8 Types of Globalization (Definition & Explanation For Students) (2024)

8 Types of Globalization (Definition & Explanation For Students) (1)

There are 8 types of Globalization:

  • Social globalization
  • Technological globalization
  • Financial globalization
  • Economic globalization
  • Political globalization
  • Cultural globalization
  • Ecological globalization
  • Sociological globalization

Through these 8 aspects, we can see how our world is becoming more integrated on many different levels. This article will define, explain and examine all 8 types of globalization.

Info Card: Definition of Globalization

Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of our world. It’s understood to have been happening since the beginning of time but has rapidly accelerated since the 1950s. Many scholars define globalization as the shrinking of ‘time’ and ‘space’. In other words, connecting with people takes less time than ever before and moving from one space to another (e.g. around the world) is faster than ever before.

Only the first 3 types of globalization are required for A-Level exams.

Contents show

1. Political Globalization

Political globalization refers to the diplomatic negotiations between nation-states. It includes the standardization of global rules around trade, criminality, and the rule of law.

International bodies including the United Nations, European Union and World Trade Organization are key multinational organizations designed to facilitate increasing political globalization. This includes growing free trade and multilateral agreements on investment.

One of the biggest positives of political globalization is that it creates international rule of law. It helps prevent war crimes and polices bad actors on the international stage. It can also help speed up other forms of globalization, like economic globalization, because standardized rules around food and trade standards makes it easier for companies to sell their goods overseas.

An argument against political globalization is that it involves countries meddling in each other’s business. Many people think we shouldn’t interfere in the decisions of other nations. Another criticism is that it led to the spread of the political ideology of neoliberalism that increases the gap between the rich and the poor.

2. Social Globalization

Also known as sociological globalization, social globalization refers to the integration of our societies.

Not to be confused with cultural globalization, sociological globalization refers to the idea that we now live in a shared society. (There are many different cultures within a society. But a society is a group of people who all live together).

And now more than ever, it feels as if we all live in one society instead of a group of different societies. For example:

  • What happens in Afghanistan can affect what happens in the United States.
  • A contagion in China spreads to all corners of the world.
  • A nuclear weapon in North Korea can threaten lives in New Zealand.

So, it appears, we are now all a common society who need to learn to get along despite our different cultures and beliefs because what we do affects people all around the world.

Another aspect of social globalization is the movement of people. People can go from one country to another easily, and those who are most highly educated can get jobs in different nations with more ease than ever.

3. Economic Globalization

Economic globalization refers to the ways corporations do business as multinational organizations nowadays.

Whereas once McDonald’s only existed in the USA and HSBC only existed in the UK, now these companies are all over the world in a ‘globalized economy’.

You will also notice the movement of manufacturing industries to developing nations to make the most of low wages and lowers the price of goods.

This can help developing nations increase overall employment but can be considered exploitation of nations with poor working conditions. It also takes good paying jobs away from developed nations.

Related Concept: McDonaldization (with Examples)

4. Technological Globalization

Technological globalization refers to the spread of technology around the world.

Examples of this include the spread of the internet, solar panel technology and medical technologies – which can all help improve the lives of people around the world.

The spread of technologies can be interpreted as the ‘rising tide lifts all boats’ argument. Globalization means we can make the most of the best technologies from all around the world to make everyone’s lives better and improve everyone’s economies.

Technological globalization is closely connected to the anthropological “scapes of globalization” theory by Arjun Appadurai. He came up with the term “technoscapes” to explain how technology spreads around the world.

5. Financial Globalization

Financial globalization refers to the ease at which money can be spread around the world.

The growth of stock exchanges like the NYSE and FTSE as well as internationalization of financial markets has made it easier for people to transfer money internationally.

The benefit of this is that it’s easy and cheap to get investments for new business ventures. You can find a Chinese, French or Canadian investor to wire you some money to start your business instead of just relying on local investors!

But many nations also face backlash because of the sense that overseas companies buy out too much of their businesses, real estate and farming land – which could be a threat to a nation’s sovereignty.

6. Cultural Globalization

Cultural globalization refers to the spread and mixing of cultures around the world.

Arjun Appadurai talks about the possible effect of hom*ogenization of culture, where dominant nations like the United States spread their cultures through television and movies, which leads to the dilution and loss of local and indigenous cultures and the rise of a global culture.

One example is the spread of punk music from the UK and USA around the world in the 1970s. Other examples include the spread of Disney music, secularism and consumer culture.

Concepts related to cultural globalization include cultural adaptation, cultural diffusion, and hierarchical diffusion. We can also see that, as migrants move around the world, people are increasingly developing transnational identities.

