7 Reasons To Go To College | Bankrate (2024)

Going to college is a big investment. Students spend thousands of dollars between tuition and other costs. The average undergraduate owes $28,400 in student loans.

But despite this, going to college is still the best path to well-paid jobs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, bachelor’s degree holders earn about 65 percent more per week than those with just a high school diploma. Also, unemployment among high school graduates is almost twice as high as that of those with a college degree.

If you’re on the fence about whether a college education is right for you, consider the following.

7 reasons to attend college

Attending college offers many benefits, including networking and broader career opportunities. Here’s what to consider if you’re wondering whether going to college is worth it.

1. Expand your potential earnings

Studies show that college graduates make more money on average than people without a college degree. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2021, people with a bachelor’s degree had an average weekly salary of $1,334. Meanwhile, those with just a high school diploma earned about $809 weekly — a 65 percent difference.

What’s more, the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities found that the earnings gap between high school graduates and bachelor’s degree holders continues to widen.

2. Create long-lasting relationships and professional connections

The connections you’ll create in college with faculty, classmates and members of clubs or student organizations will help you start building your professional network.

Networking is important. It can help with job leads, lead to opportunities for personal improvement and open doors for various areas of career advancement. The connections you make can help you get a jump-start on your career, and those relationships can challenge your ideas and provide new insights.

3. Achieve job security

Statistically, students who have earned a college degree are more likely to land a job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in September 2022, the unemployment rate for people 25 and older with at least a bachelor’s degree was 1.8 percent, while the unemployment rate for high school graduates with no college degree was 3.7 percent.

This is consistent with longer-term trends, where workers with at least a bachelor’s degree typically have half the unemployment rate of those with just a high school diploma.

4. Explore different career options

If there’s a time to explore new interests, it’s college. Given the wide array of courses available in virtually any subject, you have the opportunity to take classes that aren’t even directly related to your major. Your college may even require a diverse course load.

College is the perfect time to join organizations, try out clubs and attend classes outside your comfort zone. You could choose to get a minor or certificate in another field, which can bolster your job prospects and diversify your skillset.

Having a college degree can also be helpful for future career changes. Even if you pursue a career unrelated to your degree, having a college degree in the first place may make you more flexible and qualified in an employer’s eyes.

5. Experience independence

College offers invaluable experiences that high school can’t deliver, including a level of academic and personal independence that can prepare you for the reality of post-college life. You’re responsible for managing your time, homework and course load — and, ultimately, your success.

College is also a great opportunity to expand your financial literacy. You’ll likely be dealing with things like student loans, credit cards and budgeting on your own. This, in turn, will teach you money management skills that you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life.

6. Learn valuable skills

College won’t only teach you how to become a good student; it can also teach you skills that will help you succeed in any career. Many schools have mandatory courses for first-year students that promote collaboration and group work, equipping you to share ideas and communicate with team members in any setting.

You can also sign up for courses or clubs in subjects that may not be your strength. For example, if you’re uncomfortable with public speaking, try signing up for a public speaking course or a Toastmasters chapter. You never know what professional or personal skills you may pick up that can help you later in life.

7. Access better job benefits

Besides securing better-paying jobs than those with just a high school diploma, college graduates also have access to more employer-sponsored benefits. According to a report by the College Board, in 2018, 40 percent of high school graduates working in the private sector were offered a retirement plan by their employer. By contrast, 49 percent of those with a bachelor’s degree got offered this benefit.

Likewise, just 52 percent of high school graduates working full-time had an employer-sponsored health insurance plan, compared to 64 percent of bachelor’s degree holders and 70 percent of advanced degree holders.

Factors to consider when deciding to go to college

Should you go to college now?

The best timing for attending college is different for every person, as it’s such a large investment of time and money. While these investments can certainly be worth it, everyone’s journey looks different. Consider these factors when deciding if you want to attend college:

  • Is it something you want to do? Do you feel obligated to attend college, or is this a decision you’ve made for yourself? The time and money it takes to attend college are not worth it if you aren’t committed to your studies. Many high school students feel pressure to attend college as soon as they graduate. Think about taking a gap year or two if you don’t feel ready to commit or if you’re unsure what you want to study.
  • Do you have a financial plan in place? College tuition can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your educational goals. There are ways to ease the financial burden of college, and having a plan for your finances is a great first step.
  • Do you have the time to start college? Whether you’re aiming for a degree path that takes two years or one that takes 12, college is a major time investment. Before applying, ensure you have the time to take the courses you’d like. Many colleges offer night, morning and weekend classes to accommodate busy schedules. One perk of higher education is that you can choose when to take your classes.

