Will your old case fit your new 16-inch MacBook Pro? (2024)

Will your old case fit your new 16-inch MacBook Pro? (1)

Will your old case fit your new 16-inch MacBook Pro?

Best answer: If you have something like a hardshell case or a carrying sleeve for your MacBook Pro, chances are the new 16-inch MacBook Pro won't fit in it. But it will probably still fit in most laptop bags, backpacks, and carry-on luggage.Slip it in a sleeve: Apple Leather Sleeve ($199 at Apple)Get the MacBook: Apple 16-inch MacBook Pro (From $2,399 at Apple)

The 16-inch MacBook Pro won't fit in your existing hardshell case

If you're thinking of upgrading to the new 16-inch MacBook Pro from a 15-inch model, and you have some kind of hardshell case or other protection that fits snugly against the body of the MacBook, you should know that your case won't fit the 16-inch MacBook Pro. The new computer is a bit larger all around than previous models, and so you'll need to wait if you want this sort of protection for your MacBook Pro.

This also applies to many notebook sleeves, including Apple's own leather sleeve. Because many such items are built not to be much bigger than the computers they're meant to hold, a lot of sleeves, especially those made of leather, also won't fit.

The 16-inch MacBook Pro should be just fine in bags, backpacks and other larger carriers

If you use a bag, briefcase, backpack, or another carrier to haul your laptop around with you, then you're probably fine. If your bag has a section for a laptop in it, you might need to find a new place to carry your MacBook in the bag. That depends on whether the compartment is made for a specific size computer.

More often than not, bags will have a laptop sleeve meant for laptops "up to 15 inches," and not sized for a specific model. The good news with the 16-inch MacBook Pro is that, though it's technically larger than the 15-inch computer, it's still smaller than many other laptops with similar screen sizes. That means it's likely to fit in bag and backpack compartments meant for 15-inch computers.

Apple currently makes the best sleeve for the new MacBook Pro

Because of the way Apple has announced the 16-inch MacBook Pro, you might have to wait a bit before some of the more form-fitting cases arrive on shelves. But if you're in the market for something like a laptop sleeve, Apple has you covered.

As they have for a few years now, Apple is offering a leather sleeve for the latest MacBook Pro. It comes in three colors, Midnight Blue, Saddle Brown, and Black. It's also very pricey. But it's slick, and importantly, the only real option for such a product that you have at this time.

Will your old case fit your new 16-inch MacBook Pro? (2)Slip it in a sleeve

Apple Leather Sleeve

Keep your MacBook Pro safe in the handsome sleeve.

This sleeve comes in three colors and will keep your new MacBook Pro safe stylishly. The soft microfiber interior lining keeps the casing on your computer from getting scratched.

Will your old case fit your new 16-inch MacBook Pro? (3)Get the MacBook

Apple 16-inch MacBook Pro

Apple's best MacBook Pro in years.

The new MacBook Pro features a bigger display, better graphics, and more capacity for both RAM and storage. It also has a new and improved keyboard that's more responsive and, hopefully, reliable.

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Joseph Keller is the former Editor in Chief of iMore. An Apple user for almost 20 years, he spends his time learning the ins and outs of iOS and macOS, always finding ways of getting the most out of his iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.

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Will your old case fit your new 16-inch MacBook Pro? (2024)
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