28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (2024)

Whatever your single-mom related questions, issues, joys or challenges are, there is a single mom book for it.

In fact, I wrote a book for you, too! Here is my list of vetted titles of books for single mothers, designed for you in whatever state of your journey, in no particular order… *cough*

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Featured book for single moms: The 50/50 Solution

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (1)

Out March 26, 2024, you can pre-order now, The 50/50 Solution: The Surprisingly Simple Choice that Makes Moms, Dads, and Kids Happier and Healthier after a Split (Sourcebooks).

One part deep dive on social research about what helps kids and parents thrive, one part manifesto about what is fair and just, I wrote this book to help make equal parenting the social and legal norm.

InThe 50/50 Solution, creator of the Wealthy Single Mommy community Emma Johnson showcases the robust research proving that, in the vast majority of cases, equal timesharing is the best outcome for everyone in a family where the adults no longer live together.The 50/50 Solutionwill show you that equal parenting time leads to:

  • Better physical, emotional, and mental health for children of divorce
  • Higher career earnings for single mothers
  • Fathers who are more engaged and whose rights as parents are preserved
  • Far less parental and legal conflict
  • A progressive, forward-thinking cultural norm that promotes gender and racial equality for all families, regardless of their configuration

Featured book for single mothers: The Kickass Single Mom

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This is my baby.

The Kickass Single Mom (Penguin), is my #1 bestseller, and I am so proud of it. It is all about my own experience becoming a single mom, the details about how much pain I went though, how I got back on my feet financially, thrived professionally and in my motherhood, and came to enjoy dating, sex and romance.

It includes lots of incredible stories from other, kickass single moms, research, and tips from incredible moms and experts. Hundreds of readers have told me it changed their lives in incredible ways, and it was endorsed by the NYT, The Doctors, Fox & Friends, Oprah.com and dozens of other media.

Also, check out our list of TV shows and movies about single parenthood.

Single parenting books

The Whole-Brain Child

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (3)

It doesn’t take a neurologist to tell you that kids’ brains don’t finish developing until their early adult lives. But knowing exactly what to do with that information is key. Cue neuroscientist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson, whose book, The Whole-Brain Child helps parents understand differences in children’s brain development patterns and use this knowledge to raise calmer, happier kids.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Their crystal-clear explanations and age-appropriate strategies will help you teach your kiddos important life skills in ways they’ll understand now. This New York Times bestseller is a must-read for moms looking to corral their kids with compassion.

26 reasons being a single mom is awesome

No Bad Kids

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Janet Lansbury, author of No Bad Kids, is a four-leaf clover among other professional parenting and family relationship experts. She studied under one of the first and greatest child specialists, Magda Gerber, which means her advice and techniques aren’t the product of formal studies and research trials; she’s got actual hands-on experience helping parents and toddlers.

Why I like this book for single moms:

The book addresses solutions for the common issues of punishment, cooperation, boundaries, disobedience, testing, tantrums, hitting, and more. Moms, if you’re at your wits’ end and your toddlers are testing your limits, this book is definitely for you.

Year of Yes

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If the name Shonda Rhimes sounds familiar, that’s because she is the executive producer of How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, and Grey’s Anatomy. In her New York Times bestselling book, Year of Yes, learn how saying “YES” changed her life. For as bold as Rhimes’s TV shows are, it’s pretty shocking to learn how much of an introvert Rhimes is. So, for one whole year, she decided to say “YES!” to everything that scared her.

Why I like this book for single moms:

In this part-memoir-part-inspirational book, see how drastically her life became once she started opening herself up to new opportunities, shutting down self-doubt and self-sabotage, and exploring her newly empowered self. By the end of this book, you’ll be putting on your shoes and getting out to try something new, ASAP!

Books for single moms raising sons

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (6)

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons is a must-read for any parent, or anyone who loves boys who today face unique challenges and pressures that put them at high risk for many serious issues. This book offers a road map to help mothers be more confident, bold and affection towards their sons — including for single mothers faced with filling in the void of father figures in their son's life. This book sets you up for success as a parent of a son today, and going forward through the rest of your adult relationship.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Single moms of sons (raising my hand!) can feel overwhelmed and incompetent when it comes to bringing up a male child. This book, while for all mothers, gives tactical tools for connecting with your son and helping you give him what he needs.

Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (7)

Boys and men are in an under-discussed crisis, and as parents we have an opportunity to identify and support our sons into success. This book helps the reader understand

By Leonard Sax, MD, PhD, Boys Adrift explores studies that find that boys today are less resilient and less ambitious than twenty years ago. The gender gap in college attendance and graduation rates has widened dramatically, and social, cultural, and biological factors have created an environment that is literally toxic to boys.

