Will I Be Able to Live Off The Interest of My $1 Million Portfolio? (2024)



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  • ',panelErrorTemplate='




  • Will I Be Able to Live Off The Interest of My $1 Million Portfolio? (7)


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SpeechGrammarList = win.SpeechGrammarList || win.webkitSpeechGrammarList;\n var speechGrammar = '#JSGF V1.0;';\n self.recognition = new SpeechRecognition();\n var speechRecognitionList = new SpeechGrammarList();\n\n if (speechRecognitionList.addFromString) {\n speechRecognitionList.addFromString(speechGrammar, 1);\n }\n\n self.recognition.grammars = speechRecognitionList;\n self.recognition.continuous = false;\n self.recognition.lang = self.config.speechLang;\n self.recognition.interimResults = false;\n self.recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;\n /* Listeners */\n\n if (self.voiceButton) {\n self.voiceButton.onclick = function () {\n self.recognition.start();\n\n if (self.permissionGuideTimer) {\n win.clearTimeout(self.permissionGuideTimer);\n }\n\n self.permissionGuideTimer = win.setTimeout(function () {\n if (!self.isRecognitionStart) {\n self.showPermissionGuide(self);\n }\n }, 300); // Also close when pressing esc\n\n doc.addEventListener('keydown', self.onEscKeyDown);\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch');\n };\n }\n\n if (self.speechButton) {\n self.speechButton.onclick = function () {\n if (!self.isRecognitionStart) {\n self.recognition.start();\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch_panel_mic_restart');\n } else {\n self.recognition.stop();\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch_panel_mic_close');\n self.closePanel(self);\n }\n };\n }\n\n if (self.retryLink) {\n self.retryLink.onclick = function () {\n if (!self.isRecognitionStart) {\n self.recognition.start();\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch_panel_retry');\n }\n };\n }\n\n if (self.speechOverlay) {\n self.speechOverlay.onclick = function () {\n self.recognition.stop();\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch_cancel_outside');\n self.closePanel(self);\n };\n }\n\n if (self.closeButton) {\n self.closeButton.onclick = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n self.recognition.stop();\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch_cancel');\n self.closePanel(self);\n };\n }\n\n if (self.permissionGuideClose) {\n self.permissionGuideClose.onclick = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n self.recognition.stop();\n self.sendBeacon('clk', 'voicesearch_permission_close');\n self.closeAudio.play();\n self.hidePermissionGuide(self);\n };\n }\n /* Recognition Events */\n\n\n self.recognition.onresult = function (event) {\n // The SpeechRecognitionEvent results property returns a SpeechRecognitionResultList object\n // The SpeechRecognitionResultList object contains SpeechRecognitionResult objects.\n // It has a getter so it can be accessed like an array\n // The first [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionResult at the last position.\n // Each SpeechRecognitionResult object contains SpeechRecognitionAlternative objects that contain individual results.\n // These also have getters so they can be accessed like arrays.\n // The second [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionAlternative at position 0.\n // We then return the transcript property of the SpeechRecognitionAlternative object\n // console.log('Confidence: ' + event.results[0][0].confidence);\n self.speechResult = event.results[0][0].transcript;\n /* Punctuation Handling: Check last character and strip it if necessary */\n\n self.handlePunctuation(self);\n\n if (self.speechText) {\n self.speechText.innerText = self.speechResult;\n }\n\n if (self.searchBoxQuery) {\n self.searchBoxQuery.value = self.speechResult;\n }\n\n self.resultAudio.play();\n win.setTimeout(function () {\n if (self.speechPanel) {\n self.speechPanel.classList.remove(\"s2tb\");\n self.speechPanel.classList.add(\"s2tb-h\");\n }\n\n self.hideRetryLink(self);\n\n if (self.searchBoxForm) {\n var inputFr = self.searchBoxForm.querySelector('[name=fr]');\n var inputFr2 = self.searchBoxForm.querySelector('[name=fr2]');\n\n if (inputFr && self.config.searchBox && self.config.searchBox.params && self.config.searchBox.params.fr) {\n inputFr.value = config.searchBox.params.fr;\n inputFr.disabled = false; // for homepage case\n }\n\n if (inputFr2 && self.config.searchBox && self.config.searchBox.params && self.config.searchBox.params.fr2) {\n inputFr2.value = config.searchBox.params.fr2;\n inputFr2.disabled = false; // for homepage case\n }\n\n self.searchBoxForm.submit();\n }\n }, 1000);\n };\n\n self.recognition.onspeechstart = function\n /*event*/\n () {// Fired when speech starts\n };\n\n self.recognition.onspeechend = function () {\n // Fired when speech ends\n self.recognition.stop();\n };\n\n self.recognition.onerror = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // console.log('Error occurred in recognition: ' + event.error);\n if (self.speechText) {\n self.speechText.innerText = self.i18n.t('search.voice.recognition_error');\n }\n\n self.hideTrending(self);\n self.showRetryLink(self);\n self.errorAudio.play();\n };\n\n self.recognition.onaudiostart = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // Fired when the user agent has started to capture audio.\n if (self.speechButtonContainer) {\n self.speechButtonContainer.classList.add(\"listening\");\n }\n };\n\n self.recognition.onaudioend = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // Fired when the user agent has finished capturing audio.\n if (self.speechButtonContainer) {\n self.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove(\"listening\");\n }\n };\n\n self.recognition.onsoundstart = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // Fired when any sound — recognisable speech or not — has been detected.\n self.hideTrending(self);\n self.noSpeech = false;\n\n if (self.speechButtonContainer) {\n self.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove(\"listening\");\n self.speechButtonContainer.classList.add(\"speaking\");\n }\n };\n\n self.recognition.onsoundend = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // Fired when no sound present\n if (self.speechButtonContainer) {\n self.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove(\"speaking\");\n }\n };\n\n self.recognition.onstart = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // Fired when the speech recognition service has begun listening\n self.recognitionInit(self);\n self.startRecognition(self);\n };\n\n self.recognition.onend = function\n /*event*/\n () {\n // Fired when the speech recognition service has disconnected.\n self.isRecognitionStart = false;\n\n if (self.noSpeech == false && self.speechResult == '') {\n // No match: Fired when the speech recognition can't recognise speech\n if (self.speechText) {\n self.speechText.innerText = self.i18n.t('search.voice.recognition_nomatch');\n }\n\n self.hideTrending(self);\n self.showRetryLink(self);\n self.errorAudio.play();\n }\n }; // trigger onReady event when initialized\n\n\n if (document && document.dispatchEvent) {\n document.dispatchEvent(new Event('VOICE_JS_READY'));\n }\n }\n } // static members\n\n\n VoiceSearch.I18n = I18n; // instance members\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.renderPermissionGuide = function (self) {\n var tmpl = \"\\n