Your college education can begin at any age, so don’t assume you must enroll right out of high school. Thinking about the timing and cost of your college education will help you be a more successful student in the long run.

How do you decide between public and private school?

Both private and public schools can provide valuable benefits to their students. When making a decision, it’s all about what you want to get out of your collegiate experience. Here are a few differences to consider:

Public schoolPrivate school
University sizeTypically larger, with more students in each classTypically a more intimate setting, with smaller class sizes
TuitionLower tuition ratesHigher tuition rates, but may offer more scholarships and grants
On-campus opportunitiesMany clubs and organizationsPotentially more limited extracurricular activities due to smaller size

How much does college cost?

Tuition varies by school, and there are other costs and fees associated with attendance. The total cost will also depend on whether you go to an in-state or out-of-state school.

Type of collegeAverage yearly cost of attendance
Source: College Board
Public two-year (in-district)$19,230
Public four-year (in-state)$27,940
Public four-year (out-of-state)$45,240
Private four-year$57,570

You can lower the upfront costs of your education by applying for scholarships, grants or student loans.

When shouldn’t you go to college?

If you’re not sure what you want to study or what jobs you’re interested in, it may be best to skip going to college for now. Because a bachelor’s degree is such a large investment, many students take a gap year or two after high school to figure out what career they truly want to pursue or save money.

The career you’re interested in may not require a traditional bachelor’s degree. If this is true for you, you may opt for a less expensive option. Trade and vocational schools are great alternatives to a traditional four-year school, and software boot camps can teach coding, app building and other skills for as little as half the cost of a degree.

Is college worth it?

College grads generally earn more and have better employment opportunities than non-graduates. And for many students, college is an opportunity to gain financial literacy, begin networking and broaden their horizons. The investment is worthwhile for many.

Ultimately, whether or not college is worth it is an individual decision. You may not get a return on your investment for many years, especially if you can’t get a job in your field right away, and student loans could be part of your life for a decade or more after you graduate.

If you’re on the fence about college, do a little research first. Financial advisors and admissions counselors can paint a better picture of the realities of college life, as can friends and family who have already graduated. You can also join a campus tour to get a sense of the culture and energy of a college campus.

7 Reasons To Go To College | Bankrate (2024)


7 Reasons To Go To College | Bankrate? ›

College is important for many reasons, including increased career stability and satisfaction, and the ability to make an impact on your community. With more and more careers requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to your success in today's workforce.

What are 3 reasons to choose a college? ›

Top 10 Factors for Choosing a College
  • Safety.
  • Academic Support and Career Services. ...
  • Campus Life. ...
  • Athletics and Extracurricular Activities. ...
  • Majors and Minors. ...
  • Class Size. ...
  • Cost and Fees. ...
  • Location and Distance From Home. ...

What is a good reason to go to college? ›

College is important for many reasons, including increased career stability and satisfaction, and the ability to make an impact on your community. With more and more careers requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to your success in today's workforce.

What is the main reason people go to college? ›

3. College can teach you how to think critically and solve problems. Many people believe the primary purpose of college is to prepare students for a specific career. While it is true that colleges do offer many programs that can lead to a successful career, there is more to a college education than just getting a job.

How college helps your future? ›

It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but studies have shown that it also leads to overall happiness and stability.

How does college help you grow as a person? ›

College graduates have increased levels of academic and social self- concept and self-esteem. and strengthen self-efficacy and self-confidence, particularly in situations where they must communicate with others and learn new information and skills.

What are the 5 most important things to consider when choosing a college? ›

Before making your choice, consider these factors: cost, location, size, your interests, campus life, graduation rates, and the potential return on your investment. Once you make your decision, be sure to commit to the college by the deadline.

What are the pros and cons of college? ›

Is College Right for You?
Pros of Attending CollegeCons of Attending College
Higher earning potentialHigh cost
Access to more jobsOpportunity cost of time spent not working
More learning opportunitiesThe availability of high-paying, no-degree jobs
Networking opportunitiesUnderemployed college graduates
6 more rows
Jan 23, 2023

What do you like best about college? ›

Check out this list for a handful of reasons why attending college is right for you.
  1. You will grow more independent. ...
  2. College opens doors to opportunity. ...
  3. You will become better disciplined for the world. ...
  4. You will have fun! ...
  5. College will help you think. ...
  6. You will see the world. ...
  7. You might meet your soul mate.
Jul 16, 2021

What should I write for why I want to go to a college? ›

Provide Specific Details and Examples

Instead, refer to specific details that explain why you want to attend that particular school. For example, you could make note of unique programs that stand out to you, your interest in research opportunities, or a desire to take classes from a certain professor.

