Accelerate your Finance Transformation with SAP BTP - The Universe of SAP BTP Use Cases 💫 - Cycling Europe (2024)

#sapbtp #sapfinance #ai #predictiveforecast
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🔴Did you know? According to analysts, finance departments are still spending 80% of their time in administrative tasks and 20% in analysis.

🧭Learn how SAP capabilities will help your organization change that paradigm. Customers have accomplished this through predictive forecasts, collaborative planning, automation of processes and AI.

The panel will share top business challenges in the finance department and how SAP BTP addresses those challenges and what quantified benefits customers can expect.

We look forward to seeing you!! 😀

➡️Michel Haesendonckx, Global Solution Owner for FP&A at SAP SE
➡️Loujein Mouammer – Solution Manager for SAP Build Process Automation, Adoption & GTM SAP
➡️Kevin McConnell – Business Platform Solution Strategy

Expert session powered by Global SAP User Groups organization

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➡️Tania Dinnendahl – Executive Liaison Manager, SAP Global User Groups Organization
➡️Toros Aledjian – SAP Global Design Senior Product Manager

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Did you know that according to analysts Finance departments still spend 80% of their time in administrative tasks and only 20% in analysis by the end of this session you will know how to change this these capabilities will help your organization change that paradigm welcome and thank you for joining I’m

Tanya and alongside my colleague Tauros we will moderate this session and assist you with any questions you may have please post your questions in the chat uh make sure to complete uh the your questions and give the context this will help the experts provide the right answers so today’s session is the last

Of a series let me quickly share the entire overview here we go so today the 7eventh of the entire series accelerate your Finance transformation with sbtp I will share the links to the various sessions uh to the previous sessions in the chat later on and with this I would like to hand

Over to Taos okay thank you of the upcoming sessions thank you Tanya welcome everyone my name is tausend thank you so much for joining us in our sixth and final uh episode of our um ongoing series of sap btp use cases I just want to let you guys know some of our

Upcoming events um we have a session on the 13th and the 20th focusing on boosting your operational efficiency with sap AI Business Services which is a fairly Hot Topic these days um and then on on February the 21st sap btp ask me anything so if you whatever questions

You have um that you’d like our topic experts to answer this is the session for you um next we have harnessing AI uh for financial forecasting on February the the 23rd and finally how to use reference solution architecture for saap master data governance so if you’re

Interested in any of those I will put the links to these um to these sessions in the chat uh as we move forward we have a great agenda lined up for you today my colleagues Kevin McConnell business platform solution strategy uh Lan muamar uh solution manager for sap build process Automation and adoption

And Michelle hyen dunk Global solution owner for fpna will be presenting accelerate your Finance transformation with sap btp and with that I’d like to hand it over to to Kevin to walk us through the agenda and um start our session thank you Kevin thank you

Taurus and now I have to figure out how to turn on my camera but in the meantime I will go through the agenda So today we’re going to talk about why are customers investing time and money to do a financial transformation what the role of autonomous Finance is

In that transformation and then talk about Sap’s approach really it’s our customers approach but we’ve been working with them on that then we’ll share some customer success stories and provide some ways to get started so with that Michelle why are customers embarking on a financial transformation ah good question of

Course um like why like said there there’s of course a lot lot of different reasons which to what that that companies might bring up um but actually we can summarize this uh under one big umbrella let’s see which is kind of the the the picture you’re looking at now

Like you can basically build it up completely if you don’t mind Kevin perfect thank you very much and that’s let’s say what what I let’s see uh would call or dare to call based on a lot of different conversations which we’ve had with Finance professionals overall business professionals around the world

Is let’s say on let’s say why they’re they’re let’s say mainly moving uh the way they treade finance and as let say was already kind of mentioned by Tanya in the very beginning there are lots of um let’s say organizations are still let’s say having a lot of their time

About 80% let’s say spent on let’s say day-to-day operations just basically keying things let’s say making sure payments are being done and so on and so forth whereas let’s say what we really want to do is get that out of the hands of these Finance professionals and make

Sure that they let’s say at least can get into let’s say more value added tasks being or understanding where my business um uh profit is going uh to come from or my financial performance overall because it’s not only necessarily about profitability there’s other aspects to it too let’s say how

Can I optimize my cash flow let’s say what’s my tax footprint and even more recently say um getting let’s say quickly more important also let’s see what’s the ESG um impact of my organization now there are let’s say quite some companies that already say um in the States where there’s there’s at

