Algeria slides into prohibition (2024)

There is no longer a single bar left in Constantine, Chlef, Tlemcen, Batna or Boumerdès. Only tworemain in Sétif. InAlgiers, once renowned for its many bars, about 15 struggle on. Last month La Butte and La Toison d'Or, two of the oldest and best known watering holes in the Algerian capital, pulled down their shutters for thelast time.

One after another bars selling alcoholic beverages are closing and retail outlets are increasingly rare. Algeria is sliding into prohibition.

"We are on our last legs," says Tahar, one of the largest wholesalers. "I've been in the trade for years and I can't see any future in it."

"We're heading for the disappearance of all that," says Mohammed Delabeche, sales manager of a drinks importer, pointing at a few of the remaining bars in Algiers. For passers-by there are no distinguishing marks, no signs or adverts.

The trend started in 2005. Only Kabylia and the Oran area have resisted so far. Elsewhere there is a gaping void, and VL (wine and spirits) retailers fear they too will soon be for the chop. "It is a constant worry," says a vendor at Aïn Bénian, 40km from Algiers.

"They should stop this campaign and define clear rules," said the president of the Society of Algerian Beverage Manufacturers (Apab), Ali Hamani, who expects "additional pressure" as the general election in May looms.

There are more and more fly-by-night supply networks. In Jijel, 300km east of Algiers, there are about 30. Licensed bars often have to close at 8pm; these networks take over with deliveries from mobile bar-vans or someone's home. Sales are concealed, with drinks generally hidden in bags, but the gatherings are perfectly visible. At Sétif, an unlicensed vendor does the rounds to his customers with a van and a mobile phone. Actual consumption has not dropped, indeed it may have increased a little.

On average, Algerians consume around 100m litres of beer annually, 50m litres of wine, and up to 10m litres of spirits. "These figures put uswell behind Morocco and are only about half the amount consumed in Tunisia," Hamani said.

Closing the bars has given rise to new habits. From the middle of the afternoon onwards, it is commonplace to see cars parked beside the road with the occupants setting up a bar on the bonnet and enjoying a beer. The verges are littered with beer cans. "If it goes on like this it will become a public health hazard," a wholesaler said. "People have learned to drink like that, on the sly. They don't even bother with bars any longer," Delabeche said.

According to people in the trade, the "anti-alcohol attitude" began in2006 with a memorandum from the trade ministry, which has been headed since that year by a representative of the Islamist Movement of Society for Peace (MSP). The memo required bars to comply with safety regulations and update their details on the business register everyyear. Many lost their licence inthe process, and have no hope ofgetting it back. Others opted to become snack bars.

Unanswered letters piled up at theoffices of the officials who issue licences. At a local level, petitions by residents protesting against the trouble caused by the bars were the last straw.

"It has to be admitted that society is gradually being Islamised," said the secretary general of Apab, Meriem Bellil-Medjoubi. "They use all the available tricks, particularly with residents and petitions; our letters to the authorities go unanswered, unlike other branches of the food industry," Hamani said.

When questioned on this, the MSP's president, Boguerra Soltani, a minister of state without portfolio, said: "The government's prime concern is the availability of food." He denies the existence of a memo. "Clearly at the MSP the consumption of alcohol is prohibited, not as part of a ban but for [public] education," he adds. "We are convinced Algerians prefer to drink Coca-Cola or Pepsi rather than alcohol. For that matter, in Algeria it is forbidden to breed pigs or consume pork, and no one has a problem with that."

Tahar recalled the 1990s, when thecivil war between the Islamists and the regime prompted a very different response. "During the war against terror, thepolice protected points of sale and even encouraged us to stay opentill 11pm," he said. "It was a form of resistance. Now it's the other way round."

The state-owned Vine Marketing Board (ONCV) still produces wine, but all the outlets (the brasseries) have been privatised. However, not many jobs – 3,000 according to Apab – are at stake.

"No one, not even a entire industry, can put pressure on the authorities because all the [state] money comes from oil, not trade," said a despairing importer. "And things won't improve after the next general election either."

This article originally appeared in Le Monde

Algeria slides into prohibition (2024)


Is alcohol illegal Algeria? ›

If you want to drink alcohol in Algeria, there are some options to drink in restaurants, bars, hotels, and private homes. But in public, it is illegal to drink alcohol in Algeria. Above all, we suggest using wisdom on when and where you drink to respect the local culture.

Has any other country tried Prohibition? ›

Some attempts at prohibition were made in Aztec society, ancient China, feudal Japan, the Polynesian islands, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Canada, and India, but only a few countries—most notably, certain Muslim countries—have maintained national prohibition.

