40+ Legitimate Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-Home-Mom (2024)

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40+ Legitimate Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-Home-Mom (1)

You’ve seen the ads floating around the internet. Usually in places like your Facebook sidebar or in pop-up ads on popular sites. Deceptive text shouting promises like: “Earn $6,000/week from home! It’s easy! Sign up here! “scammyfineprintprintblahblahblah

To those I say a big fat “Pfffffftttt, yeah right!”

A few years ago, I was constantly seeing those dumb ads, and every time I saw one I’d sigh wistfully, wishing there really was a legitimate way that I could earn some money without giving up on my desire to be at home with my kids.

Long-time readers here at R+H know that money has been super tight over the last few years as we have gone through hubs’ flight training to become a pilot. He has been employed as a flight instructor (you know – the guy teaching the future pilots of your commercial flights in airlines around the world how to fly…) but it pays abysmally. Absolutely shamefully, really.

Most flight instructors are young, unmarried guys who don’t have a family to support, because it is next to impossible.

So… he quit that job last fall, and has landed fortuitously into a contract consulting job in aviation safety (fancy way of saying that he’s working on a pilot safety website on a government grant). He’s also doing audio-visual tech stuff part-time at a large church in the city.

40+ Legitimate Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-Home-Mom (2)

Things are better now. Still tight… but waaaaay better. I know from experience that somehow, in some way – things get better. Whether that be in heaven or on earth – tough times won’t last forever, and for that I am grateful.

As we emerge into a new season and phase of life, I have been pondering the way that every dollar counts.

Related: 3 Possible Reasons You’re Failing at Sticking to a Grocery Budget

It’s still fresh for me – the counting out change from the change jar to buy bananas before the next payday… the invitation of a meal shared with friends and knowing that it would give relief to your shrunken grocery fund… the tears of frustration at not being able to stretch the dollars quite as far as you’d like, and making difficult decisions on what to forgo.

I know that there are so many in that boat today. So many of you, dear readers. So many parents sacrifice a lot of financial security in order to stay at home with their kids. So many of you wish that there was something that you could do on the side – in the cracks and corners of your days and evenings and weekends that would earn enough extra money to give a little room to breathe. Something flexible, home-based, and (dare we wish it?) enjoyable.

I have tried a number of different income-earning ventures over the years:

  • Ad manager for a large blog (in charge of procuring and implementing advertising revenue for the site)
  • Digital graphic design (not my niche, but I can make nice-looking, simple images)
  • VA work (virtual assisting – like an administrative assistant, but working remotely)
  • Blogging (this site!)
  • Babysitting/daycare (I had my niece 4 days/week for a year)
  • Photography (I’ve been hired a handful of times to do family photo shoots. My skills are basic, but decent enough to get some nice shots.)
  • Social media assisting (again, working with bloggers)
  • Moderator for webinar panel discussions
  • Placenta encapsulation

All of the things I’ve done have been extremely flexible and most have been temporary. Blogging is currently my “side job” here, and I have discovered over the last 1.5 years that it is most definitely a passion of mine. I kind of always knew that I loved writing… and now I know that I really enjoy the entrepreneurial/business side of it as well.
40+ Legitimate Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-Home-Mom (3)

Let’s be honest: being self-employed and working from home isn’t all flouncy pens and steaming cups of tea in bed… but sometimes it is. And it’s glorious.

I recently asked my Facebook followers if any of them had any money-making side ventures, and the response was amazing. So many responded with an incredibly diverse array of ideas that I knew I just had to share them here. I decided to link up some of those that responded to the thread, so you’ll see some R+H reader business links below in the list.

If you’re interested in finding a way to earn money from home, you can use this list as a jumping off point to research which type of opportunity might be right for you. There are so many possibilities!

(Disclaimer: money doesn’t start rolling in after just a little effort. These ideas obviously take dedication, perseverance, and hard work. Some of these ideas need certain qualifications – but many need none.)