Why I like this book for single moms:

This book presents practical solutions, sharing strategies which educators have found effective in re-engaging these boys at school, as well as tips for parents about everything from homework, to videogames, to medication.

Do you make your son the man of the house? Avoid this single-mom pitfall

More single mom books

Inspirational and motivational books for single moms

Read my thoughts about self-fulfilling stereotypes for single moms, then check out these titles:

Daring Greatly

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (8)

#1 New York Times Bestselling author Brene Brown is a social scientist who has built her platform by sparking conversations about love, courage, creativity, self-acceptance, and joy. In her book, Daring Greatly, she helps her readers understand one of the least-valued traits: vulnerability.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Brown explains that vulnerability and the willingness to trust without guarantee of success, is the key to living a brave and meaningful life. Through countless interviews with people of all walks of life, she helps us make the connection between allowing ourselves to fall, get uncomfortable, gain footing again and rise with more identity, truth, and an appreciation for the process.

Big Magic

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Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love, is no stranger to inspiration, as proven by Big Magic. In this book, she digs down into her own creative process and reveals her unique perspective on the art of inspiration – managing it, growing it, and embracing it.

Why I like this book for single moms:

I love her explanation of creativity as “strange jewels” that are inside each of us, which we each have to uncover for ourselves. Whether you’re looking to start a business, write a book, advance at work, or simply find a higher level of inspired existence and passion, this book is just what you need.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Just when you thought this self-help book list was getting too woo-woo and fuzzy – BAM! In comes Mark Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck. This has to be one of the most refreshing and unexpected books to hit the inspirational book circuit in quite a while, and it’s 100% worth the read.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Manson himself is a blogger, but his approach to “living the good life” isn’t covered with Instagram filters and emojis. Instead, his book teaches that being positive all the damn time isn’t really helping us become better, happier people. His raw, real, and honest perspective is the opposite of coddling – he wants us to stop running from painful truths, fears and limitations and start seeking the honesty, responsibility, curiosity and strength we need to build the lives we want.

Rising Strong

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It’s not a true self-help book list for single moms if Brene Brown isn’t in here at least twice! In Rising Strong, she discusses the importance of resetting yourself in order to live, love, parent and lead more effectively. She empowers her readers to allow themselves to transform into whatever they want to be, and to embrace their process.

Why I like this book for single moms:

This is a perfect book for divorced single moms, or anyone trying to get back on the horse. Brene’s ability to be comforting and encouraging while also being influential and motivating is a true gift to those of us who need a little grace, a little self-acceptance, and a whole lot of healing.

The Slight Edge

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (11)

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson, is a life-changing book. It’s about processing information and about thinking in a way that leads to a happier, more successful life. It’s incredibly impactful for something that sounds so simple: tweak your daily habits and activities and create powerful results that ripple throughout your life.

Why I like this book for single moms:

The book includes insight into how we process information and think about things on a basic level, and what impact those little actions and thoughts have on our interpretation of absolutely everything in life. If you’re into hacking into your psychology to make small changes that really make the difference, this is your kind of book.

Eat Pray Love

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (12)

Sure, Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love is about divorce and separation, but more importantly, it’s about the journey that happens after divorce – the inspiration, self-actualization, raw vulnerability, acceptance, and humility – the empowerment. Gilbert’s autobiography of coming to terms with her desire to leave her marriage, her journey over one year in Italy, India and Indonesia, and her exploration of love after marriage are all relatable, beautiful and full of hope.

Why I like this book for single moms:

This book is amazing and bright, whether you’re divorced or not. But it takes on a much fuller meaning and comes alive with so much more color if you’ve gone through it. Eat Pray Love is a perfect pick-me-up for a girlfriend who’s going through divorce.

You Are a Badass

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (13)

Lots of single mom books in the self-help genre claim to be able to help you “live your best life.” But few are as effective and memorable as Jen Sincero’s blunt how-to guide, You Are a Badass. This book has rocketed in popularity since it was released, and it’s all because of the bestselling author, speaker, and world-travelling success coach’s refreshing tough love approach.

Why I like this book for single moms:

If you ever find yourself too busy to get anywhere in a book (hello, raise your hand, single mamas!), this one’s for you. Sincero’s 27 snackable chapters are chock-full of inspirational, gut-bustingly funny stories, sincere insights, easy exercises, and – my fave – gratuitous swearing.

