Wood vinegar - Pyroligneous acid (2024)

Wood vinegar effectively eliminates red mites in poultry

The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, is the most damaging parasite in poultry farms worldwide, causing 231 million euro of losses annually within Europe alone. Infestation rates are extremely high, averaging 83% in the EU, affecting flocks of all sizes and types, from backyard and organic farms, to large scale intensive cage or barn systems.1 In North America, the northern fowl mite is more prevalent but just as problematic.2 3

Red mites feed on the blood of chickens at night and hide during the day in cracks and crevices. The main difference with the northern fowl mite is it generally remains on the chicken. These mites rapidly reproduce, with typical infestation density between 25,000 to 500,000 mites per bird. They transmit a variety of diseases to poultry, including Salmonella enteritidis, Lyme disease, and avian flu. These all can be passed on to humans, pets and other livestock, either directly from mite bites or through poultry products. Infested hens produce significantly less eggs of lower quality, aggressively peck out their feathers, have elevated levels of stress hormones and suffer anemia and up to a 10 times higher mortality rate.1 4

For a variety of reasons, these mites are very difficult to get rid of. The red mites hide during the day in crevices, and generally feed only at night. Many pesticides used in the past have either been withdrawn from the market or banned for use in poultry production to protect human health. Those that are approved often cannot be sprayed on the birds themselves, and any chicken eggs produced after spraying must be destroyed. Mites have quickly mutated to become resistant to a variety of pesticides, and many survive treatment, either because they are hidden, the pesticide is ineffective against mite eggs, or because regulations forbid spraying the birds directly. The net result is that our poultry products are contaminated with pesticides, even those labelled as biological, and infestation rates and losses are increasing.1 5 6

Japanese research has shown that wood vinegar is an effective repellent and biocide against poultry mites. Effective dilution rates of 500 to 1 are absolutely safe to spray directly on the chickens themselves and within their cages or barns.7 Adult mites exposed to wood vinegar die within hours, and it also kills the larvae and eggs. Those hiding in crevices during application are repelled for at least 2 weeks, and any still surviving at that point show signs of wood vinegar infiltration, which will compromise their ability to reproduce.8

Wood vinegar kills mites and their eggs by infiltrating them and disrupting life processes because of its higher osmotic pressure. It is highly unlikely they will be able to mutate to avoid this effect.8 Hence the combination of its effectiveness, non-toxicity and permanence make it an excellent choice to combat poulty mites.

Wood vinegar cures cryptosporidiosis, a parasitic disease of the intestinal tract

Cryptosporidiosis, a parasitic disease of the intestinal tract, is widespread in cattle worldwide and is the main cause of intestinal inflammation and diarrhoea in calves, which can be fatal and spreads rapidly in a herd. Unfortunately, relatively few methods are available to eliminate these parasites. Standard treatment largely consists of isolation and rehydration, while prevention comes down to keeping bedding as clean as possible.

A study on a farm in the US followed 30 calves from birth. 29 of them (96.6%) were positive for cryptosporidium by 2 weeks of age. Many farms have high infection rates, and the cost and effort to intensively care for these calves is substantial.

Cryptosporidium parasites are easily transmitted to humans and other livestock through fecal and water contamination. Cryptosporidiosis is the second largest cause of infant diarrhoea and death in Africa and Asia. In developed countries, thousands of people exposed to livestock or contaminated water are infected annually. Hence, there are compelling reasons to control this parasite effectively.9 10

Research has shown that an ingested mix of activated charcoal and wood vinegar kills the cryptosporidium parasite in calves and cattle, curing the related diarrhoea in one day.11 Unlike pharmaceutical drugs commonly used to treat cryptosporidiosis, such as Halocur, wood vinegar can be administered to a dehydrated animal and it actually kills the parasite rather than just alleviating symptoms. Regular preventative treatment could simply and economically eliminate cryptosporidiosis from a farm.

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The article also delves into another application of wood vinegar as an ideal choice for combating poultry mites.

The article also delves into another application of woodd vinegar as an ideal choice for combating poultry mites.

The article also delves into another application of wood vinegarar as an ideal choice for combating poultry mites.

