4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (2024)

From eating healthy to exercising, the well-known risk with New Year’s resolutions is that you won’t stick to them. But with financial resolutions, there is also another issue: you may be forgetting about important money goals that should be on your list.

4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (1)

Paying down debt, spending less and saving more are the resolutions of choice for most people, and understandably so. Cutting down on your credit card bill and beefing up your savings accounts is very important. But to get your financial house in order, you may need to go far beyond that, financial experts warn.

To help you start 2020 on the right foot, Global News spoke to money blogger Bridget Casey and David Dyck of robo advisor WealthBar about what should be on a financial resolutions checklist.

4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (2)

How to get your finances sorted out in 2019

Spend less than you make

If you’re not already doing it, this is the money goal that should come before all your other financial resolutions, Casey and Dyck agreed. You cannot tackle debt or save in a sustainable manner until you have a system in place that guarantees your day-to-day outlays are less than the money you bring in. The good news, though, is you don’t need to pore over spreadsheets to get there.

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The first step, Casey said, is to figure out how much your after-tax income actually is. This isn’t as obvious as it may seem. Many, for example, don’t realize that getting paid biweekly isn’t the same as being paid twice a month, she said.

READ MORE:6 painless ways to save $50 a month

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There are 52 weeks and 12 months in a year. If your employer is depositing $2,500 worth of net pay into your bank account every two weeks, your annual after-tax income is $65,000 ($2,500*52/2). Your average monthly income works out to $5,416. By contrast, if your $2,500 lands on the last and 15th day of the month, meaning you get paid bimonthly, your monthly net income is just $5,000.

The second step is tracking where the money you earn disappears to, Dyck said. The point of this isn’t just to see where you can cut back but to get in the habit of thinking harder about what you’re doing with your money.

READ MORE: How to save an extra $100 a month — without even thinking about it

“There’s this emerging trend of people being more conscious and aware of the things they put in their body,” Dyck said. “There should be also a greater amount of care that people put, and just awareness on, where they’re spending their money.”

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One trusty strategy to do this is to go through a whole month paying for everything in cash, he said. The tech-friendly way to do the same thing is to download an app like Mint or YNAB (You Need a Budget) that will automatically track your spending, he added.

READ MORE:7 common mistakes that explain why you never have enough money

Once you’ve gotten a handle on the inflows and outflows, you can set yourself a hard spending limit for anything that isn’t a necessary expense like rent, groceries and utility bills.

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“I never plan where my money is going to go,” Casey said.

Instead, she gives herself $1,000 a month to spend any way she likes. To do this, Casey said she uses the reloadable KOHO prepaid Visa, which shows users real-time updates on their spending.

Then I don’t feel guilty if I spend $300 on a pair of jeans.”

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The same thing can be done by putting $1,000 in a chequing account and using a debit card for all discretionary spending, she noted.

As for credit cards, Casey uses them to cover her routine bills through automatic payments. This ensures that all her routine expenses are covered, helps her build her credit and earns her cash-back rewards, she said.

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4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (3)

Money 123: Apps that help Canadians save

Plan for the unexpected

Drawing up a spending plan is about managing the expenses you can predict. But what about the things you can’t foresee?

From emergency car repairs to the sudden loss of someone in your family, unexpected events can wreak havoc on household finances. And yet, taking steps to mitigate their impact rarely features in most people’s New Year resolutions.

For example, only 25 per cent of Canadians have “make a will” on their list of financial goals for 2020, and just five per cent are thinking about getting life insurance, according to a recent Angus Reid survey commissioned by Willful, which helps users create legal wills online.

Dying without a will means you don’t get a say on who gets your assets and can leave unpaid bills, taxes and legal battles for your loved ones to deal with at a time of grieving.

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READ MORE: 7 bad things that can happen if you don’t have a will — and how to get one for cheap

You should also think about setting up a power of attorney, Dyck said. This is a legal document that gives someone you trust the authority to manage your money and property should you become incapable of doing so. It’s also a good idea to nominate someone to make medical and health decisions for you if you become mentally unable to do so yourself, Dyck added. Different provinces have different names for this type of document, like “power of attorney for personal care,” “representation agreement,” “health-care directive” or “personal directive.”