Least some time to spend in analyzing uh my past performance over the last years last month the last quarter but actually that’s while being nice and it’s definitely helpful it doesn’t really um impact a lot my future performance so we really need to take the next level and

Be more proactive in let’s say the way we steer our business uh because let’s say by looking ahead trying let’s say to come up with the right simulations and scenarios for the future uh time that is really going to change uh let’s say that it can help you in deciding where you

Need to innovate how to innovate it’s how to react to let’s say to the to the market reality of every day so let’s say that’s two step Rockets um let’s say from let’s say dealing with Automation in the area of operations bring up time to Value ad tasks but especially also

Going from reactive to proactive I think that’s basically the a couple of the main drivers which we see popping up every single time David okay so the autonomous Finance plays a role in that and this is what the Gartner has identified as what our ponis finance would be

And that is automating all of the steps in the process so step one is to connect the Departments connect the systems for process automation but also harmonize the data to have one source of Truth and then to analyze all that data so you’ve already touched on uh

Michelle you want to touch on planning on that role that planning has in analysis yeah not just on planning actually um because that would be more step two rather than step one let’s say I think the Baseline where let’s say where um sometimes organizations are forgetting uh let’s say to do is make

Sure that let’s say we are speaking the same language let’s say really are connecting departments within the same organization so across different lines of businesses across Finance HR supply chain production sales uh marketing I don’t know let’s say all of the different divisions imagine that you’re sitting around the table with an

International let’s say public and you all speak your own language and you don’t Master the like Spanish and Chinese or whatever language like it’s very hard to come to a joint conclusion or a joint understanding and the same thing is of course happening let’s say with our let’s say with with our

Financial and let’s say business data overall to make sure that when somebody’s talking about an an SKU or let’s say or a sales uh channel that we’re talking the same language same let’s say on the finance side of course let’s say what is revenue what is margin like

What are what’s particular PL or profit Center or I don’t know what so basically that needs to be really completely aligned and I think that’s only one way in which um we see that let’s see a lot of organizations want to better connect the other way is also in the way they

Work together like like how you interconnect between your supply chain folks and let’s say the the people in the warehouse like say and your financial people and the HR department and so on so forth so really having that connectivity um and trying to translate that into integrated processes um is really is

Really crucial now of course we’ve been doing a lot of that let’s see on the Earp side already in the in the past years but like yeah there’s there’s of course the next level with it’s they need to let’s say react even like more quickly to all of the changing

Conditions in the world like everybody I guess remembers let’s see what hit us a couple of years back and the related supply chain disruptions to that all of the geopolitical influences which we currently have I know in the US there’s like say the upcoming elections we have

The the let’s say the the instability in the Middle East we have let’s say the the the the let’s say the Ukrainian War um and it’s of course just let’s say the the classic examples but there’s much more to that and um these things like um make it important let’s say that around

The table ac across the organization we really need to better connect and we need to base ourselves on the same let’s say set of of information which is let’s say the driver to then basically look ahead which actually is coming or bringing me then let’s say to to the

Planning aspect you were uh you were asking for um Kevin uh because of course that’s that’s that’s really crucial uh let’s say to to let’s say to plan ahead and and everybody of course has been doing a lot of um you know uh business forecasts and strategic

Plans and so on so forth but the thing is that let’s say these are often outdated before you start before they get finished basically and U so also there there’s like the need to understand really okay what what are the the underlying drivers uh having again that connection

Between the operational business and and finan so you can rate everything uh together um and let’s say do that in a in a very Speedy uh way because yeah we just need to like every day like see we need to get up and see what’s what’s happening in the world what’s happening

In my business um understand let’s say also the whole context of your own specific business and act on that um I I would say not react but basically proact but that’s probably not not correct English but I guess you you you get my point um and an example that of that

Let’s say how let’s say how technology can can help with this basically is by even within the planning space basically take out a lot of manual activities everybody has seen that these types of screens right like say where you can manually input and execute formulas and

I don’t know what uh for whatever let’s say plan you do like in this case we’re just having a cash forecast because of course cash is King more than ever uh today basically what we’re looking at and I don’t want to explain exactly each single screen basically What’s um what

Is possible today to do thanks to let’s say our R btp environment and more more specifically the analytics component it’s basically um autogenerate um based on let’s say all kinds of learnings and different models which are let’s say running behind which you basically don’t have to generate or develop yourself uh