7. Ecological Globalization

Ecological globalization refers to the idea that the world needs to be considered one interconnected ecosystem.

This means that the world needs to work together to address ecological issues that cross the borders of nation-states.

Examples include:

  • The hole in the Ozone layer, which required the world to ban CFCs.
  • Climate Change, which will affect the poorest nations (particularly low-lying nations in the Pacific and South-East Asia) even though much of the damage is caused by developed nations like the United States.

To address these issues, climate accords like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate Agreement have been put into place, where each nation agrees to invest in lowering its carbon emissions.

8. Geographical Globalization

Geographical globalization refers to the idea that the world is no longer seen as groups of distinct nations as much as it once was.

We now work in multinational blocs to make decisions, and nations work together to solve problems.

It also refers to the fact that we’re now able to travel between nations with increasing ease. You can go from the United States to Europe within a day, for example. Furthermore, people can identify as belonging to multiple geographic regions, especially if they hold multiple passports. Heritage and familial ownership of territory is getting weaker and weaker.

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Critiques and Responses to Globalization

  • Neolocalism
  • Glocalization


The 8 types of globalization are not as distinct as you might first think. One type of globalization may have similar characteristics of another and they may influence one another. You could think of these ‘types’ as a venn diagram where features overlap rather than distinct silos. Getting your head around this can prevent a lot of confusion around which aspect of globalization fits within which definition – it may fit within multiple.

By looking at globalization through the lens of these eight ‘types of globalization’, you can start to dissect the impacts – both positive and negative – that globalization has had on our world.

References and Recommended Sources – In APA Style

Campbell, J. L. (2004).Institutional change and globalization. Princeton, United States: Princeton University Press.

Davidson, C., Heyman, F., Matusz, S., Sjöholm, F., & Zhu, S. C. (2020). Globalization, the jobs ladder and economic mobility.European Economic Review,127, 103444.

Martell, L. (2016).The sociology of globalization. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Tzanelli, R. (2007).The cinematic tourist: Explorations in globalization, culture and resistance. Los Angeles: Routledge.

Rantanen, T., & Jiménez-Martínez, C. (2019).Globalisation and the media. London: CRC Press.

Chris Drew (PhD)

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

8 Types of Globalization (Definition & Explanation For Students) (2024)


What is globalization 8? ›

Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the globe.

What are the examples of forms of globalization? ›

A manufacturer assembling a product for a distant market, a country submitting to international law, and a language adopting a foreign loanword are all examples of globalization.

What are the different types of globalization flows? ›

What are the three flows of globalization? The three flows of globalization are flows of people, flows of capital, and flows of resources.

What are 10 examples of globalization? ›

10 Types of Globalization
  • Trade. Commercial exchanges between companies and individuals that cross borders.
  • Transportation. International transport links such as roads, train networks and airports.
  • Communication. ...
  • Culture. ...
  • Capital. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Knowledge. ...
  • Science.
Mar 8, 2017

What is the most important type of globalization? ›

Social Globalization [Types of Globalization]

It is another one of the important types of globalization. Social globalization is a process. As a result of this process, traditional social institutions become weak. The identity of the socialized people is renewed.

Which of the following is the best definition of globalization? ›

Most agree that globalization rests upon, or simply is, the growth in international exchange of goods, services, and capital, and the increasing levels of integration that characterize economic activity.

How is 8 globalization in communication important to an individual? ›

The importance of communication in globalization is paramount because individuals from different countries, ethnicities, languages, cultural attitudes and other variations must understand one another and express themselves to another effectively in order to work together.

What is globalization 7? ›

Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information.

What is globalization 6? ›

So, globalization reduces governments traditional role in managing their states”. 6- Globalization is the process of growing economic interdependence of countries in the international economy.

What are the main characteristics of globalization explain? ›

Globalization Characteristics

Its essential features include the cross-border connectivity or integration, free trade environment and interdependency of nations. In addition, it facilitates global business expansion, cross-culture diversification, lower tariffs and taxes on international business operations. read more.

What is globalization in simple words? ›

Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result.

What are 5 examples of globalization? ›

More Real-World Examples
Time FrameReal EventGlobalization Type
2009-2023Bitcoin and CryptocurrencyBanking Globalization
1994-2023AmazonEconomic Globalization
1995-2023Chatbots & Self-Driving CarsTechnological Globalization
1994-2023NAFTAPolitical Globalization
7 more rows

How can globalization affect people? ›

Studies also suggest that globalization may contribute to income disparity and inequality between the more educated and less educated members of a society. This means that unskilled workers may be affected by declining wages, which are under constant pressure from globalization.

