Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (2024)

10 April 2018, 15:16 | Updated: 10 April 2018, 15:32

Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (1)

Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (2) Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (3)

Researchers have found a correlation between risk-taking and being the last-born sibling.

We may get rubbish hand-me-downs, but youngest children from average working families are more likely to become self-made successes, according to this study.

As Metro reports, a study posted onScienceDirect.comin 2016 - which followed 6,322 British men and women born with siblings in 1970 - found that "last borns" from homes which lacked an "entrepreneurial spirit," tended to be more likely to be "risk-taking" entrepreneurs themselves.

Academics found that in these families,the youngest of two siblings was 49% more likely to become their own boss by the age of 38.

And, when it came to three children families, they found the youngest child's chances went up to 43% compared to their eldest sibling.

However, it's not always so rosy for youngest kids, as the study also found last-borns tend to be worse off in families with a history of self-employment, with the eldest and middle siblings being the most entrepreneurial, while the youngest only had an 18% chance offollowing their families ethos.

We've got a feeling it doesn't stop them loving money any less, though...

Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (4) Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (5)

Youngest Kids More Likely To Be A Self-Made Millionaires, Says Study (2024)
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