Why Your Physical Presence Matters (2024)

Much has been said about the current business fad of mindfulness: being mentally present at the moment.This article, though, is about beingphysicallypresent, something many of us are doing less of due to the pandemic.I understand; it’s tempting to forego the office commute and let Zoom do the rest.

But… your physical presence is important.Doing everything virtually can have a negative impact on results.

Being physically present allows you to listen, communicate, and observe people and things firsthand — without any filtering by your organization… an organization that is, after all,designed to filter. Also, physical presence allows you to visually inspect.Remember the old business adage, “what is expected is what is inspected.”If the inspection stops, expectations change.

For example, with a bankruptcy client of mine,ownership was surprised by what was eventually discovered.They were rarely onsite and Board meetings were mostly remote. The first time I walked into this client’s offices, everything was a mess. The copier was broken, piles of paper were stacked everywhere, and things were just plain dirty. That’s the power of physical presence — or, in this case, a lack thereof.

Some tips on being physically present…

Use visual cues to informally gather informationbeforeyou learn from formal processes.

When I was in the food service distribution business, my company used an antiquated computer system that often crashed. If the system took too much time to recover, delivery trucks would leave later than planned in the early morning. The telltale sign when I arrived each day? A line of trucks queued up waiting to depart.

Similarly,when I was in the corrugated box business, my trips to the plant were full of tip offs.I could physically see if inventories were high or low, what type of products were being made, and so forth. All of this provided expectations that I then tracked against the computerized reporting systems. Discrepancies between the two were a sign that something might be amiss.

Be unexpected.

Walking around has the benefit of surprise; nothing is staged in expectation of your arrival.This becomes more important as you move higher up within the organization. For example, when I was in the corrugated box business, my walks through the plant didn’t matter to plant personnel. But when the regional general manager showed up — a planned event — everything was always shipshape.

Unexpected visits are harder to do the more physically distant you are from the operation. When I was in the rent a car business and living in Boston, I would make unplanned trips to our East Coast locations. Yes, I did call the general manager to let him know I was in town, and typically, I had been scheduled to arrive sometime in the next four weeks, so it wasn't a complete surprise. But this allowed me to visit before preparations were made.

Be routine.

Unexpected visits aside,the benefit of having a routine is that if someone wants to say something to you, they know where and when they can find you.When I ran a VOIP company that was trying to sell itself, I would begin every morning by walking through the building. I would start in the back and talk to the Chef (tech companies are supposed to have chefs, or so I am told), then the operations guy, the electrician, through the engineering department, and finally customer service.

Not only did I see what was happening or not,people were free to talk to me about whatever was on their minds.When a business is being sold, there is usually a lot on employees' minds!

In this situation, the owner to whom the employees were very loyal was barred by a Federal Judge from showing up at the premises or otherwise interfering with the sale. The owner was constantly stirring the pot, however, and by walking around, the employees heard directly from me what was happening and what was not. The pot did start to boil from time to time, but never over the sides!

Engage with people.

They won't always talk at first;it takes time for them to learn you are approachable.So probe when you talk. You’ll gain a better understanding of what’s happening, see if they have the resources needed to get the job done, and be able to assess how clear they are regarding the organization's vision, objectives, and strategies.

Develop rapport and relationships.

When I walked through the corrugated plant, my conversations with various supervisors built rapport over time. Later on, when I evaluated potential capital projects, I had the relationships in place to talk to relevant personnel and gain their insights.

Visit everyone you can.

This refers to both time of day and location.If there is a night shift or early shift, make sure you wander around at those times too.Visit different locations as well.

For example, when I was CFO of the S. S. Pierce Company, a food service distributor, I would often come back to the office after dinner. Why? Besides having a lot of work to do, the evening is when the night shift works loading trucks for delivery early the next morning. It was a critical operation that affected a lot of costs and represented over a third of the hourly work force.

Inspect what is important.

If the operation has certain critical success factors, look at them.At S. S. Pierce, for example, one of these was fast inventory turnover (stale inventory is always a problem).So, when I walked through a warehouse, I always looked for dust, faded packing, etc. And I made it a point to visit the warehouse sections where traditional slow movers were stored.

Always be positive.

If you don't like what you see, tell people what you would like to see instead. (More about this concept,here.)

