Why is my TI 84 giving wrong trig answers? (2024)

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Why is my TI 84 giving wrong trig answers?

The reason that the calculator may not display the expected answer is because it is not using the correct angle mode setting. The instructions below detail how to change the angle mode to Degree on TI graphing calculators. Input the problem, and the expected answer should be returned.

(Video) Casio Scientific Calculator Giving Wrong Trig Answers
Why is my calculator showing wrong answers?

Check the batteries. Check that you are pressing the correct keys. Check it is in the correct input mode. Replace it.

(Video) Casio graphic calculator wrong answer cos sin tan simple fix (model shown fx-CG50
How do you change a TI-84 calculator back to normal?

Q: How can I completely reset my TI 84 Plus back to the factory default settings?
  1. Press 2nd MEM (that is the second function of the + key)
  2. Choose 7 (Reset)
  3. Scroll right so that ALL is selected.
  4. Press 1.
  5. Press 2 (Reset, and read the warnings)

(Video) The BIGGEST MISTAKE People Make in Trigonometry | How to Change From Radians to Degrees (TI-84)
(Crazy Calculations)
What mode should my calculator be in for trig?

In order to do trigonometry calculations, you should have a calculator with buttons for tan, cos, and sin. Before you begin, make sure that your calculator is in degree mode, not radian mode.

(Video) How to Fix Rounding Error on TI-84 Plus CE (TI-84 models)
Why am I getting math error on my calculator?


Cause: The calculation result is outside of the allowable calculation range or you are trying to perform an illegal mathematical operation (such as division by zero). Action: Check your input values and adjust them to allow the calculation result to be within the allowable range.

(Video) How to Reset Your TI83-84 Calculator
(Cody Tabbert)
How can you avoid getting wrong answers on a calculator?

Read the problem statement very carefully, underline the important points and then begin solving. Try to jot down the possible answers near the question itself. If that's not possible, mark the question number in bold so that you know which calculation you are working on.

(Video) How to Program a Texas Instrument Graphing Calculator to Give the Wrong Answer
How do you put a TI 84 in trigonometry mode?

First press the 2ND key, then press the key for the trigonometric function at hand. For example, if you wish to convert the sine of . 5 into degrees, press 2ND and then press SIN. The display will show sin^-1, or inverse sine.

(Video) Common Input Errors TI 84 Calculator: Graphing Trig in the Wrong Mode
Do you use degree mode for trig?

Any angle plugged into a trig function must be in radians but, because degrees are so common outside of a math class, calculators are designed to handle degrees inside trig functions.

(Video) How to use Trigonometry Functions on the TI-84 Calculator
(HD Calcs)
How do you reprogram a TI-84?

  1. Turn on your TI-84 Plus CE and press the [PRGM] key. ...
  2. Name your program. ...
  3. Selecting a programming command from the Program Menu. ...
  4. Press the [PRGM] key. ...
  5. Type a greeting in double quotation marks. ...
  6. Your program is complete! ...
  7. To run the program: ...
  8. Your text message is displayed on the HOME screen.

(Video) Evaluating Trig Functions using a TI 84 Plus
(Jim Yang)
Does resetting TI-84 delete programs?

Select “2: Reset.” Your TI-84 calculator will erase all data, programs, and apps from the device. When complete, the screen will display “RAM Cleared.” Your TI-84 will now be reset and restored to the original factory settings.

(Video) Errors Rounding Trig Values with TI 84 Calculator

Can a calculator ever make a mistake?

Calculators are often unnecessary to solve routine problems, though they are convenient for offloading cognitively effortful processes. However, errors can arise if incorrect procedures are used or when users fail to monitor the output for keystroke mistakes.

(Video) Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent on the TI-84 Plus
Can a digital calculator be wrong?

Anything is possible, but it's very, very rare for a calculator to give you the wrong answer. This device is designed for precision, so it's more likely a user inputting error vs.

Why is my TI 84 giving wrong trig answers? (2024)
What is standard error on calculator?

In statistics, the standard error is the standard deviation of the sample distribution. The sample mean of a data is generally varied from the actual population mean. It is represented as SE. It is used to measure the amount of accuracy by which the given sample represents its population.

Why do I make careless mistakes in math?

Careless errors occur simply because they are not paying attention, or are working too fast. Some examples might be: Copying the problem wrong to begin with. Writing a wrong number.

How do I stop making silly mistakes in calculus?

12 Ways to Never Make Another Silly Mistake in Your Next Math...
  1. Understand what kind of mistakes you're making.
  2. Check whether your calculations are in the ballpark.
  3. Watch out when working with minus signs.
  4. Underline the important information.
  5. Write your work out neatly.
  6. Practice, practice, practice.
Mar 11, 2021

What is the 73 trick?

