10 Things To Consider When Buying A House | FortuneBuilders (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • Factors to consider before buying

  • Important house features to consider

  • Consider the alternatives

When mulling over the things to consider when buying a house, the process can become increasingly daunting. There are, after all, a lot of things to consider when buying a home. For starters, American economists have scrutinized mortgage interest rates ever since the housing recovery started to gain traction. When it came to buying a home in 2015, experts predicted that mortgage rates would surpass five percent, yet interest rates remained below four percent. While higher than what we had become accustomed to, that was still historically low at the time. Nevertheless, low interest rates have helped many prospective homeowners actively participate in the housing market. Some people have even made the move from renting to owning out of fear of future rate increases. While not inconsequential, interest rates are just one of the many factors to consider when buying a house. Interest rates are by no means the only factor that should determine when you are ready to buy a home.

According to Casey Fleming, published author and mortgage broker, “Small changes in interest rates don’t make large changes in your payment.” While fluctuations in rates could change monthly premiums, they should not be considered the most important factor when purchasing a home. When buying a house, there are too many things to consider to narrow down your criteria to one or two factors.

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10 Things To Consider When Buying A House | FortuneBuilders (1)

What To Consider Before Buying A House

If you are thinking about buying a house, you should ask yourself several questions to determine if it is the right time to do so. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, here are some of the most important things to consider when buying a home:

Debt-To-Income Ratio

A mortgage lender uses the debt-to-income ratio to determine if you can financially afford to make the monthly payments on the property you intend to take a mortgage loan out on. That said, Samantha Odo, a Licensed Real Estate Expert and the Chief Operating Officer of Precondo, suggests you don’t overextend yourself. “Buy what you can afford, not what the mortgage company tells you can. Be honest with yourself and visualize how you will be paying the mortgage installments in the future,” says Odo. Remember, it’s not merely about what lenders tell you; it’s also about how much you know you can afford. Nobody knows your finances better than you, so make sure you buy a home that won’t over extend your debt-to-income ratio.

The FHA sets its desirable debt to income ratio at 43%. This means that all of your housing-related expenses each month do not exceed 43% of your monthly income. Be aware that if your monthly expenses exceed this amount, you will have a more difficult experience securing a mortgage for the property.

Duration Of Stay

While often overlooked, the amount of time you plan to spend in the home is one of the most important factors to consider when buying. Essentially, does the duration of stay make it more economical to buy than rent? Of course, there is no simple answer to such a generic question. Each market is different and will require a subsequent analysis to determine if buying is the right choice. That said, it is entirely possible to predict whether or not the time you plan to spend in the house warrants its purchase. “On average, it takes four to seven years to break even on a home, where you’ve got enough appreciation where it can pay you back for the cost of the transaction and cost of ownership,” Fleming says. “If you’re thinking about buying a home, selling it in two years and think it’s going to be cheaper than renting, it’s very unlikely to be.”

Job Security

The expansion of the economy can improve employer sentiment. However, that does not mean that job security doesn’t weigh on the minds of those that are fortunate enough to be working. How could it not? We are still recovering from one of the worst recessions in American history. Trepidation abounds. Having said that, the last thing you want to think of when buying a home is job security. Uncertainty will almost certainly ruin any prospects of buying a home. There is perhaps nothing worse than buying a home, only to discover that you are unemployed shortly after. So before you make a 30-year commitment to mortgage premiums, make sure you are secure in your employment position.

Down Payment

The down payment on a purchase remains one of the biggest obstacles in the way of potential buyers. Millennials, in particular, have found it difficult to save up a lump sum of money. Not only did the millennial generation graduate from college during one of the worst recessions in American history, but they are also saddled with student loan debt. If that wasn’t enough, underwritings have become more difficult to work with, and rents have made it utterly impossible to save up enough money for a down payment. In a move to make down payments more “affordable,” both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have announced that they intend to back loans with down payments as low as three percent. Moreover, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) plans to drop the premiums owed on mortgage insurance. The move could make owning a home much more affordable for buyers.

