Will the California Housing Market Crash in 2023 or 2024 | Andrew77 | NewsBreak Original (2024)

What's in store for the California Housing Market

With the accelerated rise in housing prices in California, many people are wondering if a crash is looming in the future

In this article, we will take a look at the current state of the housing market in California and explore what might be needed for a crash to occur.

We'll investigate what kind of conditions were present during the last housing crash in California, discuss the potential for a new housing crash being triggered by changes in interest rates or inventory levels, and give you an insight into what a housing market crash could mean for you.

Finally, we'll provide some ideas on how to protect yourself should a housing market crash become more likely.

Quick answer:

Chances are there won't be a housing crash this year due to the low inventory and employment rate in the Golden State.

Current state of the California market today

If you've been keeping an eye on the housing market in California, you already know that it's been a wild ride. Property values are higher than they've ever been, with median home prices surpassing $689,000 in 2021—a record high even before the start of 2023.

According to the California Association of Realtors:

  • Median sold price of existing homes in Jan 22 was $766,250
  • Median sold price in Jan 23 was 751,330
  • Year over year that is not even a 2% decline

Will the California Housing Market Crash in 2023 or 2024 | Andrew77 | NewsBreak Original (1)

Photo byCAR.og

Despite this impressive growth, however, there have been signs of strain in the market. Over the past two years, California has not seen the same levels of housing inventory as pre-pandemic levels, with new listings continuing to sit below normal into 2023.

This is one reason why prices have increased.

This limited supply has caused a number of bidding wars for desirable homes in certain areas and has put pressure on home prices ever since.

What does this all mean?

Even though there have been signs of strain in the market—and even though we still don't know how the pandemic will continue to impact it—for now, it looks like the California housing market is stable overall and unlikely to experience a crash in 2023.

Review of the last crash in the golden state

The last housing crash in California happened back in 2008-2009, and it brought chaotic changes to the market. You may remember how many people's homes plummeted in value overnight, or how drastically the market shifted when lenders stopped giving out mortgages?

To get a better understanding of what happened—and what to look for if we're heading into a similar situation—it's helpful to take a look at the real estate trends from 2008-2009.

For starters, interest rates were at their peak [at the time], hovering above 5%. There was also an abundant number of homes available on the market and people began defaulting on mortgages more frequently.

The combination of these two factors created a domino effect that resulted in significantly crashing home values across the state.

Lets look at some real data from the Great Recession.

Median Prices homes sold in California by year

  • March, 2007 - $582,930
  • October, 2008 - $307,210
  • February, 2009 - $245,230
  • February 2010 - $278,190
  • April 2018 - $584,460

Housing prices fell swiftly, and then took a decade to recover.

Despite this being fairly recent history, it's important to understand the underlying causes of a housing crash. Knowing what to expect for changes in interest rates and inventory levels can help give you an idea of what might happen if another crash were to occur in California.

What does a housing market decline look like

When considering the possibility of a housing market crash in California in 2023, it's important to understand what one looks like.

A housing market crash is characterized by a rapid decline in home values and an increase in foreclosure activity.

In some cases, prices can fall by as much as 20-50%. This usually happens when interest rates rise, which leads to fewer people being able to afford purchasing a house.

Prices may also drop if there is an oversupply of inventory and not enough people are buying houses.

  • Prices in California fell 42% from their peak in 2007 to the bottom in 2009.

Housing market crashes can occur when multiple factors come together and create an unsustainable situation.

Low interest rates, low inventory, low unemployment, and high wages fuel rising home prices - but if any of these factors change too quickly it can cause prices to fall.

When interest rates rise too quickly, for example, then mortgages become more expensive and fewer people can qualify for them [isn't this what is happening right now] - leading to fewer buyers in the market.

The last time California experienced a housing crash was during the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008.

This crash saw house prices fall significantly due to mortgages being given out that were too risky for the borrower; eventually these mortgages became unaffordable and resulted in widespread foreclosures across California.