Sex, romance and relationship books

You’re single. You are a sexual woman. This is an incredible new journey for you!

All about why and how dating is so great as a single mom.

puss*: A Reclamation

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (14)

If you listen to my podcast, you’ll already know I’m a huge fan of my friend’s book, puss*: A Reclamation. Mama Gena lays it all there for us, ladies. From helping your daughters to nurture their own femininity and sensuality, to what the word “puss*” (really) means to us, it’s all there. No holds barred.

Check out the podcast, hear what Regena has to say on the magical topic of puss*, and learn to embrace what makes us, well… us.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Mama Gena was divorced with a small daughter who built a seven-figure business while enjoying her body and relationships

The 5 Love Languages

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (15)

This one is just a staple for every woman (and man) to read. The 5 Love Languages: The Secret To Love That Lasts is such an impactful book because it shows us how we can all give love, and receive love, in the most powerful way unique to us. You think you know someone, and what makes them tick?

You may want to think again. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the 5 Love Languages, puts love and relationships into a whole new perspective, one which might just flip your world on its head.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Chances are you are, as a single mom, many of your relationships are in flux: romatic, familial, friendships — and getting to know your growing child. If you’re anything like me, expect more than one “Aha!” moment as you learn about love languages, as a way to understand and connect with those around you.

This #1 bestseller for the NYTimes is here to stay. Make sure the people you care about are, too, and learn their language.

Money and business books

Single moms have unique money and personal finance needs. All about how to set up a budget, pay off debt (even on a low income), and invest to build wealth as a single mom.

From Passion to Profit

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (16)

It’s never been easier to start a business, and yet, getting all of your ducks in a row is a seemingly daunting task at times. From Passion to Profit takes youtakesyou step-by-step through starting a profitable online enterprise in less than six weeks.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Creative mamas and makers of all sorts swear by this book for its no-nonsense tips and advice for everything from developing your products and services to branding yourself and getting traffic to your online store.

Power of Transparency

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (17)

Are you a mom struggling with work-life balance? Who isn’t?! Lisa Liberatore gets it, and her book, Power of Transparency, offers a solution: creating transparency in all you do. Her sections on navigating life’s obstacles, staying on track with goals, and communicating openly are hugely empowering in a world focused on Instagram images, sound bites and other faux-perfect mesasging.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Learn how to find meaning and clarity in both personal and professional life, manage expectations, and GET FOCUSED. This book’s impact cannot be stressed enough!

You Are a Badass at Making Money

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (18)

#1 New York Times bestselling author Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass at Making Money has quickly become a cult favorite – and for good reason! Her story is incredible: she transformed her life from broke to bountiful over just a few years.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Using her balls, wit, and real-world solutions, she helps readers unleash their earning potential, see money in a new light, and uncover what’s been holding them back from making money. Her bite-sized concepts and strategies make this book truly memorable and, more importantly, actionable.

Secrets of Six-Figure Women

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (19)

Dig this: in 1998, the average woman earned less than $25,000 annually. As of 2018, over 15 million women make $100,000 or more – and that number is growing at a faster pace than men!

What makes these women able to pull these incomes, even in varied industries? Barbara Stanny was curious, and her research became Secrets of Six-Figure Women, an Amazon best-selling book. What she found is that, though these women came from different backgrounds and have vastly different careers and work experiences, certain characteristics remain the same.

Why I like this book for single moms:

This book will help single moms work through the poverty mindset and focus on earning and growing their wealth.

Divorce books

The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision about Your Marriage

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (20)

Kate Anthony is the host of the New York Times-recommended podcast The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast and a certified Life and Relationship Systems Coach. In her book, she helps readers evaluate their relationships and asks important questions to help them move forward — either married or divorced.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Anthony's book is a comprehensive guide to take you from “thinking about divorce” to successfully navigating divorce — if that's the path you choose to take. One reviewer went as far as to say this book should be “required reading for anyone who is in the process of separating from their spouse, considering leaving, realizing they deserve more, or feeling that the love they have known is actually breaking their spirit.”

Maybe you’re deciding whether to get divorced, or learning about the divorce process. There is a book for that.

How to Talk to your Kids About Your Divorce

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (21)

Dr. Samantha Rodman, author of How to Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce, knows there’s no easy way to discuss the tricky subject of divorce with your kids.