Emotional Status

As simple as it may sound, the emotional state of a buyer is critical during the process of buying a home. That said, homeownership is not for everyone. Buying a home is a huge commitment that not everyone is ready to sign up for. Some still wish to travel the world or find their dream careers. Perhaps even more importantly, owning a home comes with additional responsibilities that not everyone wants to deal with. “Your life changes a great deal when you go from being a renter to an owner,” Fleming says. “When things break, it’s your responsibility to fix them, not the landlord’s.”

Local Market Indicators

As frustrating as it may be, one of the largest factors to consider when buying a house is something you have no control over the local market. When it comes down to it, you may not even be given any options. The market you are interested in may not have any homes in your price range or the right location. On top of that, some market values dictate whether or not owning is even a viable option. While it is becoming cheaper to own than rent in some markets, there are those where renting is justifiable. It all depends on the current state of the particular market you are interested in. So while interest rates are important, it is equally important to own in the right market.

Mortgage Rates

Many people expect mortgage and interest rates to rise in 2018 as the Federal Reserve tightens its monetary policy and moves towards decreasing its balance sheet. However, this prediction has been spiraling through the real estate industry since late 2016, making it difficult to know if and when a notable hike will occur. Over the past year, mortgage rates have hovered between 3.9 and 4.5 percent—a less than significant increase. Some experts hypothesize that rates will hit five percent by the second half of 2018, but there has been no official confirmation one way or the other. One thing is for certain, buying a home at the beginning of 2018 will ensure homeowners a locked in at a low rate compared to decades past.

Supply And Demand

Because home prices have been appreciating, many hopeful buyers find it difficult to purchase within their financial reach. Even current homeowners are opting out of buying newer, bigger, better homes—trading up if you will—for the same reason. This makes it even more difficult for first-time buyers because the supply of starter homes is smaller than ever before. The increase of both rent and home prices mixed with stagnant wages for many leads to the combination of high demand and low supply. While this may make it harder for first-time home buyers, investors who own passive income properties should benefit from the market’s current state.

Monthly Budget

Buying a house can introduce more financial expenses than originally meet the eye. It’s very important to not only consider the home price when buying a home, but also the other monthly expenses that come along with owning the home. When you are buying a house you want to make sure to budget for basic monthly costs like your mortgage, but you will also want to budget for monthly costs like your property taxes, home insurance, utilities, routine maintenance, and more. Each expense should be researched and estimated before committing to buying a home, as sometimes these monthly expenses can put you outside of your monthly expense comfort zone. If you come in with a plan to live in the home long-term you may be able to save on your monthly expenses by installing energy efficient appliances, new windows, and even solar panels. These all come with a greater upfront cost, but they can save you money in the long run if you choose to live there long enough to offset the initial costs.

[ Learning how to invest in real estate doesn’t have to be hard! Our online real estate investing class has everything you need to shorten the learning curve and start investing in real estate in your area. ]

10 Things To Consider When Buying A House | FortuneBuilders (2)

10 Features To Consider When Buying A House

There are numerous qualities in a house that buyers should consider before making an offer. Each homebuyer is different, so finding the right home for you will require you to consider what you are looking for. Consider these elements of a home before making your decision:

  1. Location

  2. Size

  3. Bedrooms

  4. Bathrooms

  5. Kitchen layout

  6. Appliances

  7. Age of the house

  8. Maintenance

  9. Seller’s incentive

  10. Purchase price

1. Location

One of the most important factors of any piece of real estate is location, location, location. Be sure to pay special consideration to the area in which you buy your house. You will want to be sure that your property has easy access to your work. According to Ethan Taub, CEO of Loanry, “many people don’t consider their job, especially now, as they focus on remote work. While many may have adopted it permanently, you may still be required to attend meetings. For those looking for a new job, they should consider if somewhere is close to the house that they are qualified for.”

You may also want to consider the house’s location within its neighborhood as some people prefer to be tucked away from busy streets, and others prefer to have more access to main street roads.

Homebuyers with children, or those ready to start a family, should also take a moment to review schools in the area. The quality of schools can be make-or-break for many homebuyers. Review the public and private options, as well as admission and registration information. It’s always a good idea to know the important information going in.

2. Size

The size of the lot your house is on will impact various aspects of your home’s uses and potential, so you should consider this before making your purchase. The shape of the lot will affect your privacy, and if you have a preference in the shape of your lawn or the length of your driveway, you may want to consider the lot shape.

