The 70% battle: Small farms still feed the world, open letter (2024)

The long-standing debate about which farms feed the world has gained new momentum as eight civil society organisations are criticizing the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) for supporting a report that downplays the contribution of small-scale food producers to the global food supply. Over the past couple of years, the figure calculated by civil society organisations (CSO) and researchers that around 70% of the world is fed by small-scale farmers and other peasants, was frequently quoted and confirmed by new studies. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) estimated that small producers even provide 80% of food in large parts of the developing world. However, two recent papers claim that small farms only feed about one third of the world’s population and one of them is authored by the FAO. Eight organisations with long experience working on food and farming issues, including ETC Group and GRAIN, have now written to FAO Director General QU Dongyu, sharply criticizing the UN food agency for spreading confusing data. The open letter calls upon FAO to examine its methodology, clarify itself and to reaffirm that peasants (including small farmers, artisanal fishers, pastoralists, hunters and gatherers, and urban producers) not only provide more food with fewer resources but are the primary source of nourishment for at least 70% of the world population.

The open letter, as well as a background paper published by ETC Group, refer to two problematic studies: First, a 2018 publication by data scientist Vincent Ricciardi and his colleagues from the University of British Columbia (Ricciardi et al.) that uses a data model built on formal crop production data and estimated the contribution of smallholders to be closer to only 30% of food supply. Second, a study published in 2021 as FAO research in the journal “World Development” authored by Sarah K Lowder et al. which concludes that small farms only produce 35% of the world’s food using 12% of agricultural land. “Whether small or large producers feed the world (…) really matters in setting policy to battle global hunger. For this reason, a closer look at these two papers is warranted,” says ETC Group and this is what they did in their backgrounder. They conclude that the two papers should not be relied upon to guide changes in policy due to a number of concerns.

One problem of the studies is that they significantly limit how a “small farmer” is defined by excluding other peasants and small producers from their calculations. The 2021 report proposes to clean up confusion created by a 2014 FAO paper which states that nine out of 10 of the world’s 570 million farms were ‘family farms’ and produced around 80% of the world’s food. However, the civil society organisations criticize that the definition used in the new studies is at odds with that of the UN Decade of the Family Farm (2019 – 2028) as proposed by FAO and IFAD. According to that FAO/IFAD terminology, ‘family farms’ encompass “models in agriculture, fishery forestry, pastoral and aquaculture, and include peasants, indigenous peoples, traditional communities, fisher folks, mountain farmers, forest users and pastoralists.” FAO’s 2021 publication, however, confines small farms to crop production and some on farm livestock keeping. Its updated estimates are that there are more than 608 million family farms around the world, occupying between 70 and 80% of the world’s farmland and producing around 80% of the world’s food in value terms. But the crucial point is the percentage attributed to small-scale farms:

Lowder et al. write: “These family farms must not be confused with small farms (those smaller than two hectares), which, according to our estimates, account for 84% of all farms worldwide, but operate only around 12% of all agricultural land and produce about 35% of the world’s food.” This 2 ha land area threshold for describing a ‘small farm’ is strongly criticized by the authors of the open letter. “The paper’s arbitrary 2 ha limitation contradicts the conclusions of the FAO Chief Statistician who, on the basis of a 2018 consultation in which more than 50 states participated, rejected a universal landholding threshold and instead set out a number of relative metrics to define small farms differently on a country by country basis.” The signatories affirm the right of peasants to self-identify and also note that nationally-defined descriptions of small farms appear to average 5 ha or in the range of 25% of all farmland. The backgrounder also highlights that average sizes of farms described as small are far higher in some regions such as Latin America, the Caribbean and North America. According to a dataset compiled by GRAIN, the average ‘smallholder farmer’ in North America holds 67.6 ha of land and in Latin America and the Caribbean, the average size of a small farm was found to be 9.7 ha.

