8 Best Practices for Real Estate Cold Calling | Market Leader (2024)

After learning some best practices, your new perspective on cold calling may surprise you.

It gets a bad rap. But if you know what you’re doing, it’s less intimidating and more productive.

Regardless of what you’ve heard or imagined, real estate cold calling can still be an effective lead generation strategy. That’s true even though it is “old school,” and even if there are many ways to fail.

Why Cold Calling Is Still Worthy of Consideration

If real estate cold calling seems like an old-fashioned strategy, that’s because it is. But like direct mail marketing and door knocking, there’s a reason it’s been a common sales tactic for as long as it has: it works.

Let’s be honest. Upon first glance, the statistics about how good of an ROI cold calling offers aren’t encouraging. For example, a recent study indicated that roughly one in three prospects will pick up when you call, and only one percent of cold calls will lead to an appointment.

But that doesn’t show the whole picture. Because many top-performing agents consider cold calling to be an essential part of their business plan. They’ve filled their pipelines by “dialing for dollars,” and it’s led to serious commission income increases year after year.

This discrepancy seems to highlight an important point: Real estate cold calling isn’t just a numbers game. Success comes as a result of discipline, hard work, and a bit of technique. Not plugging away until you experience some random luck.

Top-performing agents know how to capitalize on the few opportunities they get. They know how to get warm leads out of cold calls. And that’s doable for you, too, as long as you follow some tried-and-true techniques.

So let’s dive into the best practices so you can be among the many expert agents who leverage cold calling to close more deals.

8 Pro Tips for Real Estate Cold Calling

1. Understand the Law

Cold calling in real estate isn’t foolproof. There are many ways it can go wrong. Getting into legal trouble is among the worst ways to fail.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TPCA) was created in 1991 to protect consumers from pesky telemarketers. It applies to “any person, business, or entity that conducts telephone solicitations,” which includes real estate agents.

The TCPA is important to mention here because both the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have the regulatory powers to enforce it. The last thing you want as a result of trying to generate leads is a lawsuit.

And beware: today there are more than 220 million numbers on the FCC’s official Do Not Call Registry. If you call numbers on the registry, you could face a fine of up to $40,000 for each call.

So what does this mean for you? Essentially it means you need to comply with the following:

  • Restrict your calls to hours between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Be transparent: immediately tell the recipient who you are and the name of your business
  • Don’t block your phone number from the recipient’s caller I.D.
  • Search the registry for every cold call you make to ensure you aren’t contacting anyone who’s on that list

For more details about how to cold call in real estate without breaking the law, check out NAR’s quick summary.

2. Prepare

Do the proper research before you call so you can speak knowledgeably about your prospect’s situation and provide thorough responses to any questions that might come up. For example: if you’re cold calling a potential seller, familiarize yourself with the neighborhood, know the area’s median listing price, and compile a handful of nearby listing comps for reference.

Prepare your lines beforehand. Use the most effective real estate call scripts and adjust them to fit your personality and the specific situation.

Then practice. Rehearse your main talking points. Call yourself and leave a voicemail to assess your delivery.

Ask a friend, family member, or colleague to play the role of an inquisitive consumer so you can practice fielding questions, addressing concerns, and handling objections. Work toward sounding as natural as possible.

3. Resist the Urge To Sell

Be relational, not salesy. No one wants to feel like they’re being used to boost your bottom line. So be friendly and provide value. Demonstrate that you actually care about them as a person.

How can you do that? By listening to what they say, taking notes, and repeating their own words back to them throughout the conversation. Tailor your approach specifically to their pain points and show how you’re the agent who can provide the help they need.

Your ultimate goal, of course, is to turn them into a client. But that’s not what this call is about. You’re not going to sign any contracts after a single phone call.

Instead, focus on being genuinely helpful, and replace your ultimate goal with a much smaller one for the time being: to get them to take the next step (which, for example, might be something as simple as scheduling a follow-up call).