3. Bedrooms

The ideal number of bedrooms for each family will vary. If you plan to expand your family in the future, you should consider a home with more bedrooms than you currently need. Extra bedrooms are ideal for families who intend to host guests, or they can also function as office spaces. Be sure to consider how you intend to use bedroom space to make the right purchase in the short and long term.

4. Bathrooms

The number of bathrooms in a home can be an important factor for many homeowners. Consider how many people will utilize each bathroom – including gusts. Would you prefer to have bathtubs or showers in each bathroom? Is the size of each bathroom important to you? Is there an opportunity to add a bathroom to the house if the need arises? Ask yourself these important questions while considering buying a home.

5. Kitchen layout

The layout of the kitchen plays a role in the function of the space. If you spend significant time gathering in the kitchen, you may want to consider a more open kitchen layout. If you do not cook often, a smaller or enclosed kitchen might be sufficient for you. Take time to consider the importance of the kitchen space for you and your family to help guide you.

6. Appliances

Home appliances can be expensive to replace. Consider your preference for home appliances as well as the age of the current appliances in the home. Upgraded appliances can be a requirement or a bonus for some homebuyers, but they may not be necessary for others.

7. Age Of The House

If you are not looking to renovate, some houses that meet all your requirements may have been built several decades ago. A factor to consider when buying a house is the age of the property. An older home may have its certain charm and appeal, but in turn, may need more upgrades, repairs, and improvements. If you are interested in an older home, make sure you have the time and budget for renovation projects. Building codes are also a thing to consider when buying an older house. Codes may have changed over the years, so having a basic understanding of the building laws then and now can help you better understand the state of the house. Consult your realtor as they may know the state of the house or where to find the information.

8. Maintenance

Include the cost of the home’s maintenance in your budget. Some projects may be cosmetic and easy to complete. Other projects may require more time and money. The age and condition of the home at the time of purchase will impact the cost of repairs and maintenance.

9. Seller’s Incentive

One factor to consider when buying a house is that some sellers are more motivated than others, while some are more apathetic to whether their house sells or not. It’s common for some sellers to place their homes on the market but are not looking for a quick sale. These homeowners are happy to continue living in their homes for the time being. In effect, there may not be much room for price negotiation. On the other hand, a seller may be highly motivated. This may be due to an estate sale, a sudden need to move out such as a job relocation, or someone looking to pay off one of their mortgages with another. Consult your realtor to determine the motivations a seller may have and how to counteroffer and negotiate properly.

10. Purchase price

Of course, the home’s purchase price will play a large role in whether or not you should buy a home. Come up with a budget that is right for you, and be sure to stick to it. Consider all costs associated with making an offer and closing to make a decision that will accommodate your finances and goals.

If you are moving to a new area, take a moment to review the cost of living. While many homebuyers factor this in when moving to different states, it can still be important to look at even if you are moving a town over. What are property taxes like in that market? Are gas prices typically the same or more compared to where you live now? These factors can impact your budget down the road so it’s a good idea to pay attention before picking your dream home.

Don’t Feel Pressured To Buy

Remember, one of the things to consider when buying a house is that you don’t have to buy at all. While many around you will buy houses in their lifetime, no rule says you must purchase a house by a certain age. Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make, and while most see it as a beneficial financial investment, it may not be for you.

Several factors must be considered when buying a house, such as the housing market, interest rates, and plans you may have for the future. If you purchase a house, it may be difficult to be flexible when it comes to your family or career. You also may be unsure if a neighborhood is the right one to settle in long-term. If so, you should consider renting in the area first and save any big purchases for a later time. To save money and remain flexible, many young professionals choose rentals over homebuying as there are several healthy rental markets across the country. This seems to be a more popular trend as the U.S. Census Bureau reports the homeownership rate was around 65% last year. 10 years ago, homeownership was nearly 70%.

Again, try to consider all your options before purchasing a house. Weigh in not only housing statistics but your personal goals as well before making any big decisions.


