4 Countries That Produce the Most Food (2024)

Everyone needs food, yet agricultural production tends to be concentrated in the largest countries as well as those with the most accommodative climate in their growing areas. Population size is also crucial because the bulk of agricultural production is still consumed locally or domestically, despite the rapid growth of international trade in farm products,

The world's top four food-producing countries—China, India, the U.S., and Brazil—share the advantages of large populations, ample land area, and climate zones suitable for growing a variety of crops, though there are also major differences in the role that food production plays in their economies.

Below we'll examine the agricultural strengths and weaknesses of each of the four leading food producers.

Key Takeaways

  • The world's top food-producing countries—China, India, the U.S., and Brazil—also rank in the top 10 by land area.
  • China is the world's largest grain producer, yet has grown more dependent on food imports in recent decades.
  • Much of India's output is produced by subsistence farmers and consumed locally.
  • The U.S. is the world's top food exporter thanks to high crop yields and extensive agricultural infrastructure.
  • Brazil is the world's fourth-largest food producer and second-largest importer; it is heavily dependent on imports by China.


China was by far the world's leading agricultural producer with 2020 annual output valued at $1.56 trillion, $1.5 trillion of which was food, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Agricultural output includes both food and non-food products. Examples of non-food agricultural goods include silk, rubber, wool, cotton, and tobacco.

A key factor was China's status as the world's most populous country with a population of 1.45 billion as of 2022, slightly ahead of India's 1.41 billion.

China has only 10% of the world's arable land yet produces a quarter of the global grain output and leads the planet in the production of cereals, cotton, fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, and fishery products, according to FAO. While much of China's territory is too mountainous or too arid for farming, the rich soils of its eastern and southern regions are extremely productive.

China also has one of the world's largest pools of agricultural labor. Though the proportion of workers in food production has decreased steadily from 60% in 1991, farm work still accounted for 25% of national employment as of 2019.

Despite the growth of China's agricultural output, it reportedly went from full self-sufficiency in food production as of 2000 to relying on imports for more than 23% of its food needs by 2020. Declining soybean output, rising grain imports, and the continuing loss of farmland to industrial and urban development were blamed.

In 2019, China surpassed the U.S. and the E.U. to become the world's leading importer of agricultural products, with imports valued at $133.1 billion. Imports growth has been driven by land-intensive crops like soybeans, sorghum, and cotton, as well as meat, dairy, fruit, and vegetables as a result of rising consumer demand.


The world's second-largest country by population, India had the second-highest agricultural output at $403.5 billion and in 2020. Of that total agricultural output, $382.2 billion was attributable to food production.

India is the world's largest producer of milk, jute, and pulses (a class of legumes that includes dry beans, lentils, and chickpeas). India is also the world second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, fruit, vegetables, cotton, and groundnuts.

Despite achieving self-sufficiency in grain production, India remains heavily reliant on subsistence agriculture as by far the poorest country on this list on a per capita basis. This has dictated the inefficient use of limited resources, particularly water, leaving output dependent on seasonal monsoons and crop yields below the global average. Shortcomings in infrastructure and produce distribution systems have caused post-harvest losses of up to 40% for some crops.

Despite such obstacles, India remains the world's largest exporter of refined sugar and milled rice. Strong exports of rice, cotton, soybeans, and meat helped India move up to 9th place among global agricultural exporters in 2019.

The United States

The U.S. ranked third in 2020 agricultural output at $307.4 billion—$306.4 billion of which was food— despite employing a small fraction of the agricultural workforce of China or India. Corn, soybeans, dairy, wheat and sugar cane were the top five U.S. agricultural commodities by value the same year.

Cereal crop yields and output have continued to rise despite a significant decline in planted acreage in recent decades.

The U.S. was by far the leading global agricultural exporter in 2020 with exports valued at $147.9 billion. In 2021, the value of U.S. exports increased to a record $177 billion, paced by a 25% increase in exports to China to $33 billion. Canada, Mexico, and Japan are also among the leading importers of U.S. agricultural products.

California accounted for 13.5% of U.S. agricultural production in 2020, nearly twice as much as any other state, with dairy, almonds, and grapes its top commodities. Other major agricultural producers include Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Kansas, Minnesota, and Illinois.

After a downturn in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prices of key agricultural commodities rebounded in 2021, then soared to record highs in early 2022 as Russia's invasion of Ukraine jeopardized supplies from two major grain exporters.


