5 Emergencies: Do You Know What to Do? (2024)

Chest pain, choking, bleeding, fainting, seizures. If an emergency occurs, how would you react? Do you know the first steps of first aid?

"People are often hesitant to get involved in an emergency situation," William Walters, MD, an emergency medicine specialist at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, tells WebMD. "It's not so much they don't want to help. They're worried they won't know what to do."

After all, emergencies can happen anywhere -- at a game, on a city street, at the grocery store, at home. What should you do?

The Basics

Call 911. Better safe than be sorry, says Walters. "It's better that 911 get too many calls than too few," he says. "We routinely hear from paramedics summoned to a residence, for what neighbors thought was an emergency, to find out everyone's fine. There are never hard feelings about that. Paramedics expect that as part of the job. We'd much rather show up and find the person in good health at home than be called too late and things have spiraled out of control."

Stay calm. We've all heard stories about the Good Samaritan who gets hit by a car while trying to help someone else. "Creating another accident or another victim complicates things much more -- almost more than not getting involved. If you can't help safely, you shouldn't help," Walters tells WebMD. "It's important that you stay calm, make sure you're not putting yourself or anyone else in jeopardy, then attempt to help."

Start CPR. "Even people who have never taken a CPR course can be directed by a dispatcher to do CPR," says Walters. "Many 911 dispatchers are trained to teach CPR over the phone. You can do chest compressions without even doing mouth-to-mouth. ... It's better than doing nothing."

5 Common Emergencies

Imagine these common situations. Here's what to do:

Emergency: Dizziness, Fainting. You're sitting at a game, maybe in the airport. A guy says he doesn't feel well. "If he tells you -- a perfect stranger -- that he feels weak, ill, or dizzy, you should be dialing 911," says Walters. "He needs medical attention." There are many medical causes for these symptoms, like a heart condition, diabetes, low blood sugar, pregnancy, heart attack, or it could be heat-related.

While you wait for paramedics to arrive:

Check alertness: Ask, "Are you OK?" advises Elda Ramirez, RN, MSN, FNP, CEN, professor and division head of emergency care at The University of Texas School of Nursing at Houston. "If they respond, ask 'Do you know where you are?' Ask things to determine level of orientation. If they become unresponsive, check for pulse, check to see if they're breathing. If you're by yourself, you have to find someone to help you."

Check breathing: Listen for breathing through the nose, watch the chest for rise and fall. Take a pulse, either at the wrist or neck. If they are breathing and have a pulse, you should stay with them to offer support. Again, 911 can help you figure out how to take someone's pulse.

Start CPR: If the patient isn't breathing and does not have a pulse, start CPR.

Make the patient comfortable: "If this person has been out in the heat, move them to a shady spot. If they're sweating, pour water over their skin," Ramirez tells WebMD. Elderly people or very young children are more prone to heat-related conditions. "If they're awake, give them fluids to drink," she says.

Emergency: Chest Pain. If someone grabs their chest and says "my chest hurts," assume it's a heart attack. "Chest pain is a heart attack until proven otherwise," Ramirez tells WebMD. "That's how we look at it in the ER world. A 17-year-old can have a heart attack. Anyone can have a heart attack."

Plan of action: Dial 911. Then check airway, breathing, circulation (ABC). Are they breathing? Do they have a pulse? If not, start CPR.

"The sad thing is, people get scared if they don't know CPR, they don't want to do the wrong thing," says Ramirez. "The most important thing -- if someone is not breathing -- is to position their head with the chin up, get their tongue out of the way (so the airway is open), then start doing chest compressions."

Learn more about how to handle a heart emergency, including information about AEDs, in this article from The Cleveland Clinic.

Emergency: Choking. You're talking at the dinner table, and someone starts coughing. When does it become an emergency? "When they're coughing, it's OK, because there is air movement, they are breathing," Ramirez says. "If they're not making any noise whatsoever, their face is getting red, you need to do the Heimlich maneuver. At that point, they are not breathing."

Caution: "If they're coughing, doing the Heimlich can make it worse," she adds. Also, hitting a choking person on the back can make the situation worse -- the food may go back into the windpipe. "They need to work it out themselves; leave them alone, until they reach a point where there's no airway noise."