What are the types of economic globalization? ›

Elements of economic globalization

The growth in cross-border economic activities takes five principal forms: (1) international trade; (2) foreign direct investment; (3) capital market flows; (4) migration (movement of labor); and (5) diffusion of technology (Stiglitz, 2003).

What are the 4 basic of globalization? ›

Chapter 2 The Four Defining Elements of Globalization: Integration, Interdependence, State Erosion, Transnational Power. power and the vested global market interests it represents.

What are the types and dimensions of globalization? ›

These dimensions may be grouped under the following categories: economic, political, social, technology and cultural.

What is globalization in our daily life? ›

Globalization allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products. It also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers. Lowered costs help people in both developing and already-developed countries live better on less money.

What is 1 example of social globalization? ›

Social globalisation refers to the sharing of ideas and information between and through different countries. In today's world, the Internet and social media is at the heart of this. Good examples of social globalisation could include internationally popular films, books and TV series.

What are the 5 negative effects of globalization? ›

What Are the Disadvantages of Globalization?
  • Unequal economic growth. ...
  • Lack of local businesses. ...
  • Increases potential global recessions. ...
  • Exploits cheaper labor markets. ...
  • Causes job displacement.
Oct 12, 2022

How does globalization affect society? ›

Globalization is associated with rapid and significant human changes. The movements of people from rural to urban areas has accelerated, and the growth of cities in the developing world especially is linked to substandard living for many. Family disruption and social and domestic violence are increasing.

What is globalization in education? ›

A massive spread of education and of Westernoriented norms of learning at all levels in the twentieth century and the consequences of widely available schooling are a large part of the globalization process.

What was a key thing to have in globalization? ›

The characteristic elements that constitute economic globalization are cross-border flows of goods and services, capital, people, data and ideas.

How does globalization affect your identity and your life? ›

Globalization also influences our cultural identity and affinity groups. Technology allows us to eliminate communication boundaries and interact with each other on a global scale. Globalization lends itself to cultural hom*ogenization that is the world becoming culturally similar (Back et al.

Why is 8s communication important? ›

In our daily life, communication helps us build relationships by allowing us to share our experiences, and needs, and helps us connect to others. It's the essence of life, allowing us to express feelings, pass on information and share thoughts. We all need to communicate.

How does globalization affect yourself? ›

However, globalisation is also affecting us in a negative way. Increased transportation and the global shift of polluting manufacturing industries has resulted in environmental degradation. Pollution is affecting people's health and having a negative impact on biodiversity levels globally.

What is globalisation in 10? ›

Globalisation refers to the integration of global economics, industries, markets, culture and policies making around the world free from socio-political control and reduces distances between regions/countries through a global network of trade, communication, immigration, and transportation.

What are the 5 features of globalization? ›

In this article I highlight the general themes in the post-Cold War Era under the scope of the five dimensions of globalization, namely: Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political.

What is the importance of globalization? ›

In the world of business, globalization is associated with trends such as outsourcing, free trade, and international supply chains. Globalization is important as it increases the size of the global market, and allows more and different goods to be produced and sold for cheaper prices.

What is an example of cultural globalization? ›

Table Summary: Examples of Cultural Globalization
  • McDonaldization. McDonaldization is a term coined by the American sociologist George Ritzer to describe increasing cultural conformity.
  • Spread of Religions (e.g. Evangelical Protestantism) ...
  • Spread of Foods and Dishes. ...
  • Spread of Fashion. ...
  • Spread of Ideologies. ...
  • Davos Culture.

What are the 4 qualities and characteristics of globalization? ›

Manfred Steger, professor of global studies and research leader in the Global Cities Institute at RMIT University, identifies four main empirical dimensions of globalization: economic, political, cultural, and ecological.

What are the 5 major of globalization? ›

In this article I highlight the general themes in the post-Cold War Era under the scope of the five dimensions of globalization, namely: Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political.

What is globalization 10 points? ›

1) Globalization means the interaction of various nations. 2) It helps in promoting trade and business. 3) It can be social, political, and economic. 4) Internet plays a key role in globalization. 5) It helps in the development of the country.

What are the 6 core of globalization? ›

According to Steger ( 2007), globalist ideology consists of six core truth claims: (1) globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of markets; (2) globalization is inevitable and irreversible; (3) nobody is in charge of globalization; (4) globalization benefits everyone; (5) globalization furthers ...

What are 3 influences on globalization? ›

In addition, the United Nations identified three mega-trends related to globalization: shifts in production and labor markets, rapid advances in technology, and climate change.

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