To let’s say generate a cache forecast based on algorithms which are basically pre-built and of course which you can make learn based on let’s say additional internal external data sets um interesting piece to it um and I know it was let’s say a very quick demo like

Actually quicker than than my talk track here uh but um but that’s that’s okay is let’s say the the the fact that yeah like while with predictive modeling and so on everybody starts immediately thinking about you know we need to have a bunch of data scientists and and and

Like it’s super complex and and so on and so forth no actually um it doesn’t have to be um like say there are out of the box models which basically are getting delivered with um within basically what we call sap analytics Cloud which is part of the btp platform

To to make this happen of course you’re free to add additional complexity like we can add in things like python uh based models and so on and so forth as well if you like to but it doesn’t have to be and once you have the entire once you set the Baseline figure

Out all the kpis and have a plan for Success now value after you look at your processes across departments now it comes to the core which is how do we automate those processes thanks Kevin great Point um Michael I think step two is is very very important and uh that we analyze the

Performance of the current business and kind of understand uh what optimizations we need to prioritize and Target first and of course with that we have great solution at sap to do so such as the sap signavio tool uh that does the process finding for us in advance and spit out

Certain recommendations on what we could do to automate an sap build process Automation and as you mentioned as as well for customers that are doing financial planning uh for example on tools such as as the sap analytic clouds you want to action on those insides and you could do so by

Automation now a key part of customer going through a significant transformation Journey today is optimization so we want help customer eliminate those inefficient processes and automate those high volume manual repetitive taxs that are consuming their time and uh resources and Beyond optimization what we also see is that

There’s a need for Innovation uh so what we mean by that is the available the ability to develop custom and tailored solutions that would meet the customers’s unique operating model allowing them to continually differentiate themselves uh in the market and those uh both of those points could be addressed by automation uh so

Basically this is where automation will come into play um yeah on the slide you shared um Kevin I think when we look at the common challenges in the finance world today we we still noticed that a lot of those uh tasks are still happening manually uh such as invoice matching

Processes Financial posting accounts payable and much more uh and of course not to mention the time pressures of dealing with high volume transactions uh that sometimes come from various sources such as PDF email Excel um and so forth and often Legacy applications as just before period and closing so you know we

Have time TI timelines just before end of year and it creates a lot of pressures on employees to manage those process manually and this is where buildt process Automation and automation comes into place basically to help customers build the required Automation and workflows uh to eliminate the manual

Error and and speed up uh their financial processes and on this slide you can see um kind of couple examples or what processes could be targeted for automation we have the uh rep still manual repetitive task high volume whenever you’re aggregating uh data from various sources this is where automation

Would be of great use and if we for example we look at some of the um processes end processes such as the Le to Cache example um we have the capital extend approval uh you can start automating invoice approvals account opening and so forth so this just just

Some examples of what could be done in certain processes and financial processes to do today but you also could do much more than that and on this side on the next slide I think we’re going to watch a quick demo before we get started I’ll just

Give you a brief on what this demo is about uh so slide after uh so basically what we’re going to look at uh great demo of the solution how we can automate manual invoice processing and posting in saps for Han so the demo starts by the supplier filling out the invoice

Um um form so they submit their details um uh about the invoice that they’re working on including the date their name any additional comments and expected file path for that invoice so in this case it’s going to be through Outlook and it and they want the target

System for posting saps fora once it clicks submit uh we can see here the bot is working on extracting the the details necessary from that attach invoice in the email such as the name the invoice amount the company name and and and so forth now once this information is

Extracted we can see it trickers a workflow process where the right manager for the approval required receives a notification in their inbox with all the details and they have the option to either approve or reject that invoice in this case they’re going to approve the invoice and once that invoice is approved the

Supplier uh uh will get a notification in their email that their invoice is approved and also the manager will get a notification in their inbox with the invoice number that has been generated um so can you can see here on the supplier’s email they also get a

Notification so they’re up to track with what’s happening and they have information back on the data processed now since the process is uh the invoice is approved we we action that will automatically create that invoice in saps for Hana Cloud so switch to saps for Han Cloud A supplier invoice

And we search and as you can see here we see we see that the invoice is directly created with all the necessary information such as the amount company name and so forth another key capability of the process automation is the visibility dashboard um here that we’re seeing uh

