be made on a stamp paper and to be registered at a sub-register office. The charges of the stamp paper depend on the charges stipulated by the state government. The gift deed shall be registered with the signature from the donor, donee and two witnesses. The registrar will attest the gift deed.

How do I gift my house to my children? ›

Different ways of Gifting a Property
  1. Selling to the children at full market value.
  2. Selling to the children at reduced rates (under market value)
  3. Transfer of property by deed of gift.
31 Oct 2020

What are the disadvantages of putting your house in a trust? ›

The Cons. While there are many benefits to putting your home in a trust, there are also a few disadvantages. For one, establishing a trust is time-consuming and can be expensive. The person establishing the trust must file additional legal paperwork and pay corresponding legal fees.

Can my parents give me their house? ›

Gift the house

When you give anyone other than your spouse property valued at more than $16,000 ($32,000 per couple) in any one year, you have to file a gift tax form. But you can gift a total of $12.06 million (in 2022) over your lifetime without incurring a gift tax.

What are disadvantages of gift deed? ›

The donor must be the absolute owner of the property, it must not be the ancestral property. It is valid for any future transaction and u can mutate ur name as the owner of the property. The gift is generally irrevocable.

Can a married daughter claim father's property? ›

While coparceners could ask for partition and share of the property, members couldn't. Once the daughter gets married, she stops being a member of the HUF (Hindu Undivided Family), and therefore she loses her right to the share and maintenance of her father's property.

Is a gifted property subject to capital gains? ›

The Capital Gains Cost Basis of Gifted Property

You must report the capital gain or loss, and you could owe capital gains tax if you realize a profit. This can make a big difference. The gift basis is what the original owner paid for the property, plus or minus any adjustments.

How long do you have to keep a property to avoid capital gains tax? ›

Where this is the case, the period of occupation as a main home is sheltered from capital gains tax, as is the final 18 months of ownership, regardless of whether the property is occupied as a main home for that final period.

What are the tax implications of gifting a house to a family member? ›

There will be a Capital Gains Tax (CGT) charge on a gifted property. The amount will equate to the difference between the value of the property when the donor first bought it and its value at the time of the transfer.

Can gift deed be Cancelled? ›

gift deed can be cancelled.

Can gift deed be challenged after 3 years? ›

A gift deed can be challenged till 3 years from the date of execution or from the date when donee finds out about it. However, as mentioned by Mr. Ahrihant, it can be challenged in certain conditions after this time period.

Can a father give his property to one son? ›

In case of Father's self-acquired property

A person can make the will of his property in favor of his one son out of 2 or more. Father can gift his self acquired property to one son, if another son has given his monetary share to the property then he can claim his rights in court.

Who pays capital gains tax when gifting a property? ›

“I've bought a buy-to-let and want to give it to my daughter for her 18th birthday” If you transfer a buy-to-let property to someone other than a spouse or civil partner, you have to pay capital gains tax on the profit you make just as if you'd sold it.

Who pays capital gains on gifted? ›

The recipient of a gift does not pay tax on any gift valued at $11,000 or less, no matter if it is a boat, car, cash, or stock. This means you don't owe taxes at the time of the gift of the stock. When the recipient sells the stock, however, it is a taxable event.

Who pays the taxes on a gift? ›

If you're lucky enough and generous enough to use up your exclusions, you may indeed have to pay the gift tax. The rates range from 18% to 40%, and the giver generally pays the tax. There are, of course, exceptions and special rules for calculating the tax, so see the instructions to IRS Form 709 for all the details.

How much money can you legally give away? ›

Essentially, you can give as much as you like – but if you want to ensure it's tax-free, you'll need to consider both how much you give, and when you give it. Everyone gets an annual gifting limit of £3,000 that's exempt from IHT.

How much money can be legally given to a family member as a gift? ›

The IRS allows every taxpayer is gift up to $16,000 to an individual recipient in one year. There is no limit to the number of recipients you can give a gift to. There is also a lifetime exemption of $12.06 million.

How do I avoid Inheritance Tax on my property? ›

How to avoid inheritance tax
  1. Make a will. ...
  2. Make sure you keep below the inheritance tax threshold. ...
  3. Give your assets away. ...
  4. Put assets into a trust. ...
  5. Put assets into a trust and still get the income. ...
  6. Take out life insurance. ...
  7. Make gifts out of excess income. ...
  8. Give away assets that are free from Capital Gains Tax.
10 Aug 2022

Does gift deed attract tax? ›

The answer is no. Neither you nor the relative will be liable to pay taxes in a case the transfer takes place through a gift deed. However, you will have to pay stamp duty and registration charges on the transaction to provide it legal validity.

Is gifted property inherited? ›

After 2005 daughters of the Hindu undivided family have equal rights to ancestral property. Property inherited through Will and Gift is not ancestral. Once the ancestral property is divided it will lose the tile of ancestral property.

Do I have to pay stamp duty if I am gifted a property? ›

If you're given property as a gift

If you get property as a gift you'll not pay Stamp Duty Land Tax as long as there's no outstanding mortgage on it. You'll pay Stamp Duty Land Tax if you take over some or all of an existing mortgage and the value of the mortgage is over the Stamp Duty Land Tax threshold.

Can you give a property as a gift? ›

Despite the amounts involved, it is possible to transfer ownership of your property without money changing hands. This process can either be called a deed of gift or transfer of gift, both definitions mean the same thing. Executing a deed of gift can be a complex undertaking, but it isn't impossible.

How much of a gift can you give to someone to buy a house? ›

Are There Restrictions On How Gift Funds Can Be Used? There are no limits on the amount someone can give you for a mortgage down payment or closing costs. However, depending on the loan and property type, you may be required to contribute a certain percentage of the down payment from your own funds.

Can a person gift his whole property? ›

A man can give away his whole property during his lifetime. Only one-third of the net estate can be bequeathed. A gift inter vivos can be made in favour of any person without any restriction (except during marz-ul-maut). For bequeathing more than one-third of the property to any person, consent of heirs is mandatory.

What is the 7 year rule for gifts? ›

The 7 year rule

No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for 7 years after giving them - unless the gift is part of a trust. This is known as the 7 year rule. If you die within 7 years of giving a gift and there's Inheritance Tax to pay on it, the amount of tax due after your death depends on when you gave it.

What is a gift of real property called? ›

Deed of Gift (Gift Deed).

This is used to convey the title on real property that is given for no consideration or for only a token consideration. In some states, the gift deed must be recorded within two years or it becomes void.

What's the maximum gift amount for 2022? ›


How much can my parents gift me for a house? ›

Tax Implications for the Giver of a Down Payment Gift

As of 2022, you could give up to $16,000 to any one person without incurring the gift tax. If you're married and file a joint return, you and your spouse can jointly gift up to $32,000 to a child or other family member.

What is the lifetime gift tax exemption for 2022? ›

Lifetime Gift Exclusion

This is the total amount—$12.06 million for 2022—you're able to give away tax-free over the course of your lifetime above the annual gift tax exclusion. The exclusion is doubled to $24.12 million for married couples.

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