    \".concat(self.i18n.t('search.voice.permission_title'), \"


    \").concat(self.i18n.t('search.voice.permission_text'), \"




    \\n \");\n var dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(tmpl, 'text/html');\n document.body.appendChild(dom.body.children[0]);\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.renderSpeechPanel = function (self) {\n var tmpl = \"\\n






    \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n



    \\n \\n \\n \".concat(self.i18n.t('search.voice.recognition_retry'), \"\\n






    \\n \").concat(self.i18n.t('search.voice.trending_title'), \"\\n \\n



    \\n \");\n var dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(tmpl, 'text/html');\n\n if (self && self.config && self.config.ui && self.config.ui.speechOverlay && self.config.ui.speechOverlay.disableBlur) {\n dom.body.children[0].classList.add('disable-blur-overlay');\n }\n\n document.body.appendChild(dom.body.children[0]);\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.isBrowserSupported = function () {\n var isSupported = false;\n var self = this;\n var isChromium = Boolean(window.chrome);\n var isIOSChrome = /CriOS/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);\n var isEdge = /Edg\\//.test(window.navigator.userAgent);\n var isLegacyEdge = /Edge\\//.test(window.navigator.userAgent);\n var isOpera = Boolean(window.opr);\n var isBrave = Boolean(window.navigator.brave);\n var browsers = [// chrome\n {\n checkEnabled: function checkEnabled() {\n return true;\n },\n checkBrowser: function checkBrowser() {\n return isChromium && !isIOSChrome && !isEdge && !isOpera && !isBrave;\n },\n checkAPI: function checkAPI() {\n return win && ('SpeechRecognition' in win || 'webkitSpeechRecognition' in win) && ('SpeechGrammarList' in win || 'webkitSpeechGrammarList' in win);\n }\n }, // edge\n {\n checkEnabled: function checkEnabled() {\n return self && self.config && self.config.browsers && self.config.browsers.edge;\n },\n checkBrowser: function checkBrowser() {\n return isChromium && isEdge && !isLegacyEdge;\n },\n checkAPI: function checkAPI() {\n return win && ('SpeechRecognition' in win || 'webkitSpeechRecognition' in win) && ('SpeechGrammarList' in win || 'webkitSpeechGrammarList' in win);\n }\n }];\n\n for (var b = 0; b < browsers.length; b++) {\n var browser = browsers[b];\n\n if (browser && browser.checkBrowser && browser.checkBrowser() && browser.checkEnabled && browser.checkEnabled(self) && browser.checkAPI && browser.checkAPI()) {\n isSupported = true;\n }\n }\n\n return isSupported;\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.recognitionInit = function (self) {\n // Initialize flags for checking whether user is speaking or not\n self.speechResult = '';\n self.noSpeech = true;\n self.isRecognitionStart = true;\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.showPermissionGuide = function (self) {\n if (self.permissionGuide) {\n self.permissionGuide.classList.remove(\"hide\");\n }\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.hidePermissionGuide = function (self) {\n if (self.permissionGuide) {\n self.permissionGuide.classList.add(\"hide\");\n }\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.getTrending = function (self) {\n // Call api for trending terms\n if (!self.config.enable_voice_trending || !self.trending) {\n return;\n }\n\n var url = \"https://api.search.yahoo.com/data/v3/search?appid=4d234a9d&market=\" + self.config.trending.market + \"&features=trending.voice\";\n self.ajaxReq(url, function (resBody) {\n if (!resBody || !resBody.response || !resBody.response.search || !resBody.response.search.results || !resBody.response.search.results[\"trending.voice\"]) {\n return;\n }\n\n var terms = resBody.response.search.results[\"trending.voice\"].data;\n self.showTrending(self, terms);\n });\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.showTrending = function (self, terms) {\n // params check\n if (!Array.isArray(terms) || terms.length < 3) {\n return;\n } // DOM check\n\n\n if (!self.trending || !self.termSpans || !self.termSpans[0]) {\n return;\n }\n\n var trendingLabel = '';\n trendingLabel += '\"' + terms[0].text + '\"' + ', ';\n trendingLabel += '\"' + terms[1].text + '\"' + ' ';\n trendingLabel += self.i18n.t('search.voice.trending_or') + ' ';\n trendingLabel += '\"' + terms[2].text + '\"';\n self.termSpans[0].innerText = trendingLabel;\n self.trending.classList.remove(\"hide\");\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.hideTrending = function (self) {\n if (!self.trending) {\n return;\n }\n\n self.trending.classList.add(\"hide\");\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.showRetryLink = function (self) {\n if (self.retryLink) {\n self.retryLink.innerText = self.i18n.t('search.voice.recognition_retry');\n self.retryLink.classList.remove(\"hide\");\n }\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.hideRetryLink = function (self) {\n if (self.retryLink) {\n self.retryLink.classList.add(\"hide\");\n }\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.startRecognition = function (self) {\n self.hidePermissionGuide(self);\n self.getTrending(self);\n self.startAudio.play();\n\n if (self.speechText) {\n self.speechText.innerText = self.i18n.t('search.voice.recognition_start');\n win.setTimeout(function () {\n self.speechText.innerText = self.i18n.t('search.voice.recognition_listening');\n }, 2000);\n }\n\n if (self.speechPanel) {\n self.speechPanel.classList.remove(\"s2tb-h\");\n self.speechPanel.classList.add(\"s2tb\");\n }\n\n self.hideRetryLink(self);\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.closePanel = function (self) {\n self.closeAudio.play();\n win.setTimeout(function () {\n if (self.speechPanel) {\n self.speechPanel.classList.remove(\"s2tb\");\n self.speechPanel.classList.add(\"s2tb-h\");\n }\n\n self.hideTrending(self);\n self.hideRetryLink(self); // clean up esc listener\n\n doc.removeEventListener('keydown', self.onEscKeyDown);\n }, 100);\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.handlePunctuation = function (self) {\n if (self.speechResult.length > 0) {\n var lastChar = self.speechResult.charAt(self.speechResult.length - 1);\n\n if (lastChar === '.' || lastChar === '?' || lastChar === '。' || lastChar === '?') {\n self.speechResult = self.speechResult.slice(0, -1);\n }\n }\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.sendBeacon = function (actn, slk) {\n var ULT = win.YAHOO.ULT || {},\n SB = win.YAHOO.SB || {};\n\n if (ULT.beacon_click) {\n var trackParams = {\n _S: SB.config.i13n.spaceid,\n _I: SB.config.i13n.pvid,\n actn: actn,\n sec: 'search',\n slk: slk\n };\n win.YAHOO.ULT.beacon_click(trackParams);\n }\n };\n\n VoiceSearch.prototype.ajaxReq = function (url, callback) {\n var DONE_STATE = XMLHttpRequest.DONE || 4; // for IE-compatibility\n\n var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var responseRaw;\n var response; // CORS request only for IE8/IE9\n\n if (doc.documentMode && doc.documentMode < 10) {\n var xdr = new win.XDomainRequest();\n\n xdr.onload = function () {\n try {\n response = JSON.parse(responseRaw);\n callback(response);\n } catch (err) {\n return;\n }\n };\n\n xhr.open('GET', url);\n xhr.send();\n return;\n } // CORS request for browers newer than IE9\n\n\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {\n if (xhr.readyState !