When you feel ready to become a homeowner, it is important to pinpoint the most important things to consider when buying a house. As we discussed, there are several factors to consider, such as your readiness, local market conditions, and making sure you know the important components of the home buying process. By giving some of these questions careful consideration, you’ll be sure to have awareness and mindfulness as you dive into the realm of homeownership.

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10 Things To Consider When Buying A House | FortuneBuilders (2024)


10 Things To Consider When Buying A House | FortuneBuilders? ›

The Location

They say the three most important things to think about when buying a home are location, location, location. You can change almost everything else, but you can't change your home's location.

What should I consider before buying a house? ›

Learn everything to know about buying a home with our first-time home buyer guide.
  • Understand Your Monthly Costs. ...
  • Keep Your Eye on Interest Rates. ...
  • Commute Times Are Key. ...
  • Get Educated about Local Schools. ...
  • Check Out Local Community Life. ...
  • Take Noise Levels into Account. ...
  • Get an Experienced Real Estate 'Advocate'

What are the 3 most important things when buying a house? ›

The Location

They say the three most important things to think about when buying a home are location, location, location. You can change almost everything else, but you can't change your home's location.

What are the top 10 things people look for when buying a house? ›

What To Look For When Buying A House
  • House Size. You should have a general idea of what size house you want before you even find a real estate agent and start going to open houses. ...
  • The Ideal Yard. ...
  • The Home's Exterior. ...
  • Number Of Bedrooms. ...
  • Bathrooms. ...
  • Living Room. ...
  • Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems. ...
  • Basem*nt.
Dec 13, 2021

What are the 4 most important things you need to buy a home? ›

What Do You Need To Buy a House? 7 Requirements for 2023
  • → 1. Qualifying Credit.
  • → 2. Proof of Income and Finances.
  • → 3. Cash Needed to Close On Your Home.
  • → 4. Home Buying Budget.
  • → 5. Mortgage Loan.
  • → 6. Mortgage Pre-Approval.
  • → 7. Real Estate Agent.
  • → Final Thoughts.
Jan 5, 2023

What are 5 things you should do before buying a home? ›

A step-by-step guide to buying a house
  • Understand why you want to buy a house. Purchasing a home is a major decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. ...
  • Check your credit score. ...
  • Save for a down payment. ...
  • Create a housing budget. ...
  • Shop for a mortgage. ...
  • Hire a real estate agent. ...
  • See multiple homes. ...
  • Make an offer.
Apr 28, 2023

What are the six main factors to consider when choosing a house? ›

Here are six factors you should always consider when buying a property.
  • Location. The location of the property is one of the most important factors to consider. ...
  • Size. The size of the property is another important factor to consider. ...
  • Property Age. ...
  • Property Condition. ...
  • Property value. ...
  • Your Budget.
Sep 20, 2022

What gives a house the most value? ›

Home Improvements That Add Value
  • Kitchen Improvements. If adding value to your home is the goal, the kitchen is likely the place to start. ...
  • Bathrooms Improvements. Updated bathrooms are key for adding value to your home. ...
  • Lighting Improvements. ...
  • Energy Efficiency Improvements. ...
  • Curb Appeal Improvements.
Mar 24, 2020

What are the three C's of home buying? ›

They evaluate credit and payment history, income and assets available for a down payment and categorize their findings as the Three C's: Capacity, Credit and Collateral.

What makes a house the most valuable? ›

Age and condition. Typically, homes that are newer appraise at a higher value. The fact that critical parts of the house, like plumbing, electrical, the roof, and appliances are newer and therefore less likely to break down, can generate savings for a buyer.

What makes a house attractive to buyers? ›

Opt for neutral colors and decor.

Make your home more welcoming to more potential buyers by repainting the walls with neutral colors, and consider putting some of your favorite art pieces, antiques, or sports memorabilia into storage. Even if you have great taste in design, your prospective buyers might not agree.

