Gifting Property: How To Transfer Home Ownership With Deed Of Gift (2024)

There are a number of reasons why gifting property to a family member can be a good idea, but the process isn’t always straightforward. In this post, we’ll look at why more and more people are looking at giving away their homes, how to execute a deed of gift, and what the tax implications are to gifting property as well. We’ll also touch on a few other points along the way, too.

First, though, let’s take a look at why gifting property is an increasingly popular option many homeowners consider.

Why is gifting property gaining popularity?

As stated in our intro above, there’s more than one reason why gifting property with a deed of gift may be an option to consider if you own your own home. In reality, though, there’s really only one reason why transferring property to family members has exploded in popularity over the last decade or so, and that reason is inheritance tax (IHT).

While there are various different ways in which IHT liabilities can be reduced, for the vast majority of us property is the number one consideration. As our most valuable asset, the home we live in is often the main cause of hefty IHT bills for the family members we leave behind, so it’s unsurprising that gifting property is something of a hot topic at present.

Is gifting my house to a family member the right choice for me?

Gifting Property: How To Transfer Home Ownership With Deed Of Gift (1)

As for so many other things we write about here on Petty’s blog, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. A transfer by way of gift is no small undertaking and it should be given the thought and care it deserves before committing to the process.

One thing to bear in mind here is whether or not your estate will actually be subject to IHT in the first place. The current allowance is £325,000 and married couples can combine theirs to a total of £650,000 worth of assets to be passed on after their deaths. While house prices have put many over this threshold, it may not be the case for you, so it’s worth bearing in mind before going any further.

Gifting property to family members with deed of gift

Despite the amounts involved, it is possible to transfer ownership of your property without money changing hands. This process can either be called a deed of gift or transfer of gift, both definitions mean the same thing.

Executing a deed of gift can be a complex undertaking, but it isn’t impossible. There are a few criteria that need to be met before considering a transfer of gift, and these are rather obvious and straightforward:

  • The owner should be of sound mind and acting of their own free will
  • Independent legal advice should be sought before commencing with a deed of gift
  • The property in question should have no outstanding debts secured against it
  • The owner is listed as such in the Land Registry’s proprietorship register

Should all of the above be met, transferring your property to a family member can be considered. There are, however, many potential intricacies you may come across during the process, so professional advice is best sought before any official action is taken. A good estate planning advisor could be worth their weight in gold here.

As one would expect, there are plenty of forms to fill out in order to complete a deed of gift and your solicitor or conveyancer will be able to give you the most up to date advice on how to handle these. Land Registry will require both TR1 and AP1 forms to be completed, along with an ID1 form should you be acting on behalf of yourself without legal representation (something that isn’t advised in this instance).

Seeking out a solicitor who has handled deed of gifts in the past is worth the effort. Remember that once a gift deed has been executed in favour of a recipient you’ll have no legal right to cancel or revoke the deed unless there is a specific clause stated within the deed itself. Having a competent and reputable solicitor handle your transfer will allow you to make such changes should they be the correct course of action for your own individual circ*mstances.

Gift With a Reservation of Benefit

If you choose to make a gift of your home during your lifetime, you should be aware that the gift will not be practical for Inheritance Tax purposes unless you truly gift it. In other words, you must divest yourself of any interest in the property before the Inland Revenue recognises the gift.

Suppose you continue to live in the property after you have gifted it. In that case, you will be seen as having “reserved the benefit” of the property, and the gift will be set aside for Inheritance Tax purposes, even if you should survive the gift by seven years.

For a gift not to be caught by the Gift With a Reservation of Benefit rules, you must leave the property when it is gifted and never move back in. This inconvenience can, of course, lessen the appeal of such a gift.

You can make arrangements to avoid the gift being considered a Gift With a Reservation of Benefit, such as whereby the individual gifting the property pays market rent to stay in occupation of the home. You should consult a legal advisor to establish whether or not such an arrangement would suit your circ*mstances.

Risks associated with gifting property

There are, of course, risks involved with gifting your property, even if it is to a family member. These are, thankfully, not particularly common problems, but to dismiss them out of hand would be foolish.

Although it may seem obvious, it’s important to realise that once the deed has been executed, you will no longer be the legal owner of your home and, as mentioned above, you’ll have no way of reversing the decision unless you have added a specific caveat to your deed prior to completion. This is fine in the vast majority of instances, but donors falling out with their beneficiaries isn’t entirely unheard of, so it should be something you at least give some thought to.

Another issue donors may come across is when their beneficiaries experience problems of their own, namely divorce. Should you have gifted your property to your son or daughter and they go on to experience marital strife that results in divorce, there’s every chance that their wife or husband will have the opportunity to claim a portion of your property for themselves.

Finally, there’s the financial stability of your beneficiary to take into account. Many a donor has been left distraught (and, in some instance, homeless) by family members losing the property due to undisclosed financial problems, so be sure to talk things through openly before proceeding. Remember, if there is any chance your beneficiary will be declared bankrupt, your property will be at risk.

