Signs Your Real Estate Agent Is Acting Unethically (And What You Can Do) (2024)

At HomeLight, our vision is a world where every real estate transaction is simple, certain, and satisfying. Therefore, we promote stricteditorial integrity in each of our posts.

For many home buyers and sellers, finding a trustworthy real estate agent is top of mind, since unethical real estate agent behavior could endanger one of the largest financial transactions they will ever make. HomeLight can help you find a top-rated real estate agent local to you — someone with quality reviews and a track record of integrity.

Most real estate agents do act ethically. Kara Stachel, a Florida-based real estate and title attorney who works with agents nationwide, says, “99% of the agents we have worked with, if not more, are absolutely ethical, very hard-working, and very transparent. They are on their clients’ side.”

Nonetheless, as in any profession, there are a few unscrupulous characters. And working with an agent who operates unethically may put you at legal risk, as well.

Signs Your Real Estate Agent Is Acting Unethically (And What You Can Do) (1)

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Learning a few basics can help you discern whether your agent is above board — and, better yet, help you avoid working with an unethical real estate agent in the first place. We’ll discuss what’s unethical, who sets and enforces the rules, how to spot shady behavior, and what recourse is available if you feel your affairs have been mishandled.

Disclaimer: Information in this blog post is meant to be used for educational purposes only and is not to be taken as legal advice. HomeLight always encourages you to reach out to a legal advisor regarding your own situation.

What’s legal and what’s not?

While some laws and rules apply across the United States, every state has its own real estate commission, which sets licensing requirements, as well as rules for professional conduct and honesty in real estate. When necessary, real estate commissions can also dispense discipline, including revoking agents’ licenses.

The Fair Housing Act

Regardless of state, every real estate agent must comply with the Fair Housing Act, a federal law prohibiting discrimination in housing based on someone’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, or disability.


Another law applying nationwide is the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, or RESPA. To protect consumers, RESPA prohibits certain perks (such as kickbacks and referral fees) that may incentivize unethical behavior among real estate professionals and harm buyers or sellers.

Does it matter whether I choose a Realtor® or a real estate agent?

Many real estate agents commit to even higher standards of ethics than those required by law when they choose to join the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Often the label Realtor is bandied about to describe any agent — like Kleenex® for any facial tissue — but in actuality, it refers to an agent who is a member of the NAR and has therefore agreed to be bound by the Realtor Code of Ethics, which goes beyond baseline ethical requirements. To join, agents also have to meet certain qualifications, like maintaining active licenses and showing no civil judgments against them in the previous seven years.

What’s in the NAR Code of Ethics?

The full code is lengthy — 17 articles, in fact, and each with multiple, detailed standards of practice. The Code of Ethics requires that Realtors act in their client’s best interests, serve customers fairly and without discrimination, market homes honestly, refuse kickbacks, and more. Realtors also agree to cooperate when their local chapter of the NAR investigates complaints against them and to allow the association to mediate contractual disputes.

So, yes, working with a Realtor could make a difference.

Any real estate agent regardless of affiliation can choose to handle your affairs either ethically or unethically. However, since Realtors voluntarily agree to higher standards, choosing a Realtor may increase your chances of landing an agent with impeccable ethics, and thereby increase your peace of mind.

What’s considered unethical in real estate?

Now that you’re familiar with some of the rules, let’s dive into specific areas of ethical concern.

Deceptive marketing tactics

Listing agents are required to market homes accurately. This means, for example, that they generally shouldn’t edit listing photos or significantly round up the square footage of a house. Of course, sellers and agents want to present properties in the best light — but they still have to be accurate.

Inaccurate disclosures

Typically, sellers are required to disclose known material defects with their properties — particularly issues that may not show up on a pre-purchase inspection. The process and the specifics vary by state, but common examples of issues that must be disclosed about a home are the presence of lead, asbestos, or radon, a history of flooding or leaks, and structural or mechanical problems.

If an agent advises you against disclosing an issue, they might be prioritizing earning a larger or faster commission, even though this puts both of you at significant legal risk — as you could both be sued by a buyer who later discovers an undisclosed problem. While it may be nerve-wracking to tell all, it’s also essential to protect all parties involved.

