WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (2024)

Abstract:The Spanish regulatory body CNMV issued an official warning against DT Securities on September 5th!!!

Investors who are still trading forex at DT Securities had better quit trading ASAP!!! Investors who have been deceived by this broker please contact WikiFX to help you recover your funds!!!

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (1)

Let us start with the most important – the recent warning on September 5th against DT Securities ( issued by the Spanish financial regulator CNMV. You may check the warning on the screenshot below.

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (2)

It states the company has been offering its services without authorization from the Spanish regulatory body CNMV. The Spanish regulator warned investors that this broker is most probably running a dangerous scam scheme. Take such warnings seriously – financial authorities usually have very specific reasons for blacklisting brokers.

WikiFX also paid a visit to the brokers official website to learn more. DT Securities lies about having an office on the following address:

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (3)

This is not possible – Austria regulates its markets as to restrict the leverage available to retail clients to no more than 1:30. At the same time, DT Securities offers much, much more - leverage reaching 1:1000!

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (4)

Furthermore, DT Securities has the following to say about its trading software:

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (5)

Unfortunately, WikiFX was not able to open an account and access it – here is the error page that popped up when we attempted it:

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (6)

Without access to the software, we cannot see for ourselves if it holds up to something like industry-standard Metatrader 5. At the same time, the real danger with trading on such platforms is that the brokers offering them often manipulate the software to fabricate trading activity, while your actual money is being pocketed as soon as you deposit it!

There is also the matter of the minimum deposit with DT Securities – it is actually set to $250, which is too much to ask for nowadays. Legitimate brokers generally open micro accounts for no more than $10. As explained, though, DT Securities is a scam, and such fraudulent companies simply wish to pocket as much of your money as you will let them get away with. Thats why you need to watch out for excessive deposit minimums to make sure you are not dealing with a scam!

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (7)

Now let's search “DT Securities” on WikiFX APP to find out more about this broker. WikiFX is an authoritative global inquiry platform providing basic information inquiry and regulatory license inquiry. WikiFX can evaluate the safety and reliability of more than 36,000 global forex brokers. WikiFX gives you a huge advantage while seeking the best forex brokers.

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (8)

As you can see, based on information given on WikiFX (, DT Securities currently has no valid regulatory license and the score is rather negative - only 0.99/10! WikiFX gives brokers a score from 0 to 10. The higher the score is, the more reliable the broker is.

Besides, DT Securities seems to operate in Australia as well. WikiFX made the effort to check the registers of ASIC, but in vain – no company or broker by the name of DT Securities was to be found there. Beware!

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (9)

Investors are advised to search relevant information on WikiFX APP about the broker you are inclined to trade with before finally deciding whether to make investment or not. Compared with official financial regulators which might lag behind, WikiFX is better at monitoring risks related to certain brokers - the WikiFX compliance and audit team gives a quantitative assessment of the level of broker regulatory through regulatory grading standards, regulatory actual values, regulatory utility models, and regulatory abnormality prediction models. If investors use WikiFX APP before investing in any broker, you will be more likely to avoid unnecessary trouble and thus be prevented from losing money! The importance of being cautious and prudent can never be stressed enough.

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (10)

In a nutshell, it's not wise to invest in DT Securities. WikiFX reminds you that forex scam is everywhere, you'd better check the broker's information and user reviews on WikiFX before investing.

You can also expose forex scams on WikiFX. WikiFX will do everything in its power to help you and expose scams, warn others not to be scammed. In addition, scam victims are advised to seek help directly from the local police or a lawyer.

WikiFX keeps track of developments, providing instant updates on individual traders and helping investors avoid unscrupulous brokers. If you want to know whether a broker is safe or not, be sure to open WikiFXs official website ( or download the WikiFX APP through this link ( to evaluate the safety and reliability of this broker!

WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (11)
WikiFX Scam Alert: CNMV Warns Against DT Securities!!! (2024)
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