While you are indeed gifting your property to them, so it’s effectively theirs to do with as they please, it’s important that your beneficiary is aware of these issues too...especially if you intend to continue living in the property after the transfer by way of gift has been completed.

What are the tax implications for property gifts?

Gifting Property: How To Transfer Home Ownership With Deed Of Gift (2)

Before we give a brief overview to the tax implications associated with a deed of gift, it’s important to point out that tax is a specialist and fast-changing area of expertise. Therefore, it is absolutely vital for you to seek professional and up to date advice before making any final decisions concerning your property and future.

Contrary to some people's thoughts, inheritance tax is not something that goes away as soon as the deed of gift has been executed. IHT, in fact, will remain an issue for seven years after the transfer completes, meaning that should the donor die before the seven years are up, the beneficiary will still be liable for IHT.

Property gifts are considered a ‘potentially exempt transfer’ and the full 40% of IHT will need to be paid should the donor pass away within the first three years of the transfer. Every year after that, up until the eighth year, eight percentage points will be deducted from the beneficiaries IHT liability. Once the full seven years have passed, the beneficiary will be the sole owner and the property will no longer be regarded as part of donor’s estate in terms of taxation.

NOTE: It's important to remember, however, that you will need to pay rent at full market value to your giftee from the moment you pass the property on should you wish to continue living there. The only other alternative is to move out, unfortunately.

Stamp duty should not be an issue with a deed of gift, as it is only payable if there is a mortgage attached and there shouldn’t be any debt secured against the property when completing a transfer of gift.

Under current rules, HMRC will still make the donor liable for Capital Gains Tax should the property being gifted be deemed a second home. Income tax would also be a factor should the property in question be a rental home and the gift made to a child. It would also be a consideration for your beneficiary should you opt to remain in your property and pay rent to them, as they will then be liable to income tax on the rent you pay.

Again, seeking expert advice is prudent for all matters of tax and law.

Alternatives to property gifting with a deed of gift

There are a number of alternatives to a deed of gift that could be explored if this method isn’t the most suitable option for you or your beneficiaries. Straightforward sale and purchase arrangements can be made when the original owners do not wish to remain on the legal title or should the new owners wish to take out a mortgage, for example.

Concessionary purchase is another avenue some may wish to pursue. Concessionary purchases are generally used in instances where the owner doesn’t want to give away the property but is prepared to let it go at a discount. This method means they will still receive a sum of money whilst the new owner, usually a son or daughter, can purchase the property at a discounted rate.

Finally, there’s transfer of equity. This is where one or more of the original owners remain on the legal title. Transfer of equity can be a tricky process to get right and there may still be tax implications for the current owner should they choose to go down this particular route.

Gifting Property: How To Transfer Home Ownership With Deed Of Gift (3)

Gifting Property: How To Transfer Home Ownership With Deed Of Gift (4)

Article By: John Wagstaff

As Petty’s MD, John steers the ship. He is, however, first to admit that the team around him run the show, and he’s incredibly proud of each and every one of them. Sporty and studious, caring and loyal, John is a father of two wonderful children (and Cooper the dog).

020 3370 8784 / Email Directly

I am an expert in estate planning and property transactions with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in gifting property to family members. My expertise stems from years of practical experience and staying abreast of the latest developments in inheritance tax laws, property transfers, and related financial implications.

In the article you provided, the author discusses the increasing popularity of gifting property to family members, primarily driven by the desire to mitigate inheritance tax (IHT) liabilities. The article outlines the process of executing a deed of gift, emphasizing the importance of considering the potential tax implications involved.

Here's an overview of the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Reasons for Gifting Property:

    • Inheritance Tax (IHT): The primary driver for gifting property is to address potential hefty IHT bills associated with one's most valuable asset, the home.
  2. Considerations Before Gifting Property:

    • IHT Threshold: Individuals should assess whether their estate is likely to exceed the IHT threshold (£325,000) and whether combining allowances with a spouse is feasible.
  3. Deed of Gift Process:

    • Criteria for Transfer: The owner must be of sound mind, seek independent legal advice, ensure no outstanding debts on the property, and be listed as the owner in the Land Registry.
    • Forms and Documents: Completion of TR1 and AP1 forms, and potentially an ID1 form, is necessary. Legal representation is advisable.
  4. Gift With a Reservation of Benefit:

    • It's crucial to truly divest oneself of any interest in the property to avoid Inheritance Tax implications. Continuing to live in the property after gifting may be seen as "reserving the benefit."
  5. Risks Associated with Gifting Property:

    • Loss of Ownership: Once the deed is executed, the donor loses legal ownership with limited recourse for reversal.
    • Divorce and Financial Stability: Beneficiaries' marital issues or financial instability may pose risks to the gifted property.
  6. Tax Implications:

    • Inheritance Tax (IHT): IHT remains applicable for seven years after the transfer, with a gradual reduction in liability each year.
    • Rent Payment: If the donor wishes to continue living in the property, paying rent at full market value to the beneficiary is necessary.
    • Other Taxes: Capital Gains Tax, Income Tax, and potential Stamp Duty considerations are highlighted, emphasizing the need for professional advice.
  7. Alternatives to Deed of Gift:

    • Sale and Purchase Arrangements: Options for owners not wanting to remain on the legal title or when new owners wish to take out a mortgage.
    • Concessionary Purchase: Selling the property at a discount while still receiving a sum of money.
    • Transfer of Equity: Involves original owners remaining on the legal title, with potential tax implications.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the considerations, processes, risks, and tax implications associated with gifting property, emphasizing the need for professional advice and careful planning in estate transactions.

