Which stocks are the best to buy in GTA 5? (2024)

What stock should I buy first in GTA 5?

Tinkle Stock Tip

First get all your characters to invest in Tinkle (TNK) on the BAWSAQ. Then head to Hitch Lift 1 using Michael as your character and you'll see a guy to pick up.

(Video) Which Stocks to Buy in GTA 5 Story Mode! (Updated 2020)
What stock does Lester tell you to buy?

Hotel Assassination

This mission is forced upon you to progress the story, so have all three characters invest in Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET) on the BAWSAQ once the mission is completed. The stock will eventually start to rise, but it may take around 20 minutes of real time to get there.

(Video) Which Stock Do i Buy in GTA 5 💲💲💲💲💲 ( M )
(Unstoppable GTA Gaming )
How do you get billions in GTA 5?

1. How to make billions in GTA 5 story mode without stock market.
  1. Head to any Ammu-nation store.
  2. Use a silenced gun to shoot the clerk from the doorway. ...
  3. Empty the cash registers using a melee attack.
  4. Exit the store and walk about three car lengths away.
  5. Come back to the store to find all the money re-spawned.
Nov 18, 2021

(Video) Guide for Best Stock to buy GTA 5 M
(Unstoppable GTA Gaming )
What should I invest in on GTA 5 Online?

#1 - Kosatka Submarine

Despite all the great businesses and methods to make passive income, the Cayo Perico Heist is simply the best way to make money in GTA Online. The major reason behind why it is so appealing is the fact that it is the only large-scale heist that players can do solo.

(Video) The stock market on GTA 5 2022!! best method!!
(gameslayer kaleb)
Do I invest in Lifeinvader?

Because you can invest in Lifeinvader stock before this mission it's important to either invest a small amount to minimize losses or be comfortable with the risk of taking a hit. Once you commit to the mission the stock will drop in value meaning anything you invest will go down the proverbial tube.

(Video) Best Stock to Buy GTA 5 M
(Unstoppable GTA Gaming )
How do you get 2 billion dollars in GTA 5 story mode?

GTA 5 - How to Make $2.1 Billion - YouTube

(Video) GTA 5 Stock Market guide (2022)
(Unlimited gaming channel)
How do you get rich in GTA 5?

In the beginning hours of the game, one of the easiest ways to make money is to rob an armored vehicle. They appear randomly as blips on the minimap while you are driving around. Take out the drivers, then blow the back doors open with a gun or C4.

(Video) GTA 5 Stock Market - Best way to make MILLIONS fast
What should I invest in after The Big Score?

After completing "The Big Score" and robbing Union Depository, gamers should have a lot of money in their bank accounts. This is the perfect time to invest money in the stock market and completing the Assassination missions.

(Video) GTA 5 - How to Make Money Using The Stock Market Guide (GTA V)
(Typical Gamer)
What should I invest in before The Big Score?

Invest all money in it prior to completing "Meltdown", then quickly complete the mission "The Big Score". After completing "The Big Score" FlyUS stock should yield a 100% return; invest all money made from "The Big Score" in it. Wait for FlyUS stock to yield a 158% return, then sell all of it.

(Video) How to make BILLIONS off the Stock Marcket - GTA 5 Story Mode
(RD Arju)
How do you get rich in GTA 5 story mode?

Simply sticking a Sticky Bomb on the back of an armored van will pop it wide open, netting the player a fair bit of money in the game. Like the rest of the Story Mode, these will add up over time and eventually net players a lot of money in the long run.

(Video) GTA 5 - How to Make $2.1 Billion

When should you invest in stocks in GTA V?

The single most important rule of the GTA 5 Stock Market is this: wait as long as possible to perform Franklin's Assassination Missions, and invest as heavily as possible with all three characters when you do so. No tricks, no fuss. Just wait.

(Video) GTA 5 - How To Buy & Sell Stocks - Make Money FAST (Stock Market Tutorial) (GTA V)
What should I invest in before The Big Score?

Invest all money in it prior to completing "Meltdown", then quickly complete the mission "The Big Score". After completing "The Big Score" FlyUS stock should yield a 100% return; invest all money made from "The Big Score" in it. Wait for FlyUS stock to yield a 158% return, then sell all of it.

Which stocks are the best to buy in GTA 5? (2024)
What should I invest in after The Big Score?

After completing "The Big Score" and robbing Union Depository, gamers should have a lot of money in their bank accounts. This is the perfect time to invest money in the stock market and completing the Assassination missions.

How do you get rich on GTA 5?

How To Get Rich FAST as a Level 1! | GTA Online Guide - YouTube

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

Last Updated: 03/04/2024

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.