What should I pay attention to when buying a house? ›

But here is a list of items that you definitely don't want to overlook.
  • Location and neighbors/neighborhood. ...
  • Square footage and floor plan. ...
  • Roof and gutters. ...
  • Signs of water damage. ...
  • Electrical panels. ...
  • Furnace and AC units. ...
  • Cracks in exposed concrete, uneven flooring, doors that stick. ...
  • Yard size, features, and shape.
Jun 11, 2018

What attracts buyers to home? ›

Attract Traffic to Your Property—How To Make Buyers and Agents...
  • Make Your Home Easy To Show.
  • Offer a Competitive Buyer's Agent Commission.
  • Increase Traffic Through Market Exposure.
  • Host an Open House Extravaganza.
  • Make a Limited-Time Offer.
  • Drop Your Price as the Last Resort.
Apr 12, 2022

What are 3 of the 6 things you need to buy a house? ›

The process can differ among lenders but in every case, there are six boxes to check off when applying for a home loan: Get your down payment together; pick a lender, check your credit score, check your debt-to-income ratio, set aside closing costs, and apply for pre-approval of a mortgage.

What is a good credit score to buy a house? ›

It's recommended you have a credit score of 620 or higher when you apply for a conventional loan. If your score is below 620, lenders either won't be able to approve your loan or may be required to offer you a higher interest rate, which can result in higher monthly payments.

How much money should I save before buying a house? ›

How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a House? A good number to shoot for is saving 25% of the sale price, in addition to setting aside 3–6 months' worth of your typical expenses for emergencies. So if you're looking to buy a $300,000 house, you should save around $75,000 (on top of your emergency fund).

What are the 7 steps to buying a house? ›

A Home Buyer's Guide: 7 Steps to Take Before Purchasing
  1. Determine how much house you can afford. ...
  2. Research your housing market. ...
  3. Build your savings. ...
  4. Reduce your debt. ...
  5. Improve your credit. ...
  6. Get pre-approved for a mortgage loan. ...
  7. Shop for a home and make an offer. ...
  8. Conclusion.
Jan 12, 2023

What are the 8 steps of buying a house? ›

8 steps to buying a house
  • Get your finances in order. ...
  • Calculate your budget for a house using a home affordability calculator. ...
  • Get pre-approved. ...
  • Search for homes within your budget. ...
  • Make an offer on a home. ...
  • Submit your mortgage application. ...
  • Enter the loan processing phase. ...
  • Closing.
Jul 15, 2021

How much house can I afford based on my salary? ›

A good rule of thumb is that your total mortgage should be no more than 28% of your pre-tax monthly income. You can find this by multiplying your income by 28, then dividing that by 100.

What makes a good home? ›

The home should be airy and well-ventilated

A home must reflect good vibes, and well-ventilated homes are ideal for living. Dwellers stay happy and healthy in a well-ventilated home where ample sunlight comes in and air flows well. Good ventilation is important for several reasons.

Why do buyers offer more than asking price? ›

Making an offer above the asking price is a common trend in the California real estate market in 2021. It's largely driven by a stark imbalance between housing supply and demand. Home buyers are making aggressive offers in order to succeed in a highly competitive market.

Does flooring increase home value? ›

So the short answer to “does new flooring increase home value?” is yes—if you're smart about your selections. The right upgrades also make your house move faster on the market. Follow these 5 pro tips to get the most out of this wise home investment.

What is the biggest selling point of a house? ›

Here's a top 10 list of what's most important to potential homebuyers:
  • THE OUTSIDE. It's trite but true: You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. ...
  • LOCATION. Today's homes have to be conveniently located for homebuyers, agents say. ...
  • GARAGE. ...
  • KITCHEN. ...
  • BATHROOM. ...
  • BAsem*nTS.
Mar 4, 2007

What part of the home buying process is considered the most difficult? ›

1) Finding The Right Home

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, 60% of home buyers aged 29-38 felt that finding the right property was the hardest part about buying a home.

What are 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of buying a home? ›

Homeownership Pros and Cons At A Glance
Tax deductionsUpfront costs
Can help increase your credit scoreProperty taxes and other recurring fees
Privacy and control over own spaceResponsible for the work and cost of home repairs
Feeling of accomplishmentLess flexibility to move
1 more row
May 22, 2023

What are the three characteristics of a home? ›

  • It must provide comfort and security to the family.
  • A home normally belongs to a family who owns it.
  • It is base where family members can return to even when they are old.
  • Family members share love, intimacy and companionship in the home,
  • It meets the shelter needs of the family.