It's important to know all these factors that play into housing market crashes so you can better prepare for the possibility of one happening in California in 2023.

Will the California Housing Market Crash in 2023 or 2024 | Andrew77 | NewsBreak Original (2)

Photo byCAR.org

Factors that usually trigger a crash

We’ll get to the prediction about whether the California housing market is going to crash in 2023, but let’s talk about why housing markets crash. Generally speaking, a housing market crash occurs when there is an oversupply of houses in the market, the price of homes are declining, or interest rates are rising.

  1. Oversupply of Houses: This means there is too much inventory available to buy, but not enough buyers available to purchase it. This can drive home prices down and lead to a housing market crash. Currently California [Dec 22] has 2.7 months of unsold inventory.
  2. Declining Home Prices: Typically, when home prices fall faster than expected or suddenly drop, then people become wary of buying homes and opt to rent instead. This causes another factor that could lead to a housing market crash—lack of demand for homes.
  3. Interest Rates Increase: When interest rates increase, it makes it more expensive for people to buy homes. When people have difficulty affording homes due to higher interest rates, then this could contribute to a decrease in demand for home purchases and cause a housing market crash in California (or anywhere else). Current interest rate in Dec 2022 was 6.36% up from the low 3's in 2021.

The last time California saw a housing market crash was during the Great Recession in 2008-2009, where home prices dropped significantly and created economic chaos for many years after that. It’s up for debate as to whether California will experience another dramatic decline soon—but understanding what factors could lead up to one is important in preparing yourself (and your wallet) for such an event.

Will the California Housing Market Crash in 2023 or 2024 | Andrew77 | NewsBreak Original (3)

Photo byCAR.org

California real estate statistics from 2022

As you ponder the potential of a housing market crash in California in 2023, it's important to understand the climate of the current market. In 2022, the average home price in California was around $704,000 according to the California Association of Realtors. This was an 8% increase over 2021 and marked the fourth consecutive year of double-digit home price increases.

That being said, there are a few other factors to consider when looking at whether or not this trend will continue. Here's an overview:

  • Interest Rates: Interest rates have soared since 2022.
  • Housing Inventory: Housing inventory continues to be low across California as many buyers still out-number sellers and bidding wars remain commonplace.
  • Affordability Index: The affordability index continues to decline as home prices remain high and wage growth does not keep pace with the rate of inflation.

It's impossible to say for sure whether or not this trend will continue into 2023 but understanding these statistics is key to making a more informed decision about the current market and where it might be headed next.

What are experts and data saying about a crash in 2023

It doesn't look like a housing market crash is anticipated in 2023 in California. So far, market conditions for real estate in the state are good.

According to the California Association of Realtors (CAR), home sales have declined 45.7% year to date in January. However, its not at an alarming rate.

The economic forecast for also looks good, with CAR predicting an increase of 6 percent in median home prices over the next year. This is backed up by the unemployment rate continuing to drop, which is a sign that housing demand will remain strong going into 2023.

The last time California experienced a housing market crash was during the 2006-2008 recession. At that time, there had been an overinflation in house prices and too many unsound mortgages put into place by lenders.

As a result, the economy crashed and real estate values plummeted across the country, including California. This isn't the case today!

In order for a housing market crash to occur again in California, certain key factors need to be present: waning consumer confidence, overly optimistic sellers pricing their homes too high, potential buyers being unable to get credit (due to issues with income or credit scores).

In addition, there needs to be an increase in interest rates and/or an uptick in inventory — both of which are not currently seen happening anytime soon in the Golden State.

What can we take-away from what we know

It’s hard to tell what’s going to happen to California’s housing market in 2023. The market is currently in a strong position with low inventory, high demand, and high interest rates. There’s still a lot of uncertainty in the market, however, and no one can predict what will happen with interest rates or an influx of buyers.

What we can say for sure is that the conditions for an impending housing crash in California – high inventory, low demand, and rising interest rates – are not present.