The Secret of 73

Write the number 73 on a piece of paper, fold it up, and give it to an unsuspecting friend. Tell your friend select a four-digit number and enter it twice into a calculator. Inform your friend that the number is divisible by 137 and ask him or her to verify using the calculator.

How do you spell hello on a calculator?

Here's another quintessential calculator word that's easy to learn. 07734 spells hello. Interestingly, it wouldn't be possible to spell hello on a calculator if not for its modern form.

How does a calculator do math so fast?

Integrated circuits contain transistors that can be turned on and off with electricity to perform mathematical calculations. The most basic calculations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The more transistors an integrated circuit has, the more advanced mathematical functions it can perform.

What is SX on TI 84?

The symbol Sx stands for sample standard deviation and the symbol σ stands for population standard deviation.

What is mode M in calculator?

You can add calculation results to or subtract results from independent memory. The "M" indicator appears on the display when there is any value other than zero stored in independent memory.

How do I get my TI 84 out of test mode?

Link two TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators using a unit-to-unit USB cable and then transfer a file by using y 8, SEND RECEIVE. Use TI Connect™ CE Actions > Quit Exam Mode on Connected CE Calculators to quit the exam mode on any connected CE calculator.

What does resetting a calculator do?

The calculator may require a reset for a variety of reasons. These resets will erase the memory on the calculator and restore the calculator's defaults. For this reason, it is important to back up any critical data.

What is the default window for TI-84?

The default Window setting on the TI-84 is from –10 to 10 for both the X and Y axes. Sometimes it's necessary to change settings so that you can either zoom in on a portion of the graph or zoom out to see an area not on the standard grid.

Is the TI 84 Plus good for trigonometry?

The TI-84 Plus is the ideal choice for trigonometry as it is a graphing calculator and has all the necessary features to solve complex trigonometry questions.

Can you solve trig without calculator?

However, it is possible to evaluate the trig functions for certain angles without using a calculator. This is because there are two special triangles whose side ratios we know! These two triangles are the 45-45-90 triangle and the 30-60-90 triangle.

How do the trig functions work on a calculator?

Calculators don't actually use the Taylor series but the CORDIC algorithm to find values of trigonometric functions. The Cordic algorithm is based on thinking of the angle as the phase of a complex number in the complex plane, and then rotating the complex number by multiplying it by a succession of constant values.

Should trig on calculator be in rad or deg?

Most calculators are prepared to calculate trigonometric ratios using degrees.

Should I put my calculator in degree mode or?

If there is a degree symbol, you should have your calculator in degree mode. If the input is in degrees (the circle symbol), use degree mode, otherwise use radian mode.

What is the difference between degree mode and radians?

The difference between degree and radian are highlighted below: A degree is an angle made by one part of 360 equally divided parts of a circle at the centre with radius r, whereas radian is the angle made at the circle's centre by an arc of length equivalent to its radius.

Can you do trig without a 90 degree angle?

So far, we've only dealt with right triangles, but trigonometry can be easily applied to non-right triangles because any non-right triangle can be divided by an altitude * into two right triangles.

Why is my scientific calculator not working properly?

Does not turn on: Replace the batteries in the device with charged batteries. Check to make sure the batteries are in the correct polar position. If the calculator still fails to turn on, depress the restart button for five seconds on the back of the calculator with the end of a paperclip or similar.

Why is my TI 84 calculator not working?

Try a fresh new set of AAA batteries, all from the same package After replacing the batteries press [ON], if the calculator display is again not showing try to adjust the contrast (step 2). Remove one of the AAA batteries. Press and hold [CLEAR]. While holding [CLEAR], reinsert the AAA battery and press [ON].

Where is the reset button on a scientific calculator?

Turn the calculator on with the ON button. There is no hardware reset button on the back. SHIFT 9 to enter Reset.

What is the normal mode for a scientific calculator?

Mode = 0; normal mode for performing normal arithmetic and function calculations.

How do you get out of exam mode on a TI 84 Plus CE?

Link two TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators using a unit-to-unit USB cable and then transfer a file by using y 8, SEND RECEIVE. Use TI Connect™ CE Actions > Quit Exam Mode on Connected CE Calculators to quit the exam mode on any connected CE calculator.

What should my window be on TI-84?

The default Window setting on the TI-84 is from –10 to 10 for both the X and Y axes. Sometimes it's necessary to change settings so that you can either zoom in on a portion of the graph or zoom out to see an area not on the standard grid.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated: 17/07/2024

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.