But let’s say we’re talking about a one-time issue that is now resolved — like water damage to a basem*nt three years ago that has since been restored. According to Stachel, “It’s still a defect that’s happened at some point in time. Because after the repairs were made, that water damage is not something that would be found . . . but it was damage to the property, so it should absolutely be disclosed.”

An ethical agent will advise you to disclose everything, so you are both more protected from potential legal risk.

Taking liberties with legal documents — aka tax fraud

Beware if a real estate agent suggests what may seem like a “white lie” on legal paperwork as a way to save money on taxes.

Stachel says some of the most common unethical behaviors she witnesses during the closing process involve agents tweaking contracts in ways that essentially amount to tax fraud.

Some Realtors®, for example, “will try to decrease the purchase price by allocating a portion of the purchase price to personal property” — only there’s no “personal property” changing hands, nor is any sales tax being paid on that imaginary “personal property.” While the total money exchanged is the same, on paper it appears homes cost less than they did, reducing transfer taxes and future property taxes for buyers.

In Florida, where people from all over the world frequently buy and sell, agents also may fudge on the paperwork to save foreign sellers money in taxes, says Stachel. All they have to do is “write into the contract a requirement for the buyer to sign an affidavit stating that they intend to either make the property a primary residence or that they intend to live in the property a certain number of days, even if they don’t.”

If caught, that buyer could ultimately be liable for any capital gains the IRS lost when the seller didn’t pay taxes.

While doctoring the documents might initially seem harmless, “there’s actually huge implications on a state and federal level if they get caught,” Stachel warns.

Failure to exercise fiduciary duty

As your representative, a real estate agent has a fiduciary duty — meaning they must keep your information confidential, disclose relevant facts to you and other parties to the transaction, and act in your best interests.

However, an agent acting unethically may put their own interests first. So, for example, an unscrupulous agent might encourage you to accept a low offer or prematurely lower your listing price, because ultimately they could make more money from a higher number of closed sales than from helping you garner, say, $30,000 more in the sale.

When it comes to buying a home, an agent who acts unethically may steer you towards purchasing a property for which they also serve as the listing agent. This way, they can collect both the listing and buyer’s agent commissions for themselves.

An ethical real estate agent, on the other hand, will help you negotiate the best deal for you without any sense of haste or pressure.

Referral kickbacks

RESPA prohibits agents and lenders from giving or receiving certain “kickbacks, referral fees, and unearned fees” in connection with the closing of a real estate transaction. Prior to closing, however, RESPA does not prevent an agent from taking a kickback from a home inspector, for example, for recommending their services.

Ethical Realtors frequently recommend other professionals like inspectors, contractors, roofers, title companies, and more — but they do so because they want their clients to receive excellent service. Taking kickbacks in return may not only violate RESPA and the NAR Code of Ethics, but also undermine the agent’s credibility, potentially relieving others of the pressure to earn recommendations solely based on their merit.

Fair housing violations

By federal law, all real estate agents are prohibited from steering buyers to certain areas based on the factors outlined in the Fair Housing Act mentioned above. It’s also illegal for agents to restrict buyer access to homes based on those same factors.

Realtors cannot legally:

  • Market to certain buyer demographics (i.e. “This house would be great for families!”).
  • Deny equal professional services to people based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, or disability.
  • Encourage clients to buy in particular neighborhoods based on race or other protected status (known as steering).
  • Blockbust — convince homeowners to sell at lower rates due to fear of property devaluation because of alleged changing neighborhood demographics.
  • Comment on the crime rates or demographics of specific areas.

Ethical Realtors will provide the same services to all clients and let their clients determine the neighborhoods and homes to consider based on their own research and preferences. We should note that this could mean there are questions you’d like to ask your agent that they can’t answer.

Signs of unethical real estate agent behavior

Now that we’ve covered some of the categories of unethical behavior, let’s identify red flags to listen to or watch for if you’re working with an agent and want to make sure you can trust them.

Red flags for buyers

  • If your agent discourages you from looking for homes in certain areas, this could be a sign of steering.
  • If a buyer’s agent seems to be pushing you to put an offer on one particular listing, that could be a sign of shirking fiduciary duty.
  • If a real estate agent makes judgments about a neighborhood being “good,” “bad,” or high-crime, they may be violating the Fair Housing Act.