But whether you’re breaking the initial news, or helping your children cope with their changing environment following yourseparation, it’s totally possible to have open and effective communication with them.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Dr. Rodman teaches moms how to help kids express their thoughts about the divorce and validate their concerns and emotions. Her sections on answering questions in age-appropriate ways is a big favorite for a lot of moms, and the expertise in both psychology and relationships is obvious after reading only a few pages.

The Co-Parenting Handbook

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (22)

Anyone who reads my blog, listens to my podcast, follows me on YouTube, or knows me in general, knows that I’m a HUGE proponent of co-parenting. However, it’s still a largely debated matter for many families. Karen Bonnell’s book, The Co-Parenting Handbook, is a buoy in the sea of questions about exactly what “co-parenting” means and how to make it happen.

The book addresses practical and logistical questions of how shared parenting works, plus strategies for parents and children that help make this method work for your own family unit.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Shared parenting is critical for women, as involved co-parents, both inside and outside of marriage, mean women have far more support at home, which allows us to thrive as parents, professionals and earners. After all, we can’t be equals at work, if men are not equals at home!

Divorce Poison

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (23)

Parental alienation is real, mamas. It’s a subject I’ve written about in the past and one I’m particularly passionate about. Richard A. Warshak discusses this form of abusive behavior in depth in his book, Divorce Poison.

Warshak explains how to deal when your ex-spouse bad-mouths you to your kids, portrays you in a negative light, and/or attempts to turn your children against you.

Why I like this book for single moms:

You’ll learn powerful strategies to preserve and rebuild your relationships with your kids, and what to do from legal and mental health standpoints to prevent longer-term repercussions of these negative situations.

How to co-parent with a toxic ex

Happy Divorce

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (24)

With a two-part approach, Rossana Condoleo’s Happy Divorce shows readers how to turn their divorce into the most empowering and transformative opportunity of a lifetime. Part One offers support and comfort for women coping with the stress and pain of separation and divorce. From there, she moves into helping uncover and embrace the readers’ visions, true Self, dreams, and purpose, setting goals along the way.

Part Two is very practical advice for everything from managing social life post-divorce, helping children cope and understand the shifts, taking care of a home on your own, choosing and dealing with divorce lawyers, and many more guides.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Anyone looking for a one-two-punch of compassion and advice in the wake of a divorce should grab a copy ASAP!

Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (25)

Mira Kirschenbaum’s book, Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay, is the perfect book for anyone who finds themselves wondering, “Should I get a divorce?” As an international bestseller and well-respected therapist, her years of relationship counseling make her well-equipped to answer this troubling question.

Why I like this book for single moms:

Kirschenbaum’s techniques and questions are meant to promote self-analysis and get to the root of relationship and marital issues, which she follows with no-BS, practical advice for relationships – new or old – delivered in a clear manner.

Kids Books About Divorce

Two Homes

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (26)

Kids books about divorce can be a little tricky to come by. Claire Masurel’s book, Two Homes, handles the often-sensitive topic of divorce with the perfect measure of optimism and sensitivity. The book describes main character Alex’s favorite elements of life at both parents’ homes – “At Mommy’s house, Alex has a soft chair. At Daddy’s house, Alex has a rocking chair.”

Why I like this book for single moms:

The words are simple, positive, and reassuring, and Alex’s place is firmly established in both homes with loving detail. A simple book for small kids — and their parents.

Dinosaurs Divorce

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (27)

Dinosaurs Divorce by Marc Brown has been a learning and coping tool for families for over 25 years. Through basic storylines and lovable dinosaur characters, it helps young children understand basic concepts like divorce words and what they mean and why parents divorce, plus what to expect after divorce, like telling friends, meeting parents’ new friends, and living with stepparents and step-siblings.

Why I like this book for single moms:

It even helps kids know how things will change once divorce takes place, such as celebrating holidays and special occasions. Knowing why divorce happens and what to expect has made so many kids feel more comforted and secure, and I highly recommend helping them learn with an age-appropriate book like this one.

Llama Llama Series

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (28)

Moms love this Llama Llama series by Anna Dewdney in part because seemingly-solo Mama Llama is so freaking relatable! She teeters on the edge of blowing her stack as her little Llama Llama gets grumpy during holiday shopping, refuses to share with his playmates, takes all his frustrations out on the poor woman, and will not stay in bed already. She’s also sweet and giving and rounds out a whole, real mom in a way so few children’s books do. Stay strong, Mama Llama!

Why I like this book for single moms:

Llama Llama books are beloved classics, and I love the realistic and fun way that the single mom is the quiet hero in them all.

What are your favorite single mom books? Let us know in the comments!

28 must-read books for single moms on parenting, personal finances, and more (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.