What was the reason for Prohibition? ›

National prohibition of alcohol (1920–33) — the “noble experiment” — was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America.

What US president passed a temporary Prohibition in 1917 and why? ›

Volstead Act

In 1917, after the United States entered World War I, President Woodrow Wilson instituted a temporary wartime prohibition in order to save grain for producing food.

Can you kiss in public in Algeria? ›

Algerian customs, laws and regulations adhere closely to Islamic practices and beliefs. Public displays of affection, including holding hands and kissing, are not socially accepted.

What things are illegal in Algeria? ›

The Algerian government bans the import of firearms, explosives, narcotics, around 350 pharmaceutical products, some types of medical equipment, all types of used equipment, genetically modified seeds, and pork products.

Which US state ignored prohibition? ›

Some states like Maryland and New York refused Prohibition. Enforcement of the law under the Eighteenth Amendment lacked a centralized authority.

Which country doesn t allow alcohol? ›

All the countries with complete bans on alcohol (Libya, Kuwait, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) are majority Muslim. Because it is banned in the Quran, many Muslim countries tend to take a dim view of drinking even if they don't ban it outright for everyone.

Was the US the only country with prohibition? ›

In the early 20th century, scores of countries restricted the liquor trade in the interest of public well-being. Outside the United States, a dozen countries, including the Russian empire, Norway, and Turkey, as well as expansive swaths of colonial Africa and India, adopted prohibition.

Who pushed for Prohibition? ›

The movement to prohibit alcoholic beverages had been underway for a century, led by the Women's Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League.

Who opposed Prohibition? ›

Raskob, Jouett Shouse, Grayson M.P. Murphy, and James Wolcott Wadsworth Jr. Its publicity campaign, begun in 1928, helped mobilize growing opposition to the 18th Amendment.

Who created Prohibition? ›

Conceived by Wayne Wheeler, the leader of the Anti-Saloon League, the Eighteenth Amendment passed in both chambers of the U.S. Congress in December 1917 and was ratified by the requisite three-fourths of the states in January 1919.

What did Hoover call prohibition? ›

As a Presidential candidate in 1928, Herbert Hoover called Prohibition a “noble experiment,” and announced that he favored enforcing the law — until the people decided to change it.

Did alcohol prohibition work? ›

Although prohibition did decrease the amount of alcohol Americans consumed, it failed utterly to stop that consumption. In the attempt, prohibition brought a train of consequences that quickly revealed it as a mistake that should be reversed.

Why was prohibition a failed experiment? ›

Prohibition ultimately failed because: At least 50% of the adult population wanted to continue drinking. Policing of the Volstead Act was filled with contradictions, biases, and corruption. There was a lack of detail for the ban on consumption, leading to confusion about the law.

Is adultery a crime in Algeria? ›

Algeria criminalizes adultery. Under Article 339 of the Penal Code a married woman or married man who is convicted of adultery faces imprisonment of one (1) to two (2) years.

What is considered rude in Algeria? ›

Avoid prolonged eye contact with women and do not ask personal questions. For women visiting Algeria note that religious men may not shake your hands - this is not a sign of disrespect but quite the opposite.

Is polygamy illegal in Algeria? ›

Polygamy is legal in Algeria, where a man can take up to four wives. But, the recent amendments to the Algerian Family Code have made it difficult to do such marriages. Therefore, the occurrence of polygamy has been rare. However, currently only 3 percent of the population practices polygamy.

Is Algeria friendly to the US? ›

After the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Algeria was one of the first countries to offer its support to the US and continued to play a key role in the struggle against terrorism. It has been working since then closely with the United States to eliminate transnational terrorism.

Can you own a gun in Algeria? ›

Those applying for a firearm license may have to demonstrate competence by completing a gun safety course and show provision for a secure location to store weapons.
Permitted types of firearmsLong guns (exc. semi- and full-auto)Shotguns and air rifles only
Semi-automatic riflesNo
28 more columns

Where in America still has prohibition? ›

Two states—Kansas and Tennessee—are entirely dry by default: counties specifically must authorize the sale of alcohol in order for it to be legal and subject to state liquor control laws. Alabama specifically allows cities and counties to elect to go dry by public referendum.

Was beer legal during Prohibition? ›

Prohibition banned the sale of beer, but not the ingredients for making it. Although malt syrup was advertised as a baking ingredient, many buyers used the extract to make beer. An in-store cardboard sign display for a Budweiser-brand barley malt syrup even featured a grocer winking knowingly at customers.