What decreases home value? ›

What hurts property value can be things specific to your house — such as deferred maintenance issues, outdated kitchens and bathrooms, or a noisy location — or by outside factors such as your local real estate market or the state of the overall economy.

What parts of a house are most expensive? ›

The Framing

A home's framing is its skeleton. Because so much material and skilled labor is required, this is an incredibly expensive part of building a home. While framing may not be as expensive as the foundation or lot, it is typically more costly than other items.

At what age does a house start losing value? ›

If you haven't renovated your home in the past 30 years or so, it won't show well when you put it on the market. In other words, it won't get the same price as a similar home that's been maintained and updated.

What room is most important to buyers? ›

The rooms buyers most closely inspect (and judge) in a house are the kitchen and master bath. These are the interior spaces where the most value can be added during a sale, so they need to look their best.

What problems should I look for when buying a house? ›

Once you've got the green light to start searching for a house, look for these seven things.
  • Roof Condition. ...
  • Reliable HVAC. ...
  • Plumbing Issues. ...
  • Water Damage and Mold. ...
  • Noise Level. ...
  • A Good Foundation and Home Exterior. ...
  • Outlets and Appliances That Actually Work.
Aug 26, 2022

What does a good buyer look like? ›

Good buyers do their due diligence. They weigh their options, they are sure of their direction and they make decisions. Good buyers commit and go! Salespeople can be pains in the ass.

What not to do when thinking about buying a house? ›

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a House
  1. Making Credit Inquiries. Every time a business checks your credit score — what's called a “hard inquiry” — it takes a little ding. ...
  2. Opening a New Line of Credit. Owning a new home means lots of new expenses. ...
  3. Missing a Payment. ...
  4. Moving Money Around. ...
  5. Changing Jobs. ...
  6. Leasing or Buying a Car.
Nov 3, 2022

What to look for when doing a house walkthrough? ›

Here's a list of important things to be on the lookout for during the final walkthrough.
  1. Inspection Repairs. ...
  2. Belongings Moved In Or Out. ...
  3. Locks And Windows. ...
  4. Appliances. ...
  5. Mold. ...
  6. Electricity And Outlets. ...
  7. Backyard And Outdoors. ...
  8. Pests.

What buyers want from sellers? ›

These are the top four traits buyers want from their salespeople, and how you can make sure you embody them in 2022:
  • Active listening. Did you know that during the average sales call, the prospect only does 25% of the talking? ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Confidence. ...
  • Relationship building.
Jan 2, 2022

How do you attract high end buyers? ›

How Do You Attract High End Customers?
  1. 6 Tips for Attracting High End Consumers.
  2. Know Your Customer. Build a profile of your target client. ...
  3. Know Your luxury website Design trends. ...
  4. Develop Your Marketing Strategy. ...
  5. Establish Your Authority and Credibility. ...
  6. Get Strategic with Your Pricing. ...
  7. Use the Personal Touch.
Jan 28, 2021

What motivates people to sell their house? ›

Lifestyle changes are very common reasons for someone to sell their house. Some people decide they want to retire and travel the country in an RV. It makes sense to sell their current home rather than pay to maintain it while they're away.

What 3 rules should determine how much you spend on a house? ›

Income: You can use your income as a starting point when calculating how much you want to spend on a house. Debt: Your debt and monthly expenses factor into how much you can spend on bills each month. Cash reserves: You'll need cash on-hand to pay for your down payment and closing costs.

What do I really need in a house? ›

20 Things You'll Need for Your First Home
  • Home security system. Your home should always feel like a safe haven, and a home security system helps keep it that way. ...
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. ...
  • Video doorbell. ...
  • Fire extinguisher. ...
  • Home generator. ...
  • Lockbox or safe. ...
  • New door lock. ...
  • Water leak sensor.

What credit score is needed for a $350 000 house? ›

Some mortgage lenders are happy with a credit score of 580, but many prefer 620-660 or higher.

How much of a home loan can I get with a 720 credit score? ›

You can borrow $50,000 - $100,000+ with a 720 credit score. The exact amount of money you will get depends on other factors besides your credit score, such as your income, your employment status, the type of loan you get, and even the lender.