Brazil was the world's fourth-ranked agricultural producer in 2020 with output valued at $135.8 billion. $125.3 billion of Brazil's agricultural output is food. Brazil's agricultural export value of $85.2 billion in 2020 ranked it third after the U.S. and the Netherlands.

The Brazilian economyhas historically focused on agriculture, particularly sugarcane. The proportion of the workforce employed in agriculture has declined steadily over the past three decades, from 20% in 1991 to 9% by 2019.

Brazil is the top global exporter of soybeans, raw sugar, and poultry. Its soybeans exports of $28.6 billion in 2020 were the largest for an agricultural commodity from a single country. China accounted for more than $30 billion of Brazil's agricultural exports that year, nine times more than the second-largest importer.

Which Countries Produce the Most Food?

China, India, the United States, and Brazil are the world's top agricultural producers, in that order.

Which Country Is the Largest Exporter of Food?

The United States is the largest exporter of food, accounting for more than 10% of total global exports in 2020.

Which Countries Produce the Most Food Waste?

Unfortunately, many countries contribute to food waste. According to a 2021 United Nations study, the U.S. discards an estimated 21.3 million tons of food each year. The U.K. wastes more than 5.7 million tons of food each year, while China wastes more than 100 million tons annually. It's estimated that in 2019 there was more than 1 billion tons of food waste.

The Bottom Line

Many factors influence the level of food production in a country, including land area, size of population, climate, and the quality of agricultural infrastructure and technology. While the U.S. is the top exporter of agricultural commodities, other countries including China, India, and Brazil have emerged as major food suppliers.

4 Countries That Produce the Most Food (2024)


4 Countries That Produce the Most Food? ›

What US states produce the most food? (Ranking 1-50)What US states produce the most food? (Ranking 1-50) California ranks first in the U.S. for agricultural cash receipts followed by Iowa, Texas, Nebraska and Illinois.

What 4 countries produce the most food? ›

The 4 Top Food-Producing countries:
  1. China. China is the world's biggest producer, importer, and consumer of food. ...
  2. India. In terms of total calorie content, India is the second-largest food producer in the world. ...
  3. The United States. ...
  4. Brazil.

What country produces the most food in the world? ›

Key Takeaways
  • Agriculture is one of the largest and most significant industries in the world, so taking measures to increase production levels is key for the security and health of a country's population.
  • Of the major cereal and vegetable crops, the United States, China, India, and Russia are the top producers.

Which countries produce more food than they need? ›

List by Food and Agriculture Organization
RankCountryRatio (%)
6 more rows

Does America produce the most food? ›

What US states produce the most food? (Ranking 1-50)What US states produce the most food? (Ranking 1-50) California ranks first in the U.S. for agricultural cash receipts followed by Iowa, Texas, Nebraska and Illinois.

What are top three countries for food? ›

10 best cuisines in the world
  1. Italy. It's hard to beat traditional Neapolitan pizza.
  2. China. Peking duck -- just one of many Chinese culinary delights. ...
  3. France. Freshly baked French baguettes are simply mouthwatering. ...
  4. Spain. With churros, dough meets chocolate with delicious results. ...
  5. Japan. ...
  6. India. ...
  7. Greece. ...
  8. Thailand. ...
May 2, 2023

Which country is No 1 in food? ›

In the global list released of the best known cuisines of the world in the year 2022, Italy got the first place, followed by Greece and Spain in the second and third places respectively.

How much food does the US produce? ›

United States tops the list in production volume, accounting for more than 360 million tons. China came in at No. 2, producing 260.8 million tons.

What is the most food produced in the world? ›

Aside from sugar cane in first place, the next the top three most produced crops in the world are all classified as grains. Grains include cereals and legumes and are such a widespread crop because they can grow in almost any climate.

Does the US produce enough food to feed the world? ›

We produce enough food to feed 1.5x the global population. That's enough to feed 10 billion yet we are at just over 7 billion currently. There is enough for everyone. The problem is our food systems – the way we produce, harvest, transport, process, market and consume food.

Which country provides best food? ›

  • Italy. #1 in Has great food. #14 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Mexico. #2 in Has great food. #33 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Spain. #3 in Has great food. #16 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Greece. #4 in Has great food. ...
  • Thailand. #5 in Has great food. ...
  • France. #6 in Has great food. ...
  • Turkey. #7 in Has great food. ...
  • India. #8 in Has great food.

