5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (2024)

Going Green Homeowner Tips

It seems that once the temperature drops, everyone tries to balance staying warm with keeping their heating bill costs at a plateau (no easy fete). However, there are certainly ways to help keep the frigid temperatures outside and the money inside your pocket,where it belongs. Try implementing a couple of these tips into your winter […]

Lindsay ListanskiJan 9, 2014

It seems that once the temperature drops, everyone tries to balance staying warm with keeping their heating bill costs at a plateau (no easy fete). However, there are certainly ways to help keep the frigid temperatures outside and the money inside your pocket,where it belongs. Try implementing a couple of these tips into your winter routine and see how making such small tweaks can add up to big results!

  • Insulation:

This of course is a top factor in determining your home’s temperature, year round. Think of insulation like wearing outerwear: a light windbreaker isn’t going to keep you warm and snuggly in the winter’s 20 degree temperatures. But a high quality parka will keep you better prepared to weather any condition.

  • Utilize Ceiling Fans:

Fans aren’t just for staying cool in the summer months. If you have a ceiling fan in your room, adjust it to rotate clockwise which helps to pull cold air up and trap heat in the room.

  • Turn Down the Thermostat:

Lowering your thermostat 10-15 degrees before leaving to work can help to save 10 percent by year end on your heating bill, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. No sense keeping the house nice and toasty if no one is in it!

  • Swap Out your Décor:

Windows are known to release huge amounts heat. But it’s not their fault; they are technically holes in the wall. Combat window drafts by switching up your interior design. Transitioning to thick and heavy drapes in the winter is a tried and true way to keep the warmth in your home from escaping.

  • Bedding:

A few years back, a friend of mine recommended that I try out a heated mattress cover and/or a heated blanket. She said they were relatively inexpensive and would totally keep me warm through the night. I took her up on the suggestion and ever since have coveted the moments I get to spend in my toasty bed. It’s a great way to stay warm without having to turn up the heat in the entire house.

Photo by Businessweek

bedding ceiling fans coldwellbanker costs decor heating home insulation Money realestate savings thermostat

5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (1)

Lindsay is the the Director of Media Engagement for Coldwell Banker Real Estate and manages the brand’s media and social media department. She is also a licensed real estate professional. In 2017 & 2018, she was named a top 20 social influencer in the real estate industry in the annual Swanepoel 200 power rankings.

Lindsay lives in Livingston, NJ with her college sweetheart and now husband Joe and rwelcomed another Joe into her life as she became a mom in June 2016.

5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (2)5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (3)

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  1. 5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill | Earl Forbes Blog

    January 10, 2014

    […] post 5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill appeared first on Coldwell Banker Blue […]


  2. What We’re Reading: Jan. 4 – Jan. 10 - The Buckeye Realty Team

    January 10, 2014

    […] The worst effects of the polar vortex are receding, but winter is still here.Get some great tips for lowering your heating bill here. […]


  3. 5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (4)

    Era smith

    February 21, 2014

    Great ideas


  4. 5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (5)


    February 21, 2014

    Saving energy at home becomes easy if you are aware of the ways with which you can save energy. Most of the homeowners face problem in the budget during winter season as they get high electricity bills. Reducing the home heating bills is an art for which you have to take smart decisions to keep your home emery efficient. Some of the effective steps that can be taken to keep your home warm are a follows: Lower down the thermostat in your home at night or use programmable thermostat.

    The heat from your home should not be getting outside and for that do not use kitchen and bathroom ventilation fans for a long time. Close vents and doors of those rooms that are not in use. Filters of your furnace should be cleaned after regular interval of time.

    Seal all the leaks inside the home that can expel the warm air from your home. The furnace should be in proper working condition and not too old. Using energy efficient electric heaters is also one such way to save money on your bills and there are a lot of energy efficient electric heaters in market today. We have a farho electric heater in our home which is safe and convenient. For information about how electric heaters are better than storage heaters you can visit here http://www.electricheaters.ie/products/advantages


  5. 5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (6)


    February 24, 2014

    These days almost everyone wants to save on energy and the most common problem is increased energy bills. With some little efforts it becomes easy to save on the electricity bills and this way you can stay comfortably in your home and by consuming less energy you can also help environment.

    Further, you can also make your home an energy efficient home. Reducing the bills on heating systems can be done by using some smart ways in winters such as installing a programmable thermostat is one way you can control the heating in your home. Use energy efficient heating system in your home. I have an energy efficient farho electric heater (http://www.electricheaters.ie/products/advantages) in my home which consumes less energy and warms home fast. All the weather stripping in home should be replaced in case they are damaged as they might create air leaks. Doors should be in contact with the threshold and if it is not so then warm air will drive out the house.