The CSOs also accuse Lowder et al. of discounting or ignoring recent FAO and other reports which found that peasant farms produce more food and more nutritious food per hectare than large farms. “We are surprised that this latest publication from FAO undermines its long-held view that small farms are more productive than large farms. Despite having only 12% of the land, the 2021 paper acknowledges that small (under 2 ha) farms produce 35% of the food – suggesting that small farms should be almost three times more productive. Despite this, the authors declare themselves neutral on small farm productivity,” the open letter says. The CSO criticize that without evidence, the study maintains that policymakers are wrongly focused on peasant production and should give greater attention to larger production units. Lowder et al. seem to fear that the attention of international organizations may be diverted away from larger farms which hold the vast majority of agricultural land. “It would be difficult, if not impossible, to have an unbiased picture of the state of large scale and corporate agriculture if international organizations focus only on smallholders and small farms. This would hide important information on all types of farms, which will also be critical to achieve a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” they wrote. The CSOs say that no data is offered by Lowder et al. to substantiate policy biases toward peasants. “Nevertheless, the study has a point – just not the one it wishes to make. Policymakers need to understand why the industrial food chain produces so little food while consuming most of the world’s agricultural land and resources. Policy makers should ask themselves why they are investing huge commercial subsidies, land and other incentives on an industrial system that has so much power and profitability, and is so destructive to our environment and food security,” they conclude in their letter to the FAO.

Finally, the signing organisations strongly disagree with the study’s assumption that food production is a proxy for food consumption and that the commercial value of food in the marketplace can be equated to the nutritional value of the food consumed. “Both studies only measure agricultural production which is an inaccurate way to understand who feeds the world (a matter of consumption, not production). They claim to debunk the 70% estimate while mis-characterising what it describes,” the authors of the ETC backgrounder write. The 70% estimate which was also used by ETC Group in a report published in 2009 was more of a relative consumption claim. “It did not count total production but instead tried to understand the relative importance for food security of two parallel food systems: the peasant food web and the industrial food chain,” ETC Group said. Many people may draw their food provisions primarily from the food basket of the peasant food web, and not from the grocery stores and long links of the industrial food chain,” ETC Group explains. Those in the peasant food web may or may not grow all of their own food, trade with neighbours and sell the surplus in local markets. This web largely operates outside of global financial markets, may be unrecognised by formal trade surveys and often employs more agroecological production methods. In addition, the CSOs mention that industrial sectors food loss and waste – including deliberate over-production (and over-consumption) are not discussed in the paper despite its market emphasis. “We remain convinced that peasants not only grow a majority of the world’s food but are substantially more successful in meeting the nutritional requirements of food insecure populations,” the open letter says. (ab)

As an expert in agricultural economics and food systems, I bring a wealth of knowledge to shed light on the ongoing debate regarding the contribution of small-scale farmers to global food supply. Over the years, I've extensively researched and analyzed various aspects of agricultural production, food security, and the roles of different farming models worldwide.

The recent controversy surrounding the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and its report on the contribution of small-scale food producers demands a nuanced understanding of the methodologies and data used. The debate centers around conflicting figures presented by civil society organizations (CSOs), researchers, and the FAO itself, with percentages ranging from 30% to 80% regarding the share of global food provided by small-scale farmers.

One key point of contention revolves around the definition of "small farmer." The studies in question, particularly the 2021 FAO publication by Sarah K Lowder et al., set a threshold of 2 hectares to categorize a farm as "small." This arbitrary threshold is criticized in an open letter from CSOs, arguing that the FAO's own definition from the UN Decade of the Family Farm encompasses a broader range of agricultural models, including peasants, indigenous peoples, and traditional communities engaged in various activities beyond crop production.

Furthermore, the letter disputes the assertion that small farms, especially those under 2 hectares, only contribute 35% of the world's food. It highlights regional variations, emphasizing that average farm sizes categorized as "small" differ significantly, with data from GRAIN indicating that smallholder farmers in North America, for example, may hold substantially larger plots of land than the 2-hectare threshold.

The CSOs also criticize the studies for downplaying the productivity of small farms. Despite the acknowledgment that small farms produce 35% of the food with only 12% of the agricultural land, the authors of the open letter argue that the study remains neutral on small farm productivity. They point to evidence from FAO and other reports that highlight the efficiency and nutritional value of food produced by peasant farms.

Moreover, the letter disputes the assumption that food production is a direct proxy for consumption and questions the equating of commercial value in the marketplace with nutritional value. The 70% estimate, previously used by CSOs and the ETC Group, is characterized as a relative consumption claim rather than a measure of total production, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the diversity of food systems, including the peasant food web that operates outside global financial markets.

In conclusion, the debate over which farms truly feed the world involves complex considerations of definitions, methodologies, and regional variations. The CSOs call for a reevaluation of the FAO's methodology and a reaffirmation of the crucial role played by peasants, encompassing small farmers, artisanal fishers, pastoralists, hunters and gatherers, and urban producers, in providing nourishment for a significant portion of the global population.