Is basically another another way for managers to keep on track of the on to stay on top of their automation so basically look at how the automation is performing how many invoices have been processed what are crial invoices that haven’t been processed these and need immediate attentions and so forth so

From that visibility dashboard you can always go back and optimize your automation so you’re improving on a daily basis that hits the end of our demo great thank you that that was actually very fascinating Michelle you’re going to talk about embedded intelligence now Michelle you’re on mut

Michelle damn no actually yes Kevin but let’s see before let’s say we go there so if we can say quickly go back to the pre previous overview because let’s say l I liked a lot let’s see the the process automation piece let’s say of course we have our btp platform and

Process automation which we can basically build anything on top I think that should be very clear to to our audience there’s also of course like yeah the question which let’s see I would have um as let’s say listener is like yeah but well don’t we do anything let’s say inside you’re you’re basically

Asana itself system itself like if there no embedded intelligence already in there and I think also like that is that’s definitely the case but of course yeah you know the one reason why we basically don’t have it all in there is because like in certain cases like with

AI models you basically want to make them learn from all kind of data sets which are outside uh your core Erp system so of course you don’t want to let’s say put all of the data into your EP because it’s basically not not clean anymore uh that’s one reason and of

Course yeah like not everybody in the world uh is let’s say living the dream of having one one Central Erp installation of of course you also want to connect these pieces together I think that’s actually where your example came in really nice um on top of that yeah

Let’s say there are of course embedded capabilities if I think well just with my little Finance background about you know Financial closing let’s say there’s a lot of let’s say capabilities which already are embedded for which you don’t have to kind of step out and develop uh

Or let’s say model anything because of course developing is is absolutely the wrong word here sorry for that U which which BAS Bally comes out of the box as well as and I think that’s also important to understand like say the monitoring of an endtoend process uh

Which you kind of alluded to let’s say with the last part of of of of the little demonstration um let’s say also for instance let’s say applicable to endtoend let’s say closing like doing your let’s say end to end monitoring of your financial close of your entity

Close as well as your of your group close um and I just wanted to basically share that let’s say additional thought from from let’s say from a finance perspective um sorry for ripping off or let’s say messing up your your structure a little bit uh but of course yeah you

Like that’s that’s again one side um like as as you might have seen from let’s say my my Rolex and also my backgrounds and basically I’m a management accountant so I love let’s see playing around with figures um so let’s say that same let’s see idea um is

Also crucial to understand that we can apply that also in the analytics space because if we go back let’s say if we would go back here we don’t have to let’s say move back on on the slideware but let’s say to you know the operational execution like on the

Analytics phas on the analysis and then the predictive uh capabilities let’s say there’s also a lot we we can do and actually in order to make this real uh just like Jan did for let’s say a very operational task I’d like to also share a little example so if we can roll that

Little demo here let’s say um to to show you let say how we can also use all of the intelligent automation to change let’s say the way we analyze like for instance what are the bike sales today that’s a business question like I just

Type it or I tell it to my system and basically it gives me uh the order value as as feedback now that’s pretty basic right now we could ask an additional follow-up question like do we sell more bikes in Denmark or in the Netherlands because basically they’re both known as

Notorious cycling friendly countries around World um so basically then this system is basically P pushing back my information and of course I can still apply whatever um let’s say filtering conditions and sorting conditions and and and look at it in different ways and that’s just classic analytics uh capabilities but then basically it

Becomes really interesting like once I want to make links between two elements for instance an attribute of the the country like okay I and an attribute of my product category am I selling for instance more mountain bikes in a mountaneous country um that’s pretty interesting like if you want to do that

Just by doing your pivot table uh tricks that’s already getting a little bit more cumbersome it’s not so straightforward anymore um and that’s let’s see where again uh embedded intelligence within let’s see analytics within the btp platform can really help us out and from there of course I can continue asking

Additional questions going left and right let’s say what are my let’s say Top Field sales agents um in let’s say the top performing country let’s say which is of course not really a monane country in this case because that’s Netherlands they’re super flat uh but anyway U let’s say to again go deeper

Into this that’s basically a new way of um yeah going and analy izing based on pure business questions and just pushing those business questions into your system which is then let’s say immediately Translating that into um a reporting output now this goes on for for some uh

Some some while um I don’t want to necessarily go into let’s say further details on this one but actually rather add another let’s say maybe even let’s say more uh in uh more advanced uh example like everybody’s used to let’s say getting fast commun fast communication fast consumption of

