5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (2024)

What are the 5 benefits of life insurance? What is life insurance and why it is important?

The goal of having life insurance is to give your loved ones financial security in the event of your passing. Even while the primary benefit of life insurance is the tax-free payment, there are several other perks as well.

Unfortunately, many people do not have life insurance. If you have a spouse, children, or a business partner who is dependent on you, you should get life insurance. Even if you aren’t the primary breadwinner, you should still take out a life insurance policy.

Stay-at-home parents and caregivers offer essential services that would otherwise be outsourced if you were away and could no longer care for your children or any family member who requires daily assistance.

Even if you are a college student with no spouse or children, taking out a life insurance policy can still be a smart financial goal. When you decide to get married or have children, you would have one less thing to worry about when adjusting your lifestyle to accommodate your new loved ones.

Even without children or a spouse, a life insurance policy could make planning your funeral arrangements easier for your family and friends should you pass away while in college.

5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (1)
5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (2)

What is Life Insurance?

A life insurance policy might help your loved ones and replace your income if you die suddenly. The cash from your insurance payout goes to your beneficiaries and could be used for expenses like funeral costs, housing, college tuition, mortgage or rent payments, debt repayment, or charitable gifts.

A contract between you and an insurance company governs the terms of your life insurance policy. As a result of your premium payments, the insurance company agrees to provide a lump-sum payment to your beneficiaries after your death, known as a death benefit. Your recipients are free to use the money as they like.

Life insurance may cover medical expenses from a hospital stay or a prolonged illness as well as any remaining obligations, giving your family the time they need to grieve without being distracted by responsibilities.

Your death benefit payout will be canceled if you live longer than the duration of your life insurance policy.

For example, if you take out a 40-year term life insurance when you are 20 years old and live to be 61, you’ll have to take out a new policy to ensure your family receives a death benefit when you do pass away.

There is one exception, though. You get your premiums returned if you choose a return of premium, often known as ROP. However, the premiums will be greater than those of a standard term life insurance policy, but that is to be anticipated.

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (3)

In general, there are various forms of life insurance, each of which caters to a different set of needs.

Some of those forms of life insurance include:

#1. Endowment Plan

Traditional savings insurance plans are risk-free investment opportunities that simultaneously provide insurance protection. With traditional plan returns, also known as endowment and money-back plans, are not tied to the stock market and so entail lesser risk.

Traditional insurance plans include bonuses for remaining invested, such as reversionary and terminal bonuses, which increase the maturity sum.

#2. Retirement and Pension Plan

Retirement insurance plans provide options to generate your own pension income. You have two options for saving for retirement: Either build up a risk-averse retirement capital over time or invest a single amount and receive guaranteed income for the rest of your life.

#3. Savings Plans

Savings plans are life insurance plans that combine the advantages of life insurance with investing. So, in addition to protecting yourself and your family, you build capital to fulfill your goals at every stage of your life.

Most protection and savings plans provide a predetermined sum as a maturity benefit when the policy expires. Still, specific particular plans additionally assist you in creating a consistent stream of income during the duration of your policy.

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (4)

#4. Term Insurance

Term insurance policies offer low-cost life insurance to safeguard your loved ones. This is the most straightforward type of life insurance.

#5. ULIP

Unit-linked insurance plans, or ULIPs, are life insurance and financial investment products. Unit-linked insurance policies provide a variety of financial alternatives and portfolio strategies to choose from. After five years of lock-in, ULIPs allow you to withdraw money from your policy every month.

#6. Whole Life Insurance Plan

A whole life insurance plan protects you until the age of 99 (in most cases). They differ from standard insurance plans that generally have a set duration, such as 10, 20, or 40 years, and are helpful when you have dependents for an extended length of time, potentially your whole life.

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (5)

Why is Life Insurance Important?

Life insurance protects your loved ones in the event of your untimely death. If you die unexpectedly, life insurance can provide financial security for your loved ones.

Although uncomfortable and unsettlingly to imagine, you need to ask yourself:

  • What would happen if you suddenly were unable to bring in another check to support your family?
  • Will your children be able to survive without your income and protection?
  • Would your partner be able to make up for the shortfall?
  • What if you’re a single parent?

Your surviving partner, spouse, and children may be able to stay in your family home longer (if not permanently) if they have a life insurance payout to pay off the mortgage.

The death benefit payout wouldn’t last indefinitely, but it can help keep your family afloat until they learn to survive without your assistance.

