What are the advantages and disadvantages of war? (2024)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of war?

Reader view. There are many things involved with war; peace, love, money, debt, death, and sadness are all things that can happen as a result of war

result of war
Effects of war also include mass destruction of cities and have long lasting effects on a country's economy. Armed conflict has important indirect negative consequences on infrastructure, public health provision, and social order. These indirect consequences are often overlooked and unappreciated.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Effects_of_war
. Peace, love, and money are all advantages of war, but debt, death, and sadness are all disadvantages of war.

(Video) Advantages and Disadvantages of War
(wan nabell)
What is the disadvantage of war?

Effects of war also include mass destruction of cities and have long lasting effects on a country's economy. Armed conflict has important indirect negative consequences on infrastructure, public health provision, and social order. These indirect consequences are often overlooked and unappreciated.

(Video) The Civil War - Advantages & Disadvantages
(Russell's History)
What are the benefits of wars?

In increasing the power of governments, war has also brought progress and change, much of which we would see as beneficial: an end to private armies, greater law and order, in modern times more democracy, social benefits, improved education, changes in the position of women or labor, advances in medicine, science and ...

(Video) Advantages and Disadvantages of war Fredy Henriquez 20196
(1HIB Reading and Writing)
What are the advantages and disadvantage?

As nouns, the difference between disadvantage and advantage is that disadvantage is a weakness or undesirable characteristic; a con while the advantage is any condition, circ*mstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success, or any desired end.

(Video) Advantages & Disadvantages of War - Jessica Cabrera 20130
(1HIB Reading and Writing)
Who benefits the most from war?

Lockheed Martin Corp. retained its place at the top of the list of the companies profiting the most from war — a position it has occupied every year since 2009. The American military contractor sold $58.2 billion-worth of arms and military services in 2020, accounting for almost 90% of the company's total sales.

(Video) WARS | Advantages and Disadvantages and more | Sarah’s Writings
What is the problem with war?

War destroys communities and families and often disrupts the development of the social and economic fabric of nations. The effects of war include long-term physical and psychological harm to children and adults, as well as reduction in material and human capital.

(Video) "ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF WARS" by Anny Claudeth Madrid (20238)
(1HIB Reading and Writing)
Why war is important for peace?

There is plenty of authority for the view that, in a chaotic and bloodthirsty world, war and the threat of violence are the essential building blocks for peace and stability. Thinkers in the ancient world, from China to Greece to Rome, regarded military might as essential for the maintenance of international order.

(Video) Advantages and disadvantages of war - Manoella Ajcet (20120)
(1HIB Reading and Writing)
What are examples of disadvantages?

The definition of a disadvantage is an unfavorable situation or something that puts someone in an unfavorable situation. An example of a disadvantage is a baseball player not being able to play. An example of a disadvantage is a baseball team's star player having to sit out because of an injury.

(Video) Advantages and disadvantages of war KEN UEMA 20116
(1HIA Reading and Writing)
How do you write a advantage and disadvantage essay?

Advantage / Disadvantage Essay Tips
  1. spend time planning the benefits and drawbacks of the statement given.
  2. make sure you have relevant supporting points.
  3. put your advantages together in one body paragraph and the same with the disadvantages.
  4. follow a safe advantage disadvantage essay model.

(Video) French and Indian War Advantages and Disadvantages
(The Daily Bellringer)
Is war good for society?

As war leads to larger societies, it also leads to greater pacification and greater wealth. For Morris, Thomas Hobbes' 17th-century concept of the Leviathan proved prescient. Rulers find it in their political and economic interest to maintain peace.

(Video) Advantages and Disadvantages of War by Juan Pablo Aquije 20026
(1HIB Reading and Writing)

How can war affect a person?

During war, people can be exposed to many different traumatic events. That raises the chances of developing mental health problems—like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression—and poorer life outcomes as adults.

(1HIA Reading and Writing)
How does war affect people's lives essay?

War leaves unrest among people, both on the winning and losing sides. The victims are not only those who die in the war but also those who survive. The aftermath of war is so horrendous that many have to live with disabilities, not only physical but emotional, mental and even social.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of war? (2024)
What is the goal of war?

The ultimate military purpose of war is the destruction of the enemy's ability to fight and will to fight. Offensive – Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Offensive action is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined common objective.

What is the main cause of war?

More specifically, some have argued that wars are fought primarily for economic, religious, and political reasons. Others have claimed that most wars today are fought for ideological reasons.

Is war a solution to any problem?

"War is not the solution to any of the problems that the world is facing today. We witnessed after World War II that every conflict has escalated into more conflicts instead of solving any problems.

How does war affect countries?

In addition to causing suffering, interpersonal violence, social unrest and collective violence hinders productivity and economic activity, destabilises institutions and reduces business confidence. Violence disrupts the economy, resulting in adverse and ongoing negative effects even after conflict subsides.

How does war affect the economy?

The wars have also impacted interest rates charged to borrowers by banks and other creditors. This is the result of war spending financed entirely by debt, which has contributed to a higher ratio of national debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and subsequent rising long-term interest rates.

What were the disadvantages of World War 1?

The war changed the economical balance of the world, leaving European countries deep in debt and making the U.S. the leading industrial power and creditor in the world. Inflation shot up in most countries and the German economy was highly affected by having to pay for reparations.

How does war damage the environment?

Military activity has significant impacts on the environment. Not only can war be destructive to the socioenvironment, but military activities produce extensive amounts of greenhouse gases (that contribute to anthropogenic climate change), pollution, and cause resource depletion, among other environmental impacts.

Is war good for our economy?

Heightened military spending during conflict does create employment, additional economic activity and contributes to the development of new technologies which can then filter through into other industries. These are some of the often discussed positive benefits of heightened government spending on military outlays.

Why should we stop war?

War kills and harms civilians.

In the 20th century, some 200 million people were killed in war, and many millions have already been killed in this century. War not only kills, it also mains people, separates family members, causes disease, hunger and other forms of deprivation.

Who is most affected by war?

One-Fifth of the World's Children Lives Amid Conflict. Globally, 426 million children live in conflict zones today. Major conflicts around the world have tripled since 2010, and children have been impacted the most.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

Last Updated: 05/02/2024

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