What is a reverse stock split?
A reverse stock split consolidates the number of existing shares of stock held by shareholders into fewer shares. A reverse stock split does not directly impact a company's value (only its stock price). It can signal a company in distress since it raises the value of otherwise low-priced shares.
Reverse stock splits occur when a publicly traded company deliberately divides the number of shares investors are holding by a certain amount, which causes the company's stock price to increase accordingly. However, this increase isn't driven by positive results or changes to the company.
Reverse splits also can diminish or force out small investors, who may not have enough shares to be consolidated. For example, if a company decided on a 1-for-50 reverse split, any holders of fewer than 50 shares wouldn't be offered a fractional new share. They would instead be paid cash for their shares.
One way is to buy shares of the company before the reverse split occurs with the plan to sell them soon afterwards. This can be profitable if the company's stock price increases after the split. Another way to make money from a reverse stock split is to short sell the stock of the company.
Reverse stock split
A reverse split results in the reduction of outstanding shares and an increase in the price of the underlying security. The holder of an option contract will have the same number of contracts with an increase in strike price based on the reverse split value.
On the flipside, a reverse split is done to reduce the number of outstanding shares and thus increase the price of a stock that has fallen and is perhaps at risk of being delisted. This move is typically seen as bearish for the company, and the stock often moves lower as a result.
What is the cost basis per share for Stock XYZ after the reverse split? The cost basis per share remains the same. The split and reverse split have no impact on the cost basis per share. The new cost basis per share of ABC is $75.25.
The reverse stock split doesn't cause investors to lose money by itself, but the move can signal to investors that the company is in financial trouble, which can lead to a sell-off. This will lower the value of the stock price, and stockholders will lose money.
Disadvantages of a Stock Split
A company cannot rely on a stock split to increase its value or market cap. A stock split divides the existing shares, thus keeping the market cap the same as before. Not to forget, a company must invest some amount to conduct a stock split.
Regular and reverse stock splits do not change the value of one's position, only the number or shares outstanding. They do not trigger short squeezes. To the extent that they might, I would suggest that reverse-splits are a way for a very weak stock to push its price up so that the stock doesn't get delisted.
Do stocks usually go up after a split?
A stock split can make the shares seem more affordable, even though the underlying value of the company has not changed. It can also increase the stock's liquidity. When a stock splits, it can also result in a share price increase—even though there may be a decrease immediately after the stock split.
Some companies may only conduct a reverse split once, while others may do it multiple times. Reverse splits are more common among small-cap stocks than large-cap stocks.

Selling before a reverse stock split is a good idea, but selling after the reverse stock split is not. Since you can sell before and after a reverse stock split, selling during one is optional. The main advantage of selling before the reverse stock split is that you don't have to wait around for it to happen.
Adjusted Contracts: When a company goes through a reverse split, the number of shares is reduced, and the stock price proportionally increases. This can have a significant impact on call options. In most cases, the options contracts get adjusted to reflect the new stock price and share count.
Date | Symbol | Split Ratio |
Dec 14, 2023 | SRZN | 1 for 15 |
Dec 14, 2023 | GENE | 1 for 100 |
Dec 14, 2023 | AIMD | 1 for 5 |
Dec 13, 2023 | CYTO | 1 for 20 |
A reverse split isn't necessarily good or bad by itself. It is simply a change in the stock structure of a business and doesn't change anything related to the business itself. That said, a reverse split is usually taken as a sign of trouble by the market, and most of the time it isn't done for a positive reason.
A reverse split lowers the number of outstanding shares. The price goes up so the company's market capitalization stays the same. And the shares' market value remains the same. A reverse split usually occurs the trading day after the company announces it.
As a result of the Reverse Stock Split, every 20 shares of the Company's common stock issued and outstanding will be automatically reclassified into one new share of common stock. The Reverse Stock Split will not modify any rights or preferences of the shares of the Company's common stock.
when a company has a reverse split, it decreases the number of outstanding shares available. That results in a significantly lower float. Without diving too deep into the significance of low floats, it's important to be aware that they can greatly affect pricing behavior. So a reverse split increases the share price …
Stock splits don't create a taxable event; you merely receive more stock evidencing the same ownership interest in the corporation that issued the stock. You don't report income until you sell the stock.
What is a 1 for 30 reverse stock split?
The 1-for-30 reverse stock split will automatically convert 30 shares of the Company's common stock into one new share of common stock.
A reverse stock split can be a great way to increase the value of your stock. It works by having a company reduces the number of outstanding shares, making each share worth more money so investors are encouraged to purchase them.
Stock splits: What you need to know. A stock split doesn't change the value of your investment. If you own the stock of a company that executes a stock split, the details of your position change, but the total value of your position does not. Here are the key things to know about stock splits.
One side says a stock split is a good buying indicator, signaling that the company's share price is increasing and doing well. This may be true but a stock split simply has no effect on the fundamental value of the stock and poses no real advantage to investors.
Reverse stock splits are rare in today's stock market in part because of their controversial nature.