Limited sets of data like if you if you look at Instagram and the small reals which are basically popping up there actually also that is something which we could easily translate into the business world and that’s the example we’re going to have a look at right now um which is

Currently not 100% available but it’s basically coming in uh let’s say um well soon and what what we’re looking at here is basically at Ella who is having her mobile phone I say she’s responsible for a number of commercial projects that she’s running uh she wants to basically

Get an update on let’s say utilization or margin let’s say my margin is actually lagging behind by four percent percent points my target was 27 so basically I’m getting at 23 and just from there just by clicking on that let’s say screen which you get she gets

As kind of a little um Instagram reel um she can get into uh the details um in her system um and of course in a classic way you can again start analyzing uh your individual produ projects but actually with our digital assistant which is again embedded in our business

Technology platform which we call Jewel let’s say it does all of that work for us so I don’t even necessarily me to type questions anymore let what I was just doing in the previous example here actually it’s taking it even a step further and let’s say I can ask my digital

Assistant to propose certain actions to let’s say and then let’s say there’s certain proposals of course I always keep track of let’s say what I’m going to do with the data what I really want to analyze as a human being but there are different proposals which are

Basically sent to me uh by uh the system uh by this digital assistant of course you can’t analyze everything I want to focus on the really crucial elements so I’m asking for my top three underperformance like we were targeting our profit of 27% you see basically the

The key issues the key uh let’s say um projects where it’s going wrong um and then of course yeah I want to solve this right it’s not just about analyzing I want to get this things Sol so the first thing I might want to do is let’s say

Have a comparison to you know some let’s say best-in-class projects across my own business and maybe let’s say even some external organizations if I have access to the data and then if I have let’s say found some let’s say reasoning behind I might also basically want to send a

Summary to my management um I don’t have to write it anymore I just ask my digital assistant which is then sending it over to my manager for instance through the teams integration which we have out of the box with our sap front end um just to give you a little bit of

A glimpse on let’s say where we can embed intelligent automation not only on the day-to-day operational activities but also in the whole analytics space this is running a second time I don’t think that was the purpose uh but basically it’s not not yet a third one

Um but to see Also let’s say how we can make and make use of all of these intelligent automation capabilities including AI but also other uh elements to track down our financial performance and see how we can let’s say really drive her business further great thanks than Michelle so

Now let’s see what customers have done with thisen yeah and and before we jump into customer stores I also as as Michelle mentioned on the embedded a want to touch on these important features there’s no winning solution without a we all know there’s no unque solution in the market without embedded

Ai and gen capabilities in today’s businesses um and actually without AI we won’t have the autonomous finance that we’re speaking about today uh so I want to touch that in our btb products as well as sa of process automation as we’ve just seen in the demo we also have embedded AI machine learning

Capabilities and in this case it’s the document information extraction feature that helps boost the productivity by automating this data extraction you know the manual data extraction and matching processes from uh matching um data from whether it’s Scan Digital or even hard copy uh um documents so we can

Definitely start leveraging AI to do so and many of our customers are currently depending on the features and I’ve spoke to some customers that train their own models uh using machine learning embedded in inbook process automation to assist the AI to extract the correct data according to the format of their

Invoices we get a lot of comments that uh you know invoice invoice documents could look it could vary drastically based on the vendor or third party they’re working with and um they basically train their models to help the AI understand how to extract the right information regarding L of the invoice

Structure now jumping into the customer stories as you can see here we have a couple of examples illustrating how customers are in various Industries are leveraging build process automation to improve their daily workflow processes and automate the endtoend financial uh business processes uh on the left hand

Side we have a company called Prestige Group which is an engineering company in India that recently moved saps for Hana Cloud Private Edition and deployed btp technology specifically built process automation to automate account statement letters and effect effectively communicate uh payment due dates to their customers which of course

Help them reduce uh cost and time associated with the manual efforts to do so um in in the middle we have company called Elma media which is a mid-market company in Finland that is using sap process automation to digitize their Finance processes and with that they were able to achieve six times faster

Refreshing reports during closing periods and automated 60% of their sales order processes which of course helped them save around 20% of their time during their overall closing activities um in the last example on the slide uh on the right hand side is a company called a CODIS which is a

Professional Service Company in Switzerland that also made the move recently to saps rahana public cloud and leveraged the free entitlements that we’re giving with for sap bu process Automation and of course took advantage of our pre-built content uh terms of automation on Bots to streamline the project Staffing and billing processes