The article also delves into another application of wood vinegar in curing cryptospor poultry,al choice for combating poultry mites.

The article also delves into another application of wood vinegar in curing cryptosporidiosis vinegar combating poultry mites.

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Wood vinegar - Pyroligneous acid (2024)


What is the active ingredient in wood vinegar? ›

Wood vinegar is a brown or reddish-yellow liquid rich in acetic acid, acetone, phenols, and various other organic compounds with antimicrobial activity [14].

Is wood vinegar acidic or alkaline? ›

Wood vinegar is typically acidic in concentrated form with a pH between 2.5 to 3.0 and the substance contains many important components that all go towards promoting healthy growth in plants.

What are the disadvantages of wood vinegar? ›

Because wood vinegar is natural, it does not have any harm or disadvantages. However, this does not mean that you can use it in any amount. Excessive use of wood vinegar can lead to problems such as stunted plant growth and damage. Therefore, be sure to do the necessary research before using it.

Is wood vinegar safe for humans? ›

Unlike chemical pesticides, properly produced wood vinegar at recommended dosages is non-toxic to livestock, pets and people. It stimulates the growth of beneficial soil microbes, and does not cause environmental side effects.

Does wood vinegar draw out toxins? ›

Wood Vinegar is thought to have great venom-removal power. The application of Wood Vinegar to insect bits can help to draw those toxins out of your body. In general, Wood Vinegar can be of great help in soothing a large number of plant poisonings such as Poison Ivy.

Is wood vinegar the same as liquid smoke? ›

Liquid smoke is still referred to as wood vinegar, and is made and used indigenously in places including Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, and Southeast Asia.

Is wood vinegar good for your skin? ›

Cuts, scrapes, and open wounds benefit from a light application of organic wood vinegar. Its natural acidity helps to kill bacteria, reducing risk of infection. Cellulitis is associated with acute swellings of the skin's connective tissues, usually caused by bacterial infections.

What is the strongest acidic vinegar? ›

Out of commonly available vinegars for household use, distilled white vinegar is generally considered the most acidic. Here's why: FREE Preparation: Open Google, search for " Acids MCQTUBE " and visit mcqtube website for all the practice mock tests on Acids topic for free.

What is the difference between vinegar and wood vinegar? ›

In addition, the vinegar often contains 80-90% water along with some 200 organic compounds. Wood vinegar is a byproduct from charcoal production. It is a liquid generated from the gas and combustion of fresh wood burning in airless condition.

What are the health benefits of wood vinegar? ›

Reducing Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Indigestion: Wood Vinegar can help to reduce Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Indigestion, all of which are commonly experienced by millions of Americans every year. Removing Foul Odors: Foul Odors can be produced by many things, even some parts of your body.

Can wood vinegar be sprayed on plants? ›

Prevent and eradicate pests by mixing wood vinegar with water in recommended ratio and spray on and around leaves as well as on the stem every 7-15 days to drive away pests.

What is the effect of wood vinegar on soil? ›

After a simple rectification process, wood vinegar could be used in agriculture as plant growth promoter, soil conditioner, antibacterial agents and organic fertilizers [4]. Studies have shown that wood vinegar is beneficial to plant germination. Wang et al.

Is pyroligneous acid safe? ›

Health Hazard ​No adverse health effects expected if the product is handled in accordance with this SDS and product label. Contact to eyes and skin can cause irritation.

Can you soak your feet in wood vinegar? ›

Wood vinegar's active ingredient is pyroligneous acid. When it comes into contact with the skin, pyroligneous acid can cause irritation and burns. The vapors can also lead to dizziness. Some people may also have an allergic reaction in response to detox foot pads.

Is wood vinegar a fungicide? ›

According to the results, the wood vinegar was found to exhibit antifungal, antimold, and larvicidal properties and consequently, could be used effectively in wood protection.

What is the raw material of wood vinegar? ›

Wood vinegar (WV) or Pyroligneous acid (PA) is an acidic reddish-brown aqueous liquid. It is obtained by clarifying the liquid product of the carbonization process of woods or wood residues from wood processing industry, tree branches, bamboo, crop straw, fruit shell and other biomaterials (Wei et al., 2010).

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.