    Replace the furnaces after regular interval of time. Storm thermal windows can be installed in homes. Plug the holes in the exterior walls that occur because of the installation of gas pipes, electric cables etc I your home. Seal the gaps to avoid warm air from expelling.


  6. Ceiling Fans in the Winter? | Kansas City Real Estate Blog

    December 22, 2014

    […] More tips for keeping your home warm while keeping your heating bill at a minimum can be found here on the Coldwell Banker blog! […]


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5 Hot Tips to Help Lower Your Heating Bill (2024)


How can I lower my heating bill? ›

Putting draft stoppers on the doors. Insulating your windows with storm windows outside or plastic covering inside. Keeping your heating vents clear of dust and debris. Using portable, efficient space heaters -- you can turn down the overall temperature in your home, but keep the room you're in warm.

What is the best way to save money on heating? ›

Ways to save money on your heating
  1. Keep the heat in. Keep your doors closed and buy some draught excluders to make sure the heat stays in. ...
  2. Think about your windows. ...
  3. Get smart with your radiators. ...
  4. Upgrade your thermostat. ...
  5. Insulate your hot water tank. ...
  6. Put down carpets. ...
  7. Roof and loft insulation. ...
  8. Thick curtains.

What can I put on heat to save money? ›

The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be. You can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to around 68°F to 70°F while you're awake and setting it lower while you're asleep or away from home.

How can I reduce my heating usage? ›

Shut doors to areas you're not using, and only cool or heat the rooms where you spend the most time. In cooler months, make sure your curtains or blinds seal your windows properly. Stop cool air leaking out by blocking draughts around doors and windows. In warmer months, keep your curtains closed during the day.

What makes your heat bill high? ›

Clogged air filters, improper coolant levels, and worn components can all make your system work harder than necessary, inflating energy bills. Annual maintenance in the spring and the fall, before weather extremes, ensures peak performance and stable bills.

Is it cheaper to leave your heating on all day? ›

The Energy Saving Trust, an independent organisation that provides advice on energy use, is unequivocal on this point. It says that keeping your heating on all day uses more fuel and so is more costly.

What should I keep my thermostat at to save money? ›

Being smart about your thermostat settings can make a real difference to your energy consumption year-round. By reducing your home's temperature to 68 degrees Fahrenheit and under during winter and about 78 degrees Fahrenheit during summer, you can conserve energy and cut down your energy bills for good.

What is the simple trick to cut the electric bill? ›

Try these effective ways to lower your bill.
  1. Do an energy audit.
  2. Give your thermostat a nudge.
  3. Adjust your fridge and freezer temperature.
  4. Keep up with routine maintenance.
  5. Take shorter showers.
  6. Replace your showerhead.
  7. Wash clothes in warm or cold water.
  8. Adjust the temperature on your water heater.
Jan 4, 2024

What temperature should I keep my house to save money? ›

The ideal thermostat temperature in the winter is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you're at home. Energy.gov suggests that 68 degrees is a good room temperature while you're awake at home but recommends lowering it while you're asleep or away.

What temperature should I leave my heating on overnight? ›

And The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests 18 degrees is the ideal temperature for healthy and well-dressed people. Both agree this is also the ideal temperature for sleeping.

Does it save money to turn the thermostat down at night? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a family that sets back its thermostat by about 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours a day while sleeping or out of the house can save 5 to 15 percent a year on home heating costs.

How many degrees should you turn down your thermostat at night? ›

If someone is at home in the daytime, 72° F (22° C) is a good start, but aim for 68° F (20° C). If everyone is away from home in the daytime, or you're asleep at night, we feel 66° F (19° C) to 62° F (17° C) is best.

Does turning heat down at night really save money? ›

Yes, homeowners can save money on their energy and heating bills by turning the thermostat down. You can save almost 15 percent of your total heating bill by lowering your heat by seven degrees overnight (or for any other eight hour period).

Is it more expensive to turn heat on and off? ›

In fact, you can save more money if you turn the heat off and on based on need. By integrating these strategies into your heating cost management plan, you can significantly reduce energy consumption, leading to lower bills and a more environmentally friendly home.

What temperature should I set my thermostat in the winter? ›

The ideal thermostat temperature in the winter is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you're at home. Energy.gov suggests that 68 degrees is a good room temperature while you're awake at home but recommends lowering it while you're asleep or away.

Do you save oil by turning down the heat at night? ›

Not to mention the savings during the nighttime when the thermostat is set at the lower temperature. The physics does not lie. This is absolutely, positively true for furnaces that burn heating oil or natural gas, she said, which basically just turn a flame on and off.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.