== DONE_STATE) {\n return;\n } // handle ajax response\n\n\n switch (xhr.status) {\n case 200:\n responseRaw = xhr.responseText;\n\n try {\n response = JSON.parse(responseRaw);\n callback(response);\n } catch (err) {\n return;\n }\n\n break;\n\n default:\n // non-200 status code: retry or assume failure\n callback(response);\n break;\n }\n };\n\n xhr.open('GET', url, true);\n /* aync request */\n\n xhr.timeout = 10000;\n xhr.send();\n };\n\n if (!win.YAHOO) {\n win.YAHOO = {};\n }\n\n if (!win.YAHOO.Util) {\n win.YAHOO.Util = {};\n }\n\n win.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch = VoiceSearch;\n})(window, document);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@vzmi/voicejs/./src/index.js?")},"./src/lib/I18n.js":/*!*************************!*\ !*** ./src/lib/I18n.js ***! \*************************/function(module,__unused_webpack_exports,__webpack_require__){eval("module.exports = function () {\n var LANG_LIST = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lang_list.json */ \"./src/lib/lang_list.json\");\n\n var DEFAULT_LANG = 'default';\n\n var isValidLang = function isValidLang(lang) {\n return LANG_LIST.indexOf(lang) !== -1;\n }; // convert language strings to key-value map\n\n\n var buildStrMap = function buildStrMap(langStrings) {\n return langStrings.reduce(function (strMap, item) {\n strMap[item.id] = item.defaultMessage;\n return strMap;\n }, {});\n };\n\n var I18n = function I18n(options) {\n // initialize\n this.lang = isValidLang(options && options.lang) ? options.lang : DEFAULT_LANG;\n }; // static members\n\n\n I18n.langMap = {};\n I18n.langMap[DEFAULT_LANG] = buildStrMap(__webpack_require__(/*! ../lang/strings.json */ \"./src/lang/strings.json\"));\n\n I18n.setLangMap = function (lang, strings) {\n if (lang && strings) {\n I18n.langMap[lang] = buildStrMap(strings);\n }\n }; // instance members\n\n\n I18n.prototype = {\n t: function t(id) {\n switch (true) {\n // look up target language\n case Boolean(I18n.langMap && I18n.langMap[this.lang] && I18n.langMap[this.lang][id]):\n return I18n.langMap[this.lang][id];\n // fallback to default strings\n\n case Boolean(I18n.langMap && I18n.langMap[DEFAULT_LANG] && I18n.langMap[DEFAULT_LANG][id]):\n return I18n.langMap[DEFAULT_LANG][id];\n\n default:\n return '';\n }\n }\n };\n return I18n;\n}();\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@vzmi/voicejs/./src/lib/I18n.js?")},"./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/index.css":/*!*******************************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/index.css ***! \*******************************************************************************************************/function(module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__){eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);\n// Imports\n\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(function(i){return i[1]});\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, "/* Sprites */\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .microphone .sprite,\\n#spchp .close-button,\\n#spch .close-button,\\n#spch .spchc .microphone,\\n#spch .spchc .speaking .microphone {\\n background-image: url(https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/voiceSearch1x-1620383531565.min.png);\\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\\n background-size: initial;\\n color: transparent;\\n}\\n/* Retina displays */\\n@media\\n only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\\n only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\\n only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi),\\n only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) {\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .microphone .sprite,\\n#spchp .close-button,\\n#spch .close-button,\\n#spch .spchc .microphone,\\n#spch .spchc .speaking .microphone {\\n background-size: 41px 330px;\\n background-image: url(https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/voiceSearch2x-1620383531565.min.png)\\n}\\n }\\n\\n/* permission guide */\\n#spchp.permission-guide {\\n height: 100%;\\n width: 100%;\\n padding: 0;\\n opacity: 0.9;\\n background-color: #fff;\\n left: 0;\\n overflow: hidden;\\n position: fixed;\\n text-align: left;\\n top: 0;\\n z-index: 10000;\\n transition: visibility 0s linear 0.218s, background-color 0.218s;\\n}\\n#spchp.permission-guide .close-button {\\n background-position: 0 0;\\n width: 24px;\\n height: 24px;\\n border: none;\\n cursor: pointer;\\n right: 0;\\n margin: 20px;\\n padding: 0;\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 0;\\n z-index: 10;\\n opacity: 0.8;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .close-button:hover {\\n opacity: 1;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide {\\n margin: 191px 0 0 507px;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .microphone {\\n height: 68px;\\n width: 52px;\\n border-right: 1px solid #232a31;\\n float: left;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .microphone .sprite {\\n background-position: 0 -105px;\\n width: 28px;\\n height: 28px;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .guide-text {\\n height: 68px;\\n margin-left: 24px;\\n float: left;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .guide-text .title {\\n color: #232a31;\\n font-size: 32px;\\n font-family: HelveticaNeue-Bold;\\n line-height: 28px;\\n margin-bottom: 16px;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide .guide .guide-text .text {\\n color: #232a31;\\n font-size: 16px;\\n line-height: 28px;\\n }\\n#spchp.permission-guide.hide {\\n display: none;\\n }\\n\\n/* speech panel */\\n#spch.spch {\\n background: #fff;\\n height: 100%;\\n left: 0;\\n opacity: 0;\\n overflow: hidden;\\n position: fixed;\\n text-align: left;\\n top: 0;\\n visibility: hidden;\\n width: 100%;\\n z-index: 10000;\\n transition: visibility 0s linear 0.218s, background-color 0.218s;\\n}\\n#spch.spch .close-button {\\n background-position: 0 0;\\n width: 24px;\\n height: 24px;\\n border: none;\\n cursor: pointer;\\n right: 0;\\n margin: 20px;\\n padding: 0;\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 0;\\n z-index: 10;\\n opacity: 0.8;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .close-button:hover {\\n opacity: 1;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc {\\n display: block;\\n height: 97px;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container {\\n width: 100%;\\n height: 100%;\\n opacity: 0.1;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n transition: opacity 0.318s ease-in;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .spch-control {\\n display: inline-block;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .text-container {\\n float: left;\\n height: 91px;\\n overflow: hidden;\\n margin: 3px 0;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n width: calc(50% - 48.5px);\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .text-container p {\\n display: table-cell;\\n vertical-align: middle;\\n width: 550px;\\n height: 97px;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .text-container .spcht {\\n font-weight: normal;\\n color: #6e7780;\\n line-height: normal;\\n opacity: 0;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n text-align: left;\\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\\n transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in, margin-left 0.5s ease-in, top 0s linear 0.218s;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .text-container .spcht.hide {\\n display: none;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .text-container #spcht-retry {\\n color: #0f69ff;\\n cursor: pointer;\\n pointer-events: auto;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container {\\n pointer-events: none;\\n position: relative;\\n transition: transform 