☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (2024)

Table of Contents
Actually Nope. It’s Still Sunday night. Because THIS time…. I grew past my original programming! Your takeaway? It’s the Internet Lifestyle! FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be PLR(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ). 101+ Crypto Currency Affiliate Programs? My own Crypto Feedlies? 1 Page Solution Sheet? and 2 more… can you guess? _________________________ 101+ Crypto Affiliate Marketing Programs! _________________________1,501 Alt coins Resources Done For You! _________________________All of my Crypto Feedlies See the admitedly quick idea here! _________________________17 Ways to Profit with Bitcoins! _________________________How To Make Money with your Mobile Phone! Yep Definitely Sunday. It’s the Internet Lifestyle! FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be Crypto(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ). 250+ Recurring Clickbank Affiliate Programs? $1 Trial for YouTube Cash? Affiliate Marketing Without a List? and 2 more… can you guess? _________________________ COUPON: Affiliate Marketing, No LIst! _________________________250 Recurring Affiliate Marketing Programs You Can Promote! _________________________Not 1, not 2 but 25 SEO Tools! See the entire 25 list here! _________________________Offline THUD! _________________________$1 Trial YouTube Cash Well actually, right now it’s Friday – I’m writing this at around 6:30pm…. It’s the Internet Lifestyle! FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be Social(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ). 501+ Affiliate Marketing Niches? Amazon Affiliate Profits? Affiliate Dashboards? and 2 more… can you guess? _________________________ COUPON: Amazon Video Goodies! _________________________Easy Peasy Offline eCom! _________________________500+ Affiliate Marketing Riches! See everything you gain here! _________________________My Feedlies! _________________________All the PLR You can Eat! Marketing PLR Fortune Favors The Bold Marketing PLR Fortune Favors The Bold

=== Start Ongoing Goodies! ===

101+ Crypto Currency Affiliate Programs?

Today in 2018: I figured out how to create 2 passes thru the same funnel in W+
Feelin’ mighty buff!

Plus My Own:

1,501+ Crypto Coins Researched for you!


Healthy Aging PLR!

Today’s Freebie in our FB group:
A century before apps and spreadsheets, there was a Japanese budgeting system that still works today


=== End Ongoing Goodies! ===

Where was I?

Ah yes, Monday!

But first:

Ever wish you had one of the best email marketing case studies you could learn from….. ready for you to discover rather creative ideas?

Well then!


is something you definitely want to check out – it’s the story of how one women decided to use her wedding as an email marketing case study.

For me, it never occurred to me that folks would have to pick and choose from which wedding to attend…. but apparently I’m not in that particular social strata.

Ideas you’ll be exposed to range from:

Creative photos to cut through the noise

Clarity, not clevernesss



And if you’d like some creative email writing ideas, consider:




Your takeaway?

You can use eMail to improve the experiences of things MORE than simply Internet marketing…

Take advantage of that.


Want to know how I created the above goodie?

I spell it all out in

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (1)

which won Deal of the Day.

It’s really simple to do… been doing it now for 18 months!

You can grab it over at

And today?

It’s Monday!

Actually Nope. It’s Still Sunday night.

But the thing is:


OMG, where do I begin.

Well, I suppose I can begin by mentioning that yep, I’m writing this on Sunday night at, hmmm…..


Got up this morning at 4am!

You see, I decided to basically hunker down and release my latest…..

… and darned if I didn’t and I did!

Here’s 3 of the goodies:

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (2)

This is the 1 page solution sheet… and it gives newbies a beginners glimpse into how to profit via Crypto Currencies even during a bear market.

Grab that at

The first enhancement is:

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (3)

This is a collection of 101+ Crypto Currency Affiliate Programs that span these interests:

Grab that over at:

Then we have:

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (4)

That’s my done-for-you research into the 1,501+ current Alt coins that are out there….

With resources for:

  • Specific Coin Pricing
  • Specific Coin mentions in popular Crypto forums
  • Specific Coin “How do I…” tutorials in Google, Youtube and more
  • Specific Coin mentions in FB
  • Specific Coin mentions in Twitter
  • Specific Coin mentions in FB
  • Specific Coin mentions in LinkedIn
  • Specific Coin affiliate programs

Grab *that* over at:

And yet again, I gave less than zero notice to affiliates…

So I HIGHLY doubt that I’m going to get Deal of the Day.

No matter however, and you know why?

Because THIS time…. I grew past my original programming!

