A discussion of The Last Judgment by Michelangelo (2024)

Where? On the west wall of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Museums
When? 1536-1541
Commissioned by? Originally Pope Clement VII commissioned Michelangelo to paint a fresco about the resurrection, but after the death of Clement VII, Pope Paul III changed the topic of the fresco into the Last Judgment.

What do you see? The painting can be divided into two scenes which are interconnected. On the top half is a scene with Jesus in the middle and on the bottom half is a scene where it is decided whether people go to Heaven or Hell.

The scene surrounding Jesus: Jesus is the central figure in the top middle of the fresco. He stands on a cloud against the background of a golden aureole. He raises his right arm to condemn the people on the right of painting to Hell, and he puts his left hand forward to draw the blessed people on the left of the painting towards him. His figure has been modeled after the Apollo Belvedere which is also in the Vatican Museums.

Jesusis surrounded in the top half of the painting by all sorts of saints and Biblical figures. While many of these figures cannot be precisely identified, some important ones stand out. To Jesus’ immediate left (from our perspective) is Mary with a red dress and a bright blue cloak. She looks to the blessed people on the left of the painting. She has a passive attitude as her role to intervene between the people who pray to her and God is no longer relevant.

John the Baptist is the large person to the left of Jesus. He is wearing a camel-skin robe and looks at Jesus. In between Mary and Saint John is Saint Andrew holding a diagonal cross. Saint Peter is the large person to the right of Jesus. He has a white beard and holds the keys of Heaven (one silver and a gold one).

​Saint Bartholomew is the large figure right below Jesus. He sits on a cloud, has a long grey beard, and holds his own skin in his right hand (in whichMichelangelopainted his self-portrait) and a knife in his left hand. To his left is Saint Lawrence sitting on a cloud holding a ladder.

Detail of Bartholomew

The scene at the bottom:In the bottom left, people arise from their graves. In the scene above this one, some of these people are rising through the help of angels or clouds. These are the people that are saved.

In the bottom middle, above the cross of Jesus, there is a group of wingless angels who are blowing trumpets to awake the dead. They carry two books that contain the names of the people who are going to Heaven and Hell. The bigger book on the right contains the people that go to Hell.

​On the bottom right, there is a boat full of people who are going to Hell. Charon is standing on the left side of the boat and aggressively forces the people out of the boat. Minos is standing in the right bottom corner of the painting with a snake wrapped around him (and the snake bites his genitals). He is standing in front of the entrance to Hell. Charon and Minos are two figures described in Dante’s poem Inferno, and they are depicted exactly as Dante describes them.

Detail of the damned man

Interestingly, there is no clear figure of a devil present in this painting, though several devil-like figures can be seen on the right side of the painting. They can be recognized by the horns on their head, and they are pulling people down to go to Hell.

​On the left of this group is a person who is referred to as the damned man as his expression convincingly includes both the disbelief and the realization that he will go to Hell forever.

Michelangelodecided not to depict Hell itself and leaves it to our imagination.

Backstory:Michelangeloinitially discussed the content of a large fresco in the Sistine Chapel with Pope Clemente VII in 1533. However, he only started to work on the actual fresco in 1536 under Pope Paul III. Before Michelangelo started his work on The Last Judgment (sometimes spelled The Last Judgement), the wall was covered by three frescos fromPerugino.

Michelangelo decided that the wall should be rebuilt using high-quality brick stones and slope slightly inwards such that the wall could not collect dust. The goal of his fresco is to remember viewers of the upcoming day of the Last Judgment, where everyone, including the viewers, will be judged by God on whether they will go to Heaven or Hell.

​The painting caused quite some controversy when it was revealed. Controversial elements were the inclusion of mythological figures and the wingless angels in the fresco. Another important debate was about all the nudity in the fresco on the wall of a chapel. Originally the genitalia of many people in this fresco were visible. Around 1564, probably right after the death of Michelangelo, Danielle Da Volterra was ordered to cover some of these obscenities in this fresco.

Detail of wingless angels

Detail of Saint Peter

Symbolism:This fresco contains lots of symbolism, and almost every attribute in the painting has a symbolic meaning. Below are a few examples.