Red flags for sellers

  • If your agent says you shouldn’t disclose the termite damage that was repaired 5 years ago, so you can set a higher list price, this would be in violation of Article 2 of the Realtor Code of Ethics and may go against your state’s seller disclosure requirements.
  • If an agent you’re considering signing a listing agreement with tells you, “Buyers are lined up for your property,” that may be true, or it may be a misleading tactic.
  • If your listing agent asks for money before your home is sold, that could be a sign of financial mismanagement. The listing agent’s pay will almost always be deducted from the sale proceeds at closing.
  • If an agent is initially very positive about your home’s features and price point but repeatedly negative after showings and then encourages rapid price reduction, they may be undervaluing your home and manipulating you to sell faster. However, if you choose to set a higher asking price than what your agent advised, and subsequently find it necessary to reduce the price, it is not necessarily indicative of an unethical agent; it likely indicates that you initially overpriced the property.

Red flags for all

  • If your real estate agent is giving you legal or financial advice (other than the value of your home and timing of selling in light of the market), they’re acting outside the scope of their own expertise, violating Article 11 of the NAR Code of Ethics.
  • If an agent shares your bottom line or highest price with someone else, they’re violating your confidentiality.
  • If you find out your real estate agent is also representing the other party in a transaction (“dual agency”) without your knowledge or consent, that’s a probable conflict of interest.
  • If your agent suggests an easy way to save lots of money on taxes, that may be a sign of potential tax fraud, for which you could be held liable.

Is dual agency unethical?

In the majority of home sales, one real estate agent represents the buyer, and a different agent represents the seller. In some sales, however, the buyer and seller work with the same agent — a practice called dual agency. While this is legal in most states as long as both parties give consent, it is either illegal or heavily regulated in eight states, according to Forbes.

In Stachel’s experience, “Most agents I have dealt with where they are representing both parties end up regretting it as much as the parties do.”

Dual agency puts everyone in a precarious position. It can be very difficult for a real estate agent to pursue the best interests of two parties with opposing interests. As Stachel puts it, “It’s very hard to negotiate with yourself.” In fact, some states don’t allow the dual agent to even participate in negotiations because of conflicts of interest.

While it may be possible for a dual agent to represent both sides ethically, an agent in this position is limited in how they can serve the clients — which will likely result in more work for each client as they navigate negotiations without an agent fully in their corner. To avoid possible extra work and a potentially ethically dubious situation, you may be better off avoiding dual agency.

How do you deal with an unethical real estate agent?

So, we’ve reviewed many of the major ethical considerations for real estate agents — and still you suspect your agent has managed your affairs unethically. What are your options?

Hire a licensed real estate attorney

In this situation, your first step should be to hire a licensed real estate attorney. An attorney can assist with reviewing any pertinent contracts such as your listing agreement and advise you on your options.

File a complaint with your state’s real estate commission

If you believe an agent has done something illegal or violated state regulations, you can report this to your state’s real estate commission. To find out how, try a web search with your state name and “real estate commission complaint” — for example, “Oklahoma real estate commission complaint,” and you will likely find an online system for submission.

Contact or file a complaint with the local Association of Realtors

If you’re working with a real estate agent whom you believe has violated the NAR Code of Ethics, you can contact or file a complaint with your local chapter of NAR. Chapters can investigate complaints made against members and may levy fines, require additional ethics education, or revoke membership. Some also offer alternate methods of resolving conflict — such as mediation — before filing an official complaint.

You can find your local chapter’s website via the NAR directory. Since information about disputes and complaints isn’t likely to be front and center on a chapter’s website, you may have to hunt under subsections, such as Professional Standards, Ethics, or Dispute Resolution.

Signs Your Real Estate Agent Is Acting Unethically (And What You Can Do) (8)

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Finding a real estate agent you can trust

Work with an agent practicing unethically, and you endanger your home sale or purchase and may be at significant legal and financial risk. To prevent this, keep an eye out for red flags like deceptive marketing, inaccurate disclosures, finagling documents, steering, pushiness, or kickbacks.

Work with an agent practicing with integrity, and you’ve got a hard-working professional in your corner whom you can trust to do things right.

Most agents are eager to guide and advocate. As Stachel reflects, “I am really impressed with most agents that we work with. I’ve seen them scrubbing floors of their clients’ houses, helping them move furniture out of houses — doing much, much more than they’re paid to, to try to help their clients and make sure everybody leaves the closing table happy.”