Life insurance, on the other hand, isn’t a must for everyone, Dyck said. But if you have a family that depends on your income and a big mortgage to pay off, making sure you have adequate coverage should be a priority, he added.

Thankfully, crossing off both a will and life insurance from your to-do list is getting easier and easier if you have a simple financial situation. Solutions like Willful and Legal Wills allow Canadians to make wills and set up a power of attorney online and for a fraction of the cost of seeing a lawyer.

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As for life insurance, PolicyMe helps you figure out how much coverage you need and compares life insurance quotes from some of the largest providers in Canada.

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Another type of coverage that should be on your radar is disability insurance, Casey noted. The group disability benefits you get at work may not be enough.

READ MORE: Cancer patient was cut off from work disability benefits for 10 months — his story is a warning for everyone

Finally, the most basic form of protection against the unexpected is having a cash cushion you can fall back on for anything from emergency car repairs to paying the bills during a spell of unemployment.

4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (6)

Money 123: Why workplace disability insurance may not be enough

Tackle dangerous debt

When it comes to debt, make sure you prioritize paying off the kind that carries a high interest rate.

If you’re carrying a balance on your credit card, then you’re likely facing an interest rate of 20 per cent or more, Dyck said.

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“You should attack that right away,” he said.

On the other hand, extinguishing debt like student loans is less urgent. Thanks to lower interest rates and flexible repayment terms, “it’s not going to have an adverse impact on you if you just pay the minimums on a student loan until it’s eventually paid off,” Dyck said.

4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (7)

Breaking down credit card myths

Save and take good care of your savings

If you are drowning in debt, it can be tempting to postpone saving until you’re back in the black, but Dyck advises against that approach.

“The habit of saving regularly is the first step toward building wealth.”

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Even if you’re throwing most of your surplus income at your credit card debt, putting as little as $25 a week into a savings account is a good idea, Casey said.

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READ MORE: 7 hacks to save more — without the mental struggle

But setting money aside is only half of the work, she added. The other essential step is making sure you’re taking good care of your savings.

Casey urges every adult Canadian to set up a tax-free savings account (TFSA), which lets your savings grow tax-free and works well as both a simple savings account and a retirement savings account.

4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (8)

Money 123: Should you use a robo-advisor to invest?

But when Canadians think about saving, they should also think about growing those savings through investing, Casey said.

“Investing is always the thing [people] are going to do later and they never do it.”

Tweet ThisClick to share quote on Twitter: "Investing is always the thing [people] are going to do later and they never do it."

If investing is a mysterious and scary topic for you, Casey suggests using a robo advisor, an online service that professionally invests your money for fees that are often less than half of what the banks or investment managing firms charge.

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Thanks to robo advisors, Casey argues, Canadians are running out of excuses not to invest.

4 financial resolutions to really get a handle on your money in 2020 - National | Globalnews.ca (2024)


How do I prepare financially for 2024? ›

4 Tips to Financially Prepare for 2024
  1. Use your financial statements to make business decisions. What Financial Statements? ...
  2. Set goals and schedule time to check in. ...
  3. Make a plan to manage debt and follow it. ...
  4. Create and/or contribute to an emergency fund.
Jan 24, 2024

What was the number one priority for most Americans who set financial resolutions? ›

America's financial goals for 2024

The top priority for Americans (56% of respondents) heading into 2024 is to bolster their rainy-day fund, followed by saving for retirement (53%) and their child's schooling (52%).

What are the personal finance goals for 2024? ›

Some of the most common financial resolutions that can make a difference in your well-being include budgeting, building an emergency fund, paying down debt, raising your credit score, increasing your income, and saving for homeownership.