What are the 5 Benefits of Life Insurance?

As previously said, the most apparent advantage of life insurance is the security and support it offers to your dependents after you are no longer around to help out with day-to-day responsibilities.

The more insurance you have, the better off you and your loved ones will be. When purchasing life insurance, ensure that you have enough coverage for the essentials such as funeral costs or end-of-life medical support. Furthermore, try to get coverage for the years ahead.

The following are five advantages of life insurance.

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (6)

#1. You Won’t Have to Worry About Living Expenses for Your Dependents

People who rely on your income should not have to worry about their living expenses or other big bills for about six to 10 years after you pass if you have a life insurance policy. Therefore, you should have six to 10 times your annual salary in life insurance.

For instance, your insurance policy could eliminate the need for your children to get student loans. Or, they could live rent or mortgage-free for 10 years while they grieve and recover from losing you.

Many don’t realize or acknowledge it, but individuals can grieve the loss of a loved one for years or even until they pass away themselves. Some people have a hard time recovering altogether and, in return, may struggle to provide for themselves.

#2. Death Benefits are Exempt From Federal Income Tax

If you have a life insurance policy and pass away while it is still active, your beneficiaries will get a lump sum payment. The money your beneficiaries get from your life insurance policy isn’t taxable, so they don’t have to declare it on their taxes.

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (7)

#3. Chronic and Terminal Illnesses Can Be Covered Under Life Insurance

If you’ve been diagnosed with a terminal disease and your life expectancy is shorter than 12 months, you may be able to spend your death benefit while you’re still alive to pay for medical care or other costs.

Adding endorsem*nts, also known as riders, to your life insurance policy can allow you to increase or decrease the coverage. If you have a death benefit with an expedited benefits rider, you may be able to receive all or part of that money sooner rather than later.

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#4. Policies Might Help You Save More for Retirement

A life insurance policy, whether whole, universal, or variable, can accrue cash value in addition to death payments. As the cash value increases over time, you may use it to pay for costs like a down payment on a house. You can even make use of it in your retirement years if necessary.

Traditional retirement funds like a 401(k) or an IRA, however, should not be replaced by life insurance policies. Though, having extra cash going into your retirement fund can help you accept and prepare for times when your goals change or don’t go as planned.

Moreover, cash value life insurance is far more expensive than term life insurance, which does not include a savings component but just provides a death benefit. So if you intend on supplementing your retirement savings with your life insurance policy (or policies), be sure to keep this in mind.

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (8)

#5. Life insurance Will Pay for Your Final Expenses

Paying for a funeral can be a significant challenge for many Americans who do not have enough money to handle an emergency cost. If you have a life insurance policy, your loved ones won’t have to spend their own funds or take out a loan to cover your final costs.

According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), viewing and burial with a funeral service cost on average $7,640 in the year 2019.

What’s the Most Important Benefit of Life Insurance?

When you die, your loved ones will get a tax-free cash payout from your life insurance policy. Though all the other benefits are amazing advantages of life insurance, financial security ensures that your loved ones can keep a roof over their head, food on the table, and clothes on their bodies.

Housing, food, and clothing are necessary to your family’s survival so they can stay around long after you die.

It’s important to remember that life insurance isn’t just for the rich. No matter your income level, life insurance can guarantee that your nearest and dearest family can live comfortably if you die.

Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, life insurance could be less expensive than you expect.

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The average life insurance application might take three to eight weeks to complete. That’s longer than it typically takes to get a driver’s license or get mail from everywhere in the world. So if this is your goal, create a plan to purchase a life insurance plan as soon as possible.

To speed the process up as much as possible, be sure to have your name, address, phone number, date of birth, state and country of birth, citizenship, marital status, employment (including details of job duties and pay amount), net worth, driver’s license number, and Social Security number on hand. This information will be required by the life insurance company during underwriting.

Get started today, don’t wait, it’s best to be prepared.

Why life insurance is important? What are the advantages of a life insurance policy? Here are 5 benefits of life insurance and why you need it by @tqlifeinsurance. #TermLifeInsurance #LifeInsurance #FinancialPlanning Click to Tweet

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More About Guest Contributor

Imani Francies writes and researches for the life insurance comparison site, TopQuoteLifeInsurance.com. She regularly researches life insurance benefits to inform people of their options so they can purchase the best policy that suits their needs.