That help them improve the accuracy and timeliness of client invoices and now as you can see here with all those three examples the common theme is when we automate Finance processes we’re also improving customer and vender experience so there’s a there’s that outcome too that we tend to

Forget but as we improve those experience is we’re going to have better relationship stronger relationships in the future absolutely yeah and to let’s say to continue let’s see with a couple more uh a little more from the analytics side let’s say rather than the let’s say the process automation or the operational

Process automation side there’s a couple of examples here too um let’s say let’s like do a little little special and let’s start in the Middle with with rush for instance um like I guess Rush is is a company that that you all know um and and actually um the specific element I

Would like to uh indicate here is that let’s say as part of their R&D uh planning and simulation they have been let’s see um putting in place these predictive uh planning capabilities which I try to illustrate with a very simplistic example of let’s say cash forecasting but let’s see throughout

Your R&D uh environment so basically that is um using the intelligent automation within the analytics Cloud environment which is um as said part of our business technology platform overall um which uh well has really tremendously generated um a big benefit reducing um let’s say their like forecast effort

From multiple weeks uh back to just a couple of hours so that’s really you like um a big change and then actually still and and and what called um are relatively like similar in terms of let’s say the message behind um and let’s say that is going going back to

Let’s say our initial point in Step One let’s say the the connectivity between our lines of businesses I think let’s say if I just take one of the two uh because the stories are relatively similar let’s say uh at the Baseline is like is if I look at what cences they

Are really leveraging our single truth or single data model technically speaking um which is like one-on-one translation of let’s say their business model into let’s say information and and data points which they want to analyze to let’s say to drive their business further um which is sitting in our Sana

Environments um that’s what sometimes is technically called our Universal Journal uh within Sana um no matter what deployment option is but the the the big thing is that like this is really the Baseline to be able to not only do just basic reporting or the advanced intelligent reporting including the

Usage of your digital system which you might want to build on top of it but at the same time this is serving them also to drive uh intelligent Automation in processes in the execution of certain process steps because what we should not forget of course is like if we want to

Have automated process execution based on a AI models those AI models need to learn from the right source of information if we can make sure that everybody’s looking at exactly the same data model that has the same definition functionally as well as technically of course then we can automate the right

Thing in the right way otherwise it’s never going to happen and like that what CO as well as steel and many other companies by the way have clearly seen this um and let’s say well there are some let’s say explanations here on the on on the slide as well on let’s say how

They have been trans able to translate that into real benefits into into actual value uh for uh for their Organization for instance for Watco they’re looking across all of their profit centers let’s say at their financial performance in exactly the same way which of course as you can imagine is really streamlining

There’s zero discussions on let’s say who’s looking at the right information they can really look at let’s see how they to improve uh and optimize their business so that’s uh a couple of other points and different angles let’s say but nonetheless also important to look at I

Would say um when we talk about intelligent automation back to you Kevin thanks Michelle so where where can you get started we covered a lot of ground here today we’re going to share these links the upper left are links to the pages that talk about the financial management offerings that Michelle team Michelle’s

Team runs and then btp for finance which is talking about bringing the btp capabilities together for finan and then we for each of the steps these are the software services that we are the customers use to address those steps so you can learn more about those steps uh

If you want to go into the Discovery Center missions are kind of like road maps to help you get started and then business accelerators are pre assets that give you a jump start when you start to do your implementation and at the bottom left we have where you go

To try and buy and start some trials Etc and then that link there is find a partner who can help you get started with that so that is I’m gonna jump in here quickly I think this is a yeah an important information or point on how howp of customers understand how to get

Started faster and and and I think one of the key features that I want to highlight for build process automation is the sap build store uh that hosts more than 400 plus pre-built content and connectors based on industry best practices uh so you can easily um search

For automation ideas based on you know what industry you’re at or what sap product you’re using and so forth and one more thing I wanted to mention mention of course aside from if you have any CPA credits you can get it with btp easily if you haven’t tried the product

And very interested we have the free tier version uh you can have a set up and and build a seminario uh and explore the whole Tool uh you know without any commitment but also what we have that we recently announced is uh kind of including a set of free build

Entitlements uh for customers that have purchased saps Cloud private and public edition of course double check uh with your sap contact on what packages you’re getting uh but we’ included just because we know the importance of Automation in today’s business and so we wanted to do