What are some reasons to attend college essay? ›

College lets you experience new things: College is a time to explore new interests, find your passions, and meet new people. College exposes you to new ideas, cultures and learning experiences that you just cannot find in school. College lets you learn new skills: There are many skills that people learn in college.

Why do you want to pursue a college education essay? ›

Personally, I want to get a good education to be able to support my future family, discover myself as well as new ideas, and find my true passion in life. While there are many different reasons to pursue higher education, these are the most important reasons someone could continue their education.

What motivates you to continue your education? ›

Researchers believe that your motivation to study can either come from inside you or outside of you. You can be motivated by an internal drive to learn as much possible. Or, you might be motivated to study by an external reward like a good grade, or a great job, or someone promising you a car.

What is the most important thing you learned in college? ›

Here are the five things I learned in college that have actually made a difference in my life today:
  1. Time management and how to ask for help. ...
  2. The importance of teamwork and friendship. ...
  3. Don't put limits on yourself. ...
  4. You are your greatest advocate. ...
  5. Everything really does happen for a reason.
Jan 4, 2019

What are some reasons as to why college isn t for everyone? ›

Four Smart Reasons Why College Is Not For Everyone
  • College is an Expensive Investment.
  • Not Everyone Is Ready for College.
  • Years of Experience Are Better than Years Spent in College.
  • Several Well-Paying Professions Don't Require a College Degree.
Aug 5, 2021

Does college lead to a happier life? ›

College-educated adults tend to live happier lives.

confidence, a better sense of independence, and stronger feelings of control over their lives. ⌘ College graduates tend to be more resilient and less depressed.

How college will change your life? ›

A college degree opens up more opportunities, even in fields that aren't in your major. Improve Discipline and Develop Strong Character. Obtaining a degree takes discipline and a will to succeed. By getting your degree, you overcome procrastination and learn to do what it takes to reach your goal.

How does college help with life skills? ›

Developing your communication skills, becoming more efficient at time management, and changing your approach to overcoming challenges are just some of the important life lessons you learn in college that can't be found in any textbook.

When should you choose a college? ›

Students can start looking at colleges as soon as they want, but realistically it may not make much sense to begin intense research before your sophom*ore or junior year of high school. Many view the second half of 11th grade as the most important time for starting the college search process.

How do you know which college is right for you? ›

Here are some aspects to consider:
  • Size.
  • Location.
  • Distance from home.
  • Available majors and classes.
  • Housing options.
  • Makeup of the student body.
  • Available extracurricular activities.
  • Campus atmosphere.

What is the most important thing colleges look at? ›

What are the Most Important Factors in College Admissions?
  • Admission test scores. ...
  • Grades in all courses. ...
  • Extracurricular commitment. ...
  • Letters of recommendation. ...
  • Essay or writing sample. ...
  • Demonstrated interest. ...
  • Class rank. ...
  • Personal Qualities.

Is it worth it to go to college? ›

Investing in college has historically yielded significant benefits, including greater career opportunities, higher earning potential and a better quality of life for millions of Americans. The data has also reinforced the value of a college education, both financially and otherwise.

Is college right for everyone? ›

While college is a good option for many people, it isn't for everyone — and not going to a four year college doesn't mean you can't have a meaningful career. More people than ever before have a college degree, but a four-year program isn't the only way to be successful.

Is college necessary for a successful future? ›

If you're wondering if college is necessary to have a successful career, it depends on what you want to pursue. You don't need a Bachelor's degree to succeed in most careers. Instead of four-year degrees, more companies are looking at a candidate's skills and potential.

What are some cool things about college? ›

College Fun Facts
  • Graduation Requirements: ...
  • More Females Attend College Than Males: ...
  • 24/7 Food Options: ...
  • Study Abroad is Recommended: ...
  • Campuses are Intentionally Impressive: ...
  • Dorm Rooms are Lacking: ...
  • The “College Experience” is Real: ...
  • Schools are Becoming More Sustainable:

What do I want my college essay to say about me? ›

Topics You Can Address in Your Essay
  • Experiences that have inspired your degree choice.
  • Challenges you've faced that have impacted your life and education.
  • Unique hobbies you have or the sports you play.
  • How you've changed over the years.
  • Your experiences in school.
  • Professional goals you have for the future.
Sep 30, 2020

What do I want to say in my college essay? ›

The best way to tell your story is to write a personal, thoughtful essay about something that has meaning for you. Be honest and genuine, and your unique qualities will shine through. Admissions officers have to read an unbelievable number of college essays, most of which are forgettable.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? ›

Tips for Answering 'Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?'
  • Show how your professional goals and the job you're applying for align.
  • Focus on the skills you want to learn and get better at.
  • Don't get too specific with job titles or time frames.
  • Never say “I want your job,” “I don't know” or “Not here!”

