Why is it important to protect domestic industry? (2024)

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Why is it important to protect domestic industry?

By providing protection to domestic producers their profits can be raised at the expense of consumers who suffer a loss in consumer surplus as protection denies them consumption of low-priced imported goods. That is, protection redistributes income in favour of domestic producers.

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What does it mean to protect domestic industries?

protectionism, policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions or handicaps placed on the imports of foreign competitors.

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How can we protect our domestic industry?

Tariffs are usually used to protect struggling domestic industries against foreign competition or unfair practices such as dumping and foreign government subsidies. There are two basic types of tariff: an ad valorem tax and a specific tariff.

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What does domestic industry mean?

More Definitions of domestic industry

domestic industry means the producers who produce the like products within the territory or those whose collective output of the like or directly competitive products constitutes a major proportion of the total domestic production of those products.

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What are the examples of domestic industry?

Domestic industries usually consist of energy-related businesses, plastic or metal manufacturers, and agriculture or textiles. These goods contribute to the overall gross domestic product of a country.

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Which is intended to protect domestic industry quizlet?

A revenue tariff aims to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. A countervailing duty slows the import of products or services and hinders the investment activities of firms. FDI and ownership restrictions increase the competitive advantage of foreigners while diminishing that of the local firms.

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How a government can protect local industries?

Tariffs, import quotas, product standards, and subsidies are some of the primary policy tools a government can use in enacting protectionist policies.

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How can you protect domestic market or substitute import?

Its aim to substitute imports with domestic production is called import substitution. Through this policy, the government protected the domestic industries from foreign competition through two forms: Tariffs: Tax on imported goods to discourage their use. Quotas: Specify the quantity of goods to be imported.

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What are the benefits of protectionism?

Advantages of Protectionism
  • More growth opportunities: Protectionism provides local industries with growth opportunities until they can compete against more experienced firms in the international market.
  • Lower imports: Protectionist policies help reduce import levels and allow the country to increase its trade balance.
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How does protectionism benefit the economy?

Protectionism can enable some industries to survivie. E.g. President Trump placed tariffs on steel imports to try and protect jobs in the US steel industry. Diversify the economy – tariffs and protectionism can help develop new industries to give more diversify to the economy. Raise revenue for the government.

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What were the advantages of the domestic system?

There were advantages to the domestic system. For one, workplace conditions tended to be much better than those in factories. Furthermore, in the domestic system people could work at their own speed and did not have demanding targets or bosses, therefore allowing them to take breaks and rest when they needed to.

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Who benefited the most from the domestic system?

The person who benefited most from the Domestic System was the merchants because they only had to pay lower wage costs to the rural workers and there was an increased efficiency due to a more extensive division of labor.

Why is it important to protect domestic industry? (2024)
What are the main features of the domestic system?

domestic system, also called putting-out system, production system widespread in 17th-century western Europe in which merchant-employers “put out” materials to rural producers who usually worked in their homes but sometimes laboured in workshops or in turn put out work to others.

Why domestic trade is important in every country?

The importance of domestic trade in a country is that it facilitates exchange of goods within the country. By doing this it also makes sure that factors of production reach to the right places so that the economy of the country can grow.

What was bad about the domestic system?

However, the domestic system did have a number of major weaknesses in the growing industrial power that was the United Kingdom : the production was very slow and the finished product was simply not enough to, in the case of textiles, cloth the fast growing population of the United Kingdom .

How domestic issues affect international trade?

Production and consumption taxes and subsidies can stimulate imports or exports to occur. In other words, domestic policies can cause international trade. Domestic production and consumption taxes and subsidies will affect the level of international trade with the rest of the world.

How do tariffs restrict trade and protect domestic industries quizlet?

Tariffs protect domestic industry by increasing the price of foreign goods. Government procurement practices and health and safety regulations can protect domestic industry from foreign competition.

How do quotas restrict trade and protect domestic industry quizlet?

Quotas restrict the amount or value of a foreign product that may be imported; quantity quotas limit the amount of a good that may be imported, and value quotas limit the monetary value of a good that may be imported.

What is a protective tariff intended to protect?

Protective tariffs are designed to shield domestic production from foreign competition by raising the price of the imported commodity.

Would you Favour the idea of offering protection to domestic industry?

Answer: ADVERTIsem*nTS: Protection aims at helping some industries against foreign competition. This is done either through duties on imported goods, or bounties to domestic producers. An import duty makes the foreign articles sell at higher prices and so helps the home manufactures.

What benefit goes to domestic industries of reduction in tariff?

Who Benefits From Tariffs? The benefits of tariffs are uneven. Because a tariff is a tax, the government will see increased revenue as imports enter the domestic market. Domestic industries also benefit from a reduction in competition, since import prices are artificially inflated.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of protectionism?

Advantages to trade protectionism include the possibility of a better balance of trade and the protection of emerging domestic industries. Disadvantages include a lack of economic efficiency and lack of choice for consumers. Countries also have to worry about retaliation from other countries.

How do quotas restrict trade and protect domestic industry?

Quotas restrict total supply and therefore increase the domestic price of the good or service on which they are imposed. Quotas generally specify that an exporting country's share of a domestic market may not exceed a certain limit. In some cases, quotas are set to raise the domestic price to a particular level.

How can a government give preference to domestic producers through content or price restrictions?

“Buy national” legislation gives preference to domestic producers through content or price restrictions.

Is protectionism good or bad?

There is a broad consensus among economists that protectionism has a negative effect on economic growth and economic welfare, while free trade and the reduction of trade barriers has a positive effect on economic growth. Protectionism is frequently criticized by economists as harming the people it is meant to help.

What impact does the free trade policy have on domestic industry?

Free trade also leads to lose of jobs when infant and local industries are stifled and finally close down due to losses or stagnant economic position. On the other hand, free trade creates competition that leads to improvement of the quality of products and services at better prices.

What are examples of protectionism?

Protectionism is trying to use restrictions such as tariffs to boost your country's industry, and shield it from foreign competition. Take Mr Trump's steel and aluminium tariffs. In May 2018, the president announced a 25% tariff on all steel imports, and 10% on aluminium.

Is protectionism good for us?

Protectionism is also a good idea when dealing with infant industries. It gives precious time to a company to invest in its production facilities, personnel skills and gain the local consumer's trust before the national market finally opens to international competitors.

Is protectionism good for developing countries?

Protectionist tariffs risk causing a loss of competition for domestic firms which eventually leads to lower productivity, less innovation and weaker competitiveness. Tariffs increase prices for consumers leading to higher inflation, reduced real incomes and an increased risk of poverty for poorer households.

What are the main causes and effects of economic protectionism?

The first set of causes are mainly mercantilist, and include the infant industry argument, spillover effects, national security, the unequal exchange perspective, fair trade and state interests divergent from global income maximization.

How do quotas restrict trade and protect domestic industry?

Quotas restrict total supply and therefore increase the domestic price of the good or service on which they are imposed. Quotas generally specify that an exporting country's share of a domestic market may not exceed a certain limit. In some cases, quotas are set to raise the domestic price to a particular level.

Would you Favour the idea of offering protection to the domestic industry?

Answer: ADVERTIsem*nTS: Protection aims at helping some industries against foreign competition. This is done either through duties on imported goods, or bounties to domestic producers. An import duty makes the foreign articles sell at higher prices and so helps the home manufactures.

How would tariffs and quotas protect domestic jobs?

Quota and tariff both protect domestic jobs by restricting the quantity of imports however they differ in the way restrictions are imposed. Tariff is a tax placed on an imported product while quota is a limit on the amount of a good that is allowed into a country.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Last Updated: 02/05/2024

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