0.218s, opacity 0.218s ease-in;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container .button {\\n background-color: #fff;\\n border: 1px solid #eee;\\n border-radius: 100%;\\n bottom: 0;\\n box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\\n cursor: pointer;\\n display: inline-block;\\n left: 0;\\n opacity: 0;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n position: absolute;\\n right: 0;\\n top: 0;\\n transition: background-color 0.218s, border 0.218s, box-shadow 0.218s;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container .button .microphone {\\n background-position: 0 -24px;\\n width: 41px;\\n height: 41px;\\n left: 27px;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 27px;\\n transform: scale(1);\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.listening .ripple {\\n position: absolute;\\n width: 136px;\\n height: 136px;\\n z-index: -1;\\n left: 50%;\\n top: 50%;\\n opacity: 0;\\n margin: -70px 0 0 -70px;\\n border-radius: 100px;\\n -webkit-animation: ripple 3.3s infinite;\\n animation: ripple 3.3s infinite;\\n background-color: #fff !important;\\n border: 2px solid #e0e4e9;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.listening .ripple:nth-child(2) {\\n -webkit-animation-delay: 1.1s;\\n animation-delay: 1.1s;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.listening .ripple:nth-child(3) {\\n -webkit-animation-delay: 2.2s;\\n animation-delay: 2.2s;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.speaking .button {\\n background-color: #0f69ff;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.speaking .button .microphone {\\n background-position: 0 -65px;\\n width: 40px;\\n height: 40px;\\n pointer-events: none;\\n position: absolute;\\n transform: scale(1);\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.speaking .ripple {\\n background-size: 114px;\\n position: absolute;\\n width: 114px;\\n height: 114px;\\n z-index: -1;\\n left: 50%;\\n top: 50%;\\n margin: -57px 0 0 -57px;\\n -webkit-animation: speakingRipple1 2s infinite;\\n animation: speakingRipple1 2s infinite;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.speaking .ripple:nth-child(2) {\\n background-size: 123px;\\n width: 123px;\\n height: 123px;\\n margin: -62px 0 0 -62px;\\n -webkit-animation: speakingRipple2 2s infinite;\\n animation: speakingRipple2 2s infinite;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spchc .inner-container .button-container.speaking .ripple:nth-child(3) {\\n background-size: 136px;\\n width: 136px;\\n height: 136px;\\n margin: -68px 0 0 -68px;\\n -webkit-animation: speakingRipple3 2s infinite;\\n animation: speakingRipple3 2s infinite;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spcho {\\n background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(255, 255, 255) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 99%);\\n display: block;\\n min-width: 100%;\\n text-align: center;\\n top: 145px;\\n padding-bottom: 71px;\\n pointer-events: auto;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spcho #spch-trending {\\n -webkit-animation: fadeIn 1s forwards;\\n animation: fadeIn 1s forwards;\\n opacity: 0;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spcho #spch-trending .trending {\\n color: #6e7780;\\n display: inline-block;\\n font-size: 16px;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spcho #spch-trending #trending-label {\\n font-weight: bold;\\n margin: 5px 5px;\\n }\\n#spch.spch .spcho #spch-trending.hide {\\n display: none;\\n }\\n#spch.spch.s2tb .spchc, 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.inner-container .text-container .spcht {\\n font-size: 24px;\\n margin-left: 0;\\n opacity: 1;\\n transition: opacity 0.5s ease-out, margin-left 0.5s ease-out;\\n }\\n#spch.spch.s2tb #spch-overlay {\\n -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px);\\n backdrop-filter: blur(10px);\\n background-color: #fff;\\n height: 100%;\\n opacity: 0.9;\\n position: absolute;\\n top: 149px;\\n\\n /* spchc\'s height */\\n width: 100%;\\n }\\n#spch.spch.disable-blur-overlay #spch-overlay {\\n background-color: transparent;\\n -webkit-backdrop-filter: none;\\n backdrop-filter: none;\\n }\\n#spch.spch.disable-blur-overlay .spcho {\\n height: 27px;\\n padding-bottom: 20px;\\n background: #fff;\\n background-image: none;\\n box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%);\\n }\\n#spch.spch.s2tb-h {\\n background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);\\n opacity: 0;\\n visibility: hidden;\\n }\\n\\n@-webkit-keyframes fadeIn {\\n 0% {\\n opacity: 0;\\n }\\n\\n 100% {\\n opacity: 1;\\n }\\n}\\n\\n@keyframes fadeIn {\\n 0% {\\n 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url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple1-2-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(1.1);\\n }\\n\\n 50% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple1-3-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(0.9);\\n }\\n}\\n\\n@-webkit-keyframes speakingRipple2 {\\n 0%,\\n 100% {\\n background-image: none;\\n }\\n\\n 25%,\\n 75% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple2-2-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(1.1);\\n }\\n\\n 50% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple2-3-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(0.9);\\n }\\n}\\n\\n@keyframes speakingRipple2 {\\n 0%,\\n 100% {\\n background-image: none;\\n }\\n\\n 25%,\\n 75% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple2-2-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(1.1);\\n }\\n\\n 50% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple2-3-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(0.9);\\n }\\n}\\n\\n@-webkit-keyframes speakingRipple3 {\\n 0%,\\n 25%,\\n 75%,\\n 100% {\\n background-image: none;\\n }\\n\\n 50% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple3-3-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(0.9);\\n }\\n}\\n\\n@keyframes speakingRipple3 {\\n 0%,\\n 25%,\\n 75%,\\n 100% {\\n background-image: none;\\n }\\n\\n 50% {\\n background-image: url(\\"https://s.yimg.com/pv/static/img/ripple3-3-202105260611.png\\");\\n transform: scale(0.9);\\n }\\n}\\n", ""]);\n// Exports\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___);\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@vzmi/voicejs/./src/index.css?./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js')},"./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js":/*!*****************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js ***! \*****************************************************/function(module){eval('\n\n/*\n MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n Author Tobias Koppers @sokra\n*/\n// css base code, injected by the css-loader\n// eslint-disable-next-line func-names\nmodule.exports = function (cssWithMappingToString) {\n var list = []; // return the list of modules as css string\n\n list.toString = function toString() {\n return this.map(function (item) {\n var content = cssWithMappingToString(item);\n\n if (item[2]) {\n return "@media ".concat(item[2], " {").concat(content, "}");\n }\n\n return content;\n }).join("");\n }; // import a list of modules into the list\n // eslint-disable-next-line func-names\n\n\n list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {\n if (typeof modules === "string") {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n modules = [[null, modules, ""]];\n }\n\n var alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\n if (dedupe) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n var id = this[i][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue\n continue;\n }\n\n if (mediaQuery) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = mediaQuery;\n } else {\n item[2] = "".concat(mediaQuery, " and ").concat(item[2]);\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@vzmi/voicejs/./node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js?')