This first step uh we take the first step on your behalf so now that if you have uh you know free entitlements with with your S4 Solutions um uh you can get started by you know using low code uh for extensions for saps forano and doing application development and

Automation good point yeah great links on the slide as well for further details on that so that I guess we’re ready for questions okay um let see there are no questions in the chat um but um as I no I have not mentioned in the beginning but I also manage uh SCP user

Groups and we often get questions with regards to um what you guys do and especially with regards to finance and cash prediction um I mean to to have um experts uh in a company is especially you know data Scientists scientist modeling uh data scientist modeling not the easiest to find such

Experts so um would you say it is really required to have such experts in your company in your team in order to be able to do Cash predictions I would I would assume like said I’ll take I’ll take that answer or take that question sorry and try to

Provide a a simple or or or a baseline answer uh to that um actually if I would um refer back to the little like demonstration if you if you remember uh on let’s say on our cash forecast I know it went really quick but the Baseline of

It is or was really that of course you can do all kinds of classic cash planning capabilities which we’ve been able to perform since I don’t know how many years um however uh there is let’s say a second layer H which we have available today so it’s not your future

Road map or anything it’s basically something which we already have been uh shipping since since quite a while is let’s say out of the bo box let’s see um models predictive models which are built on not the most complex let’s say uh predictive models or statistical models

But which can really be um altered and adapted and selected from by a functional user so let’s say in your example of the cache manager like the cache manager can just basically select uh between different uh trained models even retrain them based on additional data points and then basically see what

Uh the results or my cash for or basically my adapted cash forecast um would be do I need to have data science knowledge on that or or anything like that no absolutely not now of course I would have to let’s say also admit that these are not the most

Complex uh statistical models right but which are widely spread and definitely usable in such uh cases um the deeper you go in particularities of one specific business the more you might tend to say you know I’m going to test this out and try it out it’s very easy

To use like it’s just a click on a button uh you probably need half an hour to basically get a hang of it and that’s basically it however in certain other cases you might go much deeper you want to really add this like high-end super complex logic and all of those that

Interconnectivities between different different data points and then you’re always having the possibility to extend that further to also include you know your own development your own developed uh Advanced um AI models or predictive models um so basically the answer is a little bit both I would say well what we see

Customers doing a lot is they just test out the let’s say the easy to understand and easy to use uh let’s say models which we basically ship out of the box not only for let’s say cash forecasting also in other areas and then based on that um you can always

Extend you don’t have to buy yourself another platform or anything it’s basically just within the same btp environment that we extend as well so I hope that’s um helping also to to get back to your user groups Tanya thank you so much I definitely will um here’s a

Question in the chat is sap analytics Cloud purchased or license separately yeah so I can take that again so ASP analytics Cloud um is it depends a little bit on the situation um so yes like say the complete end to Enterprise Edition can be uh purchased um let’s say separately

Or licensed separately however I say if you have um for instance the Sana Cloud public edition already then we also have embedded as AC or as embedded ASAP an This Cloud component in there a recent update which is kind of fresh from the Press is that

Also uh now let’s say we uh have let’s say bundles um let’s say planning capabilities so the sa planning and predictive capabilities within the esana Cloud public edition as well as our private Edition as well um so let’s say we have been bundling this uh together it doesn’t make it like utterly more

Expensive definitely not but just to make it easy to access um because of course it’s important to have this flexible planning and forward-looking capability and directly integrated to your Earp system so both options are there but the good news it’s already embedded also in a in a package combined with

S4 awesome thank you so much okay great so if you guys have any additional questions for the team this is the time to ask uh your questions to our topic experts um so guys um I’ve done a lot of webinars over the last several months to

A year one of the questions that keeps coming back is you know can we use the sap build automation solution with ECC uh or saps for Hana for on Prem yeah thank you I I’ll take this question it is actually one of the common questions because uh we we see

Customers that wanting to automate uh before they begin their trans transformation Journey to the cloud uh so when you have updated systems that you want to work on and you you know kind of make use of the automation uh you could definitely get started with sap process automation or any of the

Built products uh with ECC and on Prem there’s no limitations we have customers already using their this tool in advance uh to automate some inefficiencies before they uh begin their Journey to the cloud okay thanks for that Tanya do you have any on your side you’re on mute

Tanya oh now it’s me onute okay um with regards to Partners a lot of our uh the user group members uh user Partners but they also have their it departments um of course the question is do it internally do it externally will they need Partners to implement this what is your

