Why Your Startup Won’t Last (2024)


Many startups fail because they don’t have a viable business model or idea, yet some startups struggle to survive despite successfully navigating the market.

  • As startups grow, it becomes critical to add some elements of structure to help keep people accountable for their tasks and set expectations across the board. But structure often kills the initial entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Other causes for failed startups include the challenges to recruit the right talent or the changing roles of the founder.
  • Here are a few more common reasons startups have a hard time surviving in the long term, and what leaders can do about it.

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The global startup economy is worth $3 trillion today. Startups are no longer concentrated in hubs like Silicon Valley but instead spread across the globe. There are 25 startup ecosystems around the world, with an ecosystem value above $10 billion each. But even with support from various incubators and accelerators, the “unicorn” status (a privately held startup valued at over $1 billion) isnot commonplace.

While doing extensive research on building case studies of fast-growing companies, Harvard Business School Professor Ranjay Gulati has grappled with one key question: Why do some startups that have crossed the threshold of “product-market fit”andhave a viable business model with a growing revenue streamstill fail?

Let’s step back and understand the problem. Many startups fail because they don’t have a viable business model or idea. Many fail because they haven’t been able to gain enough traction with customers or are unable to cope with competition. And that seems reasonable. But some startups even after successfully traversing market challenges still don’t manage to survive. While there is no hard data to support this, the problem seems to be real.

When Gulati beganresearch on the startup ecosystemmore than a decade ago, his thinking was that startups need more structure to thrive. Founders resist putting in place structures and systems as they grow and that eventually leads to organizational chaos and ultimately, failure. But as he researched this further, his thinking evolved to realizing that while on the one hand too little structure in a high-growth venture can lead to chaos, going too far on the other extreme with too much structure can also be equally detrimental and kill the soul of the startup.

How can startup founders learn the mechanics of scaling up effectively before they reach a point where they tip over too far, in one direction or the other? In an attempt to better understand this problem, Gulati conducted a closed-group discussion with professionals, investors, and founders operating in various segments of the Indian startup ecosystem.

The group identified nine main challenges that startups that scale up must confront.

The Fear of Structure

Issue:Bringing in structure and “grown-ups” tarnishes the entrepreneurial spirit. To get the business off the ground, startup founders do whatever it takes and that works as long as the startup is small. When scaling up, it becomes critical to add some elements of structure and delineate roles so people can be responsible for their tasks as things get more chaotic. Structure also means better accountability for tasks and control. And as you add structure you have to also consider bringing in functional specialists who understand how carry out those specialized tasks so that they can be done more effectively. The challenge here is how one can bring in structure whilst still maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit.

Proposed solution:Clearly define roles and areas of authority. Bring in structure and also define specialized roles along with hiring functional specialistsgradually, while still reinforcing the entrepreneurial spirit.

Taking the Vertical Structure Too Far (or Not)

Issue:Not thinking the hierarchy through. It’s not just adding structure that could be an issue but adding excessive layers to the structure that could pose problems. This rapid verticalization of the organization — that is sometimes put in place to appease early employees who want to be at the top of the pyramid — can slow down decision-making. When the company is small, the decision-making lies in a few hands making it much easier to make quick calls. It also gives people a sense of being trusted as they know they can handle their own work and make decisions for things that lie in their domain.

The flip side is not adding enough layers — the founder or CEO wants everyone to report to them — which becomes a bottleneck for quick decision making. This could frustrate and demotivate people as things move slowly and access to decision-makers is tough.

Proposed solution:Be deliberate as you add vertical layers into your organization. Founders and early leaders need to understand what their span of control should be. In a previously published HBR article, Gulati suggests using what he calls “freedom within a framework.” Along with freedom you need to provide employees with a framework within which they are able to exercise their freedom. You have to find the balance between very little and too much control.

Mapping Your Path to That of Established Companies

Issue:Emulating the growth pattern of successful startups and applying it blindly to your startup. Every startup cannot become an Amazon. In trying to emulate the scale-up paths of established companies, founders forget that the ecosystem that existed when Amazon was scaling up was very different from what it is now. Strategy, market context, culture and mission differ too. One cannot simply follow the footsteps of establish startups and try and replicate that. They need to find their own paths and growth story. Is your end point to be a mid-cap company or a large-cap company? There is no single, universal pathway to building a scaled organization, so know your mission.