What credit score do I need to buy a 350k house? ›

According to FICO® credit bureau data, the best credit score to buy a house is 760 and higher, which tends to unlock the best mortgage rate. However, to qualify for a home loan, you'll need at least the minimum credit score to buy a house, which ranges from about 500 – 680, depending on the mortgage program.

How much is a downpayment on a 200k house? ›

Conventional mortgages, like the traditional 30-year fixed rate mortgage, usually require at least a 5% down payment. If you're buying a home for $200,000, in this case, you'll need $10,000 to secure a home loan.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

If you're an aspiring homeowner, you may be asking yourself, “I make $70,000 a year: how much house can I afford?” If you make $70K a year, you can likely afford a home between $290,000 and $360,000*. That's a monthly house payment between $2,000 and $2,500 a month, depending on your personal finances.

How much should I save for a $300000 house? ›

Most lenders are looking for 20% down payments. That's $60,000 on a $300,000 home. With 20% down, you'll have a better chance of getting approved for a loan. And you'll earn a better mortgage rate.

How much should you make before buying a house? ›

The median home price in the U.S. is $284,600. With a 20% down payment, you can expect to pay roughly $1,200 a month for your mortgage on a home at that price. That means that in order to follow the 28% rule, you should be making $4,285 each month.

How do you know if a house is right for you? ›

How To Choose A Home That's Right For You
  1. Figure Out Where You Want To Live. ...
  2. Make Sure A Home Checks Your Must-Have Boxes. ...
  3. Narrow Your Search To True Contenders. ...
  4. Consider Old Vs. ...
  5. Be Realistic About Your House Goals. ...
  6. Stick To A Budget. ...
  7. Look For Potential Issues With The House.
Sep 18, 2019

How much do you have to make a year to afford a $200 000 house? ›

How much do I need to make to afford a $200,000 house? To afford a $200K mortgage with a 20% down payment, 30-year term and 7.00% interest rate, you'd need to make at least $38,268 a year before taxes.

How much house can I afford if I make 3000 a month? ›

For example, if you make $3,000 a month ($36,000 a year), you can afford a mortgage with a monthly payment no higher than $1,080 ($3,000 x 0.36). Your total household expense should not exceed $1,290 a month ($3,000 x 0.43). How much house can I afford with an FHA loan?

How much is a 300K mortgage per month? ›

Monthly payments on a $300,000 mortgage

At a 7.00% fixed interest rate, your monthly mortgage payment on a 30-year mortgage might total $1,996 a month, while a 15-year might cost $2,696 a month.

How much do you have to make a year to afford a 250 000 house? ›

How much do I need to make for a $250,000 house? A $250,000 home, with a 5% interest rate for 30 years and $12,500 (5%) down requires an annual income of $65,310.

How much is a 200k mortgage per month? ›

On a $200,000, 30-year mortgage with a 4% fixed interest rate, your monthly payment would come out to $954.83 — not including taxes or insurance. But these can vary greatly depending on your insurance policy, loan type, down payment size, and more.

What salary is needed for a 400k house? ›

The primary factor is your income — a $400,000 purchase typically requires a salary of at least $106,000. Other important considerations include your credit score, the size of your down payment and the details of your mortgage loan, including the interest rate.

How big of a loan can I get with a 720 credit score? ›

You can borrow $50,000 - $100,000+ with a 720 credit score. The exact amount of money you will get depends on other factors besides your credit score, such as your income, your employment status, the type of loan you get, and even the lender.

What age should you buy a house? ›

Key Takeaways. The best age to buy is when you can comfortably afford the payments, tackle any unexpected repairs, and live in the home long enough to cover the costs of buying and selling a home. Legally, you must be at least 18 in most states to buy a home.

Should I put an offer on the first house I see? ›

As a result, it's important not to get too attached to one property. Make sure that you have second and third options in mind for possible houses. It's also best not to take the first house you see unless you take the time to examine it closely for any potential problems.

What is the rule of thumb for buying a house? ›

The total house value should generally be no more than 3 to 5 times your total household income, depending on how much debt you currently have. If you are completely debt-free, congratulations—you can consider houses that are up to 5 times your total household income.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.