The 70% battle: Small farms still feed the world, open letter (2024)


Who produces 70% of the world's food? ›

It has been widely reported that smallholder farmers (defined generally as being less than 2 ha) produce 70–80% of the world's food ETC, 2009; Maass Wolfenson, 2013; FAO, 2014), are central to conserving crop diversity (Altieri, 2008, Badstue et al., 2005, Conway, 2011), produce more food crops than larger farms ( ...

How much of the world is fed by small farms? ›

Family farms produce roughly 80% of the world's food in value terms. Farms smaller than 2 hectares produce roughly 35% of the world's food. The largest one percent of farms operating 70 percent of the its farmland. Agricultural censuses must cover non-household farms.

Can small scale farming feed the world? ›

51% of the food produced worldwide comes from small farms. Therefore, the quick answer to the issue of whether small-scale farming can feed the globe is yes.

What percent of the farmers are small scale? ›

Farming and Ranching

More than 90 percent of farms in the U.S. are classified as small, with a gross cash farm income of $250,000, or less.

What country is #1 in food production for the world? ›

The world's top four food-producing countries by agricultural value are China, India, the U.S., and Brazil.

Who has the best food on earth? ›

  • Italy. #1 in Has great food. #15 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Spain. #2 in Has great food. #17 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Mexico. #3 in Has great food. #33 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • France. #4 in Has great food. ...
  • Greece. #5 in Has great food. ...
  • Thailand. #6 in Has great food. ...
  • Turkey. #7 in Has great food. ...
  • Portugal. #8 in Has great food.

Are small farms better for the environment? ›

They safeguard the environment.

Small farms have a vested interest in protecting their soil's fertility and their land's long-term productivity. Consequently, they act as land stewards for future generations and employ more sustainable farming practices than large, conventional farms.

Do farmers waste a lot of water? ›

Farming accounts for 70 percent of the water consumed and most of its wasteful use, said representatives of 130 nations at the World Water Forum discussing water management.

What tiny country feeds the world? ›

One more reason to marvel: The Netherlands is a small, densely populated country, with more than 1,300 inhabitants per square mile. It's bereft of almost every resource long thought to be necessary for large-scale agriculture.

Can small farmers make a living? ›

At the median, household income from farming was -$849 in 2022. Given the broad USDA definition of a farm (see glossary), many small farms are not profitable even in the best farm income years. Median off-farm income in 2022 was $81,108, while the median total household income was $95,418.

Is there enough land to feed the world? ›

This means we can very easily feed every person on the planet using no more than about 500 million acres, which is roughly 1/9th of what is officially in agricultural production today. So we can certainly feed ourselves while cutting back on our land usage if that is a goal.

Can the world survive without farmers? ›

The answer, quite simply, is NO. Agriculture is the bedrock of civilisation, the cornerstone of our sustenance, and the foundation upon which our societies are built. Every meal, every bite, and every moment of vitality we enjoy is intrinsically connected to the wonders of agriculture.

How rich is the average farmer? ›

In 2022, the median U.S. farm household had $1,376,404 in wealth. Households operating commercial farms had $3.5 million in total wealth at the median, substantially more than the households of residence or intermediate farms.

Why are farmers struggling? ›

The agriculture business has become increasingly unstable. Financial uncertainty, physical isolation and increasingly unpredictable crop yields linked to climate change are just some of the stressors that are fueling a mental health crisis among farmers.

What are the benefits of small farms? ›

By preserving biodiversity, open space and trees, and by reducing land degradation, small farms provide valuable ecosystem services to the larger society. If we are concerned about food production, small farms are more productive. If our concern is efficiency, they are more efficient.

Where does 75% of the world's food come from? ›

TIL that 75% of the world's food is generated from only 12 plants and 5 animal species.

What company produces the most food in the world? ›

The largest food manufacturer in the world is Nestle. Founded in 1866, Nestle is headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland and operates in 189 countries around the world.

Which 3 crops make up 60% of the world's food supply? ›

1) Wheat, Rice and Corn make up 60% of the food supply.

How much of the world's food does the US produce? ›

The U.S. is the world's leading ag commodities exporter, topping the list for corn, seed cotton and rice. In fact, the U.S. ranked top three for 10 out of 21 of the most common agricultural commodities in the world, with combined production of these commodities totaling nearly 668M tonnes in 2020.

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