Advice well I think it depend it depends on where you are there there’s a we talked about a broad range of capabilities here and you Pro you’re going to be able to get started with a lot of it on your own but when you start doing deeper integration into your

Current process current systems and deeper integration to your broader uh Erp you’re you’re probably going to want to bring some partners that have experience with that yeah let’s see maybe to add to that um Kevin like I I agree with what you what with what you’re saying however

Let’s say there’s there’s a lot of let’s say movement in the direction of you know self-service and easiness to to deploy in general um if I uh if I if I take an example of let’s say um what what L Jan already talked about I don’t

Want to steal your story I like you feel free to comment on that too but let’s say all of the for instance Finance out of the box scenarios which we deliver on the let’s say just let’s say freely available out there uh just by browsing to the right website um so

In our part of our sa store basically we can already you know give give a lot of access to many automation small automation cases dedicated automation cases for let’s say covering a lot of specific needs and I think that’s very important to let’s see emphasize Also

Let’s say um with let’s say more and more smaller organizations like not only the big you know Fortune Fortune 500 um companies that are running uh let’s say sap applications and they’re also interested in let’s say automating and let’s say embedded analytics and all of that so let’s say they should let’s say

More and more come out of the box and we basically are making sure it is like say there’s also embedded help actually like just what you see in more and more different app applications so let’s just you know with a click on a button you basically get information on like how to

Use a particular capability um how to customize it to to your need or adapt it to your needs I should rather say than customize because that’s too technical a term um to let’s say make that happen so that’s definitely the direction where we’re going but I agree Kevin there are still

Of course like in certain cases there’s definitely let’s say the the benefit of let’s say taking a partner by the hand um which by the way also are coming out more and more with let’s see prepackaged um Solutions because they also are bunding their IP into like kind of yeah reproducible

Items yeah and that saves a lot of time because they’ve been through some of these implementations before and can make things happen faster yeah absolutely great thank you so much now you are mute Sor sorry about that um now you know it’s a instant real

Time um so uh if you guys have questions please this is the time to ask your questions that customer all know you know with um with time you’re breaking off hear my screen go he wanted to prove this wasn’t recorded did you guys hear my audio no maybe it’s back again let’s

Try to us sorry it’s my uh that’s option okay can you guys hear me now yes can you hear me now okay sorry my headsets was was giving me some issues so I apologize for that um so as we know you know customers um you know collect

Their information from a variety of of sources um you know so one of the key questions that customers have is you know our company collects information from a variety of s of systems that’s outside of the Sap’s ecosystem um you know will can automation uh Solutions be

Uh able to integrate uh to some of the nonsp systems as well um so this is one of the questions that customers have asked thank you taorus I I’ll take this one uh yes totally understand uh we we we definitely understand that customers have different Landscapes you know

They’re using sap sap in conjunction with other third party Solutions I would assume that’s always almost the case um so uh from the customer stories as well you can see that customers do already use build process automations to automate um or aggregate data from nonsp to SAP

Systems and vice versa so there’s no limitations on doing so with sap build product itself uh and of course we also have the uh you know we have um from the business Hub we have pre-built API content that makes it easier to connect to the saps system uh or any sap system

Uh but we also have the integration speed uh uh to make those uh connections happen so there’s no limitations on where you could use uh build process automation with or what uh yeah and we’ve seen lots of those use cases already with our existing customers okay great thanks for that Tanya do you

Have any questions from your end I don’t have any other questions I don’t see any other questions in the chat you’re on mute now [Laughter] Tanya I think you guys are doing this on purpose you’re still unmute T sorry my son is walking around Mak causing a lot of noise that’s why I

Always go on mute sorry for that um no I don’t have any other questions there are no questions in that chat um so I would like to take this opportunity to thank um our speakers for your really excellent presentation um I uh also would like to thank our attendees for joining I hope

You all got a lot of value from this session if you like this session please like it and uh subscribe to the channel to to be updated for any further sessions with us back to you Taurus okay thanks thanks everyone for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us uh

Join us again in in our ongoing series of the unveil um btp series that we’ve just started so please do join us there our next one will be on February the 8th um until then have a great morning afternoon or evening wherever you’re located thank you so much it thank you thank you


Accelerate your Finance Transformation with SAP BTP - The Universe of SAP BTP Use Cases 💫 - Cycling Europe (2024)
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