Money-Making Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents:

  1. Blogger (holla!)
  2. Doula
  3. Making and selling lotions, soaps, and other bath & body care products (check out this awesome page: Homebody Co., or this one: Purely Essential)
  4. Running an online fitness studio (like Fit2B!)
  5. Selling home or health products as a company rep, also usually known as a multi-level-marketing company. Jamberry,Thirty-One Gifts, Mary & Martha, Zeal for Life, Juice Plus, Steeped Tea, Avon,Nerium International, Scentsy, My Premier Designs – jewellery,Origami Owl, Younique Beauty Products, Norwex(and another reader who sells Norwex), Lilla Rose Hair Accessories, Wildtree Food Products, Radiantly You – body care products, Avon Products, Plexus Slim, Nikken – wellness products.
  6. Selling essential oils as a company rep (DoTerra, Young Living, and there are others if you do some research to see the options. Readers Ashley, Heather,and Krissa also sell DoTerra.)
  7. Design and sell digital sewing patterns
  8. Elderly care (A reader said: “I do full time home share for a 60-year-old woman who is autistic. She goes to a program 5 days a week and I assist her with food, showering and dressing and some hygiene. We are very thankful because it enables me to stay home while bringing in a full time income.”)
  9. Run a farm share program
  10. Sewing and weaving (Kaitlin of Butters and Bubsie says: “I do headbands, soother clips, lovey blankets, burp rags and most importantly I weave baby wraps.”)
  11. Make and sell knit/crochet/etc. goods (check out this cute page, or this website– she also does wall murals for people!)
  12. Health consulting – “I am a trained homeopath in my career before I had children and so I do some phone and online consulting to assist people with their health issues.” Another reader said: “…and I just got certified to be a Dr. Sears Health Coach! Super excited about that!” This reader at Baby Kale Healthis a family holistic health coach. Another health consulting type of business:Nutritional therapist.
  13. Virtual Assisting
  14. Advertising Manager (for a large blog – a growing field!)
  15. Bookkeeping
  16. Reflexologist
  17. Yoga Facilitator
  18. Customer service –My friend has an Amazon business and I do customer service from home for her.”
  19. Social media consulting – “…I also do some Pinterest consulting work for bloggers. It still blows me away that I can get paid for playing with Pinterest.
  20. Freelance writing (like CG Marketing Pro!)
  21. Sewing – “I sew for people…preparing for craft shows at the moment.”
  22. Managing consignment sales – “I manage a twice-a-year consignment sale for our local parents of multiples club.”
  23. Teach dance classes
  24. Placenta encapsulation (Check out my Placenta Encapsulation tutorial here on the blog)
  25. Sell antiques and paint furniture
  26. Hula hoop maker/instructor
  27. Make and sell baby headbands and blankets
  28. Make and sell handmade jewellery (check out these cool ‘tree of life’ necklaces! And this one: Four Little Lady Bugs, making teething necklaces and girly accessories.)
  29. Web design
  30. Babysitting/daycare
  31. Make custom wooden furniture
  32. Pet sitting
  33. Image and Influence Consultant withFanTABulous Women.
  34. Substitute teaching
  35. Photography (Shelley said: “I’ve had my photography business for 6 years. I shoot weddings and on evening and weekends do portrait sessions so I can stay home with my kiddos and homeschool them full time during the week! My business gives me a creative outlet plus helps with the finances, and I am very thankful for it!”)
  36. Baking/cooking (this woman sells her cakes locally – and they look DELISH)
  37. Sell flower arrangements
  38. Sell excess garden produce to neighbours
  39. Sell eggs from your backyard chickens
  40. Start an online shop selling items you love and are passionate about (Check out Delia’s Pantry: “I try and make if affordable for every one to have access to organic herbs spices and teas …and a few other things”,Primal Kitchen Company, selling fermentation/pickling supplies, Country Bums – a cloth diaper shop, Deborah & Co – a clothing company for girls/women)

Have you ever made money on the side while being at home with your kids? What would you pick from this list?

40+ Legitimate Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-Home-Mom (4)Want to grab my FREE list of the Top 5 Tools I Use to Make Real Food Cooking Easier?