},"./src/index.css":/*!***********************!*\ !*** ./src/index.css ***! \***********************/function(module,__unused_webpack_exports,__webpack_require__){eval('var api = __webpack_require__(/*! !../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js */ "./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js");\n var content = __webpack_require__(/*! !!../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./index.css */ "./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/index.css");\n\n content = content.__esModule ? content.default : content;\n\n if (typeof content === \'string\') {\n content = [[module.id, content, \'\']];\n }\n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.insert = "head";\noptions.singleton = false;\n\nvar update = api(content, options);\n\n\n\nmodule.exports = content.locals || {};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://@vzmi/voicejs/./src/index.css?')},"./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js":/*!****************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js ***! \****************************************************************************/function(module,__unused_webpack_exports,__webpack_require__){eval("\n\nvar isOldIE = function isOldIE() {\n var memo;\n return function memorize() {\n if (typeof memo === 'undefined') {\n // Test for IE <= 9 as proposed by Browserhacks\n // @see http://browserhacks.com/#hack-e71d8692f65334173fee715c222cb805\n // Tests for existence of standard globals is to allow style-loader\n // to operate correctly into non-standard environments\n // @see https://github.com/webpack-contrib/style-loader/issues/177\n memo = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob);\n }\n\n return memo;\n };\n}();\n\nvar getTarget = function getTarget() {\n var memo = {};\n return function memorize(target) {\n if (typeof memo[target] === 'undefined') {\n var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target); // Special case to return head of iframe instead of iframe itself\n\n if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) {\n try {\n // This will throw an exception if access to iframe is blocked\n // due to cross-origin restrictions\n styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head;\n } catch (e) {\n // istanbul ignore next\n styleTarget = null;\n }\n }\n\n memo[target] = styleTarget;\n }\n\n return memo[target];\n };\n}();\n\nvar stylesInDom = [];\n\nfunction getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) {\n var result = -1;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < stylesInDom.length; i++) {\n if (stylesInDom[i].identifier === identifier) {\n result = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction modulesToDom(list, options) {\n var idCountMap = {};\n var identifiers = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var item = list[i];\n var id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0];\n var count = idCountMap[id] || 0;\n var identifier = \"\".concat(id, \" \").concat(count);\n idCountMap[id] = count + 1;\n var index = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier);\n var obj = {\n css: item[1],\n media: item[2],\n sourceMap: item[3]\n };\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n stylesInDom[index].references++;\n stylesInDom[index].updater(obj);\n } else {\n stylesInDom.push({\n identifier: identifier,\n updater: addStyle(obj, options),\n references: 1\n });\n }\n\n identifiers.push(identifier);\n }\n\n return identifiers;\n}\n\nfunction insertStyleElement(options) {\n var style = document.createElement('style');\n var attributes = options.attributes || {};\n\n if (typeof attributes.nonce === 'undefined') {\n var nonce = true ? __webpack_require__.nc : 0;\n\n if (nonce) {\n attributes.nonce = nonce;\n }\n }\n\n Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (key) {\n style.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);\n });\n\n if (typeof options.insert === 'function') {\n options.insert(style);\n } else {\n var target = getTarget(options.insert || 'head');\n\n if (!target) {\n throw new Error(\"Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid.\");\n }\n\n target.appendChild(style);\n }\n\n return style;\n}\n\nfunction removeStyleElement(style) {\n // istanbul ignore if\n if (style.parentNode === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n style.parentNode.removeChild(style);\n}\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\nvar replaceText = function replaceText() {\n var textStore = [];\n return function replace(index, replacement) {\n textStore[index] = replacement;\n return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\\n');\n };\n}();\n\nfunction applyToSingletonTag(style, index, remove, obj) {\n var css = remove ? '' : obj.media ? \"@media \".concat(obj.media, \" {\").concat(obj.css, \"}\") : obj.css; // For old IE\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n if (style.styleSheet) {\n style.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css);\n } else {\n var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css);\n var childNodes = style.childNodes;\n\n if (childNodes[index]) {\n style.removeChild(childNodes[index]);\n }\n\n if (childNodes.length) {\n style.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]);\n } else {\n style.appendChild(cssNode);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction applyToTag(style, options, obj) {\n var css = obj.css;\n var media = obj.media;\n var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap;\n\n if (media) {\n style.setAttribute('media', media);\n } else {\n style.removeAttribute('media');\n }\n\n if (sourceMap && typeof btoa !== 'undefined') {\n css += \"\\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,\".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), \" */\");\n } // For old IE\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n\n if (style.styleSheet) {\n style.styleSheet.cssText = css;\n } else {\n while (style.firstChild) {\n style.removeChild(style.firstChild);\n }\n\n style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));\n }\n}\n\nvar singleton = null;\nvar singletonCounter = 0;\n\nfunction addStyle(obj, options) {\n var style;\n var update;\n var remove;\n\n if (options.singleton) {\n var styleIndex = singletonCounter++;\n style = singleton || (singleton = insertStyleElement(options));\n update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, false);\n remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, style, styleIndex, true);\n } else {\n style = insertStyleElement(options);\n update = applyToTag.bind(null, style, options);\n\n remove = function remove() {\n removeStyleElement(style);\n };\n }\n\n update(obj);\n return function updateStyle(newObj) {\n if (newObj) {\n if (newObj.css === obj.css && newObj.media === obj.media && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) {\n return;\n }\n\n update(obj = newObj);\n } else {\n remove();\n }\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = function (list, options) {\n options = options || {}; // Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of
    Will I Be Able to Live Off The Interest of My $1 Million Portfolio? (2024)