Proposed solution: Aim fordisciplined growth: chalk out how fast you want to grow and what your play for growth will be and then stick to that mission.

Crafting the Culture

Issue:Growing the team while preserving the culture. The culture at a startup is typically what attracts people to join and what keeps the startup going. Stories of how early employees have worked through countless nights to get things done is commonplace. A sense of belonging to a team and pursuing a common goal of making the company viable pulls people together, but as you grow and add headcount the number of people who can relate to the struggles of early days are less in comparison to the total number of employees. As you begin to scale and formalize functions, the founder’s attention moves to things that are more immediate like managing a brand campaign or managing operations. Instead of being deliberate about the culture, founders let it evolve on its own. Culture can sometimes take a backseat. Take the example of Uber, whose culture evolved in ways that have caused huge strategic and employee-related issues that continue to linger despite efforts from their leadership to tackle them.

Proposed solution:The founding team should be deliberate — from their early days — about articulating and communicating (even overcommunicating at times) their culture. Hire people in functional roles a bit ahead of the scale up process so the new hires have enough time to understand and soak in the culture and grow with the startup.

The Changing Role of the Generalists

Issue:Not every generalist wants to be a specialist. Employees who have been with you from the start can find the scale-up process somewhat unnerving, if the scale-up isn’t thought through with regard to their roles. When you bring in people from outside for specialized functional roles (as you restructure and remove roles that weren’t very clearly defined previously), older employees — who typically have a more generalist orientation — could feel frustrated at losing authority. The result could be employees leaving, taking with them the critical tacit knowledge of the business and of your culture (and also some strong client relationships you’ve built since you started).

Proposed solution:Involve generalists in the hiring process and, and in many instances, this may even entail, “hiring their own bosses.” Domain experts can act as mentors and help generalists find their niches. And if it is time for the generalists to leave, handle that departure with care.

Spotting the Right Talent

Issue:During the scale-up phase, it is imperative you have talent that brings in expertise the founder lacks. Founders usually grapple with hiring the right talent for the scale-up phase. Should you bring in someone who has helped scale startups previously or who has the ability to do that? How do you assess if this person will be the right fit for your start up and will be able to manage scale? Young entrepreneurs, due to lack of experience, are also challenged when it comes to asking the right questions of the candidate to identify the right talent. Along with bringing in talent with functional skills, it is also important to bring in those who have scaled a venture before and understand the dilemmas associated with scaling. And knowing when to upscale your talent and in which specific areas remains a perennial challenge for many entrepreneurs who sometimes reach out to their venture capitalists (VC) for advice in these matters.

Preserving the Cash Cow

Issue:As the money flows in, your focus can waver. How do you grow your core business around which your startup was built while also creating more opportunities for growth? As the startup grows and you have been able to secure more funding, founders may feel that it’s time to add more feathers to the cap, taking the focus away from the core business. There is a delicate balance between staying focused on what you are doing well, whilst still exploring new opportunities that might even require you to make a radical pivot.

Proposed solution:One way to ensure focus is to articulate a purpose statement that encapsulates the firm’s reason for existence and business plan, and to revisit it frequently. Focus but also the willingness to adapt can be emphasized during internal business review meetings by asking these questions:What game are you playing?andHow are you going to win?

The Changing Role of the Founder

Issue:They don’t stop calling themselves founders. As the startup scales and specialists are brought in, the founder still wants to call the shots, not wanting to give up their decision-making power. Many founders don’t let go of their titles (still calling themselves founders) and that leads to a disconnect between what they were responsible for as founders versus what they should be responsible for in their new role. Another reason for not wanting to give up on that position and title is that as the company has grown, the founders haven’treskilled enoughto take on new, specialized or niche roles and it becomes difficult to find themselves a fit in functional roles in a scaled-up organization. Some founders indicated that they begin to feel as if their own organization has outgrown them.

Proposed solution:Founders need to continuously retool themselves and find a role for themselves within the growing organization and it doesn’t necessarily have to be at the top, leading the organization. As the company grows, they should find a role that suits their skills and also devise more functional designations, so they know what exactly they’re responsible for.

Managing Pivots

Issue:When to pivot and what to pivot to? Managing pivots in the firms’ strategy and direction is a common challenge faced by entrepreneurs. One facet of this challenge is convincing the firm’s key stakeholders (investors, employees, and customers) of the need to pivot and getting their buy-in on the new strategy. Another facet is restructuring and reorganization to align the firm with the new strategy. This includes changing the way teams are structured, identifying teams that need to be let go, building functions that need to be expanded, and building expertise in the new area of focus.