4. Set a (Realistic) Daily Cold Calling Goal

Aiming for 500 cold calls a day is admirable, but it’s also a recipe for burnout.

First, establish your commission income goals. Then determine how many calls you’ll need to get there.

For example, let’s say you want to earn $75,000 this year in commissions and you’re on a 10 percent split with your broker. That means you’ll need to close slightly less than $2.8 million worth of real estate sales. (The breakdown: $75,000 of total commissions income ÷ 90% to account for the split ÷ 3% if that’s the transaction commission rate.) If the median sale price of a home in your area was $285,000, you’d need to close 10 deals a year to reach (and slightly exceed) your commission goal.

(If you want the quickest, easiest way to find out how many leads you’ll need to reach your annual income goal, use Market Leader’s free Lead Calculator. Simply punch in the numbers you’re aiming for, and the calculator will tell you how many transactions and leads you’ll need across all lead sources.)

Also, this is where investing in your CRM pays off. Analyze the data it provides to determine how many contacts it took you to generate the deals you closed last year.

5. Call at the “Right Time”

If you still don’t feel all warm and fuzzy about real estate cold calling, consider getting it out of the way as soon as possible so you can avoid procrastinating. Many agents like to make telephone prospecting the first thing they do every morning so they can get it off their mind and their to-do list.

Is that the best time to call? It could be. But as long as you comply with the FCC’s limitations, of course, any time may be a good time for you and your prospects.

You could go the route of following the statistics. For example, findings from one recent study suggested that “decision makers are more likely to engage in the late afternoon,” with engagement rates peaking “during the 4-5 p.m. hour.” And data from another study showed that “the best time to cold call a prospect is between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., with 10 a.m. (15.53%) and 2 p.m. (15.01%) providing the best response times.”

Studies like those might provide a good starting point. But ultimately, you need to find what works best for you and your prospects. That’s going to require some trial and error.

Hypothesize about what might work best, give it a try, track your results, and repeat the process until you’ve found a time range that yields the highest results. Once you’ve identified the ideal times to call, make that a regular part of your schedule and stick to it.

6. Demonstrate Your Value Immediately

The prospect should immediately learn 1) who you are and 2) what you bring to the table. And they should know both of those things before they can even begin to consider objections.

Sharing who you are is easy – just start off the call by mentioning your name and, if applicable, the name of your business or brokerage. But how can you demonstrate your value?

  • Share a version of your unique value proposition, a statement that expresses how you’re different (and better!) than your competitors. (Don’t have one? Market Leader’s free real estate marketing plan walks you through the process of creating a unique value proposition, vision statement, and mission statement.)
  • Share your enthusiasm. Think of Theodore Roosevelt’s famous line: “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Demonstrating your level of expertise is very important (which is why it’s our next point), but it’s not the only thing that matters when cold calling – you also need to show that you have their best interest at heart. Your prospect is looking for an advocate and cheerleader, not just a consultant.
  • Share what you know. By translating not only facts and figures but also your interpretation, insights, and conclusions based on the data, you’re essentially saying, “I’m the local expert, I’ve put in the hard work to understand this market at a granular level, and I’m bringing a kind of value that no other agent can provide.” It’s that kind of analysis that will put you leagues beyond what your prospects can find on Zillow.

7. Be Memorable

Not only are you competing with other agents, you’re also competing with all of the other things that take prospects’ time and attention away from buying or selling. So find your own unique way to stand out. Maybe for you it’s your personality, a catchphrase, a resource you provide, or a personal connection you share.

But remember: Ultimately, the call isn’t about you. It’s about helping the prospect. So as you’re capturing their attention, be careful not to push them aside. Always help your prospects draw a clear connection between what you do and how (exactly) that benefits them.

8. Give Them the Next Steps

After the call is over, they should know what’s going to happen next. End by scheduling a meeting, for example, or nailing down the best time for a follow-up call.

