Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (2024)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (1)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (2)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (3)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (4)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (5)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (6)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (7)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (8)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (9)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (10)

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  1. Thermal expansion of railway tracks in summer
  2. Thermal expansion of metallic joints in a bridge
  3. The rise in the level of mercury in a thermometer
  4. The gaps left between the walls in buildings
  5. The design of the wings of a jet plane

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (11)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (12)

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Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (13)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (14)


Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (15)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (16)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (17)

Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (18)

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Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (21)

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Thermal Expansion


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Write down any two examples of thermal expansion in daily life. (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.