AA uses what3words location technology to find breakdowns faster (2024)

AA customers can now provide their what3words address during a breakdown to help identify their location faster.

Part of its commitment to drive service through innovation, the AA has become the first UK breakdown cover provider to use the technology, which will help speed up identification of the breakdown location for the c.10,000 breakdowns the organisation attends every day.

The what3words technology works by dividing the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares, and giving each one a unique what3words address – made up of three words from the dictionary.

By using the using the what3words app, which is available to download for free, or via the online map atwww.what3words.com, drivers can now give the operator their exact what3words address when calling – and help will be sent to that precise 3m x 3m square.

As well as providing accurate locations for motorways, the technology can help with duplicate street addresses – for example there are 34 Victoria Roads in London – and also avoids hom*ophones.

Edmund King, AA president, said: “Breaking down in an unfamiliar location can be a daunting experience for anyone. This simple solution helps drivers to identify where they are – and helps us find them even faster.

“By using the latest technology we are continuing to enhance our services. Using three everyday words might seem strange but is a smart way to get you back on the road.”

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AA uses what3words location technology to find breakdowns faster (2024)
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