Is there a specific action you want them to take after the call? Tell them plainly. Depending on the situation, you might have one specific call to action (e.g., “Take a look at the listings on my website,” or “Check out this CMA and let me know what you think”).

Or maybe the next step is something you will do (e.g., “I’m going to shoot you an email that walks you through the buying process…,” or “I’ll give you a call on Wednesday…”).

In any case, don’t end the call without providing clarity about who is doing what when.

Speaking of next steps…

Cold calling is just one way you can get more listings. Learn all seven essential tactics for getting more listing leads and discover how to…

  • cold call FSBOs and expired listings
  • build your brand
  • nail your marketing
  • grow your network
  • get exclusive buyer and seller leads in your local market

I'm an experienced professional in the field of real estate sales and lead generation, with a proven track record of success. Over the years, I've gained extensive knowledge and expertise in various strategies, including cold calling, to effectively close deals and increase commission income. My insights are not just theoretical; they come from practical experience and a deep understanding of the nuances of real estate sales.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article about best practices for real estate cold calling:

  1. The Effectiveness of Cold Calling: The article emphasizes that, despite its old-fashioned reputation, cold calling remains a valuable lead generation strategy in real estate. It mentions that success in cold calling is not merely a numbers game but requires discipline, hard work, and technique.

  2. Legal Considerations: The article highlights the importance of understanding and adhering to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) when engaging in real estate cold calling. It emphasizes the potential legal consequences, including fines, for violating regulations. Compliance tips include restricting calls to specific hours, being transparent about identity, and checking the Do Not Call Registry.

  3. Preparation: The article underscores the significance of thorough research and preparation before making cold calls. This involves familiarizing oneself with the prospect's situation, understanding local market data, and practicing effective real estate call scripts. Preparation contributes to knowledgeable conversations and boosts the chances of success.

  4. Relational Approach: The article advises against a sales-oriented approach and promotes building relationships during cold calls. It suggests being friendly, providing value, and demonstrating genuine care for the prospect. The ultimate goal is to turn prospects into clients, but the focus during the call is on building a connection and encouraging the next step.

  5. Setting Realistic Goals: The article recommends setting realistic daily cold calling goals based on commission income objectives. It illustrates how to calculate the number of deals needed to reach income goals and stresses the importance of using a CRM to analyze past performance data for optimal results.

  6. Choosing the Right Time: The article discusses the importance of timing in cold calling and suggests experimenting to find the most effective time for reaching prospects. It cites studies indicating potential peak engagement times and encourages agents to tailor their schedules based on trial and error.

  7. Demonstrating Value: The article emphasizes the need to immediately convey who you are and the value you bring to the prospect. This involves sharing a unique value proposition, expressing enthusiasm, and showcasing local market expertise to set oneself apart from competitors.

  8. Being Memorable: The article acknowledges the competition for prospects' attention and advises finding unique ways to stand out. It suggests using a distinctive personality, catchphrase, resource, or personal connection while keeping the focus on helping the prospect and addressing their specific needs.

  9. Providing Clear Next Steps: The article concludes by highlighting the importance of clarifying the next steps after a cold call. Whether scheduling a meeting, setting up a follow-up call, or specifying a particular action, providing clarity ensures that the prospect knows what to expect and maintains momentum in the sales process.

By incorporating these best practices, real estate agents can enhance their cold calling strategies and increase their success in lead generation and deal closure.

8 Best Practices for Real Estate Cold Calling | Market Leader (2024)


What are the 4 pillars of cold calling in real estate wholesaling? ›

What are the 4 pillars of real estate cold calling?
  • Condition. The condition of the house is key information to understand the financial potential for the seller and for you.
  • Motivation. ...
  • Timeline. ...
  • Asking price.
May 16, 2023

How many cold calls should a real estate agent make? ›

The more the more likely you will be successful. It's super difficult to do every day for hours at a time, but if you can, I would start with 100 calls a day and see how many contacts you have made in a month.