Gifting Property: How To Transfer Home Ownership With Deed Of Gift (2024)


What is the most common way to transfer ownership? ›

Commonly, transferring ownership of a home or property is done using a deed as well as a Real Estate Purchase Agreement or a Property Sale Agreement. The agreements are legal documents that represent the contract between the buyer and the seller, while the deed is what gets recorded with the state or county government.

What happens if my parents gift me their house? ›

While your parents may not have to pay taxes on the gift, if you sell the house right away, you may be facing steep taxes. The reason is that when property is given away, the tax basis (or the original cost) of the property for the giver becomes the tax basis for the recipient.

What are the disadvantages of gifting property? ›

4 Reasons You Might Not Want to Hand Over the House
  • You May Need the Money One Day.
  • You Could Be Giving Your Child a Huge Tax Bill.
  • Your Mortgage Might Be an Obstacle.
  • You Might Still Want to Live There.

Is it better to inherit a house or receive it as a gift? ›

From a financial standpoint, it is usually better for your heirs to inherit real estate than to receive it as a gift from a living benefactor.

What is the best deed to transfer property? ›

A general warranty deed is often considered the most common way to transfer real property. It is used when you are aware and confident that the title to your property is good and marketable. It is most commonly used for residential real estate transactions.

What is the process of transferring ownership? ›

Interstate transfer of ownership

Step 1: Get the No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the vehicle's RTO. Step 2: Take Form 28, Form 29, Form 30, and Form 33 from the RTO of the concerned state where the buyer resides. Step 3: Fill up Form 28, Form 29, Form 30, and Form 33, and sign them along with the vehicle's seller.

Can your parents just give you a house? ›

Your parents can give their house to you if they have complete ownership. They can transfer ownership to you as a gift, where they receive no compensation in return. You may be subject to gift taxes if the house's value exceeds a certain amount.

Can my parents sell me their house for $1? ›

Yes, your parents can legally sell you their house for $1. The significance of that $1, however, is mostly symbolic.

Should my parents put my name on their house deed? ›

The short answer is simple –No. Most estate planning attorneys would agree, it is generally a very bad idea to put your son or daughter on your deed, bank accounts, or any other assets you own. Here is why—when you place your child on your deed or account you are legally giving them partial ownership of your property.

What are the benefits of gifting a house? ›

What Benefits Can Gifting Bring to Your Estate Planning?
  • Reducing the value of your estate for tax purposes.
  • Providing greater control over how assets are distributed and to whom.
  • Lessening the amount of taxes due on your estate.
  • Giving you the ability to spread out the transfer of your assets over time.
Feb 23, 2023

What is the advantage of gifting property? ›

Gifting a property is beneficial not only to the charity but also to you. The biggest advantage is a hefty tax deduction that can be up to 60% of your income. The value of your home when you first purchased it could be the amount of the tax deduction.

When would a sale be preferable to a gift when transferring family property? ›

Do not give property with a basis higher than its current fair market value if the donee is someone other than your spouse. Instead, you should sell the property, realize the loss (for income tax purposes), and make a gift of the proceeds.

How do I avoid capital gains tax on a gifted property? ›

If you're looking for ways to avoid the gift tax, here are some good alternatives to gifting real estate.
  1. Sell At Fair Market Value.
  2. Place The Home In A Trust.
  3. Create A Life Estate.

How to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property? ›

Make the Inherited Property Your Primary Residence

The IRS allows single taxpayers that make an inherited property their primary residence for at least two years of the five years preceding the sale of the property to exclude up to $250,000 of the capital gains from the sale.

What is the disadvantages of inheriting a house? ›

Some also worry that the home will be sold quickly, against their wishes. And there is good reason to be concerned. If you bequeath a house to an heir or heirs, they will have to make an immediate plan for home maintenance, mortgage payments (if necessary), utilities, property taxes, repairs and homeowners' insurance.

What form of ownership is easiest to transfer? ›

The correct option is c. Corporation. In the Corporation form of business organization, the ownership can be transferred easily.

What is the most common form of property ownership? ›

Fee simple. This is the most common type of interest. It is outright ownership. Even if you still owe money on your mortgage, as long as you have the right to sell the house, leave it to your heirs, and make alterations, your ownership is fee simple.

How do I transfer ownership of a document? ›

Change owners in Google Drive
  1. On your computer, open Google Drive.
  2. Find the file you want to transfer then right-click.
  3. Click Share > click Share .
  4. Next to the recipients name, click the Down arrow. Transfer ownership.

What is the most common form of ownership quizlet? ›

A sole proprietorship is a business owned and managed by one individual and is the most popular form of ownership.

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