How many people make financial resolutions? ›

Fidelity Investment's 2024 New Year's Resolutions study found two-thirds of Americans plan on making a financial resolution for the year ahead, but a whopping 92% said they are adjusting their goals based on the economic conditions of the past few years.

Will the economy get better in 2024? ›

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts a slight decline in global growth to 2.9% in 2024, down from 3% in 2023. However, much of this growth is made up of emerging markets activity, while growth in advanced economies remains tepid.

How much money should you make a year to be financially stable? ›

The median household income in the U.S. is just under $75,000, so it makes sense that the largest proportion of those surveyed (45%) said that it's possible to be financially stable by earning between $50,000 and $100,000 a year.

What are the financial concerns for 2024? ›

WASHINGTON, April 19 (Reuters) - Persistent inflation and higher-for-longer interest rates were cited as key risks to financial stability in the Federal Reserve's latest survey of U.S. central bank contacts, with geopolitical troubles and the 2024 U.S. presidential election also mentioned as "a potentially significant ...

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

What are the top resolutions for 2024? ›

Other popular 2024 New Year's resolutions from the Forbes Health/OnePoll survey include improving finances (38.2%), losing weight (33.8%) and improving one's diet (31.6%). Meanwhile, fewer people are focusing on goals like learning a new skill (8.8%), making more time for hobbies (7.1%) and traveling more (5.9%).

What is the best financial advice? ›

Look at saving as spending on your future. Everyone needs a nest egg or rainy day fund. To build one, it's easiest to start small. Save $100 or even just $50 per month by having funds automatically deducted from your paycheck and placed in a separate, interest-bearing savings account.

How to set SMART goals for 2024? ›

How to Write a SMART Goal
  1. Specific. To avoid setting a general goal, you need to create a specific action plan. ...
  2. Measurable. The next step is to decide how you'll measure progress towards your goal. ...
  3. Attainable. Now, you'll need to determine how achievable your objective is. ...
  4. Relevant. ...
  5. Time-bound.
Dec 18, 2023

How can I be financially independent in 5 years? ›

There are several steps you can take today to achieve financial independence and join the FIRE movement in just 5 years:
  1. Pay off all debt.
  2. Increase your income.
  3. Save as much as possible.
  4. Spend less than you earn.
  5. Trim the excess spending.
  6. Invest as much as possible.

What percentage of Americans worry about finances? ›

More than three in four Americans (77%) report feeling anxious about their financial situation, according to a new Mind over Money survey by Capital One and The Decision Lab. Financial worries include a broad range of issues from savings and retirement to affording a house or child's education.

What percentage of Americans are worried about finances? ›

A full third of respondents, 33%, reported feeling financially insecure—up from 27% in 2023, and the highest share since Northwestern Mutual began measuring financial security in 2012. Just 41% of respondents reported feeling very financially secure, the smallest share in the report's history.

How many people are financially insecure? ›

A third of American adults in Northwestern Mutual's 2024 Planning & Progress survey said they don't feel financially secure. That's up from 27% in 2023 and the highest measure going back to 2012.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How do you set yourself up financially for the future? ›

  1. Choose Carefully.
  2. Invest In Yourself.
  3. Plan Your Spending.
  4. Save, Save More, and. Keep Saving.
  5. Put Yourself on a Budget.
  6. Learn to Invest.
  7. Credit Can Be Your Friend. or Enemy.
  8. Nothing is Ever Free.

How can you now begin to financially prepare for your future? ›

Five Tips for Getting Started
  1. Get focused on the need to plan ahead.
  2. Start saving now.
  3. Consult with a financial advisor.
  4. Create a retirement plan.
  5. Protect yourself and your family with appropriate insurance.

How do I start planning my financial future? ›

9 steps in financial planning
  1. Set financial goals.
  2. Track your money.
  3. Budget for emergencies.
  4. Tackle high-interest debt.
  5. Plan for retirement.
  6. Optimize your finances with tax planning.
  7. Invest to build your future goals.
  8. Grow your financial well-being.
Jan 5, 2024

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.