XRP: "2024 IS GONNA BE LIT" Says Top Analyst (2024)

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel well apparently we've got a Green light for investors despite the Fact that just three days ago there were People freaking out losing their over Everloving Minds as Bitcoin cratered Down from whatever it was at was it at At the time 43 to 44,000 whatever it was Down to $4,300 in what a matter of like 20 Minutes despite the fact that happened An xrp and everything else under the Sunf despite that we've seen a massive Burst today certainly some coins I saw Some coins is over like 133% um now Bitcoin is only up 3% and XP Is in the green but it's only up a Little over half a percent none of this Is going to matter uh in in terms of What's popping right now the asset class Moves in tand and so people are so Focused on what's immediately happening To their own emotional detriment but but Set that aside we we're seeing a major Like the indication here it's Everything's it go we have the Dow Jones Hitting a new all-time high you Understand why that's significant right In the world of crypto we've not seen uh You know Bitcoin hit a new alltime high We haven't seen those types of rallies Without equities playing along we Haven't seen that but here the stock Market looking pretty damn good right

Pretty pretty pretty good wouldn't you Say I would say and so what do you think Crypto is going to do well it's Currently following as one would expect And so if this persists and that's what Looks most probable to me personally um At this moment we're going to have a Hell of a 2024 buckle up folks but before going Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I'm not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy is Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now at the time I record This video xrp is at 62.5 cents Bitcoin At 42757 bucks uh now Bitcoin from what I've seen it actually did get closer to 43,4 to 500ish um livecoin watcher for Some reason is reporting a 24-hour high Of 44780 I don't know if the way they Collect data it shows that it did Wick Up that high or something um coin market Cap is not showing that they're showing Over $1,000 lower than that and similar Story for xrp for some reason they're Showing I've never seen this before that This level of disparity uh but they're Showing xrp at 70 cents I don't maybe

It's just the way they collect data I'm Not sure I haven't seen that anywhere Else if anybody has any information on That let me know I don't pretend to be a Know at all I'm not I don't know Everything I just wanted to acknowledge It since it's on your screen right there It says 24hour high7 cents for xrp the Highest I've seen is a little over 63 Cents so is what it is though just Thought I'd mentioned that again coin Market cap not showing that uh here's a Crypto here in greed index 72 out of 100 People feeling greedy AF my friends uh Here was perspective from mesh up who Writes for coin Telegraph and he's a Chart guy he wrote The Following Bitcoin Has failed to rebound sharply following The fall on December 11th suggesting Selling pressure on relief Rallies glass note data shows that Short-term holders entities holding Bitcoin for 155 days or less sit $1.93 Billion worth of bitcoin to exchanges on December 11th and $2.8 billion on December 12th the last time single day a Selling cross the $2 billion Mark was Way back in June 2022 this shows that speculators are in A hurry to dump their Holdings however Lower levels are attracting buyers Trading resource material indicator Suggested that institutional size bids Could be seen But added that it was

Unclear if it was accumulation or a Short-term trading opportunity with dips Being purchased and rallies being sold Coin Telegraph contributor Marcel pekam Analyzed derivatives data and said that Bitcoin remains on track to hit $50,000 despite the recent correction he Added that chances of cascading Liquidations were low as the correction Seems to have been primarily driven by The SP spot market and so there you go Folks this $50,000 level that seems like A high level of probability according to Most analysts that I follow just about All of them frankly at this particular Point in time uh then the question is to What degree we're going to see things Move up well given that the stock Market's playing ball and that is Abundantly clear you know we just had That speech this afternoon from Jerome P Talk about that in just a second here uh Everything's lining up and so for xrp Holders this is exactly what we want we Need like historically what should we Expect if if we want xrp a new alltime High well a couple things off the top of My head we need equities to play ball We're seeing that and we need Bitcoin to Hit a new alltime high it's positioned For that thanks to equities so even if Xrp legs behind as it historically has And I expect that's what's going to Happen though we'll see great everything

Is actually lining up right now this is Absolutely exactly what we want to see Uh here's the Watcher Guru account on Social media platform X they wrote this Afternoon just in Black Rock Says fed Chare Jerome pal speech is a green light For investors uh yes green light for Investors indeed and this is why xrp is So so perfectly positioned yes it's Great for Bitcoin in the entire asset Class but my God xrp has so much less Money in it when it rips my God the Multiplier effect this is where the Lifechanging wealth thing comes into Play so here's the headline from CNBC Dow rallies more than 500 points to Record uh closes above 37,000 for the First time F all time high for the today Alltime high for Dow Jones the Dow Jones Industrial Average Jumped to a record Wednesday as the Federal Reserve signaled it would cut Rates several times next year satisfying Investors who hoped the central bank Would finally start to acknowledge the Slowing trend of inflation with a less Aggressive monetary stance and then they Go into site the range and so the well It's staying put here at 5.25 to 5 and a Half percent and I don't really feel the Need to read the article I just wanted To make the broader Point here Uh but there's a quote here from Somebody named Gina bolvin a president