Proposed solution:But you need to step back periodically and reflect on whether you are in pursuit of the right growth opportunities in your rapidly changing market. And don’t fall into the “sunk cost fallacy” where you cannot move beyond your initial ideas and investments. In this context, turning to your VC and other seasoned entrepreneurs can be critical, especially for inexperienced founders.

Why Your Startup Won’t Last (2024)


Why Your Startup Won’t Last? ›

According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

Why do most startup fail? ›

According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

How long should a startup last? ›

The average startup lasts between two and five years.

On average, 90% of startups survive one year. 69% of small businesses survive two years. However, only 50% of startups will survive five years.

How long does it take most startups to fail? ›

20% of new businesses fail within the first two years. 45% of new business startups don't survive the fifth year. 65% of new startups fail during the first ten years. 75% of American startups go out of business during the first 15 years.

What does a failing startup look like? ›

Here are some surefire signs that your startup is in trouble: Your cash flow is negative and has been for a long time. Your startup spends money on the wrong things (like foosball tables) and not the right things (such as salaries and marketing). Your product is outdated or has zero demand in the market.

What is the hardest thing about a startup? ›

Failure is part of the growth process. The toughest part of founding and running his own business, Bradley says, is dealing with the fear that he may so many times he'll want to give up. “Fail fast, fail often, fail cheaply – that's a startup motto and something high growth startup founders should follow.

When should you give up on a startup? ›

  1. You work in a toxic culture. Toxic workplace cultures are quickly becoming the main driving force behind The Great Resignation. ...
  2. You've stopped learning. ...
  3. You feel undervalued. ...
  4. You feel burnt out. ...
  5. Your company isn't financially stable. ...
  6. You're easily bored by your work. ...
  7. You want to work in a different startup stage.

Is $10 000 enough to start a business? ›

The point is that many business owners have started successful businesses with 10k or less. Any startup business has a chance to win customers with a suitable business model and a solid plan. Of course, you should always do market research and look for businesses to start in sectors you understand.

How do you know if a startup is dying? ›

Here are 12 signs to indicate your startup may be failing:
  • Long-term Negative Operational Cash Flow.
  • No Customer Traction.
  • Infighting Amongst the Leadership.
  • Poor Money Management.
  • Built Relationships Show Signs of Failing.
  • Poor Results from Marketing Initiatives.
  • Negative Attribution and Turnover Rate.
  • Loss of Focus.
May 24, 2022

How old is the average startup owner? ›

HBR found that the average startup founder who fits the aforementioned data set was 45 when they started their company. Among the factors that might explain why older entrepreneurs could have an advantage over younger founders is work experience, which HBR noted plays a crucial role in success.

Where do most startups fail? ›

Lack of financing or investors. The study notes that 47% of startup failures in 2022 were due to a lack of financing, nearly double the percentage that failed for the same reason in 2021, based on CB Insight's data. Running out of cash was behind 44% of failures.

What percentage of startups exit? ›

Approximately 30% of new small businesses fail by the end of year two, while half will fail before year five. That means roughly 70% of startups fail within their first five years of operations.

How long is too long for a startup? ›

The short answer is it takes at least 4 years just to get pointed toward a real business, and I'd argue it takes 7-10 years to make your startup truly the success that you had in mind when that idea came to you.

Do you put failed startup on resume? ›

If your failure is longer term or includes failed business ventures, then it's worth including on your resume. This can include anything from working at a company for six years before being let go or running a startup for four years before you ran out of funding.

How stressful is a startup? ›

Startups often experience resource constraints and do not have a structured hierarchy system. As a result, its employees end up donning quite a few hats and sometimes even take on assignments they do not excel at or enjoy. This becomes yet another cause of work stress among them.

Do 95% of startups fail? ›

Failure isn't happening in isolated cases, though; according to Medium.com, 95% of startups fail. Startups tend to make several key mistakes in hiring that contribute to their downfall. The first is moving too slowly and being overly cautious, afraid to make a hiring misstep.

What are the three most important startup issues? ›

Common startup problems include poor planning, poor leadership, failure to differentiate a product or service from others that are already available, ignoring the needs of customers, and not learning from failures.