  • On the top left of the painting, a large cross can be seen, as well as the Crown of Thorns, and the nails used for the cross.
  • On the top right is the Column of Flagellation, as well as the ladder, the spear, and the sponge dipped in vinegar. All of these symbols refer to the Passion of Christ.
  • You can also still see the wounds of the crucifixion in the hands and feet of Jesus.
  • The keys of Saint Peter are the keys to Heaven.
  • The skin that Saint Bartholomew is holding is a symbol of martyrdom.
  • The ladder of Saint Lawrence symbolizes his martyrdom.
  • In the scene on the bottom right, where people are dragged down by devils and pushed down by angels, different people represent different sins. For example, the man with the bag of money and keys represents the sin of greediness.

The Last Judgment according to the Bible: The Last Judgment of all people who lived on Earth is an important aspect of the Christian religion. It is described as a moment in which all people will come to life again, and the good people will be rewarded by going to Heaven, and the evil people will go to Hell.

There is a large number of references in the Bible to the Last Judgment (see here for a complete list). The most important and direct reference is in Revelations 20:11-15 in which the judgment day is described in a vision to John the Apostle. Another good source is Matthew 25: 31-46 in which Jesus explains the Last Judgment as the day when he will return to Earth with all his angels.

Several main elements in this fresco can be linked to the Biblical stories. For example, the scene at the bottom left on the opening of the graves is based on Ezekiel 37:1-14. However, many aspects of this painting also differ from the Biblical description. Moreover, some elements are also inspired by non-Biblical sources, such as Dante’s Inferno.

Who is Michelangelo? Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564) was born in Caprese in the Republic of Florence. He lived most of his adult life in either Florence or Rome. From 1534 till his death he lived in Rome where he not only worked on this fresco in the Sistine Chapel, but he was also appointed lead architect of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Michelangelo was an architect, painter, poet, and sculptor and he is remembered most for his paintings and sculptures. Only a few paintings of him have survived, including the Doni Tondo in the Uffizi Museum. However, he is better known for his amazing frescos such as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which includes the famous scene of The Creation of Adam.

​His sculptures are also considered to be among the best in the world. A couple of examples are his statue of David in the Galleria dell’Accademia and his Genius of Victory in the Palazzo Vecchio.

Doni Tondo by Michelangelo

Genius of Victory by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

Fun fact: Michelangelo included about 400 figures in this fresco and has included these people in a large number of different positions. This required very extensive knowledge of the human body which is something Michelangelo possessed.

From a young age, Michelangelo participated in the dissection of the bodies of convicted criminals, something that the Pope allowed. The only condition was that the bodies of the criminals would be properly buried afterward. These dissections provided Michelangelo with very valuable knowledge of the human body, which was important for the realism of his sculptures and paintings.

Michelangelo was not the only artists that dissected dead bodies. Multiple artists did this during that period, including Leonardo da Vinci, as the art moved away from unrealistic religious painting during the Middle Ages to more realistic and idealized human bodies during the Renaissance.

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Written by Eelco Kappe


  • Barnes, Bernadine Ann (1998), Michelangelo’s Last Judgment: The Renaissance Response, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Eknoyan, Garabed (2000), “Michelangelo: Art, Anatomy, and the Kidney,” Kidney International, 57, 1190-1201.
  • Symonds, John Addington (1901), The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti: Based on Studies in the Archives of the Buonarroti Family at Florence, Volume 2, 3rd edition, MacMillan and Co., Limited, London.
  • www.italian-renaissance-art.com
  • www.khanacademy.org
A discussion of The Last Judgment by Michelangelo (2024)


What is the meaning of the last Judgement by Michelangelo? ›

The Last Judgment (Italian: Il Giudizio Universale) is a fresco by the Italian Renaissance painter Michelangelo covering the whole altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. It is a depiction of the Second Coming of Christ and the final and eternal judgment by God of all humanity.

Why was the last Judgement censored? ›

Michelangelo was accused of immorality and obscenity by Cardinal Carafa because he had painted nude figures, with the genitals in evidence. A censorship campaign was thus organized (known as the "campaign of fig leaves") to cover the obscenities of the frescoes by Daniele da Volterra.