What countries don't produce enough food? ›

  • Angola.
  • Benin.
  • Burkina Faso.
  • Cabo Verde.
  • Central African Republic.
  • Chad.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Ethiopia.

What country has the best produce? ›

China was the largest producer of fresh vegetables in the world in 2019 followed by India and Vietnam. China was the largest producer of fresh vegetables in the world in 2019 followed by India and Vietnam.

Which country produces the most? ›

1. China – 28.7% Global Manufacturing Output.

What are the top 5 foods in the world? ›

Here is the top 10:
  • Pizza.
  • Burger.
  • Ramen.
  • Paella.
  • Pierogi.
  • Moussaka.
  • Boeuf Bourgignon.
  • Eisbein.
Dec 5, 2022

Where does US rank in food? ›

Rankings and trends
Rank (113 countries)Overall scoreAvailability
13th United States78.065.1
=14th Denmark77.863.2
=14th New Zealand77.867.7
16th Czech Republic77.769.4
57 more rows

Where does the US rank in food production? ›

United States

And while agriculture contributes only about one percent to the GDP, the US is the world's largest producer of maize (corn), the third-largest producer of wheat, fifth-largest producer of potatoes, tenth-largest producer of sugarcane, and twelfth-largest producer of rice.

Where does American food rank? ›

American food ranks seventh globally and is favored by 68% of the people surveyed—with only people in the Philippines (93%) ranking the cuisine higher than most Americans do.

Where does most of America's food come from? ›

In fact, in 2016, close to 90% of the food and beverage products consumed in America were produced in the U.S. According to the USDA, in 2021 the top five producing states were California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Minnesota and the leading farm products in the U.S. were cattle, corn, soybeans, milk and other dairy ...

Which country has healthiest food? ›

1/ Okinawan diet – Japan

Widely considered to be one of the healthiest diets in the world, the Okinawan diet has numerous health benefits. So much so that Japan has the lowest obesity rates and second longest life expectancy of any developed country.

What is America's number one food? ›

As of Q3 2022, hamburgers, mashed potatoes, and cheeseburgers were the most popular American dishes in the United States.

What does US produce the most? ›

The most recent exports are led by Refined Petroleum ($83.3B), Petroleum Gas ($70.9B), Crude Petroleum ($67.6B), Cars ($55.4B), and Integrated Circuits ($51.3B). The most common destination for the exports of United States are Canada ($259B), Mexico ($247B), China ($151B), Japan ($71.8B), and South Korea ($66.4B).

Does the US import more food than it produces? ›

Agriculture has a positive trade balance, which means we send out (export) more than we bring in (import).

Who controls world food supply? ›

Today, four corporations — Bayer, Corteva, ChemChina and Limagrain — control more than 50% of the world's seeds. These staggering monopolies dominate the global food supply.

What is America's biggest crop? ›

The largest United States crop in terms of total production is corn, the majority of which is grown in a region known as the Corn Belt.

How much food is wasted in the US? ›

How much food waste is there in the United States? Each year, 119 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States. That equates to 130 billion meals and more than $408 billion in food thrown away each year. Shockingly, nearly 40% of all food in America is wasted.

Who produces 70% of the world's food? ›

Summary. It is often claimed that smallholder farmers produce 70% or even 80% of the world's food. This claim has even been made by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO). It has been a linchpin for agricultural and development policies.

Why does the US produce so much food? ›

The huge expanse of American land and the vast number of climates across the country allowed the US to grow a more diverse set of crops and raise more kinds of animals than our competitors.

Is Feeding America only in America? ›

Feeding America is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States. We are a nationwide network of food banks, food pantries, and community-based organizations in the United States.

How much meat is wasted in the US? ›

The animals we raise and kill — only to throw away

According to USDA data from 2010, Americans throw out 26 percent of meat, poultry, and fish at the retail and consumer level.

Which country is starving for food? ›

One of the issues that has made Yemen the world's hungriest country for 2022 is its dependence on food imports. Even before the onset of conflict — and a resulting humanitarian crisis — in Ukraine, food prices in Yemen were on the rise due to the depreciation of the rial and rising fuel costs.

Which country wastes a lot of food? ›

China and India produce more household food waste than any other country worldwide at an estimated 92 million and 69 million metric tons every year, respectively.

