2023 Moving Trends: Where are Americans moving? (2024)

2023 Moving Trends: Where are Americans moving? (1)

(Update: February 2024)

Call it Manifest Destiny. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have made a habit of packing up in search of a better life. Using Conestoga wagons or following Route 66, they’ve sought education and job opportunities far from home.

Roughly13% of Americans moved each year before the onset of the pandemic. After the onset of the 2020 pandemic, 22% of Americans moved in response to the virus or know someone who has. More recently, Census data shows that despite a decline in shorter-distance moves, longer-distance moves picked up in 2022.

And in 2023, the country’s movers are still on the move.

Whether it’s retirement, remote work protocols, or in the face of inflation, we’re witnessing new post-pandemic moving trends and patterns for movers nationwide. One where movers continue to seek out nature and affordability.

So, we wanted to know what are the moving trends in 2023? Which states and cities are popular? What’s changed?

We’ll look at moveBuddha’s proprietary data to uncover which states people left and moved to the most in 2023.

Table of Contents:

I. Nationwide, what is different in 2023?
II. 2023’s most and least popular states
III. Which cities are especially popular in 2023, across the country?

Moving in 2023, what changed?

  • South Carolina, North Carolina, and Montana are proven winners year after year — interest in moving to these states has outpaced moves out from 2020 through 2023.
  • Dense, urban areas are (still) losing out: California, New Jersey, and Connecticut all had significantly more outbound moves than inbound.
  • Watch out, Texas; of the most searched states with at least 10K mover queries, North Carolina, Colorado, Florida, and Georgia are attracting the highest proportions of moves in vs. out in 2023.
  • 2023’s top 10 cities to move to by highest inflow-to-outflow ratio are The Villages (FL), Myrtle Beach (SC), Ocala (FL), Asheville (NC), Summerville (SC), Dillon (CO), Greenville (SC), Saint Augustine (FL), Franklin (TN), and Wilmington (NC).
  • Which big(ger) cities are making a post-pandemic comeback? #1 Charlotte, NC is the most popular big city to move to in 2023. Followed by #2 Orlando (FL), #3 Denver (CO), #4 Jacksonville (FL), and #5 New York (NY).
  • California Leavin’. California’s major cities are still losing big in 2023, with San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles among the bottom five biggest cities, seeing way more moves out than in.

I. Nationwide, what is different in 2023?

2023 Moving Trends: Where are Americans moving? (2)

Fueled by a desire to escape the perceived risks of public transportation and apartment elevators, densely populatedurban areas losttwice as many residents in 2020 as in previous years.

That trend continued throughout the pandemic, as newly-remote workers found they could work from smaller cities in their new jobs and take advantage of affordable homes and nearby nature. At the same time, early retirees called it quits. As a result, the balmy southeastern states and mountain west swelled with newcomers, who came out in droves.

Even though they’re not the boom states of 2020, the most popular destinations of 2023 follow many of the trends we’ve seen over the past few years.

Overall, areas with a lower cost of living, a steady climate, and better access to outdoor activities are seeing the most growth. More expensive areas will continue to see people leave as the cost of living becomes an even greater challenge.

Click the year “button” below to see the changing trends:

While the most popular states of the pandemic begin to see fewer move-ins, which states are rising to fill their place?

South Carolina, North Carolina, and Montana are seeing way more moves in than out in 2023.

And it’s not just in 2023. These states have proven themselves winners in the eyes of movers year after year — interest in moving to these states has outpaced moves out since 2020.

State 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Carolina 2.04 2.08 1.95 2.08
Montana 3.72 2.74 2.04 1.91
North Carolina 1.77 1.78 1.83 1.77
Florida 1.67 2.10 1.60 1.24
Texas 1.60 1.68 1.32 1.15

The Lone Star and Sunshine States are still popular among movers, but the stifling heat in Texas and the monster storms hitting Florida in recent years could be one reason that popularity has decreased. Another reason could be the rising cost of living in top move-to cities like Austin and Miami.