Why were some people upset about final judgment a part of the Sistine Chapel? ›

The Last Judgment was a very controversial piece at the time of the Renaissance because, unlike many other artists, Michelangelo portrayed every person in his painting as naked, intending to demonstrate the lack of importance that the rich would have at the end of the world when humanity stands before judgment.

Why was the restoration of the Sistine Chapel controversial? ›

The emergence of bright colours from the gloom fuelled fears that the cleaning processes being used were too severe. Critics argued that the restorers had failed to understand the techniques Michelangelo used and, as such, had employed universal methods that had subsequently robbed the paintings of considerable detail.

What is the message of the last Judgement? ›

Christianity teaches that all will stand to be judged by God at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In early Christian art the scene is one of Christ as judge, the resurrection of the dead, the weighing of souls, the separation of the saved and the damned, and representations of heaven and hell.

What is the significance of the last Judgement? ›

Painted by esteemed Italian painter, sculptor, poet and architect Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, The Last Judgement depicts the second coming of Christ as well as God's final and eternal judgment of all humanity.

Why is Michelangelo's last Judgement controversial? ›

Not long after the painting's completion, the Council of Trent condemned nudity in religious art, decreeing that “all lasciviousness be avoided; in such wise that figures shall not be painted or adorned with a beauty exciting to lust.” Clement's successor Pope Pius IV complied with the tenet, and in 1565, the year ...

Why is the last Judgement controversial? ›

While The Last Judgment is quite popular today, at the time of its creation it was a source of great controversy. The painting's significant amount of nudity became its biggest criticism, which would later lead to Daniele da Volterra, Michelangelo's pupil, being hired to cover much of it up.

What is the controversy with the last Judgement painting? ›

Critics also objected to the contorted poses (some resulting in the indecorous presentation of buttocks), the breaks with pictorial tradition (the beardless Christ, the wingless angels), and the appearance of mythology (the figures of Charon and Minos) in a scene portraying sacred history.

Did Michelangelo get hurt painting the Sistine Chapel? ›

In 1509, an increasingly uncomfortable Michelangelo described the physical strain of the Sistine Chapel project to his friend Giovanni da Pistoia. “I've already grown a goiter from this torture,” he wrote in a poem that was surely somewhat tongue-in-cheek.

Why was Michelangelo reluctant to paint the Sistine Chapel and why did he accept? ›

Michelangelo initially refused because he wanted to devote his time to sculpture instead of painting. But a request from the Pope is hard to turn down, so Michelangelo eventually gave in. In his thirties, Michelangelo would work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel from 1508-1512.

What was wrong with the Sistine Chapel? ›

State of the frescoes

The building was a little unstable and had already shifted considerably prior to Michelangelo's work of 1508, causing cracking of the ceiling, the crack in the "Judith" pendentive being so large that it had to be filled with bricks and mortar before painting.

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Sistine Chapel

The real reason for the ban dates back to 1980. During this time, the restoration of the masterpieces within the Chapel was to be completed. Due to the cost of this restoration, the Vatican officials looked to outside companies to fund the project.

How long did it take to clean the Sistine Chapel? ›

His claim to fame is the restoration of Michelangelo's Sistine frescoes in 1980-94, and the professional ethos he showed in that work. Maintaining a consistent level of cleaning over 14 years, and over a large surface—about 1,200 sq m.

Did they censor the Sistine Chapel? ›

After Michelangelo' death

In 1564, the year he died, the censorship law was for passed for his frescoes. The Artist Daniele da Volterra was commissioned to cover the nudity with some clothes. Today it is possible to admire the original fresco because the censorship was removed following restoration.

Why do you think Michelangelo's Last Judgment was controversial? ›

Not long after the painting's completion, the Council of Trent condemned nudity in religious art, decreeing that “all lasciviousness be avoided; in such wise that figures shall not be painted or adorned with a beauty exciting to lust.” Clement's successor Pope Pius IV complied with the tenet, and in 1565, the year ...

What is the meaning of the creation of Adam? ›

Lesson Summary. The Creation of Adam was painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City between 1508-1512. 'The Creation of Adam represents the moment in which humanity was created through the hands of God.

What is the significance of the Pieta? ›

It means “Pity” or “Compassion,” and represents Mary sorrowfully contemplating the dead body of her son which she holds on her lap. This sculpture was commissioned by a French Cardinal living in Rome.

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