That said, it’s always important to be mindful of the conditions in the market and to be thoughtful in any housing decisions you may make. With this in mind, keep a close eye on the housing market and make sure you do your due diligence before jumping in.

Will the California Housing Market Crash in 2023 or 2024 | Andrew77 | NewsBreak Original (2024)


Will the California Housing Market Crash in 2023 or 2024 | Andrew77 | NewsBreak Original? ›

It doesn't look like a housing market crash is anticipated in 2023 in California. So far, market conditions for real estate in the state are good. According to the California Association of Realtors (CAR), home sales have declined 45.7% year to date in January. However, its not at an alarming rate.

Will house prices go down in 2023 California? ›

Although home prices are expected to improve in the second half of the year, the California median home price is projected to decrease by 5.6 percent to $776,600 in 2023, down from the median price of $822,300 recorded in 2022.

Will the California housing market crash in 2023 or 2024? ›

Despite the fact that there are some troubling trends in the housing market, we're likely not going to see a crash in 2023 or 2024. While house prices are likely to drop, demand for housing caused by America's ongoing housing shortage is likely to keep prices relatively stable.

Will the housing market get worse in 2023? ›

In 2023, the national annual median price for homes for sale is projected to rise by another 5.4%, which is less than half the pace seen in 2022. Even if a homeowner decides to sell their home, they will likely have a lot of equity in it.

Is the US headed for a housing crisis in 2023? ›

Price Forecast

It predicts a month-over-month increase of 0.8% from March 2023 to April 2023 and a year-over-year increase of 4.6% from March 2023 to March 2024. These forecasts indicate a positive outlook for the housing market, projecting further growth in the coming months.

Will 2023 be a good year to buy a house in California? ›

They expect home prices to improve in Q3 & Q4 this year, over in 2023 they expect the medium home will delince 5.6% compared to 2022, to $776,600 in 2023 ($822,300 in 2022).

Is now a good time to buy a house California? ›

Is it a good time to buy a house in the current California market? It's always a good time to buy a house in California, according to the Oldhams. California homes have steadily appreciated over time. Historical data shows the average rate of appreciation in California came in at 6.77% annually over a 39-year period.

Is 2024 a good year to buy a house? ›

With mortgage rates declining faster than expected, home prices are likely to remain mostly flat throughout 2024. This will be good news for buyers who have been waiting on the sidelines for a good time to enter the market.

Will California home prices ever go down? ›

Home prices are likely to continue falling.

Prices are expected to fall nationally by 5% with the bulk of the price falls to happen in expensive areas, affecting California greatly. “We're estimating about a 5% drop nationally,” says Rick Sharga, executive vice president of market intelligence at ATTOM Data.

Will 2023 be a good time to buy a house? ›

Homebuyer.com data analysis indicates that, for first-time home buyers, June 2023 is a good time to buy a house relative to later in the year. This article provides an unbiased look at current mortgage rates, housing market conditions, and market sentiment.

Will house prices go down in 2024 usa? ›

BENGALURU, May 31 (Reuters) - U.S. home prices will decline less than previously expected this year before stagnating in 2024, despite widespread expectations interest rates will remain higher for longer, according to property analysts polled by Reuters.

Is real estate a good investment in 2023? ›

Despite what some may think, 2023 is still a good year to invest in real estate, thanks to advantages like long-term appreciation, steady rental income, and the opportunity to hedge against inflation. Mortgage rates are expected to decline, but the housing market is likely to remain competitive due to low supply.

What happens when the housing market crashes? ›

Homeowners owe more on their mortgages than their homes were worth and can no longer just flip their way out of their homes if they cannot make the new, higher payments. Instead, they will lose their homes to foreclosure and often file for bankruptcy in the process.

What are the real estate challenges in 2023? ›

Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate 2022-2023
  • Inflation and Interest Rates.
  • Geopolitical Risk.
  • Hybrid Work.
  • Supply Chain Disruption.
  • Energy.
  • Labor Shortage Strain.
  • The Great Housing Imbalance.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty.