Which country has the most food shortage? ›

The DRC is the world's largest hunger crisis, fueled by over 25 years of conflict and endemic poverty. 26 million people (about the population of Texas) are severely hungry today and over 5 million people have been displaced from their homes.

Which country has the freshest food? ›

1. Spain. There must be something in the paella, because Spain is officially the healthiest country in the world. Citizens put an emphasis on freshness and locality when it comes to cuisine, with diets focused on olive oil, fresh vegetables, lean meats, and red wine.

Which country produces the most fruit? ›

People's Republic of China

What country has the best fruits? ›

India was the largest producer of fresh fruit in the world in 2019 followed by China and Vietnam. India was the largest producer of fresh fruit in the world in 2019 followed by China and Vietnam.

Where does the US get most of its produce? ›

The leading U.S. agricultural exports are grains and feeds, soybeans, livestock products, tree nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other horticultural products. The leading U.S. imports are horticultural and tropical products. Canada, Mexico, the European Union, and East Asia are major U.S. trade partners.

Is the US the largest producer of goods? ›

The United States is the 2nd largest goods exporter in the world. U.S. goods exports to the world totaled $1.6 trillion in 2019, down 1.4 percent ($22.5 billion) from 2018. Canada was the largest purchaser of U.S. goods exports in 2019, accounting for 17.8 percent of total U.S. goods exports.

Which country produces most oil? ›

Here's an overview of the top oil producing countries.
  1. United States. The largest economy in the world, the U.S. is also the largest producer of oil. ...
  2. Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has 17% of the world's proven crude oil reserves, second largest in the world. ...
  3. Russia. ...
  4. Canada. ...
  5. China.
Mar 15, 2022

What is the king of all foods? ›

Though water as a food appears unattractive, it is the single-largest nutrient of the human body and has innumerable roles to play.

Who is the world's favorite food? ›

pizza! Whether it's piled high with pepperoni, cheese, or other toppings, many people around the world reach for this marinara-covered pie come dinnertime. Of course, pizza has several delicious competitors. The second most popular food in the world is sushi, and burgers are third.

What are the 6 most produced foods worldwide? ›

The world produced over 1 trillion pounds of 6 different food commodities in 2019: Sugarcane, corn, wheat, rice, milk and oil palm fruit.

What are the world's four major food crops? ›

While “the big four” of maize, rice, wheat and potatoes are caloric powerhouses, other staple crops offer more nutritionally like soybeans, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams and sorghum.

What are the worlds three most important food crops 4? ›

Grains, such as corn, wheat, and rice, are the world's most popular food crops. In fact, these crops are often the basis for food staples.

Which country is No 1 in the world for food? ›

World Cuisines 2022
12 more rows
4 days ago

Who produces 70 percent of the world's food? ›

Its updated estimates are that there are more than 608 million family farms around the world, occupying between 70 and 80% of the world's farmland and producing around 80% of the world's food in value terms.

What food does the US produce? ›

  • Corn and Other Feed Grains. Corn is the most widely produced feed grain in the United States, with most of the crop providing the main energy ingredient in livestock feed.
  • Cotton and Wool. ...
  • Fruit and Tree Nuts. ...
  • Rice. ...
  • Soybeans and Oil Crops. ...
  • Sugar and Sweeteners. ...
  • Vegetables and Pulses. ...
  • Wheat.
Jan 24, 2022

What is the fourth largest food crop? ›

Even today, its possibilities are endless. The potato is the world's fourth-most important crop after rice, wheat and maize, and it's ranked first among non-grains.

How much crops does the US produce? ›

United States tops the list in production volume, accounting for more than 360 million tons. China came in at No. 2, producing 260.8 million tons.

What are the big 4 in agriculture? ›

They are often called “The Big Four.” BASF, Bayer, Corteva and Syngenta now dominate the sales of agricultural seeds in the United States. Other firms, including at least 100 independent seed companies, also play a vital role in the industry.

What is the most eaten food in the world? ›

Rice is a food staple for more than 3.5 billion people around the world, particularly in Asia, Latin America, and parts of Africa. Rice has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years. Scientists believe people first domesticated rice in India or Southeast Asia.

What plant produces the most food? ›

Key Takeaways. Sugarcane is the most-produced commodity in the world.

Which US state has the best food? ›

Hawaii's food is the best in the country, and Nevada's culinary scene is underrated. I found decadent and delicious feasts in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

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