Of bolvin wealth management group uh who Saidthe fed has given the market an Early holiday gift today when finally For the first time they have commented Positively about inflation it appears That the FED is moving in the Market's Direction rather than the market moving Towards the fed the Santa Claus rally May continue end quote so couple things On that historically we do know what What happens when the FED does start cut Start cutting and so the Market's Expecting that and they're excited about It but should they be well couple things On this um there was this post from Attorney John Deon and he wrote Perfect Storm Bitcoin having Bitcoin spot ETFs fed stops raising rates while Signaling three Cuts in 2024 good Court Outcomes in Ripple grayscale cases Binance settlement electioneer equals Rate Cuts coupled with uh you know Printer go Burr and increased liquidity So he says printer go he's talking about Printing money obviously and so I agree With a ton of that there are a couple Things where I have question marks and I'm less confident but um he's he's Saying reasonable things and um let me Just point out a couple things where I Have a little question mark over my head Effectively um as far as the Bitcoin Having I'm not saying it literally has No impact but I don't think it's going

To M make at this point a material Difference because it's such like the New Bitcoin production it's such a small Percentage of uh of overall what happens Within the ecosystem and so you you Could cut it to zero and yeah you it'd Be true to argue that yes that's going To help bitcoin price go high if there Were no new Bitcoin right obviously but Almost all of it has already been Created so where's the actual growth Going to come from it's going to be from People that already hold Bitcoin selling It almost all of it so the Bitcoin Having I yes from a technical Perspective absolutely John deon's right All I'm saying is that the degree to Which it's going to be impactful I I Think it's overblown I'm not saying John Deon's overblowing it I'm saying that uh People in the world that crypto I think They substantially overblown that's just My opinion um and then as far as the Rate Cuts here uh well look happy to see Things moveing sideways you know Interest rates stay where they are Because data shows us that when rates Are cut that's an indication that things Are about to get real Rocky right and I've talked about that before and so if This time is different okay but there's Real data to show it's actually bad that Should be a scary sign now the good news Is even if it's even if it happens and

It is a scary sign like so say that History repeats it is a bad thing well It doesn't mean that we can't have a Blowoff top for crypto before That maybe the cycle really is moving Faster and and honestly at this point We'll see what happens but it looks like It at this point it hasn't been four Years and here we are we we it's been a Few years it hasn't been four years Right I mean technically it's been a Little over two years since the alltime High for Bitcoin Co so assuming that we See a new all-time high in 2024 that'll be 3 years plus or minus a Little bit depending on when it Happens so take a take a look at uh take A look at this from txmc this guy used To work for glass note onchain analytics For it's just fantastic where I want to Highlight this he wrote seen a few People claiming rate Cuts equals crash The causation is backwards historically They are cutting because things are Crashing the cut doesn't cause it same Way the yield curve un inverting doesn't Cause a recession or a crash It's Usually the FED cuts that in uninverted Folks this is what I was talking about Literally within the last few days he Posted this this morning uh it's it's Not the case that the cutting causes the Crash if if the FED does this Historically it's because they're like

Oh things ain't looking so hot so then They cut the rates trying to Spur Economic activity because money's Cheaper then right and so if you're a Business or an individual like oh well So I don't have to pay as much interest And I could afford it be a lower monthly Rate for whatever lo I take yeah okay And you spur economic activity that That's what we're talking about here but Again that's historically in response to Other metrics that look really really Bad and so he that's what he is saying Right here and I just wanted to Highlight that uh this is a guy that div Into the charts he he has the data to a Much greater degree than me but I just Wanted to share this to bring the point Home like what I'm saying is absolutely Factually correct and it's because of People like him in the blockchain backer That I'm aware of this and I just want To spread the message that is the Case so I'm concerned that when we see This it could be bad signs but it Doesn't mean it happens that second and Also we could see a blowoff top for Crypto before that and then we still get Ours so we'll see how things play out But I just wanted to bring that up That's pretty much it so just a quick Video here I just want to show you like There's so many reasons to be so excited For what's going on here but again

Bitcoin like everything's lining up Stock market looks great we need to see That continue Bitcoin hit a new all-time High if well it's probably going to Happen if uh if the if if equities keep Doing what they're doing and then xrp Follows and it's going to substantially Outperform Bitcoin because there's way Less money in it and it doesn't take Much money flowing in to get a Tremendous multiplier effect that's why It's a sweet spot in investing in crypto For me it's a crypto that yes it's a Large cab but it's been around for over A decade so I have greater confidence That it's you know technologically sound It's obviously not a rug pole it's it Has actual utility so if utility starts Mattering more quickly than I would have Guessed then I'm good there too even Even if there's a pullback in Market Markets uh so all of that but in 2023 Even large cats don't have that much Money in them that won't be true in a Decade but it is true now and we go and Get ours in terms of lifechanging wealth Absolutely this is an incredibly Exciting time so I hope you're enjoying This as much as me and I hope that you Guys aren't fearful out there because There's no reason to be as far as I can See I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a

Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo

XRP: "2024 IS GONNA BE LIT" Says Top Analyst (2024)


How high will XRP go 2024? ›

Price Predictions: Ripple's XRP price is forecasted to fluctuate between $0.55 and $0.7 in April 2024, with potential volatility during the Bitcoin halving event.