What are economists predicting for the US housing market in 2023? ›

Continued inflation, overall higher interest rates, a potential recession and geopolitical tensions will force 30-year and 15-year mortgage rates up throughout 2023, and will bring the two rates closer together as short-term risks rise,” says Dennis Shirshikov of real estate website Awning.com.

What economists are predicting for the US housing market in 2023? ›

Fannie Mae: Economists at the firm predict that U.S. home prices, as measured by the Fannie Mae HPI, will fall 1.2% in 2023 and another 2.2% dip in 2024. That's a big upgrade from March, when Fannie Mae predicted national home prices would fall 4.2% in 2023 and another 2.3% dip in 2024.

What time of year are house prices lowest? ›

Winter is usually the cheapest time of year to purchase a home. Sellers are often motivated, which automatically translates into an advantage to you. Most people suspend their listings from around Thanksgiving to the New Year because they assume buyers are scarce.

What is the best date to close on a house? ›

If you need to be occupying your home by a certain date to save on rent, it's a much better deal to close at the end of the previous month (for example, January 30) instead of the beginning of the current month (February 1).

Why California is so expensive? ›

California is so expensive because of its strong economy, high-income tax rates, and limited housing supply which make it difficult for residents to save money. Moreover, the prices of basic necessities such as food, gasoline, and transportation are comparatively steep in California as compared to most other US states.

What month is the cheapest to buy a house in California? ›

In general, home prices go lower during the late fall and winter, when most people are focusing on holidays and less people are home-shopping. During late fall and winter, some sellers who were holding out for more money may be willing to negotiate a lower price.

Is it better to buy a home when the market crashes? ›

During a traditional recession, the Fed will usually lower interest rates. This creates an incentive for people to spend money and stimulate the economy. It also typically leads to more affordable mortgage rates, which leads to more opportunity for homebuyers.

Is it smart to buy property in California? ›

California's Real Estate Market Today

As of mid-2022, California's real estate market is one of the strongest and most dynamic in the country. That alone should answer the question of is California real estate a good investment, but it's important to note that it's also a sweeping generalization.

How high will mortgage rates go in 2024? ›

Mortgage Interest Rate predictions for September 2024. Maximum interest rate 5.76%, minimum 5.42%. The average for the month 5.61%. The 30-Year Mortgage Rate forecast at the end of the month 5.59%.

How much will my house be worth in 2030? ›

The state where house prices are predicted to be the highest by 2030 is California, where the average home could top $1 million if prices continue to grow at their current rate. Other states expected to see their average house price rise above the $750k mark include Hawaii, Washington and Colorado.

What age should I buy a house? ›

Key Takeaways. The best age to buy is when you can comfortably afford the payments, tackle any unexpected repairs, and live in the home long enough to cover the costs of buying and selling a home. Legally, you must be at least 18 in most states to buy a home.

Are California homes overpriced? ›

Housing in California is expensive due to high demand and low supply. With strong demand from millennials and retirees drawn to California's warm climate, the limited supply of housing has driven up property values.

Is the California real estate market slowing down? ›

California Housing Market Overview

In April 2023, home prices in California were down 9.01% compared to last year, selling for a median price. On average, the number of homes sold was down 38.6% year over year and there were 21,415 homes sold in April this year, down 34,898 homes sold in April last year.

What is the cost of living in California 2023? ›

The average cost of living in California in 2023 is $47,801 per year. Types of Language Spoken at Home in California, 55.5% speak english, 28.8% speak Spanish, 4.6% speak other European languages, 10.1% speak Asian languages.

Will mortgage interest rates go down in 2023? ›

“[W]ith the rate of inflation decelerating rates should gently decline over the course of 2023.” Fannie Mae. 30-year fixed rate mortgage will average 6.4% for Q2 2023, according to the May Housing Forecast. National Association of Realtors (NAR).

How high will interest rates go in 2023? ›

Since the start of 2022, the Fed has hiked rates 10 times to combat rising inflation. As of May 2023, the federal funds rate ranges from 5.00% to 5.25%. If this prediction is correct, it won't be surprising to see some of the best high-yield savings accounts offering rates exceeding 4%.