States like South Carolina and North Carolina continue to attract way more moves in than out in part due to their relative affordability and milder weather than their more expensive southern neighbors. The Carolinas face the threat of flooding and hurricanes, but they may be safer “climate havens” than Texas and Florida.

Montana may not be considered affordable compared to Southern havens like the Carolinas. However, it is a popular place to move for those from high-cost housing states like California and Washington.

The surge in interest for moving to Montana destination cities like Bozeman could repeat the vicious cycle of housing unaffordability, though. Nearly 30% of Montana households across the state are paying more than 30% of their pre-tax income on housing, showing that Americans nearly everywhere are being squeezed by the housing affordability crisis.

II. Getting away from the Crowd: 2023’s most and least popular states

2023 Moving Trends: Where are Americans moving? (3)

Nationwide, where are people moving in 2023?

We analyzed moveBuddha search data to uncover 2023’s most and least popular states to move to (and away from).

Most popular states of 2023

Rank State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 South Carolina 2.08
2 Hawaii 1.91
3 Montana 1.86
4 Alaska 1.82
5 North Carolina 1.77
6 West Virginia 1.62
7 Tennessee 1.62
8 Maine 1.48
9 Arkansas 1.48
10 South Dakota 1.42

South Carolina continues to be a hot spot for American movers in 2023 for many reasons. One main reason is the state’s affordable cost of living, which is 11.5% cheaper than the national average. The healthcare and tech industries are also growing rapidly in many SC cities like Columbia, Greenville, and Lockhart, bringing workers to The Palmetto State.

You may get a sense of why these states are recent winners. As Americans find the freedom to work remotely, they increasingly value spending time outdoors, pursuing recreational opportunities like sailing, skiing, whitewater rafting, and hiking. After all, an afternoon escape to a regional park can make a tough remote work day bearable.

Likewise, southern states with mild weather and ample outdoor recreation opportunities, like South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and even Arkansas, top the charts for inbound compared to outbound moves. While you’ll find big-city life in any of these states, they’re better known for outdoor concerts and stunning nature preserves.

Least popular states of 2023

Rank State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 California 0.53
2 New Jersey 0.64
3 Connecticut 0.75
4 Maryland 0.78
5 Ohio 0.80
6 Louisiana 0.80
7 Illinois 0.80
8 Massachusetts 0.80
9 Pennsylvania 0.85
10 Nebraska 0.85

For outbound moves, densely populated urban states were the least popular destinations, with many more people looking to leave than relocate there. Four of the top five least popular states ranked among the10 most densely populated U.S. states.

California and New Jersey lost the most residents compared to those moving in. In addition to being densely populated, they face affordability challenges. New Jersey residents pay the country’s highest property taxes, deal with exorbitant real estate and rent prices, and increasingly see corporate headquarters leave the state, taking jobs with them. It’s only natural that New Jersey residents would give up the shore in pursuit of more affordable housing and plentiful jobs. Nearby Connecticut is facing the same challenge and also losing residents.

The story should be familiar to residents of Illinois and California. Both were economic powerhouses whose residents were increasingly wrestling with unaffordable housing and high property taxes. As both California andIllinois lose employers, their residents consider following close behind.

The most searched states: Are moves still heading to Texas and Florida?

Yes, but… when it comes to the pure volume of searches, the most populous states always top the list: California, Florida, and, of course, Texas. But volume doesn’t tell the whole story.

Sure, there may be 20,000 searches for moves to Texas from out of state. But if nearly half of those searches are for moves exiting the state, Texas gains aren’t going to be felt like in a state such as North Carolina, earning nearly two times more moves in than out.

So, to understand which states are feeling the biggest impact — whether those moves were flowing in or headed out, we compare searches for moves in vs. moves out. Hence, our in-to-out ratio.

Looking at the states with at least 10,000 searches for moves in 2023, this is how the nation’s most searched states rank at the top and bottom for moves by inflow-to-outflow ratio:

Rank State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 North Carolina 1.77
2 Colorado 1.34
3 Florida 1.24
4 Georgia 1.23
5 Texas 1.15
6 Arizona 1.07
7 Washington 1.01
8 Virginia 0.93
9 New York 0.90
10 Pennsylvania 0.85
11 Illinois 0.80
12 California 0.53

III. Small Cities, Big Nature: Which cities were especially popular in 2023, across the country?

2023 Moving Trends: Where are Americans moving? (4)

We know which states dominate U.S. migration this 2023, but which cities are leading the pack?