What is the prediction for XRP 2025? ›

XRP price prediction 2025

The XRP price prediction for 2025 is currently between $ 0.333661 on the lower end and $ 1.641347 on the high end. Compared to today's price, XRP could gain 210.33% by 2025 if XRP reaches the upper price target.

What is the XRP prediction after lawsuit? ›

The resolution of the ongoing litigation could, paradoxically, lead to a decline in XRP's price. “Once the excitement around the lawsuit fades, we could see a drop in interest for XRP. That could, in the medium term, negatively impact its price,” Drozdz explains.

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Let's unpack the bold predictions of Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and why he thinks the crypto market could reach a $5 trillion valuation in 2024. Up more than 50% in 2024 and an astounding 200% since the beginning of 2023, it's safe to say crypto is officially back.

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

Synopsis. Exploring the potential cryptocurrencies like Pikamoon, Dogecoin, Book of Meme, Rosewifhat, and Zilliqa as contenders to hit the $1 milestone. Key factors like utility, viral potential, and clear roadmaps suggest their potential amidst market sentiment and unique tokenomics.

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1. Dogeverse – A Multi-Chain Doge Token Expected to Boom in 2024. Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE) is a multi-chain doge-based token. With the ability to “hop” between different networks, eager investors can purchase $DOGEVERSE on six major blockchains, from Ethereum, BNB Chain, and Polygon to Solana, Avalanche, and Base.

How much will 1 XRP be worth in 2030? ›

But what do the experts say about XRP prices as far out as 2030? Trading Education, which is bullish on XRP's long-term future growth, likens the platform to a Visa competitor by the end of the decade. The site predicts that XRP could reach a high of $31.81 by the end of 2030.

What is the XRP prediction for 2040? ›

XRP's price prediction for 2040 based on the S&P 500 index's historical ROI. Based on the historical growth of the S&P 500, a $1,000 investment in XRP made in 2023 would grow to $6,660 by 2040. In other words, the price of XRP would increase by 560% from $0.381 to $2.514.

What will XRP crypto be worth in 2050? ›

XRP's price prediction for 2050 based on the S&P 500 index's historical ROI. If we again base our assumptions on S&P 500's historical ROI, a hypothetical $1,000 investment in XRP made in 2023 would grow to $22,718 by 2050. In other words, XRP's current price of $0.381 would increase by 2,171% to $8.65 in 2050.

How high can XRP realistically go? ›

Therefore, our XRP price prediction forecasts a price of $1.80 by the end of 2024. Depending on the lawsuit's outcome and crypto market conditions, it could go much higher, potentially reaching $3.10.

Will XRP skyrocket? ›

Having analyzed XRP prices, cryptocurrency experts expect that the XRP rate might reach a maximum of $$0.660 in October 2024. It might, however, drop to $$0.584. For October 2024, the forecasted average of XRP is nearly $$0.622.

Will XRP reach $500 by end of 2025? ›

The bottom line: XRP reaching $500 is borderline impossible

That seems a very unlikely possibility, to say the least. However, if Ripple succeeds in its IPO plans and the company wins the lawsuit against the SEC, the sky is the limit for XRP, especially in the long run, spanning to 2040 and 2050.

Where will XRP be in 2024? ›

In conclusion, the bullish XRP (XRP) price prediction for 2024 is $0.7381. Comparatively, if unfavorable sentiment is triggered, the bearish XRP (XRP) price prediction for 2024 is $0.4139. If the market momentum and investors' sentiment positively elevate, then XRP (XRP) might hit $2.

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These 5 DeFi platforms are primed to explode in 2024
  • Solana. 12,931.16 (2.63%) Buy.
  • Bitcoin. 55,28,640 (0.84%) Buy.
  • BNB. 50,126 (0.45%) Buy.
  • Tether. 83.32 (-0.17%) Buy.
  • Ethereum. 2,65,181 (-0.42%) Buy.
Mar 5, 2024

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Top 10 Cryptocurrency
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Bitcoin (BTC)$1.3 trillion$66,268
Ethereum (ETH)$385.74 billion$3,171
Tether (USDT)$108.78 billion$1.00
Binance Coin (BNB)$82.03 billion$607.93
7 more rows

What is the future price of XRP in 2026? ›

The experts in the field of cryptocurrency have analyzed the prices of XRP and their fluctuations during the previous years. It is assumed that in 2026, the minimum XRP price might drop to $$1.88, while its maximum can reach $$2.21. On average, the trading cost will be around $$1.94.

How much will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2025? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2024-2040
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
8 more rows

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