Take time now to re-read directions on the Heimlich maneuver, she suggests.

Emergency: Bleeding. "When someone cuts their finger, they think they're going to bleed to death," says Ramirez. "People don't understand that there are nine units of blood in the body. The parts of the body that bleed a lot are the scalp, fingers, and toes. A nosebleed can bleed a lot. A cut in the vagin*l area can bleed a lot. But they won't bleed to death."

Nosebleeds can have a serious cause, like high blood pressure, or they can be caused by chronic nose-picking. "If someone with high blood pressure has a serious nosebleed, you're looking at potential disaster," Ramirez tells WebMD.

Rule of thumb: "When something scares you, call 911 or go to the hospital," she says. "We can say whether it's an emergency or not."

A cut tendon may be more problematic than the bleeding, she says. "It may need to be closed with sutures, or they may never be able to use that finger again. We hear it all the time, men who say, 'I'm fine, I'm fine.' They need to have that cut looked at."

Don't make a tourniquet: "We don't use tourniquets anymore," says Ramirez. "They cause too much damage to tissues. We advise putting direct pressure on the site. Even if it's a partial amputation, put a rag around it, hold it tight."

Here's more information on how to stop bleeding in the face or mouth.

Emergency: Seizure. The symptoms of seizures vary. The person may fall down and/or make erratic movements. Or their head might jerk and eyes flutter. This can happen to children who have a high fever, to someone with epilepsy, or when someone is having a stroke.

Any seizure warrants medical attention. Call 911. While waiting for paramedics, make sure the person does not hurt themselves. "If they fall down, get everyone away from them," says Ramirez. "Don't get near them; they could hurt you. Don't try to put something in the person's mouth (as used to be advised); it's too dangerous. Also, watch the clock -- how long the seizure lasts."

Read about first aid for seizures: how to protect yourself and others.

5 Emergencies: Do You Know What to Do? (2024)


What are the 5 emergencies? ›

People often wonder whether it's best to call 911 or go straight to the hospital. Five emergency situations include chest pain, choking, stroke, heavy bleeding and severe head injury.

Do you know what to do in an emergency? ›

In case of a major emergency
  • Follow your emergency plan.
  • Get your emergency kit.
  • Make sure you are safe before assisting others.
  • Listen to the radio or television for information from local officials and follow their instructions.
  • Stay put until all is safe or until you are ordered to evacuate.
Jul 29, 2022

What are 5 safety tips to remember while in an emergency? ›

7 Safety Tips During An Emergency
  • Prepare Ahead of Time. ...
  • Stay Calm and Avoid Panic. ...
  • Keep Stock of Emergency Supplies. ...
  • Keep Informed of Threats. ...
  • Lock Down Your Property. ...
  • Communicate with Authorities When Possible. ...
  • Get the Private Security Help You Need.

What are 3 examples for emergencies? ›

The types of emergencies to plan for may include fire, explosion, medical emergency, rescues, incidents with hazardous chemicals, bomb threats, armed confrontations and natural disasters.

What are all 3 types of emergency? ›

The President can declare three types of emergencies — national, state and financial emergency in a state.

What to do in common emergencies? ›

Stay calm, and call 911 or your local emergency number. Start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) or rescue breathing, if necessary and if you know the proper technique. Place a semiconscious or unconscious person in the recovery position until the ambulance arrives.

What are 3 actions you should take to prepare for an emergency? ›

3 Ways to Be Prepared for an Emergency
  • Make a communications plan. Know where to meet and how to communicate with family and friends. ...
  • Prepare to evacuate your home. Review and practice escape routes. ...
  • Get your vehicle ready. ...
  • Create an emergency supply kit. ...
  • Consider special needs.
Sep 5, 2017

What are the first 3 things you should do in an emergency situation? ›

First Things to Do in Any Emergency
  • Stay calm. ...
  • Access the scenario for danger. ...
  • Once safely evacuated or sheltered-in-place, call for help using 911 and clearly explain what you know about the situation.
  • Provide first aid for any injured people.

What is a common emergency? ›

It's important to seek emergency care if you or someone you know has the following medical issues: Heart attack symptoms. Stroke symptoms. Infections such as pneumonia, kidney and skin infections. Sepsis.