As you might expect, it wasn’t highly populated urban hubs that drew the largest proportions of new residents. Instead, small and mid-sized cities with plenty of affordable housing and outdoor recreation emerged as big winners.

Top cities to move to in 2023

Rank City, State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 The Villages, Florida 3.63
2 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 2.85
3 Ocala, Florida 2.70
4 Asheville, North Carolina 2.66
5 Summerville, South Carolina 2.50
6 Dillon, Colorado 2.47
7 Greenville, South Carolina 2.29
8 Saint Augustine, Florida 2.13
9 Franklin, Tennessee 2.13
10 Wilmington, North Carolina 2.02

The appearance of Florida cities in the top 10 shouldn’t be surprising, especially not The Villages, ranking right at the top. Ocala took the #3 spot thanks to lower new home prices, a quiet lifestyle, and growing cultural options. It’s known as the “Horse Capitol of the World,” after all.

Meanwhile, #4 Asheville, North Carolina, is also booming with new residents. Nearly 93,000 people lived in the city in 2019 and more than 260,000 across Buncombe County, according to census data. By 2030, the state estimates the number will spike to nearly 297,000.

#2 Myrtle Beach, SC, and #10 Wilmington, NC, are two other uber-popular coastal Carolina destination cities. Wilmington’s large historic district, vibrant waterfront, and proximity to the “salt life” are a few reasons its one of America’s most popular cities.The popularity of Myrtle Beach has surged for years. A recent moveBuddha report ranked it the best U.S. city for construction of new homes. For now, the cost of living in Myrtle Beach is also very affordable compared to other cities on the East Coast.

#5 Summerville, SC, just 30 minutes North of Charleston, is a more affordable option for homebuyers looking to be close to the opportunities and culture abounding in Charleston. Plus, it's ranked as a top suburb for raising families.#7 Greenville, SC, is another city seeing a surge in popularity. The strong job market is a big reason why. Opportunities abound in the city in the healthcare, tech, and manufacturing industries, with companies like BMW and GE employing thousands of residents in the area.

Exit cities of 2023

Rank City, State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 Anaheim, California 0.39
2 Bothell, Washington 0.46
3 Bakersfield, California 0.48
4 Bronx, New York 0.49
5 Oakland, California 0.49
6 Stamford, Connecticut 0.52
7 Huntington Beach, California 0.54
8 Pasadena, California 0.55
9 Oceanside, California 0.55
10 Fresno, California 0.56

California’s struggles to retain residents continue in 2023, with seven Golden State cities seeing large numbers of residents looking to leave. Anaheim, Bakersfield, Oakland, Pasadena, Oceanside, and Fresno are all seeing about half as many searches for moves in as out.

Surveys show that many Californians love living in California and applaud the state for its diversity. The problem is the cost of living has become exorbitantly high. The Golden State has had three consecutive years of population declines, according to U.S. Census data. The reasons for leaving different cities may differ slightly, but it likely boils down to one main thing: cost of living.

About 20 miles North of Seattle, #2 for those looking to head out is Bothell, WA. What used to be a quiet community of Seattle Greater became rapidly bloated with a population boom that overwhelmed the once-upon-a-time "small town." While the area juggles to pivot and adapt to its new bulk of residents, moveBuddha data shows that there are many locals considering moving out of the city.

The Bronxtook the #4 spot for least desirable, with some citing that the noise, crowds, and cost are driving them out.

Stamford, CT took #6. Connecticut has seen residents continue to flee since the pandemic for various reasons, including seeking more affordable digs and less densely populated areas. About 40% of residents leaving Connecticut are 65 or older, so many of these residents may be flocking to the top move-to cities that are hotspots for retirees.

Big city trends: Which urban areas are the most popular to move to in 2023, so far?