Is 30 too late to start a startup? ›

There's no timeline or expiration date on becoming a successful entrepreneur. In fact, people starting businesses later in life may actually have some advantages over people that are still early in their careers. It's never too late to start your entrepreneurial journey.

What not to do in a startup? ›

  • Lie to yourself. ...
  • Say “I can't” to everything that looks difficult. ...
  • Have zero goals to aspire to. ...
  • Depend on other people for constant love, attention, or entertainment. ...
  • Obsess about other people's things or words. ...
  • Dwell on your mistakes. ...
  • Spend what you don't have. ...
  • Assume that your current job will last a long time.
Apr 14, 2023

What does a good startup look like? ›

For a startup to succeed, there are generally three core components making up that success: a strong product, a well-researched go-to-market strategy, and a strong organizational culture. Each of these components can be a struggle to get right individually—and ensuring each of them works together can be even bigger.

Can a small business make 100K a year? ›

Yes, you can make $100,000 per year as a business owner.

The chances of earning over $100k for a business owner are actually pretty good because the highest-paid business owner positions typically pay at least $151,000 per year.

Is $30,000 dollars enough to start a business? ›

How Much Money on Average to Start a Business? On average, startup and first-year costs often fall between $30,000 and $40,000. However, it is possible to start a business with an initial investment of $0, $100, $1,000, all the way up to millions of dollars.

How much should a small business pay themselves? ›

Key points. Small business owners should pay themselves a salary when their businesses are profitable. Base your salary on your net business income, after setting aside 30% for taxes. Divide the remaining income into a salary for yourself and your business savings.

What is startup burnout? ›

Overload of Responsibilities. The leading cause of burnout in a startup for an employee is taking on more responsibilities than they can manage. Most new employees are over-eager to benefit the company they are working for to get more recognition.

How do I recover a failed startup? ›

How to Recover From a Startup Failure?
  1. Find Your Mistake.
  2. Actively Decide to Change.
  3. Make a Survival Plan.
  4. Remain Focused.
  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity.
  6. Learn to Say ''No''
  7. Seek Advice.
  8. Take Your Time.

Is 37 too old to start a business? ›

Starting a business is like having a baby—there never really is a “right” time. It has nothing to do with how old you are, and most likely you will never feel completely ready. The biggest key to get started is to confront the initial fear associated with transitioning from a corporate career to entrepreneurship.

How much is the average startup sold for? ›

According to the data, the average successful startup has raised $41 million in venture capital and exited for $242.9 million dollars since 2007. Among those that were acquired, Crunchbase reports startups raised an average of $29.4 million and sold for $155.5 million.

What is the age of most successful founders? ›

But the average age of most successful startup founders is 42, according to Harvard Business Review. Researchers found that founders with work experience were more likely to be successful.

Do 9 out of 10 businesses fail? ›

The regularly quoted number is that 9 out of 10 startups fail, and it seems to originate from the Startup Genome project (in some of their more recent reports, however, they even say only 1 in 12 entrepreneurs succeed). The exact accuracy of the statistic is beside the point for most people.

What is the most common business to fail? ›

Transportation, construction, and warehousing have the worst failure rates with 30%-40% of these businesses surviving five years, while approximately 50% of all businesses make it to their fifth year.

What is the startup failure rate in 2023? ›

Startup Failure Rates 2023 (Top Picks)

10% of startups fail in the first year of launching. 80% of the startups in the United States fail. 65% of startups survive for an average of 15 years. First-time business owners who launch a startup have an 18% success rate.

What is the most common exit for a startup? ›

Startup acquisitions

The main exit strategy for startups is to sell the company to a bigger one for a profit.

How long do startups take to become profitable? ›

Two to three years is the standard estimation for how long it takes a business to be profitable. That said, each startup has different initial costs and ways of measuring business profitability. A business could have enough cash to become profitable immediately or take three years or longer to make money.

How often do startups raise funds? ›

On average this happens around every 12 to 18 months. In later and larger rounds this timeframe often grows a little. So, you may start out by getting enough money from friends and family to get set up, do more research, put together your prototype, and survive a year.

What is the 50 100 500 rule? ›

The 50-100-500 Rule

The name is pretty telling of its concept. According to the rule, you are no longer a startup if: The enterprise's revenue exceeds $50 million. 100 or more employees are employed.

