What is insurance in simple words?
Insurance is a way to manage your financial risks. When you buy insurance, you purchase protection against unexpected financial losses. The insurance company pays you or someone you choose if something bad occurs. If you have no insurance and an accident happens, you may be responsible for all related costs. 1.
Insurance is a contract between you (or a business) and an insurance company to help protect you and your loved ones from financial loss due to an unexpected event, like an accident, illness, natural disaster, or other unexpected circumstances.
Simplified issue term life insurance uses a simplified application process that lets you forgo a medical exam. Instead of an exam, you'll fill out a questionnaire to provide health-related information and other personal details like your name, age, height, weight, and where you live.
Who is an Insured? Insured is a person or legal entity whose financial losses are covered by the insurance policy. Under general and health insurance policies the insured is entitled to receive the benefit amount from the insurer for the covered financial loss.
term insurance. noun. : insurance that covers a limited period of time and pays only for losses that occur during that period.
Purpose of insurance
Technically, the basic function of property/ casualty insurance is the transfer of risk. Its aim is to reduce financial uncertainty and make accidental loss manageable.
Insurance in general is meant to protect you financially if something bad happens that is expensive to fix or recover from. You might get insurance for your car, life, your apartment, or even your phone. When you have insurance, you pay a little bit each month.
Life insurance works by allowing your beneficiaries to claim a financial payout (often equal to your coverage amount) after your death. If you pass away while the policy is active, your beneficiaries can file a claim for their portion of the payout, also called a death benefit.
Receive payouts upon the first diagnosis of any critical illness1 covered under the plan. Receive full payout of life coverage upon diagnosis of any terminal illness. Pay lower premiums starting from ₹ 460/- per month. Choose from four payout options, namely Lump Sum, Lump Sum + Income, Increasing Income and Income.
Insurance companies make money primarily from premium income, but they also invest the accumulated premiums in financial instruments to generate investment income. They also earn revenue from sources such as fees for policy services and commissions from partnering with agents and brokers.
What is the most important insurance and why?
Health insurance is a critical piece of every financial plan. An unforeseen diagnosis or a major accident can leave you with a six or seven-figure medical bill.
- Per-occurrence limits: The maximum amount an insurer will pay for a single event/claim.
- Per-person limits: The maximum amount an insurer will pay for one person's claims.
- Combined limits: A single limit that can be applied to several coverage types.

Insurance coverage does reduce the impact of loss that one bears in perilous situations. It provides monetary reimbursement during financial crises. It not only protects the insured from financial woes but also helps in checking mental stress arising out of it.
Health insurance: How it protects you from health and financial risks. No one plans to get sick or hurt, but most people need medical care at some point. Health insurance covers these costs and offers many other important benefits. Health insurance protects you from unexpected, high medical costs.
In exchange for your premium payments, the life insurance company will pay a lump sum known as a death benefit to your beneficiaries after your death, as long as your policy is in force. If you have permanent life insurance, there may be a cash value component, too.
Can You Cash Out a Life Insurance Policy? With a cash value life insurance policy, like whole life or universal life insurance, you can access the cash value. One of the ways to do that is to cash out or surrender the policy. If you choose to cash out your policy, you'll receive the cash value minus any surrender fees.
When you purchase a life insurance policy, you agree to pay premiums to keep your coverage intact. If you pass away, the life insurance company can pay out a death benefit to the person or persons you named as beneficiaries of the policy. Some life insurance policies can offer both death and living benefits.
Yes; you get the entire premium amount you pay for this policy when the policy matures. A policyholder can choose the structure of the policy payout. You may get a lump sum at the end of the policy term. Another option is to get regular payouts at fixed intervals based on the policy structure.
Term Life insurance Cons: If you outlive the term length, your coverage will end and you won't receive any benefits. You will not be covered your entire lifetime and your policy will not accumulate cash value like an investment account does.
The difference between term insurance and life insurance is that term insurance only offers death and tax-saving benefits, whereas life insurance provides death, maturity, survival, and tax-saving benefits. Policybazaar team will help and support you at the time of claim.
How do you explain insurance to clients?
One of the best ways to explain insurance coverages is to use examples in the form of claims scenarios. This process can best be described as “storytelling.” Educators, from elementary school teachers to college professors, use storytelling in their instruction.
Life insurance works by allowing your beneficiaries to claim a financial payout (often equal to your coverage amount) after your death. If you pass away while the policy is active, your beneficiaries can file a claim for their portion of the payout, also called a death benefit.
Insurance is an example of risk transfer. For example, you pay a premium to an insurance company, transferring your risk of a car accident to the company. The company will pay up to a certain amount to repair your car in the event of an accident.
Discuss Real-Life Situations
Use real-life situations as teachable moments to explain the role of insurance. For instance, if a friend or family member experiences an accident or illness, discuss how insurance can help cover medical expenses and protect their finances during challenging times.
When you purchase a life insurance policy, you agree to pay premiums to keep your coverage intact. If you pass away, the life insurance company can pay out a death benefit to the person or persons you named as beneficiaries of the policy. Some life insurance policies can offer both death and living benefits.