What was the last state to legalize alcohol? ›

Dry counties

For a time, 38 percent of Americans lived in areas with Prohibition. By 1966, however, all states had repealed their statewide prohibition laws, with Mississippi the last state to do so.

Is it illegal to drink in Egypt? ›

Drinks. As a predominantly Muslim country, Egypt gives alcohol a low profile. Public drunkenness is unacceptable, and sale of alcohol is prohibited on the Prophet Mohammed's birthday and – except for a few places serving tourists – during the month of Ramadan.

Which Arab country doesn't allow alcohol? ›

Some countries, like Saudi Arabia, outlaw alcohol altogether. Drinking there can be punished by flogging, fines, imprisonment and, for foreigners, deportation.

What is the least drinking country? ›

The top 10 countries that consume the least alcohol across the WHO European Region are Tajikistan (0.9 litres), Azerbaijan (1.0), Turkey (1.8), Uzbekistan (2.6), Turkmenistan (3.1), Israel (4.4), Armenia (4.7), Kazakhstan (5.0), Albania (6.8), and North Macedonia (6.4).

What country drinks the most alcohol? ›

Looking at the amount of alcohol consumed per person aged 15 years or older, the Seychelles is in first place with around 20.5 litres of alcohol drunk per person per year, according to Our World in Data; studies show that young male peer groups primarily drink high amounts of alcohol in the Seychelles.

Can you drink alcohol in Dubai? ›

Generally, the legal age for drinking alcohol is 18 in Abu Dhabi, but a Ministry of Tourism by-law prevents hotels from serving alcohol to those under the age of 21. In Dubai and all other emirates besides Sharjah, the drinking age is 21. Drinking alcohol in Sharjah is illegal.

Can Muslims drink alcohol? ›

However, the dominant belief in Islam is that, not only is the consumption of alcohol in any of its forms forbidden, but Muslims should avoid even indirect association with alcohol.

When did Christians stop drinking alcohol? ›

During the 19th and early 20th century, as a general sense of prohibitionism arose, many Christians, particularly some Protestants in the United States, came to believe that the Bible prohibited alcohol or that the wisest choice in modern circ*mstances was for the Christian to abstain from alcohol willingly.

Who was the biggest supporter of Prohibition? ›

Andrew Volstead (1860-1947)

The Republican Minnesota congressman who sponsored the National Prohibition Act, commonly known as the Volstead Act.

Did Prohibition lead to gangsters? ›

Organized crime emerged because of Prohibition, as it gave gangsters another racketeering operation. Mobsters made millions of dollars every year from bootlegging and running thousands of speakeasies.

Who was Prohibition a failure for? ›

Restaurants failed, as they could no longer make a profit without legal liquor sales. Theater revenues declined rather than increase, and few of the other economic benefits that had been predicted came to pass. On the whole, the initial economic effects of Prohibition were largely negative.

Did Catholics support Prohibition? ›

Catholic involvement in the temperance movement has been very strong since at least the nineteenth century, with a number of specifically Catholic societies formed to encourage moderation or total abstinence from alcohol.

Who liked Prohibition? ›

Protestants liked prohibition because heavy drinking was commonly associated with Catholic Irish, Italian and German immigrants from over the previous fifty years. If more working class men had been in the country to vote against politicians who lobbied for prohibition, it likely would not have passed.

Was Prohibition based on religion? ›

The temperance movement, rooted in America's Protestant churches, first urged moderation, then encouraged drinkers to help each other to resist temptation, and ultimately demanded that local, state, and national governments prohibit alcohol outright.

Which party passed Prohibition? ›

On February 4, 1918, the Prohibition affiliate in California voted in favor of merging with the National Party, which was created by pro-war defectors from the Socialist Party of America in 1917.

What was Prohibition nickname? ›

The National Prohibition Act, known informally as the Volstead Act, was an act of the 66th United States Congress designed to execute the 18th Amendment (ratified January 1919) which established the prohibition of alcoholic drinks.

What were two code words for alcohol during Prohibition? ›

People typically got hooch or giggle water – alcohol– from a barrel house or gin mill, which were distribution places, and maybe kept it in their hipflask (which is pretty self-explanatory).

What were the nicknames for illegal bars during Prohibition? ›

During the Prohibition era, “speakeasy” became a common name to describe an establishment to get an illegal drink. The terms “blind pig,” “blind tiger,” and “gin joint” appeared as nicknames for speakeasies in the 19th century.