Final Thoughts

Naturally, there are some limits to physical presence, the biggest of which is your time, so plan wisely.Also, if you are part of a larger company, wandering through someone else's turf uninvited is not always a good idea. Finally, the larger the enterprise and the higher up you are in that enterprise, the less effective this tool becomes. You can't be everywhere and when you do show up, it is planned and structured by necessity.

Limitations aside, physical presence should be a key, go-to tool in your management kit.It is a great source of unstructured and unfiltered information and an effective way to communicate. All needed to bothmanage and lead.

Charlie Goodrich is Founder and Principal ofGoodrich & Associates, a management consulting firm that specializes in helping its business clients solve urgent liquidity problems. He holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the University of Virginia and has over 30 years experience in this area.

Why Your Physical Presence Matters (2024)


Why is physical presence important? ›

Your body's physical presence shows a desire to communicate or hang out with someone. Physical presence is more than just being close to someone or to a group. It has to do with how your body is actually positioned towards the person (s).

Why is physical presence important in the workplace? ›

Your physical presence during these events can make a significant impact on your ability to establish valuable connections. Some tips for making a good impression include introducing yourself with confidence, asking open-ended questions, and actively listening to others.

Why physical presence is important in a relationship? ›

The relationship survival without physical presence is good only in the movies. Real life is just another story and physical presence is highly significant. If you want to look to the future with your partner then you will have to lead a life together and not become digital story. Act before its too late.

What is the meaning of physical presence? ›

The place where a person is actually, physically located. Source: Department of State.

How do you demonstrate physical presence? ›

Employment and court records (including incarceration records) can also be used to prove physical presence. A Social Security statement can be helpful, but because income can be earned outside the U.S., it should be supported by other evidence.

How can I have a strong physical presence? ›

You can use techniques established by actors to develop the power of presence to support your professional and personal life.
  1. Get out of your head and into your body. ...
  2. Breathe. ...
  3. Explore the tension of being the center of attention. ...
  4. Move your body. ...
  5. Be real with yourself. ...
  6. Be real with others. ...
  7. Let go of perfectionism.

What is professional presence and why is it so important? ›

What is “Professional Presence” – and how did it come to interest you? For me, Professional Presence means being really present in the moment, physically, mentally and emotionally and showing that presence non verbally as well as verbally. It's also about showing the best of yourself.

Does physical appearance matter in the workplace? ›

A number of studies have found that certain physical characteristics can affect your chance of getting hired. It has also been found that a person's employability can sometimes be based more on their attractiveness than education or job characteristics.

What does physical presence mean in business? ›

Physical presence is a nexus standard that requires only more than the slightest presence. Physical presence nexus creating activities include, but are not limited to: Having an employee working in the state. Having real or tangible personal property in the state.

What is physical presence in a relationship? ›

“Physical presence” is when I'm actively engaged in conversation or activity directly with my significant other.

How does physical appearance affect relationships? ›

Attractiveness tends to be a more important factor in dating decisions than traits like personality, education, and intelligence. The longer a couple knows each other, the less important physical attractiveness becomes for maintaining a long-term relationship.

Why is physical intimacy important for a man? ›

For many men, intimacy involves an exclusive emotional and physical bond, marked by open communication, vulnerability and trust. It's a safe space to access admiration and affection. The physical and emotional intimately interconnect, allowing men to lower their guard away from outside pressures.

What is a powerful presence? ›

People with presence look confident and comfortable, speak clearly and persuasively, think clearly even under pressure. They act with intention. People with presence reflect on their emotions, attitudes, and situations and then adapt. They accept responsibility for themselves and the results they achieve.

What are examples of presence? ›

the fact that someone or something is in a place: She was overawed by the presence of so many people. The presence of pollen in the atmosphere causes hay fever in some people.

What does presence personality mean? ›

Amy Cuddy defines presence as a self-assured confidence that's not arrogant but allows you to express your true self. Her book Presence says you can achieve presence by leveraging the body-mind connection to change the way you feel about yourself rather than worrying about how others perceive you.

Why is participation important in the workplace? ›

When employees are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions, they are more likely to communicate with one another and work together to achieve common goals. This can help to build a sense of teamwork and foster a positive organizational culture. There are many different ways to encourage employee participation.

What is the advantage that employees with physical beauty have in the workplace? ›

Physically attractive people make higher salaries.

In the workplace, your face really can be your fortune. When everything else is considered, more attractive people tend to earn more money and climb higher on the corporate ladder than people who are considered less pleasing to the eye.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.