What is an example of an emergency? ›

A 911 emergency is when someone needs help right away because of an injury or an immediate danger. For example, call 911 if: there's a fire. someone is unconscious after an accident, drinking too much, or an overdose of pills or drugs.

What are emergencies in life? ›

An emergency is an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action.

What are the 7 steps in an emergency? ›

The Seven Elements of Successful Emergency Action Planning
  • Consider the situations. ...
  • Determine the correct actions. ...
  • Create rally points. ...
  • Verify safe routes. ...
  • Account for everyone. ...
  • Drill (or not). ...
  • Keep reviewing.

What are the 4 basic steps in an emergency? ›

Current thinking defines four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

What are the 6 basic steps in an emergency? ›

There are six main priorities for a first aider / first responder in an emergency situation:
  • Stop to assess the situation – watch out for danger. ...
  • Make sure it is safe to approach the scene. ...
  • Make the area safe. ...
  • Assess the victim. ...
  • Call for help.
  • Resuscitate and treat injuries as necessary.
Apr 21, 2019

What is the most common emergency situation? ›

Heart attack

In a heart attack, there is a sudden blockage in blood supply, giving rise to a threatening medical emergency. The following are the symptoms of a heart attack: Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. Sweating.

What are potential emergency situations? ›

Unexpected emergency situations close to home can include critical health conditions, insect or animal bites, sunburn or accidental poisoning. Regardless of the situation, it's important to have a plan in place to quickly get to medical help in case of an emergency.

What are the 10 basic first aid procedures? ›

DRABC is an acronym to describe the procedures used by first aiders when providing first aid:
  • D for Danger – Assess the situation.
  • R for Response – Check consciousness, check on vital signs.
  • A for Airway – Open airway.
  • B for Breathing – Check respiration rates.
  • C for Circulation – Give chest compressions.

What are the 2 types of emergencies? ›

Types of Emergencies
  • Armed Conflict.
  • Natural Disasters.
  • Technological or Man-Made Hazards.

What are the 3 C's you take in an emergency? ›

The Three C's of Responding to an Emergency
  • Check.
  • Call.
  • Care.

What are the 2 types of emergencies first aid? ›

There are two types of emergencies that require first aid: Sudden illness is a physical condition that requires immediate medical attention. Examples of sudden illness include a heart attack and a severe allergic reaction. Injury is damage to the body from an external force, such as a broken bone from a fall.

What is an example of a house emergency? ›

broken or burst hot water system. damaged roof, gutter, or downpipe. being locked out of home. broken heating or air-conditioning system.

What is the first step in any emergency? ›

The first step in any emergency is the recognition of the problem and providing help. When in doubt or when someone is seriously injured or ill, you should always activate the emergency response system by calling 911 in the United States, or your own locality's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) number.

What is Step 3 in an emergency situation? ›

It can be difficult to think clearly in the midst of an emergency. Training your brain before you find yourself in a high-pressure situation may help you save a life or potentially help someone in pain. There are three basic C's to remember—check, call, and care.

What is the most important action you can take in an emergency? ›

Calling 911 or the local emergency number is the most important action you and other lay responders can take in an emergency.

What are the 6 priorities when treating a casualty? ›

What to do
  • Assess the situation quickly and calmly. Safety: check whether you or the casualty are in any danger. ...
  • Protect yourself and them from any danger. ...
  • Prevent infection between you and them. ...
  • Comfort and reassure. ...
  • Assess the casualty and give first aid treatment. ...
  • Arrange for help if needed.

What are the types of emergency? ›

Types of Emergencies
  • Severe Weather (Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Hail) ...
  • Fire. ...
  • Hazardous Materials Accidents. ...
  • Chemical/Biological/Radiological (CBR) Emergencies. ...
  • Aircraft Crashes. ...
  • National Emergency (War, Terrorism) ...
  • Civil Disorder. ...
  • Active Shooter.

What are the 4 life threatening emergencies in adults? ›

The four conditions considered immediately life threatening in an emergency situation are:
  • Unconsciousness.
  • No breathing or difficulty breathing.
  • No pulse.
  • Severe bleeding.

How many types of emergency are there in safety? ›

The types of emergencies to plan for include fire, explosion, toxic releases, injuries and rescues in the hazardous events.