How long do people usually work at startups? ›

While it's a myth that every startup requires you to work overtime every week, most startup employees put in 50-60 hours per week, and many founders put in 60-100 per week. Your body ultimately needs sleep, food, relaxation, and even boredom to function properly.

Which type of startups are most profitable? ›

Top Profitable Startup Ideas
  1. Online Courses. In the past year alone, with more people at home than ever, online courses have seen a huge increase in enrollment. ...
  2. Social Media Consulting. ...
  3. Web Design. ...
  4. Logo Design. ...
  5. Delivery Service. ...
  6. Cleaning Business. ...
  7. Business Consulting. ...
  8. Health and Wellness Business.
Jan 9, 2023

What companies grew too fast? ›

  • Wise Acre Frozen Treats. Jim Picariello started Wise Acre Frozen Treats back in 2006, making organic popsicles in a schoolhouse kitchen. ...
  • 180s. As reported by Baltimore magazine, 180s started in 1994 as a partnership between founders Brian Le Gette and Ron Wilson. ...
  • Crumbs Bake Shop. ...
  • Zynga. ...
  • KIND Snacks.
Mar 12, 2018

What percentage of entrepreneurs fail? ›

Data from the BLS shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

What are the 10 reasons why new business fail? ›

Let's explore the top 10 reasons why businesses fail – plus one important bonus tip.
  • Complacency. ...
  • Not prioritizing sustainability. ...
  • Not putting customers first. ...
  • Not relentlessly innovating. ...
  • Not thinking of themselves as tech companies. ...
  • Not treating data as a key business asset. ...
  • Failing to attract and keep talent.
Aug 29, 2022

What are the 7 reasons most small businesses fail? ›

The top 10 reasons small businesses fail – and how to avoid them
  • Lack of research. ...
  • Not having a business plan. ...
  • Not having the business funding they need. ...
  • Financial mismanagement. ...
  • Poor marketing. ...
  • Not keeping abreast of customer needs or the competition. ...
  • Failing to adapt. ...
  • Growing too quickly.
Jul 6, 2021

How quickly do most startups fail? ›

About 90% of startups fail. 10% of startups fail within the first year. Across all industries, startup failure rates seem to be close to the same. Failure is most common for startups during years two through five, with 70% falling into this category.

How long does it take for a startup to fail? ›

20% of new businesses fail within the first two years. 45% of new business startups don't survive the fifth year. 65% of new startups fail during the first ten years. 75% of American startups go out of business during the first 15 years.

How likely is a startup to fail? ›

Startup Failure Rates

About 90% of startups fail. 10% of startups fail within the first year. Across all industries, startup failure rates seem to be close to the same. Failure is most common for startups during years two through five, with 70% falling into this category.

Why do most startups fail quizlet? ›

Most startups fail because they fail to make something someone wants to buy from them.

What makes a startup successful? ›

For a startup to succeed, there are generally three core components making up that success: a strong product, a well-researched go-to-market strategy, and a strong organizational culture. Each of these components can be a struggle to get right individually—and ensuring each of them works together can be even bigger.

What is the exit rate of startups? ›

The reality is that 90% of startups fail. From budgeting apps to legal matchmaking services, businesses across every industry see more closures than billion-dollar success stories. And a whopping 10% of startups fail before they reach their second year.

How many businesses survive 25 years? ›

Fewer Than You Think. Data from the Small Business Administration shows that an average of 80% of employer businesses survive the first year, 70% survive at least two years, 50% survive at least five years, 30% survive at least ten years, and 25% survive at least fifteen years.

What is the difference between a startup and a small business? ›

A startup is looking to expand quickly and become a much bigger company, while a small business is more focused on creating and maintaining a constant and stable revenue stream. They are not necessarily trying to scale up in any way.

What is the #1 mistake startups can make? ›

Scaling too quickly without the proper team in place

The biggest mistake that startups make is scaling without having the proper growth strategy and allotted resources in place. “The biggest mistake a startup can make is not properly managing the growth,” explains Daniel Javor of Step By Step Business.

How do I start a business without failing? ›

10 great tips to avoid business failure
  1. DIY market research. Worried that no one wants to buy your product? ...
  2. Share your ideas. ...
  3. Set realistic goals. ...
  4. Be patient with success. ...
  5. Don't be intimidated by getting online. ...
  6. Delegate, don't micro-manage. ...
  7. Reflect your customers' values. ...
  8. Don't go it alone.
Mar 22, 2022

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.