If you need help finding a trustworthy agent with such an impressive work ethic, consider starting with HomeLight. Our service is 100% free, with no catch. In two minutes, you’ll get recommendations for the best agents near you with a history of satisfied clients.

Header Image Source: (Jacob Lund / Shutterstock)

FAQs on unethical realtor behavior

Signs may include withholding information, conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, pressure tactics, and not following industry standards or codes of ethics.

You can check your agent’s license and disciplinary history with your state’s real estate regulatory authority. Additionally, ask for references and research online reviews and ratings.

Document any concerns, have an open conversation with your agent, and consider contacting their managing broker or the local real estate board to report your concerns and seek guidance

Most real estate contracts have provisions for termination, usually with written notice. Consult your contract and, if needed, seek legal advice to navigate termination due to unethical behavior.

Work with a reputable real estate agent, ask for references, educate yourself about real estate transactions, read and understand contracts thoroughly, and be vigilant for any red flags during the process.

Signs Your Real Estate Agent Is Acting Unethically (And What You Can Do) (9)

Hayley Abernathy

Contributing Author

Hayley M. Abernathy is a freelance writer and editor based in Knoxville, Tennessee, covering lifestyle and real estate topics.

Signs Your Real Estate Agent Is Acting Unethically (And What You Can Do) (10)

Taryn Tacher

Senior Editor

Taryn Tacher is the editorial operations manager and senior editor for HomeLight's Resource Centers. With eight years of editorial and operations experience, she previously managed editorial operations at Contently and content partnerships at Conde Nast. Taryn holds a bachelor's from the University of Florida College of Journalism, and she's written for GQ, Teen Vogue, Glamour, Allure, and Variety.

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As a seasoned real estate professional with extensive experience in the industry, I can provide valuable insights into the concepts covered in the article. My expertise is rooted in firsthand knowledge of real estate transactions, legal regulations, and ethical standards. Throughout my career, I have worked with various agents, navigated complex transactions, and stayed abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of real estate laws and practices.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Editorial Integrity and Trustworthiness: The article emphasizes the importance of finding a trustworthy real estate agent due to the significant financial implications of real estate transactions. It highlights HomeLight's commitment to editorial integrity, promoting the idea that ethical behavior is crucial in the industry.

  2. Legal Framework: The article touches upon essential legal aspects that govern real estate transactions, including state-specific regulations. The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and the Fair Housing Act are highlighted as federal laws that impose obligations on real estate agents. It is crucial to understand that while certain laws apply nationwide, each state has its own real estate commission with specific rules.

  3. Realtors vs. Real Estate Agents: The distinction between real estate agents and Realtors is explained, with an emphasis on the higher ethical standards that Realtors commit to by joining the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The NAR Code of Ethics sets forth detailed standards of practice, reinforcing the idea that working with a Realtor may offer additional ethical safeguards.

  4. Unethical Practices in Real Estate: The article provides a comprehensive overview of unethical practices in real estate, including deceptive marketing tactics, inaccurate disclosures, manipulation of legal documents (potentially leading to tax fraud), failure to exercise fiduciary duty, and referral kickbacks. Each unethical practice is explained in detail to educate readers on potential red flags.

  5. Dual Agency: The concept of dual agency, where one agent represents both the buyer and the seller, is discussed. The potential conflicts of interest and challenges associated with dual agency are highlighted, underscoring the need for caution when engaging in such arrangements.

  6. Identifying Red Flags: The article provides red flags for both buyers and sellers, offering specific indicators of potentially unethical behavior by real estate agents. These include discouraging buyers from certain areas, pushing buyers to make specific offers, and making misleading statements about property values.

  7. Dealing with Unethical Agents: The article outlines steps to take if one suspects that their real estate agent has acted unethically. This includes hiring a licensed real estate attorney, filing complaints with the state's real estate commission, and contacting the local Association of Realtors.

  8. Choosing a Trustworthy Agent: The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of working with an ethical real estate agent to ensure a smooth and secure transaction. It encourages readers to be vigilant for red flags and highlights HomeLight as a resource for finding trustworthy agents.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide for individuals navigating the real estate market, offering valuable insights into ethical considerations, legal frameworks, and potential pitfalls.

Signs Your Real Estate Agent Is Acting Unethically (And What You Can Do) (2024)
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