What is a common workplace emergency? ›

What is a workplace emergency? A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens your employees, customers, or the public; disrupts or shuts down your operations; or causes physical or environmental damage.

What is an example of a minor emergency? ›

Minor emergencies include: Injuries, including sprains, strains, or mild fractures. Mild lacerations or cuts. Headaches.

What is a good example of a family emergency? ›

Car accident of a family member. Sudden illness or death of a family member. Family member suffering from a natural disaster.

What is community emergencies? ›

Fire explosion: It is the commonest disaster seen in the community. Flood : This disaster is commonly seen during the rainy season and the people loving near seas side or low lying areas. Earthquakes : It occurs without prior significance. Famine : Famine is the disaster caused by the nature.

What is emergency in health? ›

An illness, injury, symptom or condition so serious that a reasonable person would seek care right away to avoid severe harm.

What are the golden rules of emergency? ›

Don't put yourself or the injured person at risk. Decide if you or the injured person needs medical aid; ask for advice if not sure. Reassure the injured person. If they are severely injured and under shock, and keep them warm.

What are the 5 principles of first aid explain each? ›

The aims of first aid include preserving life, preventing injury from getting worse, aiding recovery, relieving pain, and protecting the unconscious. The main objective is to save lives.

What are the 3 most important parts of first aid? ›

First aid is as easy as ABC – airway, breathing and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). In any situation, apply the DRSABCD Action Plan.

What are 5 examples of emergencies that require you to call 911? ›

When should I call 911?
  • Life threatening situations.
  • Fires.
  • Motor vehicle accidents.
  • Injuries requiring medical attention.
  • Hazardous chemical spills.
  • Smoke detector, carbon monoxide alarm or other alarms sounding.
  • Smoke in a building.
  • If you see someone hurting someone else.

What are 5 emergencies disasters that all people should be prepared for? ›

It's June, which means it's time to be prepared for wildfires, hurricanes, and floods that can result from seasonal storms.
  • Wildfire Safety Tips. Flood Safety Tips.
  • Chemical Emergency. Coronavirus. Drought. ...
  • Extreme Heat. Fire. ...
  • Food Safety. Highway Safety. ...
  • Nuclear Explosion. Poisoning. ...
  • Thunderstorm. Tornado. ...
  • Water Safety. Wildfire.

What are the 4 levels of emergency? ›

Nationally, there are 4 levels of emergency medical service provider licensure. They are the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) and the Paramedic.

What are the 6 basic actions to take in any emergency? ›

To safely work through an emergency, consider these 6 priorities.
  • Stop to assess the situation – watch out for danger. ...
  • Make sure it is safe to approach the scene. ...
  • Make the area safe. ...
  • Assess the victim. ...
  • Call for help. ...
  • Resuscitate and treat injuries as necessary.
Nov 1, 2022

What are the 15 emergency support functions? ›

Emergency Support Functions
  • ESF #1: Transportation.
  • ESF #2: Communications.
  • ESF #3: Public Works and Engineering.
  • ESF #4: Firefighting.
  • ESF #5: Information and Planning.
  • ESF #6: Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Temporary Housing, and Human Services.
  • ESF #7: Logistics.
  • ESF #8: Public Health and Medical Services.
Oct 15, 2021

What are the 3 C's of emergency? ›

In an emergency situation, it may be challenging to think rationally. Before you find yourself in a stressful circ*mstance, prepare your mind so that you might potentially save a life or alleviate someone's suffering. Check, Call, and Care are the three basic Cs.

What are the 4 steps taken in all emergencies? ›

Current thinking defines four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

What are 5 man-made crisis emergencies? ›

Such man-made disasters are crime, arson, civil disorder, terrorism, war, biological/chemical threat, cyber-attacks, etc.

What are the top 5 important things we need to keep in times of emergency? ›

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:
  • Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
  • Flashlight.
  • First aid kit.
May 10, 2022

What are examples of Level 1 emergency? ›

Examples: Odor complaint, localized chemical spill, a small fire, localized power failure, plumbing failure or water leak, normal fire and police calls.

What is a Category 4 emergency? ›

Category 4. A non-urgent problem, such as stable clinical cases, which requires transportation to a hospital ward or clinic. 3 hours.

What is a Level 3 threat? ›

Level 3 (high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists).

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