Who should I cold call in real estate? ›

People selling their own homes are a good target for cold calling because they already have a need for your services. You can also easily find their names and numbers connected to home listings.

What are the 4 essential elements of the sales call? ›

4 Elements of Any Good Sales Call
  • Set a goal for the number of calls you want to make per day.
  • Worry about what you can learn rather than what you will say.
  • Focus on how your product or service can help instead of what it does.
  • Ask for the sale on every call.
Nov 12, 2017

What are the 4 pillars of motivation in real estate? ›

At the heart of this are the 4 pillars of motivation in real estate: Condition, Timeline, Motivation, and Price. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in the decision-making process for both the seller and the flipper.

What is the best time of day to cold call real estate? ›

Tips for Cold Calling Success
  • Late mornings at around 11 am (right before lunch) and late afternoons between 4 to 5 pm (before the end of the workday) are the best cold calling times.
  • The middle of the week (Wednesdays and Thursdays) are the best days to reach prospects.
Dec 8, 2023

What is the success rate of cold calling real estate? ›

Cold calling ranks as the second most effective prospecting method for real estate agents (57.1%), behind referrals (92.8%). Cold calling typically has a 1% to 3% success rate. 49% of sales reps prefer using email over cold calling. Only 0.3% of cold calls result in an appointment.

What is the average closing rate for cold calling? ›

The average conversion rate for cold calling is 2 percent, which means that out of every 100 sales calls your SDR team makes, only two end up as closed deals.

How do you handle a gatekeeper in the cold calling? ›

How to get past the gatekeeper: 11 easy strategies
  1. Use the prospect's cell phone number. ...
  2. Do your research. ...
  3. No matter what, be polite. ...
  4. Show respect. ...
  5. Don't sell to the gatekeeper. ...
  6. Stay calm and call on. ...
  7. Convey confidence. ...
  8. Just be honest.
Sep 1, 2022

How do you succeed in cold calling? ›

During the cold call
  1. Make a strong first impression when opening the cold call. ...
  2. Have a strong introduction. ...
  3. Lead the call. ...
  4. Showcase your company's credibility. ...
  5. Use the “Try me, don't have to buy me” approach. ...
  6. Ask your prospect the right open-ended questions. ...
  7. Learn how to handle common objections. ...
  8. Show empathy.

How many hours of cold calls a day real estate? ›

With that being said, there are goals you should aim for to ensure you're making the most of your time while real estate cold calling. Following the 15 hours a week mentioned above translates to three hours of calls, five days a week. In these three hours, you should try to make at least 60 calls per day.

Is real estate cold calling considered telemarketing? ›

Real estate professionals may use cold calling to strike up phone or text conversations with new prospects they haven't met yet. But watch who you call. Agents and brokers who are accused of breaking telemarketing laws can find themselves mired in legal trouble.

Can you be a successful realtor without cold calling? ›

Hold Open Houses

Open Houses are a tried-and-true method for prospecting without cold calling. It's the perfect opportunity to showcase your listings while getting face-to-face exposure with potential buyers. While popular, not every agent holds open houses as effectively as they could.

What are the 4 pillars of sales process? ›

The art of selling is a complex one that requires a deep understanding of customer behavior, psychology, and needs. In order to be successful in sales, there are four fundamental pillars that every salesperson must master: customer trust, customer need, offer, and closing.

What is cold calling in wholesaling? ›

A wholesaler would use a cold calling script for two reasons: To contact potential sellers and help them make a quick sale. To contact real estate investors and encourage them to make a purchase.

What is the key task of wholesaling? ›

They purchase goods from manufacturers in bulk at a discount and sell to retailers. Wholesalers also provide cost savings to retailers when retailers buy in bulk from the wholesaler. The retailer then repackages the bulk items into smaller quantities for sale directly to consumers.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.