    Can you live off the interest of $1 million dollars? ›

    Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

    Can you live off a million dollar portfolio? ›

    Historically, the stock market has an average annual rate of return between 10–12%. So if your $1 million is invested in good growth stock mutual funds, that means you could potentially live off of $100,000 to $120,000 each year without ever touching your one-million-dollar goose.

    How much interest can you make off $1 million dollars? ›

    Bank Savings Accounts

    As noted above, the average rate on savings accounts as of February 3rd 2021, is 0.05% APY. A million-dollar deposit with that APY would generate $500 of interest after one year ($1,000,000 X 0.0005 = $500). If left to compound monthly for 10 years, it would generate $5,011.27.

    How many millions do you need to live off the interest? ›

    For an interest-only retirement, you'll need to have a large nest egg. How big a nest egg depends on your target income and the interest rate. For example, an annual income of $48,000 would require a nest egg of $1.6 million, assuming a 3% interest rate. And that's not even accounting for inflation.

    What is the average 401k balance for a 65 year old? ›

    Average and median 401(k) balance by age
    AgeAverage Account BalanceMedian Account Balance
    2 more rows
    Jan 20, 2023

    Can I retire at 60 with $1 million dollars? ›

    So, can you retire at 60 with $1 million, and what would that look like? It's certainly possible to retire comfortably in this scenario. But it's wise to review your spending needs, taxes, health care, and other factors as you prepare for your retirement years.

    How long does $1 million last after 60? ›

    A recent analysis determined that a $1 million retirement nest egg may only last about 20 years depending on what state you live in. Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you.

    Can I retire with $1 million dollars at 55? ›

    Can I retire at 55 with $1 million? Yes, you can retire at 55 with one million dollars. You will receive a guaranteed annual income of $56,250 immediately and for the rest of your life.