Looking purely at cities with the highest search volumes (at least 1,000 searches in and out), we can see which of the nation's largest cities are most or least popular to move to.

For the first time since 2020, movers are expanding their focus beyond the hot move-to cities of the pandemic.

Big cities with the highest in-to-out ratio:

Rank City, State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 Charlotte, North Carolina 1.69
2 Orlando, Florida 1.49
3 Denver, Colorado 1.47
4 Jacksonville, Florida 1.38
5 New York, New York 1.36
6 Tampa, Florida 1.23
7 Houston, Texas 1.23
8 Portland, Oregon 1.19
9 Boston, Massachusetts 1.18
10 Las Vegas, Nevada 1.17

The most popular large city to move to in 2023? Charlotte, North Carolina, with 169 moves in for every 100 out.

Surprisingly, the data shows that big Northeastern cities like New York and Boston may be slowly making a post-pandemic comeback. Other data backs up this trend. NYC gained more residents than it lost in 2023, reversing a trend that started in the pandemic.

Number one in 2022 and ranked #6 in 2023, Tampa, is still at the top of the list of big cities to move to in 2023. However, the end of the year data shows that #2 Orlando is the Florida big city attracting more attention from movers with about 1.5x more searches for moves in than out and move in-to-out ratio 21% points higher than Tampa. Jacksonville comes in at #4.

Cities like Seattle and Portland, Oregon, which struggled during the early days of the pandemic, are among the top large cities seeing interest in 2023. Meanwhile, Sunbelt and Mountain West cities like Denver, Las Vegas, Houston, and Phoenix continue the positive momentum.

Big cities with the lowest in-to-out ratio:

Rank City, State Move In-to-Out Ratio
1 San Francisco, California 0.67
2 San Diego, California 0.73
3 Los Angeles, California 0.73
4 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0.79
5 Brooklyn, New York 0.85

It's no surprise that California cities dominate this list with San Francisco seeing the most residents looking to head out: only 67 moves are headed into the city for every 100 headed out.

Lifestyle moves in 2023, from remote-ability to affordability

The shift toward the Sunbelt and Mountain West has been evident for years, and it’s continuing as remote work stubbornly remains, people flee high-cost states like Illinois and New Jersey, and Baby Boomers retire to the beaches.

California’s notable struggles to retain residents remain a theme in 2023. Despite loving the California dream, residents there can no longer afford it. Texas and Florida have stolen the spotlight in recent years as top destination states, but South Carolina, Montana, and North Carolina are steadily rising as competition.

After another summer of climate disasters, you’d think climate change would influence movers’ decisions more. But as a recent moveBuddha study showed, it’s not really a factor. For example, Hawaii is the second most popular destination state in 2023 even after the devastating wildfires this year that claimed so many lives.

People usually move to be close to family or for work opportunities, but another reason is for money and lifestyle. Looking at the most popular states and cities in 2023, it’s evident movers are choosing vibrant small towns and cities that offer cultural amenities and a spectrum of lifestyles. It doesn’t hurt that the cost of living is better, too.

Movers also want more space to stretch out, a trend that accelerated in the pandemic and hasn’t let up since. States like Montana, Tennessee, West Virginia, Arkansas, and South Dakota remain popular in 2023 for their rural charms, big skies, and abundant land to roam.

With the pandemic finally fading from memory, we’re settling into a new normal that seems anything but normal. Putting the political circus of American life aside, movers want the best bang for their buck in low-cost-of-living areas in this era of inflation. And if means they have more space and can get away from the hustle and bustle, they’re taking it.

Methodology & Sources

We use moveBuddha proprietary data collected from 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 to analyze moves trends. 2023 data includes mover search data collected from Jan 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The data comes directly from the moveBuddha Moving Cost Calculator.

In-to-out ratio: We rely primarily on the in-to-out ratio equation in our analysis to see which cities are earning more residents by moves in than losing them via moves out: [Number of queries for moves in] ÷ [Number of queries for moves out] = [in-to-out ratio].

2023 Moving Trends: Where are Americans moving? (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.