Will the interest rates go down in 2023? ›

1) Interest-rate forecast.

We project a year-end 2023 federal-funds rate of 4.75%, falling below 2.00% by mid-2025. That will help drive the 10-year Treasury yield down to 2.25% in 2025 from an average of 3.5% in 2023. We expect the 30-year mortgage rate to fall from an average 6.25% in 2025 to 4% in 2025.

Will mortgage rates go down to 3 percent? ›

Returning to mortgage rates of 3% or 4% is not going to happen, in my view,” says Yun, who points out that historically rates have been higher. The low rates of 2020 and 2021 were “unique” and those that got them were “lucky,” he says.

What is Goldman Sachs housing forecast for 2023? ›

The housing market in four major US cities could experience a drop of up to 25% in 2023, according to a recent prediction by Goldman Sachs – similar to what we saw in 2008. Goldman Sachs expects the housing market to drop up to 25% in these four major US cities: San Jose, California. Austin, Texas.

What causes a housing market crash? ›

“Typically, a housing market crash happens when a housing market bubble bursts,” Lippi explained. “A housing bubble occurs when the demand grows as more buyers continue to enter the market. This causes a shortage in supply, driving prices up. However, this phenomenon doesn't last.

How to make money in real estate in 2023? ›

  1. House Flipping. Fix and flips are one of the most popular methods of making money in the real estate market. ...
  2. Rental Properties. Another way to invest in real estate is to buy property directly. ...
  3. House Hacking. ...
  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  5. Online Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms.
Jan 11, 2023

How do you know if a house is a good investment? ›

Appreciation is an important fact to consider when you're trying to determine whether a home is an investment. If the appreciation rate is high enough, then the added value you'll earn from the home will make the investment worth it within a certain period of time.

What is the cap rate for real estate in 2023? ›

In Q1 2023, the average going-in cap rate, which is based on the first year of net operating income at the property purchase price, increased 23 basis points to 4.72%, “marking the first significant quarterly deceleration in cap rate expansion since the Fed began its latest round of rate hikes,” according to CBRE.

What happens to my mortgage if the economy collapses? ›

Recessions and housing market crashes may cause your house's value to decrease. However, your set mortgage rates won't lower, meaning your monthly payments will be higher than your home's worth. While many may dip into their savings to help pay the steep bills, others may need outside assistance.

Will housing prices drop after recession? ›

However, believe it or not, home prices usually tend to drop in a recession. But they don't always decline in every downturn. Home prices dropped four out of five times in the last five recessions. They usually fall at an average of 5% each year the economy remains in a recession.

Would housing prices crash in a recession? ›

Home prices generally fall during recessions, with home values slipping in four out of the five major recessions between 1980 and 2008.

Why buying real estate in 2023 is smart? ›

2023 is a balanced year for housing supply and demand. This is ideal for retail purchasers and rental property investors. No longer a “seller's” market. Rising interest rates raise the monthly mortgage payment, which reduces homebuyers and lowers property values.

What is the biggest challenge in real estate? ›

19 Problems of being in a real estate industry [With solutions]
  • Not having enough listings.
  • Lead cost is high as compared to the conversion ratio.
  • Not having an established sales process.
  • Not knowing where the deal is in the sales process.
  • Failing to leverage technology.
  • Failing to leverage on referrals.

What is the housing market forecast for DFW in 2023? ›

By December 2023, the median price is forecast to be $351,000, a 4% decline from $365,000 year-over-year.

Will the economy boom in 2023? ›

The baseline forecast is for growth to fall from 3.4 percent in 2022 to 2.8 percent in 2023, before settling at 3.0 percent in 2024. Advanced economies are expected to see an especially pronounced growth slowdown, from 2.7 percent in 2022 to 1.3 percent in 2023.