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About Beth

Beth is the creator here at . Mom of four, wife of one, and proud redhead. Sushi and tex-mex lover, fan of adventure, books, natural health talk, and pyjamas. INFP and Type 4 enneagram. Allergic to small talk. And, if you haven't figured it out already, #nerd. Read more posts by Beth.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Danielle DuBose

    I am a WAHM that works for a consulting firm. We are currently recruiting adults to participate in a study for $20. Study participation entails filling out an online survey about someone that you know very well. The surveys take about 25 minutes to complete. Anyone that is interested can fill out our Interest survey using this link: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1918197/V3-Rater-Interest-Survey

  2. Rachel

    I am super surprised this was not on the list. There are many online universities that offer remote positions that can be worked from a home office. Granted, these types of positions often require some sort of credentials, but they can be extremely rewarding. I have worked for Western Governors University as an adjunct faculty member for nearly 2 years now; I started part time, and moved to full time just after I hit my one year anniversary. I have 6 kids, and this position works perfectly for me while fulfilling my need to remain involved in education (I am a teacher). I could not imagine a more perfect job for me at this time of my life. WGU requires a minimum of a masters degree for most positions, and you can check them out at http://www.wgu.edu/?utm_source=1335 . Even if that’s not your cup of tea, again-so man online universities/programs that likely have remote positions.

    Also, before I transitioned to WGU, I worked for Educate Online from home, which is a virtual tutoring company. While I did not appreciate their business platform nor the availability of work hours, it was a great, legitimate side job for a little extra cash, and again, a great way for a teacher to stay connected to education. You can check them out at http://www.educate-online.com/

  3. Marge

    I’m just starting out as an Independent Paparazzi Accessories Consultant. They really are great! We get awesome starter kits at very affordable prices, our free website, and tons of free ongoing training! The jewelry sells so quickly and easily.
    check it out!
    or my facebook page

  4. Pamela

    Why are these just for stay-at-home-moms? With dads staying home more and more, this should be more inclusive.

  5. Emily

    Ladies, PLEASE use extreme caution before signing up with ANY direct sales company! I have been a stay at home/work at home mom for nine years working an actual job as a transcriptionist. That experience has shown me there is an entire internet FULL of SAHMs with kids who need to make extra money and will jump on any “biz-opp” someone ropes them into. Direct sales companies do not make you money!!! They might for a little bit and that will suck you in further until you’re deeply in debt and have wasted way more money than you have ever made. For actual jobs where you work and receive a paycheck, see workplacelikehome.com or retrace rebellion (including transcription work). Direct sales companies make money off YOU and before you pay money to make money – which you don’t do with legitimate business – please look into it. There is a website called pink truth.com that is filled with MLM refugees who escaped these types of businesses. They are NOT great opportunities!! Having done a real job for so long (yes, it can be done and it IS as great as it seems), I hate to see people with similar hopes of making money at home be swindled out of the few extra dollars they have with the promise of making lots more. *you don’t need to pay any legit online company to make money except in the rare instance of a security/background check fee* please see the sites I mentioned for legit work!

    • Emily

      That should be ratracerebellion.com, sorry!

    • Jocelyn Brown

      I will have all my credit card debt paid off in 2 more months, thanks to being a Wellness Advocate with doTERRA! When I first enrolled all I wanted was to use the products and I was actually quite rude to the person who enrolled me, telling her “I am NOT NOT NOT going to do this as a business EVER so don’t ask me to!” I also was REALLY broke – I’d just been fired from my job, because I was so sick all the time, and the only job I could find was a part-time job at a nonprofit organization. But the products worked for me and so I found a way to carve out $50/month to order my products. My husband and I had already gone down to 1 vehicle, and I put in a garden and found work/trade agreements for my yoga and health services to save more money so I could buy my products. Ingenuity, people! After a while my friends started asking me where to get the products and wa-la, my network marketing business was born organically. Now I teach classes and mentor my team and get to do cool things like travel and teach (I have people in all 50 states now).

      Sadly there are a lot of people who get sucked into direct sales and network marketing and don’t make any money at all, and get even further into debt. Also a lot give up before any results are seen. That’s really sad – and it happened to me 3 times in the past (with Avon, Mary Kay, and Usana – all great companies, and I know multiple successful people in each of them, but not MY right fit). I think a lot of people view it as a ‘get rich quick’ thing and that is NOT how ANY business works! I don’t care what business you are in. It takes work, and network marketing/direct sales is not any different. If you don’t want to work I suggest you take the previous commenter’s advice and look elsewhere. Truly. If you don’t love the product and the company, if you feel like you are being upsold (into a product/kit that does not truly fit your needs), if you don’t feel a connection with the person who is enrolling you or going to be your sales rep…. then look elsewhere. Otherwise, it can be a very viable avenue for some of us.