How bad was drinking before Prohibition? ›

From 1900 until 1915—five years before the 18th Amendment passed—the average adult drank about 2.5 gallons of pure alcohol a year, which is about 13 standard drinks per week. Consumption fell sharply by 1916, with the average falling to two gallons a year, or 10 drinks a week.

Did Prohibition actually help? ›

The stringent prohibition imposed by the Volstead Act, however, represented a more drastic action than many Americans expected. Nevertheless, National Prohibition succeeded both in lowering consumption and in retaining political support until the onset of the Great Depression altered voters' priorities.

Did Prohibition cause the Great Depression? ›

The data suggest, Prohibition, though it effected many people, could not have been one of the causes of the Great Depression, nor could the 1935, alcohol tax generate enough income to end the Great Depression. To some analyst, World War Two and its income generated, via taxes, ended the Great Depression.

How many people died from moonshine during Prohibition? ›

This “rotgut” liquor used in mixed drinks poisoned thousands of speakeasy customers. As many as 50,000 drinkers died from tainted alcohol during Prohibition.

Why did us ban alcohol? ›

National prohibition of alcohol (1920–33) — the “noble experiment” — was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America.

What was the biggest problem with Prohibition? ›

Prohibition was enacted to protect individuals and families from the “scourge of drunkenness.” However, it had unintended consequences including: a rise in organized crime associated with the illegal production and sale of alcohol, an increase in smuggling, and a decline in tax revenue.

Do Muslims in Algeria drink alcohol? ›

Algeria, with a population of 40 million, 99 per cent of whom are Sunni Muslims, in 2014 imported $82 million worth of alcoholic drinks, a rise of more than 40 per cent over two years.

Which Arab country has banned alcohol? ›

Muslims in Iran are not allowed to purchase or consume alcohol, though non-Muslims can buy it under certain conditions. Foreigners who are visiting may bring alcohol with them when departing the country.

Does Algeria have bars? ›

While Algiers is a city of quiet and calm nights, most of the major hotels feature great nightclubs and bars to enjoy.

Which religion drinks the most alcohol in the world? ›

There is perhaps no religion that loves alcohol as much as the Japanese Shinto religion, which reveres sake as the most sacred of drinks—the “liquor of the gods.” The god of sake is also the god of rice and the harvest, so drinking sake is associated with a bountiful and blessed harvest.

Is adultery illegal in Algeria? ›

Algeria criminalizes adultery. Under Article 339 of the Penal Code a married woman or married man who is convicted of adultery faces imprisonment of one (1) to two (2) years.

Is Algeria safe for American tourists? ›

The risk of terrorist attacks is high. Avoid travelling to remote areas. Monitor the news and other sources for information about threats. The risk of kidnapping is high in some parts of Algeria.

Does Iran allow alcohol? ›

One of the very basic questions tourists visiting Iran typically ask is whether they are allowed to drink alcohol in Iran or not. Shortly, alcohol is legally banned in Iran. Meaning that it is not allowed to produce or sell alcohol here. As a result, you will not find any liquid store, nightclub, or bar.

Can Muslims drink alcohol in Dubai? ›

Alcohol is allowed in the country but can only be sold in approved venues. The reason for this is because Dubai is an Islamic location. Muslims do not drink alcohol and thus expats and visitors are expected to respect Islam and abide by Arabic laws and customs during their time in Dubai.

Does Dubai allow alcohol? ›

Generally, the legal age for drinking alcohol is 18 in Abu Dhabi, but a Ministry of Tourism by-law prevents hotels from serving alcohol to those under the age of 21. In Dubai and all other emirates besides Sharjah, the drinking age is 21.

Are Muslims allowed to drink in Qatar? ›

Muslims are not allowed to consume alcohol. Muslims caught consuming alcohol are liable to flogging or deportation. Alcohol consumption is partially legal for non-Muslims.

Why is Algeria not a tourist country? ›

The government's disinterest in tourism, many observers argue, is due to the economic dominance of hydrocarbons. Algeria's oil and gas sector comprises 20 percent of its GDP. Tourism, by contrast, accounts for barely 0.1 percent. (Learn about this ancient Saudi Arabian city working to attract more tourists.)

What is Algeria famous for? ›

Algeria is best known for being filled with legendary landscapes that include perfectly preserved Roman ruins and the Sahara Desert. Visitors can take in sights that excite the eyes and enchant the soul. The country sits in the very north of Africa in the Maghreb Region.

Is Algeria a one party state? ›

Algeria has a multi-party system with numerous political parties, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.

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