What is the latest economic forecast for 2023? ›

Overall, investment growth is projected to decelerate markedly from 4% in 2022 to 0.9% in 2023. Gradual normalisation of economic activity is expected to reinvigorate companies' investment decisions, pushing overall investment growth up by 2.1% in 2024.

What will economic predictions be in 2023? ›

Global GDP growth in 2023 is projected to be 2.7%, the lowest annual rate since the global financial crisis, with the exception of the 2020 pandemic period. A modest improvement to 2.9% is foreseen for 2024.

Will home prices drop in 2023 California? ›

They see existing single-family home sales to fall 18.2% to 279,900 units this year vas 342,000 homes sold in 2022. They expect home prices to improve in Q3 & Q4 this year, over in 2023 they expect the medium home will delince 5.6% compared to 2022, to $776,600 in 2023 ($822,300 in 2022).

Will the US housing market decline to worsen in 2023? ›

Experts are predicting another 10% to 15% drop by the second or third quarter of 2023, according to multiple sources. Several other factors point to a further home price correction.

Will there be a housing crisis in 2023? ›

It's also worth noting that while foreclosure rates are up year-over-year, experts do not expect to see a wave of foreclosures in 2023, even where home values are depreciating, as many homeowners have substantial equity due to progressive home price appreciation in recent years.

Are home prices going down in California? ›

Starting in June 2020, the median price of an existing single-family home shot up from $626,170 to a peak of $900,170 in May 2022, according to data compiled by the California Association of Realtors. That's an increase of 44% in less than two years.

Why is California housing so expensive? ›

Housing in California is expensive due to high demand and low supply. With strong demand from millennials and retirees drawn to California's warm climate, the limited supply of housing has driven up property values.

Do housing prices go down in a recession? ›

Will house prices go down in a recession? While the cost of financing a home typically increases when interest rates are on the rise, home prices themselves may actually decline. “Usually, during a recession or periods of higher interest rates, demand slows and values of homes come down,” says Miller.

What is a good annual income in California? ›

So what is a good annual salary for a single person in California? Using living wage data, you could assume that $45,385 in annual pay would be a good salary for a single person with no children. On the other hand, a single adult raising three kids would need to make $153,878 yearly.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in California? ›

The data used in the study analyzed the cost of living in each city as of 2022. For California cities like Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego, a single person must make more than $76,000 to “live comfortably,” the data shows.

What is the most expensive place to live 2023? ›

Soaring inflation and rising accommodation costs were cited as reasons for New York topping ECA International's Cost of Living Rankings for 2023, while Geneva and London remained in third and fourth places.

Why are people leaving California? ›

Increasingly high costs of living, housing, and transportation coupled with an increase in crime, pollution, and congestion has caused many people to relocate to more affordable cities and states. Businesses have also been on the move out of California.

Are people moving out of California? ›

California continued to lose residents in 2022, but the state's population decline is slowing as immigration ramps up again following the COVID-19 pandemic. The state is currently home to about 38.9 million people, down more than 138,400 year-over-year, according to the California Department of Finance.

Is California the most expensive state to live in? ›

Most Expensive States in the US
#StateCost of Living Index
2District of Columbia152.2
47 more rows

Is it better to buy a house at the end of the year? ›

Buying A House In The Fall

Once summer ends, sellers get more motivated. They usually lower their prices and provide an opportunity to get a deal. As is the case with winter, there's also less inventory during the fall. Many sellers want to avoid moving during the holiday season.

What not to do after closing on a house? ›

7 things not to do after closing on a house
  1. Don't do anything to compromise your credit score.
  2. Don't change jobs.
  3. Don't charge any big purchases.
  4. Don't forget to change the locks.
  5. Don't get carried away with renovations.
  6. Don't forget to tie up loose ends.
  7. Don't refinance (at least right away)
Aug 12, 2022

Why is it cheaper to close at the end of the month? ›

Lower closing costs: Closing later in the month will reduce your closing costs because your upfront interest and taxes will be calculated from the date of closing to the last day of the month, leaving a shorter amount of time for interest and taxes to accrue.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.