Meaning… I figured out a way to make it ‘way easier for my affiliates to promote what they prefer in my launch. Some folks prefer the 1 page solution sheet, while others prefer letting their list know about the 70+ page blueprint instead.

That required me figuring out bunches of stuff but yep…

I did it and did it grand!

It did leave me mentally fried, mind you…

No gym either. However, I did have the left over meal from my date with the husband yesterday….

So it was a very good restful day indeed.

What I love about it all….

… I was able to show my kids how you should never be afraid of making things happen!

A great lesson it was.

Your takeaway?

Craft your own future and to heck with folks who say gnope gnope gnope.


And that’s all….


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

🙂 And want you to see funny Basset Mooses?

Of course you do!


And our morning smile?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (5)


If you like this goodness, visit the creator’s site at:

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be PLR(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at askbling.com/btlclass1… Click below to start the adventure!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (6)


And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (7)


And! I started a privateIM Coaching Waiting Listover at askblings.com/btlcoach … Click below to get on the said waiting list!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (8)


And here we go!


☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (9)

101+ Crypto Currency Affiliate Programs?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (10)

My own Crypto Feedlies?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (11)

1 Page Solution Sheet?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you 101+ Crypto Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Well then!


101+ Crypto Affiliate Marketing Programs!

See how you can profit from Crypto without investing in it here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that? Youcrave 1,501+ Alt Coin Done For You Resources?

Well then!

1,501 Alt coins Resources Done For You!

See why this is so cool here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that? You want all of my Feedlies for Crypto and Gold Investing?

Well then!

All of my Crypto Feedlies

See the admitedly quick idea here!

See the direct link! here!



What’s that? You want 17 Ways to Profit with Bitcoins?

Well then!

17 Ways to Profit with Bitcoins!

See the hope for the future here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

How To Make Money with your Mobile Phone!

See everything you get here!

See the Direct Link there!



Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Sunday!

But first:

Ever wish you could build powerful backlinks to help your site on the Internet?

If so,


just released their latest packed update…

… and it includes a *lot*.

From massive free Link Building tutorials…

… to a huge collection of strategies and practices to avoid…

‘Tis hugely comprehensive.

And if you’d like to go ever further,




are there to show you how.

Your takeaway?

Link building is evolving even in 2018…

Take advantage of the techniques you can do for free.


Want to know how I created the above goodie?

I spell it all out in

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (12)

which won Deal of the Day.

It’s really simple to do… been doing it now for 18 months!

You can grab it over at

And today?

It’s Sunday!

Yep Definitely Sunday.

But the thing is, you know….

Husband date!

Yesterday was a most excellent day… I got to the pool, yay!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (13)

Yes, that is my “Let’s look like I’m about to have So.Much.Fun!” face. 🙂

At least…. I got it done so yay.

And then had a husband date!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (14)

This was right before we started talking about space-time fabric – I wish I had gotten a picture of that because he used his knife, fork and napkin to illustrate his ideas.


Got home and realized….. I didn’t make my latest live.

There’s a reason for that, mind you…..

I still had to create the download pages AND update the images on the sales pages as well.

Finished that this morning! Here’s 3 of the goodies:

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (15)

This is the 1 page solution sheet… and it gives newbies a beginners glimpse into how to profit via Crypto Currencies even during a bear market.

Grab that at

The first enhancement is:

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (16)

This is a collection of 101+ Crypto Currency Affiliate Programs that span these interests:

  • Gaming
  • Betting
  • Investing
  • Products
  • More!

Grab that over at:

Then we have:

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (17)

That’s my done-for-you research into the 1,501+ current Alt coins that are out there….

With resources for:

  • Specific Coin Pricing
  • Specific Coin mentions in popular Crypto forums
  • Specific Coin “How do I…” tutorials in Google, Youtube and more
  • Specific Coin mentions in FB
  • Specific Coin mentions in Twitter
  • Specific Coin mentions in FB
  • Specific Coin mentions in LinkedIn
  • Specific Coin affiliate programs

Grab *that* over at:

And of course, you’ll see my trademark Authority resources, Feedly dashboards and the like.


Today will ideally be…. *rest*.

Lots of rest (been up since 3am!).

And that’s all….


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

🙂 And want you to see how fake foods are made to look realistic for TV?

Of course you do!


And our morning smile?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (18)


If you like this goodness, visit the creator’s site at:

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be Crypto(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at askbling.com/btlclass1… Click below to start the adventure!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (19)


And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (20)


And! I started a privateIM Coaching Waiting Listover at askblings.com/btlcoach … Click below to get on the said waiting list!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (21)


And here we go!


☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (22)

250+ Recurring Clickbank Affiliate Programs?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (23)

$1 Trial for YouTube Cash?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (24)

Affiliate Marketing Without a List?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you to see how to affiliate market even if you don’t have a list?

Well then!


COUPON: Affiliate Marketing, No LIst!

See how it can be done here!

See the direct link and coupon barbcoffee2018 there!



Whats that? Youcrave 250+ Recurring Affiliate Programs you can promote?

Well then!

250 Recurring Affiliate Marketing Programs You Can Promote!

See the 17 categories and insiders tips here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that? You want not 1, not 2 but 25 SEO Tools?

Well then!

Not 1, not 2 but 25 SEO Tools!

See the entire 25 list here!

See the direct link! here!



What’s that? You want an offline THUD?

Well then!

Offline THUD!

See a hint of the ridiculous value here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

$1 Trial YouTube Cash

See some of the highlights you’ll receive here!

See the Direct Link there!



Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Saturday!

But first:

Ever wish you had additional holidays and reasons to sell during spring?

If so,


is waiting for you!

This goodie shows you holidays like

Don’t Fry Day

Smile Power Day

National High 5 Day

and more

Why is this good?

Well, every holiday is always good for sale-having reasons….

… and done well, the more sales, the more bottom line!

And if you’re looking for even more weird holidays, consider:




Your takeaway?

Probably just about every day has a reason to celebrate….

… and a reason to do more marketing as well.


Want to know how I created the above goodie?

I spell it all out in

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (25)

which won Deal of the Day.

It’s really simple to do… been doing it now for 18 months!

You can grab it over at

And today?

It’s Saturday!

Well actually, right now it’s Friday – I’m writing this at around 6:30pm….

‘Tis the advantage of breaking things up in pieces and getting things done when I can.

No swimming on Friday

But the thing is, you know….

Pain docs!

OK, a dime.

Visited my doc and overall, a good visit indeed.

But still, yep….

Quiet day today, Friday was.

Hopefully tomorrow, I shall be ‘way more perky.

And that’s all,


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

🙂 And want you to see how curved iPhones are coming?

Of course you do!


And our morning smile?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (26)


If you like this goodness, visit the creator’s site at:

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a morning GEMALERT from me – could be Social(note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at askbling.com/btlclass1… Click below to start the adventure!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (27)


And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (28)


And! I started a privateIM Coaching Waiting Listover at askblings.com/btlcoach … Click below to get on the said waiting list!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (29)


And here we go!


☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (30)

501+ Affiliate Marketing Niches?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (31)

Amazon Affiliate Profits?

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (32)

Affiliate Dashboards?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you to see a great goodie for Amazon Affiliates?

Well then!


COUPON: Amazon Video Goodies!

See all about my breaking the Google code here!

See the direct link and coupon barbcoffee2018 there!



Whats that? Youcrave easy peasy eCom?

Well then!

Easy Peasy Offline eCom!

See everything you get here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that? You want 501+ Affiliate Marketing Niche Riches?

Well then!

500+ Affiliate Marketing Riches!

See everything you gain here!

See the direct link! here!



What’s that? You want my own personal Affiliate Marketing Resources?

Well then!

My Feedlies!

See the more than 27 sites here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

All the PLR You can Eat!

See the entire lists here!

See the Direct Link there!



Don’t Forget Our Favs…


==> The Commission Machine

==> Pure Newbie, No Traffic, No Experience No List? No Problem!

==> Zero Cost List Building Class This Week!

==> $1 Trial Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> Become Unstoppable (Zero cost!)

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Special!

==> Authority List Building Made Simple


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR

==> Rachel Whole Foods PLR!

==> Resellers Rights Weekly Free

==> ID PLR Free!


Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates!

Grow strong,

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (33)

Barb Ling

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new popular free marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate today!

Don’t Forget Our Favs…


==> The Commission Machine

==> Pure Newbie, No Traffic, No Experience No List? No Problem!

==> Zero Cost List Building Class This Week!

==> $1 Trial Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> Become Unstoppable (Zero cost!)

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Special!

==> Authority List Building Made Simple


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR

==> Rachel Whole Foods PLR!

==> Resellers Rights Weekly Free

==> ID PLR Free!


Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates!

Grow strong,

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (34)

Barb Ling

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new popular free marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate today!

☕ Your Monday Perkup: 1974, OMG, Insanity, Bitcoin Bears, Mobile Profits, More! (2024)
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Article information

Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Last Updated:

Views: 5826

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.