      My next ‘side project’ to earn more money and get into an even better financial place is to continue making art and actually start to sell some. I’m excited about it!
      Sending peace, health, joy, and abundance to all! XO

    • Jim Harmer

      I couldn’t agree more about being careful to watch for the scams. There are TONS of them out there for holding “parties” and having someone come sell at them, or medical billing scams, etc.

      I wrote about a few of the ways that have actually worked for me to earn income from home here.

      I have been working from home for a little over a year, and just wanted to share with you ladies what has and has not worked for me.

    • Caitlin Kelly

      Another great direct sales company is AdvoCare. They are a wellness and nutrition company and have been around for 20+ years. Startup cost is minimal and the opportunity is great…we get paid 5 ways! Very reputable company and a household name these days. http://www.advocaitstore.com

    • Sally Good

      There are a ton of scams out there with DS companies. Always check them out on BBB and google it before signing up. Paparazzi Accessories is great! They are quality jewelry for very reasonable prices. I make 45% on everything I sell! And there is no requirement to purchase from them every month if you don’t want to. You can buy as little or much as you want. Check out my website paparazziaccessories.com/25945.

  6. Christie K

    I’ve been promoting Zeal for Life for 9 months. I also have a traditional business. My Zeal just got off the ground this last month, due to my own lack of effort. Amazing products, company, leadership & comp plan. So Excited to see what March brings, now that I’ve put some effort in! 🙂

  7. Amelia Shepherd

    I have an online boutique with Sass n Frass! We sell women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, pet accessories, home decor, makeup, essential oils, soy candles, etc. You earn 25% on all your sales. It’s all online unless you want to keep stock on hand to sell. You can email me for more info or to sign up. [emailprotected] Thanks!

  8. Sarah

    These are great! I’d like to share another one as well. It’s very simple, you can watch videos, take surveys, play games and even just click on websites.

    http://www.instagc.com/631111 Can cash out at any time or select goals to get free giftcards.

  9. Michelle Kennedy

    I sell THRIVE and I love it. Making a great income also!

  10. Christina V Alayon

    I Just found out about a premium nutritional product line by Le-vel called Thrive. I personally use it and I feel awesome. I get mine for Free for just referring 2 people. But because I’m a Thrive Brand Promoter, I get awesome income as well. This company has had over 400% growth last year! I really want to share it with every one.. calayon.Le-vel.com! Or just email me and we can arrange to answer any questions you may have, [emailprotected] 🙂

  11. Nicole

    Great company that allows you to work from home helping friends and family save money on their electric and/or gas bill. Earn free energy and additional income! Only available in states that have been deregulated. So compare for yourself and see why more electric and natural gas Customers throughout California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and Washington, D.C. are choosing Ambit Energy as the best choice in energy today. *No door to do selling and no cold calling* Contact me for more information at

    Saving money on a monthly energy bill is NEVER a hard-sell. Ambit Energy.

    • Nicole


  12. Barbee

    I noticed that Tupperware was not on your list. I am a homeschooling mom & have supplemented our income from home with Tupperware for the last three years. I’d love to help others that may be interested in learning more! http://barbeedecker.my.tupperware.com/

  13. Jill

    I’ve had a home-based direct sales business for 19 1/2 years, and it has worked beautifully alongside my family of 6 kids and a military husband – and I still love it (which is nice to be able to say after all this time!) Contact me at [emailprotected] if you’d like to learn more about it and see if it might be a good fit for you 🙂

  14. Penny

    I would love to add Monat, a revolutionary new hair care line to your list of direct sale companies. Launched this past October, Monat has amazing products which are naturally based without harmful chemicals and have been scientifically proven to make hair stronger, longer, and more youthful. I have never had volume the way I do now! Check out my website for more information. The company has one of the best compensation plans in the business as well. http://pennycox.mymonat.com

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40+ Legitimate Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-Home-Mom (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

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Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.