    Can I retire at 45 with $1 million dollars? ›

    Achieving retirement before 50 may seem unreachable, but it's entirely doable if you can save $1 million over your career. The keys to making this happen within a little more than two decades are a rigorous budget and a comprehensive retirement plan.

    What is 3% interest on $1 million? ›

    For example, if you invest your million dollars at an interest rate of 3% for ten years, you will earn $300,000 in interest.

    Where do millionaires keep their money? ›

    Millionaires have many different investment philosophies. These can include investing in real estate, stock, commodities and hedge funds, among other types of financial investments. Generally, many seek to mitigate risk and therefore prefer diversified investment portfolios.

    What is the best interest rate on a million dollars? ›

    Bankrate's picks for the top jumbo money market rates
    • First Internet Bank – 5.20% APY, $1,000,000.01 minimum balance for APY. ...
    • Zions Bank – 4.45% APY, $100,000 minimum balance for APY. ...
    • TIAA Bank – 4.00% APY, $100,000 minimum balance for APY. ...
    • America First Credit Union – 4.00% APY, $250,000 minimum balance for APY.

    What percentage of retirees have a million dollars? ›

    In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved. If you're looking to be in the minority but aren't sure how to get started on that savings goal, consider working with a financial advisor .

    Can I retire at 45 with $3 million dollars? ›

    You can probably retire in financial comfort at age 45 if you have $3 million in savings. Although it's much younger than most people retire, that much money can likely generate adequate income for as long as you live.

    Can I retire at 40 with $2 million dollars? ›

    Retiring at 40 with $2 million is an ambitious goal, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. While you'll need a decent salary or other sources of income or wealth, saving $2 million is not out of reach.

    How much money does the average American retire with? ›

    However, according to the Federal Reserve's “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2019,” 60% of Americans either do not realize if they're on track or are unsure if they're on track. The Federal Reserve's most recent data reveals that the average American has $65,000 in retirement savings.

    What is a healthy 401k by age? ›

    By age 40, you should have three times your annual salary already saved. By age 50, you should have six times your salary in an account. By age 60, you should have eight times your salary working for you. By age 67, your total savings total goal is 10 times the amount of your current annual salary.

    How many Americans have no savings for retirement? ›

    More than one quarter of Americans have no money saved for retirement, according to a new survey. Almost one in five people age 59 and older said they didn't have a retirement account, which compared to a quarter of Generation X respondents.

    How much monthly income will $1 million generate? ›

    How Much Does A $1 Million Annuity Pay pay per month? A $1,000,000 annuity would pay you approximately $5,677 each month for the rest of your life if you purchased the annuity at age 60 and began taking payments immediately.

    Do most people retire with a million dollars? ›

    Putting that much aside could make it easier to live your preferred lifestyle when you retire, without having to worry about running short of money. However, not a huge percentage of retirees end up having that much money. In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings.

    Do most retirees have a million dollars? ›

    It's long been a rule of thumb that you should have $1 million saved before you retire — and you may actually need to have close to double that in many cases. But most retirees have far less. A recent survey conducted by Clever found that, on average, retirees have just $170,726 saved for retirement.

    What is the average Social Security check? ›

    According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), the average monthly retirement benefit for Security Security recipients is $1,781.63 as of February. Several factors can drag that average up or down, but you have the most control over the biggest variable of all — the age that you decide to cash in.

    What does a $1 million dollar retirement look like? ›

    Once a symbol of extravagant wealth, $1 million is now the retirement-savings goal for millions of Americans. For retirees able to accumulate $1 million in savings, the funds translate into inflation-adjusted income of $40,000 in the first year of a three-decade retirement using the 4% spending rule.

    How much money do you need to retire with $100000 a year income? ›

    This means that if you make $100,000 shortly before retirement, you can start to plan using the ballpark expectation that you'll need about $75,000 a year to live on in retirement. You'll likely need less income in retirement than during your working years because: Most people spend less in retirement.

    Can you retire at age 60 with $2 million dollars? ›

    Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

    At what age can you retire with 1.5 million dollars? ›

    You can certainly retire comfortably at age 65 on a $1.5 million, but your ability to do so relies on how you want to live in retirement, how much you plan to spend, when you plan to claim Social Security and how your portfolio is structured.

    Can I retire at 56 with $1 million dollars? ›

    In fact, a recent survey found that investors believe they'll need at least $3 million to retire comfortably. But retiring with $1 million is still possible, even as early as age 55, if you're smart about it. It will require some careful planning since you'll have to wait 10 years for Medicare, but it can be done.

    How much money do you need to retire with $80000 a year income? ›

    The 4% Rule

    For an income of $80,000, you would need a retirement nest egg of about $2 million ($80,000 /0.04).

    Can I retire on $500 K plus Social Security? ›

    Yes, retiring at 55 with $500,000 is feasible. An annuity can offer a lifetime guaranteed income of $24,688 per year or an initial $21,000 that increases over time to offset inflation. At 62, Social Security Benefits augment this income. Both options continue payouts even if the annuity depletes.

    How many people have $3,000,000 in savings? ›

    1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

    Can you live off interest of 2 million dollars? ›

    At $200,000 per year in average returns, this is more than enough for all but the highest spenders to live comfortably. You can collect your returns, pay your capital gains taxes and have plenty left over for a comfortable lifestyle. The bad news about an index fund is the variability.

    How much will $1000000 be worth in 20 years? ›

    It'll take a lot of discipline and a high savings rate, but it's doable: “I call it the 50-20 formula: $50 a day for 20 years at a 10% rate of return is over $1 million.” If you save for 30 years, based on that formula, you'd have about $3.39 million, he says.

    Can you put a million dollars in a CD? ›

    Banks and credit unions can set a variety of limits for CDs or your accounts, including: Per CD account: For example, no more than $1 million to $99.99 million in a CD.

    Where do wealthy people put their money if not in the bank? ›

    Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills that they keep rolling over and reinvesting. They liquidate them when they need the cash.

