How long can I live in France with an Irish passport? (2024)

How long can I live in France with an Irish passport?

At the moment, Irish citizens, as EU nationals, have the right to live, work, study, retire and travel throughout France without having to register with the French authorities. You can stay in another EU country for up to three months without having to register.

(Video) How and why I got an IRISH PASSPORT (after Brexit)
(Luke Rose)
Can I live in France with an Irish passport?

Irish citizens as EU nationals, currently have the right to live, work and travel to and around France without having to register with the French authorities.

(Traveling with Kristin)
How long can you stay in Europe with an Irish passport?

All EU citizens have the right to enter and live in another EU member state for up to 3 months. You just need a valid passport or national identity card.

(Video) I'm Leaving France! | Let's talk about VISA & RESIDENCY
(Janice In France)
Can I live anywhere in Europe with an Irish passport?

The advantages of becoming an Irish citizen and holding an Irish passport include: You are still considered an EU citizen. You can travel freely throughout the 28 member states of the EU to live and work.

(Video) New SCHENGEN Rules | How to Stay in Europe Longer than 90 Days (Avoid the 90/180 Schengen Rule)
(Brian and Carrie)
How long can you stay in France if you own property?

Home-owners will be able to stay at their French homes for 90 days every 180 days, at most. Overstaying this period has its consequences. By the end of 2022, all Brits travelling to France to visit their homes there will need to apply for a travel authorization.

(Video) STAY IN EUROPE FOR MORE THAN 90 DAYS… JUST DO THIS! Schengen area and the 90 day rule for Van Life.
(Camper Vibe)
How long can you live in France without becoming a resident?

If you are staying in France for more than three months, you will need a residence permit (carte de séjour).

(Video) My IRELAND TOURIST VISA Experience - Interview, Documents, Processing Time
(Navankur Chaudhary)
Can I live in France for 6 months?

For any stay in France exceeding 90 days, you are required to apply in advance for a long-stay vis. In this instance your nationality does not exempt you from requirements. Whatever the duration of your planned stay, the duration of your long-stay visa must be between three months and one year.

(Video) Getting Past French Immigration | Foil Arms and Hog
(Foil Arms and Hog)
How long can EU citizens stay in France?

Beyond these 90 days, the non-EU spouses of EU nationals can stay on without a visa, but need to apply for a residency card in order to be able to spend prolonged periods of time in France (note that the formalities are different if coming to stay with a French partner, as opposed to one of another EU nationality).

(Video) 6 Month Passport Validity Rule | Can I travel with less than 6 months left on my passport?
(Maneesha Mukhi)
Can an Irish citizen buy a house in France?

Yes, there are no restrictions on foreigners buying property in France. Even if you are not a resident, you can still buy and own French property with the option to rent it out if you want to. You will need a French bank account, valid identification, and the correct visa if you are going to live there.

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(TLDR News)
Can I stay longer than 90 days in Europe with Irish passport?

The Schengen agreement is designed to provide uniform border rules for all the countries in the zone. Once you have been allowed into 1 Schengen country, you can go to any of the others as long as you don't exceed the maximum stay of 90 days in the whole zone.

(Video) Countries you can visit on ILR & BRP (UK) | #saynotowar
(Miss Krazzy)

How can I stay more than 90 days in Europe?

Ways To Stay In Europe For More Than 90 Days
  1. Split Up Schengen and Non-Schengen Countries.
  2. Working Holiday Visa.
  3. Become a Student at a European University.
  4. Long Term Tourist Visa.
  5. Language Assistant Program.
  6. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Jobs.
  7. Self Employment or Freelance Visa.
  8. European Passport.
Jan 30, 2022

(Video) What's the Furthest You Could Travel Without a Passport?
(Half as Interesting)
What happens if you go over 90 days in Europe?

Each Schengen Area country has its own set and standards for penalties for overstays; however, individuals who exceed the 90-day period will typically be issued with a monetary fine and an order to depart the country and entirety of the Schengen Area within a certain period of time (sometimes immediately).

How long can I live in France with an Irish passport? (2024)
Where can I live with Irish citizenship?

Both Irish passports and Irish passport cards allow Irish citizens to travel, live, and work without restriction in any country within the EEA, Switzerland and the Common Travel Area.

Does having an Irish passport make you a citizen?

Am I an Irish citizen? If you or your parent were born on the island of Ireland before 2005, you are an Irish citizen. You can apply for an Irish passport without making an application for citizenship.

What's the benefit of having an Irish passport?

There are many benefits to being an Irish citizen, not least that you acquire the right to remain on the Emerald Isle indefinitely. You also have the right to carry an Irish passport, travel without restrictions across the European Union, and vote in Irish elections.

Can I live in France for 6 months?

For any stay in France exceeding 90 days, you are required to apply in advance for a long-stay vis. In this instance your nationality does not exempt you from requirements. Whatever the duration of your planned stay, the duration of your long-stay visa must be between three months and one year.

How long can EU citizen stay in France?

You can travel within the Schengen Area for stays up to 3 months. To work in France, you will normally have to apply for a work permit. Beyond 3 months, you must be in possession of a residence permit issued by the French authorities.

Can an Irish citizen buy a house in France?

Yes, there are no restrictions on foreigners buying property in France. Even if you are not a resident, you can still buy and own French property with the option to rent it out if you want to. You will need a French bank account, valid identification, and the correct visa if you are going to live there.

Does an Irish citizens need a visa for France?

Good News! If you are an Irish citizen, you do not need any Visa!

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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