Women and Money: An Evolved Approach (2024)

Oct 17, 2022

Women at all age levels are redefining how they think about their financial journey. This includes career paths, planning for flexibility, taking charge of family finances, or being successful on their terms.

There are some generational differences among Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, and Boomer women—but not as much as you’d think. And two main differences that set them apart from men hold across generations:

1. Women are better investors than men1
2. Women are more likely to approach financial planning as a partnership with a trusted advisor2
3. Women value a financial advisor that listens to them more than men do3

Women tend to outperform men partly because they are more patient investors and trade less. This results in better performance over time and lowers costs.

As to the second result, the easy reach is to point out the men are reluctant to ask for directions when driving too. But it’s a little more complicated than that, and the reasons why women seek financial advice change as they move through their lifecycle.

How they want to partner with a financial advisor is also different. Women want to be sure that the advisor listens to them and understands and respects their priorities.

Gen Z and Younger Millennials

Younger women (Gen Z and younger Millennials) are generally comfortable and confident about money and financial planning. They’ve grown up with more salary transparency, the proliferation of money-related apps to help with budgeting and investing, and the optimism of youth. They are interested in financial planning that fits their busy lives. They make good salaries, still have debt, are single or newly partnered, and want to get a good foundation in place.

They gravitate to financial planners that offer the planning they need in a way that they can relate to. This includes cash-flow planning, debt reduction strategies, maximizing employee benefits, and above all – helping them improve their financial literacy.

This generation of women understands the value of starting early on the path to financial independence and wants financial planning advice that can help them build a solid foundation.

Older Millennials and Gen X

As women approach the mid-point of their careers, money becomes more complex. Careers are in full swing, and growing wealth brings to the fore the costs of making a mistake.

These women may not have worked with a financial advisor before. Whether single or partnered, they realize that all the different pieces of their financial lives need to come together in a comprehensive plan.

For them, it’s about creating the option to stop work, scale back work, start a business of their own, or do more meaningful work that may not be as highly paid – while maintaining a current lifestyle and still save for financial goals in the future.

They realize the value of working with a financial advisor that can help them put together all the pieces of their lives:

  • Equity compensation
  • What to do with an annual bonus
  • Tax planning
  • Saving for education
  • Taking the right amount of investment risk
  • Buying a second home or income property
  • Creating opportunity with their wealth

These women want a trusted partner that explains the “why” to them, and guides them to make choices that are right for them. As things change, they value being able to make changes to a plan to accommodate new goals or different circ*mstances.

Older Gen and X-Boomers

These women are driving the decision to work with a financial advisor for themselves and their families. Very often, something has sparked the need to partner with a financial advisor to solve an immediate problem.

  • A change of job
  • A spouse’s health issue
  • Aging parents
  • Imminent retirement
  • Death of a spouse
  • Tax issues

Having a trusted partner to help them sort through the issue calmly in a non-judgmental way is paramount. They want someone to help them fix problems, provide solutions, and ensure that no other avoidable situations are on the horizon.

They may realize that a spouse has always done the financial planning and that it may be time for them to understand the specifics of their wealth. They may want to plan for a retirement that allows them the time they have always wanted with their family.

This group has the most anxiety around money and the least excitement.4They need to develop trust and have an investment plan that helps them achieve their goals – without taking on too much risk.

Women and Money: An Evolved Approach (2)

The Bottom Line

Women are taking control of their and their families’ wealth at all points on the age spectrum. They value working with a financial advisor, but they are clear in their need to have someone who listens, prioritizes their goals, is a trusted partner, and truly understands how they want to build and maintain wealth.

1.Fidelity 2021 Women and Investing Study.
2, 3, 4. U.S. Bank. Women and Wealth: Exploring the Gender Gap. 2021.

The information contained herein is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is not exhaustive. Diversification and/or any strategy that may be discussed does not guarantee against investment losses but are intended to help manage risk and return. If applicable, historical discussions and/or opinions are not predictive of future events. The content is presented in good faith and has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable. The content is not intended to be legal, tax or financial advice. Please consult a legal, tax or financial professional for information specific to your individual situation.

This content not reviewed by FINRA

Women and Money: An Evolved Approach (2024)


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Complicating matters, the career breaks many women take to care for family give them fewer years to fund a retirement plan. Career interruptions also can cause women to lose out on potential raises and reduce how much they'll collect from Social Security.

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Those who are financially literate are able to use their knowledge and skills to effectively manage their money when it comes to budgeting, investing, and saving for emergencies, retirement and other goals.

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Financial literacy for women is an important aspect of their independence, financial and otherwise. Being financially illiterate can lead to a number of problems. You could be more likely to accumulate debt burdens, have poor spending habits, or lack long-term preparation.

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A TIAA Institute study published by CNBC found men contributed a median $8,271 to their workplace retirement plan in 2020, compared with $5,994 for women. The research also showed that Social Security income is lower for women, whose monthly benefit averaged $1,437 in 2020, compared with $1,824 for men.

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According to the 2022 SHED data, women (79 percent) were less likely than men (84 percent) to report being able to able to pay all their bills on time and in full. One of the reasons for this is that women are more likely to have volatile incomes.

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More women say they have the primary responsibility for managing finances and making financial decisions for their household. Nearly half of all women (49%) consider themselves to be the chief financial officer of their household. This is up from 41% in 2021.

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The gender pay gap – the difference between the earnings of men and women – has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men.

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Because women both live longer and are more likely to have time out of the workforce caring for others, they need to pay close attention to long-term financial plans.

Why is financial planning more important for women? ›

For women, our financial needs are unique: We live longer but earn less, so consider side gigs, saving, and wise investing. Some defer financial decisions, making you vulnerable if your spouse passes. Women save less for retirement due to care giving responsibilities.

Why is there a gender gap in financial literacy? ›

Another potential reason relates to the measurement of financial literacy. Since finance is considered a male field (Boggio et al., 2014[13]), women might answer financial literacy questions by saying they do not know or skip those questions, even if they have some financial knowledge.

Why is financial literacy so important? ›

A strong foundation of financial literacy can help support various life goals, such as saving for education or retirement, using debt responsibly, and running a business. Key aspects of financial literacy include knowing how to create a budget, plan for retirement, manage debt, and track personal spending.

Why do women have less access to finance? ›

Barriers to accessing finance are generally associated with gender differences in income, legal rights, and lack of access to legal identification, credit histories, collateral, and technology.

What are the financial issues with women? ›

When it comes to financial planning, the stakes are high for women. We earn less on average than men do, and we are more likely to take breaks to care for our families—both of which can leave us with smaller retirement plan balances. Yet given women's longer life expectancies, we need to stretch our savings further.

What are the financial issues women face? ›

Women often face unique financial challenges when it comes to building wealth in the short and long term. These include the gender pay gap, having less money in short- and long-term savings, taking time off work for caregiving and having a longer life expectancy.

What are the gender differences in financial? ›

In many countries women have lower financial knowledge and lower self-confidence in their financial skills than men. The limited scope of observable socio-economic characteristics in explaining gender differences in financial literacy suggests that social norms are likely to play a role.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.