    Do millionaires inherit their wealth? ›

    Millionaires and the general population receive inheritances at the exact same rate. So, don't miss this: Millionaires are no more likely to get an inheritance than their neighbor who's swimming in debt. And if you do happen to get an inheritance, you're probably going to have to wait a long time to get one.

    What bank do most millionaires use? ›

    Some of the most popular banks for millionaires and billionaires include JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and UBS. Other examples of banks that may be popular among the ultra-rich include: Private banks: Private banks are banks that offer specialized financial services to high net worth individuals and families.

    How do you live off investment interest? ›

    Balancing Risk and Return

    When building your investment portfolio, consider your risk tolerance and desired returns. Generally, higher returns come with higher risks. So, to live off the interest, aim for a balance between risk and return that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

    Do millionaires get higher interest rates? ›

    Interest rates on loans are typically lower because wealthy customers are generally at lower risk. Cash Management Accounts. The most compelling feature of cash management accounts is that they use bank partnerships to spread funds to multiple accounts, protecting more than the standard $250,000 FDIC insurance.

    How much money do you need to retire? ›

    Some experts say to have at least eight to 10 times your salary available to you once you enter retirement. Others say you need at least 65% to 80% of your pre-retirement income available to you each year. There are also general savings recommendations by age, and, finally, there's the 4% rule, too.

    What net worth is considered rich in retirement? ›

    You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth. That's how financial advisors typically view wealth.

    How many Americans have one million in savings? ›

    21,951,000 people in the U.S. have a net worth of $1 million or more. Among all states, New Jersey has the most millionaire households. Only 3% of American millionaires received an inheritance of $1 million or above. Real estate makes up about 40% of a typical millionaire's net worth.

    How many Americans have $1 million in 401k? ›

    The 442,000 millionaire mark in 2021 was a peak since the first 401(k) plan was first established in 1978 but the year that followed was a very uncertain one and so many people saw significant drops to their accounts.

    Can I retire at 62 with $1 million dollars? ›

    It's definitely possible, but there are several factors to consider—including cost of living, the taxes you'll owe on your withdrawals, and how you want to live in retirement—when thinking about how much money you'll need to retire in the future.

    How much Social Security will I get if I make $200000 a year? ›

    That works out to $3,538 in monthly Social Security benefits, after adding on delayed-retirement credits worth an extra 32%. You can see that Social Security doesn't replace a huge portion of earnings, but it's still a significant contribution.

    How much do I need to live off interest? ›

    So as a general rule, experts recommend counting on needing 70% to 90% of your current expenses. Next, you will have to choose an interest rate. Banks have paid under 1% in recent years, while they used to pay in the high single digits in the early 1990s. If you want to be conservative, you could go with 1% to 3%.

    Can I live off interest on a million dollars? ›

    Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

    What percentage of US citizens have a net worth over 2 million? ›

    Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

    How much interest does $500 000 earn a month? ›

    A $500,000 annuity would pay $29,519.92 per year in interest, or $2,395.83 per month if you prefer to set up systemetic withdrawals of interest. These payments assume a guaranteed interest rate of 5.75%. Fixed annuities pay a specified interest rate for a set period of time.

    How to invest $2 million dollars to live off the interest? ›

    How to Invest $2 Million for Income
    1. Bonds. ...
    2. Dividend Stocks. ...
    3. Preferred Stocks. ...
    4. Bond Mutual Funds and Bond ETFs. ...
    5. Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) ...
    6. Real Estate. ...
    7. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
    8. Annuities.
    May 29, 2023

    How much interest does $100000 earn in a year? ›

    How much interest can $100,000 earn in a year? If you put $100,000 in CDs, high-yield savings or a money market account for a year, you could earn anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 based on current interest rates.

    How much interest will $200 000 earn in a year? ›

    Below is how much interest you could earn on $200,000 on an annual basis, from 1% all the way up to a 10% interest rate: $200,000 x 0.01= $2,000. $200,000 x 0.02= $4,000. $200,000 x 0.03= $6,000.

    Can I retire at 64 with $600,000? ›

    If you manage to stay healthy and never need long-term care then $600,000 could be enough to sustain you in retirement. On the other hand, if you need long-term care in a nursing facility that could take a large bite out of your savings.

    Can you retire on $2 million at age 45? ›

    Retiring at 45 with $2 million takes diligent saving and detailed planning, but it is possible. However, you'll have between 20 and 25 years to save, so you must save nearly $3,000 each to hit your goal.

    How long will $1 million last in retirement? ›

    A recent analysis determined that a $1 million retirement nest egg may only last about 20 years depending on what state you live in. Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you.

    Can I retire at 60 with $2 million dollars? ›

    Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

    How much is $100 at 10% interest at the end of each year forever worth today? ›

    Present value of perpetuity:

    So, a $100 at the end of each year forever is worth $1,000 in today's terms.

    How much interest does $4 million dollars earn per year? ›

    Professionals usually recommend a withdrawal rate between 4% and 5%. So, if you have a $4 million portfolio withdrawing 4% per year would give you about $160,000 per year to live off of. Of course, this figure doesn't account for taxes or inflation rates.

    Can I retire at 60 with 200k? ›

    Retiring on $200,000 a year is achievable, but it takes discipline, planning, and making smart financial decisions. Starting early, living below your means, starting a business, and exploring passive income opportunities are all vital strategies to help you reach this financial goal.

    How much interest does $3 million dollars earn per year? ›

    A savings account at a bank or credit union pays from 0.01% to 1% per year. At those rates, $3 million would earn from $3,000 to $30,000 in interest per year.

    How much interest does a million dollars make a year in a savings account? ›

    High-Yield Savings: The average savings account interest rate, according to the FDIC, is just 0.24% — just $2,400 annually for a $1 million balance — but high-yield savings accounts offer rates around 3% to 4%, with a yield of $30,000 to $40,000 per year.

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    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.