Last Updated on July 31, 2023

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5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It (2024)


5 Benefits of Life Insurance And Why You Need It? ›

Paying off your home mortgage. Paying off other debts, such as car loans, credit cards, and student loans. Providing funds for your kids' college education. Helping with other obligations, such as care for aging parents.

What is the benefits of life insurance? ›

Why is life insurance important? Buying life insurance protects your spouse and children from the potentially devastating financial losses that could result if something happened to you. It provides financial security, helps to pay off debts, helps to pay living expenses, and helps to pay any medical or final expenses.

What is life insurance Why do you need it? ›

Generally speaking, life insurance is most useful (and plays an important societal role) as a way to help protect families that would suffer financially when a breadwinner dies. A policy can also serve other functions, such as helping build long-term wealth.

What is the most important benefit of insurance? ›

It gives you financial assistance for your losses and damage. The basic function of all types of insurance coverages is to provide damage control to the insured by bringing in a lot of people who pay to cover their risks. The fund is further used for capital formation through investment in the markets.

Why life insurance is more important? ›

Whether you're a parent, partner, or provider, having life insurance is crucial to protecting the financial security of your loved ones. First, life insurance provides financial protection, covering expenses like medical bills, funeral costs, debts, and more, to ease the burden during difficult times.

What are the benefits of life insurance Canada? ›

Life insurance helps your loved ones deal with the financial impact of your death. It provides them with a one-time, tax-free payment, called a death benefit. They may use the amount to: replace your income to allow your family to maintain their standard of living.

How can I benefit from life insurance while alive? ›

You may be able to withdraw accumulated cash value, take a loan against your coverage, access a living benefit rider or sell your policy. But selling your policy is generally only recommended if you've exhausted all other options, as doing so will cost you in fees and tax payments.

What is the most important thing in life insurance? ›

The main benefit of adding life insurance to your financial plan is that if you pass away, your heirs receive a lump sum, tax-free payout from the policy. They can use this money to pay your final expenses and to replace your income. Life insurance can also benefit you while you're still alive.

What is life insurance in simple words? ›

Life Insurance can be defined as a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange for a premium, upon the death of an insured person or after a set period.

What do you need for life insurance? ›

Life insurance applications generally require personal and family medical history and beneficiary information. You may need to take a medical exam and will need to disclose any preexisting medical conditions, history of moving violations, DUIs, and any dangerous hobbies, such as auto racing or skydiving.

What are the 3 most important benefits? ›

The most valuable benefits that companies offer to people in the workforce are health, dental, and vision insurance. Insurance can be extremely expensive, making these benefits desirable to employees in the job market.

Why are insurance and benefits important? ›

Health insurance protects you from unexpected, high medical costs. You pay less for covered in-network health care, even before you meet your deductible. You get free preventive care, like vaccines, screenings, and some check-ups, even before you meet your deductible.

What are the 3 most important insurance? ›

As you hit certain life milestones, some policies, including health insurance and auto insurance, are virtually required, while others like life insurance and disability insurance are strongly encouraged.

What are the top 3 reasons for life insurance? ›

According to a new NerdWallet study, the most common reason Americans buy life insurance is to cover final expenses. The second most commonly selected reason is to leave an inheritance, followed by covering large debts, replacing an income and building an investment.

Which insurance are most important and why? ›

Most experts agree that life, health, long-term disability, and auto insurance are the four types of insurance you must have. Employer coverage is often the best option, but if that is unavailable, obtain quotes from several providers as many provide discounts if you purchase more than one type of coverage.

Do most people need life insurance? ›

If you're single or you have other sources of wealth to protect your family, then you may not need life insurance. But if you're like most people, you will have mortgage payments, college expenses or the need to protect your family from the loss of earnings if you pass away.

What is life insurance and what does it provide? ›

Life insurance works by providing your beneficiaries with a death benefit payout if you die, but only if your policy is in-force when you pass away—meaning you have paid the required premiums while you're alive. The death benefit can be used for any purpose your beneficiaries choose.

How do you decide if you even need life insurance? ›

Your financial and family situation will determine whether you need life insurance and, if so, how much coverage you should have. The younger and healthier you are, generally, the less you'll pay for premiums, but older people can still get life insurance.

Do I need life insurance if I'm single? ›

Why is life insurance important for a single person? Even if you're single, life insurance can protect others from financial burdens that could be brought on by your passing. Plus, life insurance rates for a young person are generally lower than they are for other customers.

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