How do you start a college essay? ›

Start with an attention grabber. The very first sentence of your essay should be the “hook” or “grabber.” This sentence “hooks” readers or “grabs” their attention, making them want to read more. This first sentence should provide rich details, engage a reader's curiosity, or otherwise stand out from the rest.

What is the value of college? ›

Finishing college puts workers on track to earn a median of $2.8 million over their lifetimes, compared with $1.6 million if they only had a high school diploma, the report found.

Why is a college education important to you and your child? ›

Education provides stability in life, and it's something that no one can ever take away from you. By being well-educated and holding a college degree, you increase your chances for better career opportunities and open up new doors for yourself.

What motivates students to go to school? ›

In this process, we found three factors that seem to be most important for academic motivation: learning opportunities, self-beliefs, and positive relationships.

What do you learn about life in college? ›

The most important life lesson you learn in your college life is the value of relationships. It is the time when you make healthy friendships which might last even for a lifetime. They also understand that the value of family never fades and they will be the ones who stand with them in their ups and downs.

What skills do you get from college? ›

Let's dive into the top 10 skills you learn in college that will transform your life!
  • Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is one of the most valuable skills you'll learn in college. ...
  • Time Management. ...
  • Communication Skills. ...
  • Research Skills. ...
  • Networking. ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Financial Literacy. ...
  • Teamwork.
Apr 6, 2023

How does not going to college affect you? ›

People without college educations also are less likely to vote than people with them, according to the Census Bureau; half as likely to volunteer, the College Board says; and more likely to divorce, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics; almost half of married couples with less education split up, compared to 30 ...

Why college is not the only way to success? ›

A college degree won't guarantee you a high-paying job. It won't even make you a skilled leader with a shot at the corner office. Developing skills such as leadership, decision making, people and resource management takes real practice and experience. These are skills which cannot be acquired in the classroom.

How do you know if college isn't for you? ›

As you consider your future, pay attention to these five signs that a conventional four-year college experience might not be the right move for you.
  • You're doing it for someone else.
  • You're drawn to other careers.
  • You want real-world experience.
  • You're wary of costs.
  • Your academics aren't great.

Is college still beneficial? ›

Today's labor market increasingly rewards highly educated workers: In 1990, a worker with a bachelor's degree earned 39 percent more than one whose highest level of education was a high school diploma. By 2021, the difference had grown to 62 percent (and closer to 90% for workers with graduate degrees).

What are two cons of going to college? ›

Before attending college, make sure you consider the following drawbacks:
  • You Likely Will Graduate With Student Loan Debt. ...
  • High-Paying Jobs Aren't Guaranteed. ...
  • It Can Take More Than Four Years to Graduate.
Jun 21, 2022

What are 5 disadvantages of going to college? ›

  • You may not gain technical skills. ...
  • You may not get employability skills. ...
  • Contact time is less than at school. ...
  • You'll leave with a lot of debt. ...
  • You will be committing at least three years of your life. ...
  • You're not guaranteed a graduate job. ...
  • Lifetime earnings can be higher with an apprenticeship.

What is the hardest year for college? ›

Although junior year often holds the most challenging classes, it is not always the most difficult. Students are able to take what they have learned from their previous two years of schooling to better prepare themselves for the more strenuous classes.

Why would a person choose 4 year college? ›

What are the benefits of attending a four-year college? You'll be educated in a wide variety of subjects through general education requirements. Shorter programs often don't require as many (or any) general education requirements. At a four-year institution, you will get a well-rounded education outside of your major.

What are three disadvantages of going to college university after high school? ›

Before starting college, make sure you are aware of the drawbacks:
  • Cost of attendance. College is expensive. ...
  • No guarantees for high-paying jobs. Although a college degree is an advantage, finding a well paying job is not so easy any more. ...
  • Not all students graduate. ...
  • It can be overwhelming.
Aug 31, 2022

Which is easier college or high school? ›

Yes, college classes are typically harder than high school classes because the course work, topics, and depth of materials are more complex, set at a faster pace, and require more studying.

Is college worth it 2023? ›

According to data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the wage premium for early-career college graduates was 52%, or $17,680. The unemployment rate for college grads was also far lower in the first quarter of 2023 at 2.1% versus 6.9% for young workers without a college degree.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.