Why You Shouldn’t Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar for Cleaning, According to a Chemist (2024)

by Ashley Abramson

Ashley Abramson

Ashley Abramson is a writer-mom hybrid in Minneapolis, MN. Her work, mostly focused on health, psychology, and parenting, has been featured in the Washington Post, New York Times, Allure, and more. She lives in the Minneapolis suburbs with her husband and two young sons.


published Sep 15, 2022

Why You Shouldn’t Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar for Cleaning, According to a Chemist (1)

Some of the most effective household cleaners aren’t meant to be mixed. You probably already know never to combine harsh chemicals like bleach and ammonia (or really, bleach and anything). But common pantry essentials that are often used for cleaning — like baking soda and vinegar — shouldn’t be mixed either.

Unlike the bleach-ammonia mixture, combining soda and vinegar won’t hurt anyone — but don’t expect the mixture to do a good job cleaning, either. According to Amanda Morris, associate chair of the chemistry department at Virginia Tech University, baking soda and vinegar basically cancel each other out when they’re mixed —unless you use them the right way, in the right time frame.

Why, you ask? Here’s a little chemistry lesson, compliments of Dr. Morris.

What Happens When You Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar?

Let’s start with the basics (literally). Baking soda is a base, and vinegar is an acid. When they’re combined, acids “donate” protons to bases; in this case, it’s acetic acid lending a hydrogen proton to the bicarbonate. When bicarbonate gains a hydrogen proton, it forms carbonic acid (or H2CO3) which is unstable and eventually decomposes. Once that happens you’re left with water, carbon dioxide, and acetate and sodium ions. The carbon dioxide gained in the reaction is what makes it bubbly, which looks appealing. But once the bubbles stop, you’re left with what Morris describes as “glorified water.”

Can You Clean With a Mix of Baking Soda and Vinegar?

Technically yes, but it’s not the power cleaner you’ve been led to believe. In fact, it’s volatile, and only really has one benefit: the mechanical movement of the bubbles.

If you’re planning to use baking soda and vinegar together, Morris suggests using the mixture while it’s still bubbling –and ideally, directly on the surface you’re cleaning. For example, one useful method Morris suggests is to dump a bit of baking soda down a garbage disposal, followed by a couple glugs of vinegar. The CO2 from the reaction will create bubbles, which are useful for manually dislodging gunk from your drain, or other places you can’t reach with a scrub brush.

Technically, as long as you use your mixture while it’s still bubbling —and still slightly basic — you can use it to cut through grease on kitchen surfaces. But it’s the basic baking soda doing the heavy lifting here, and a simple paste of baking soda and water would be better at cutting grease; the added vinegar only harms the power of your mixture.

By the time the vinegar and baking soda mixture stops bubbling, it won’t be all that helpful. “The way you wouldn’t want to use these ingredients is to mix them and let them sit in a bottle forever,” Morris says. “At that point, you essentially have water.”

If Baking Soda and Vinegar Cancel Each Other Out, Why Do People Mix Them?

Irina Nikiforova, owner of Rocket Maids LA, says she often sees clients attempt to clean their ovens and cooktops with the mix. Other people, she says, clean shower doors with pre-mixed vinegar and baking soda with 0000 steel wool (which she says actually does the trick, probably because of the steel wool). Nikiforova suspects people see the bubbles in the reaction and assume it’s an effective cleaner, even after the reaction stops; or, people just assume that because the two ingredients are great for cleaning on their own, they’re even better together.

But she agrees with Morris that the best, most effective way to use baking soda and vinegar is separately, taking advantage of each one’s chemical properties. For example, as a base, baking soda is a great degreaser, and vinegar’s acid will cut through hard water stains.

If you’re looking for a green solution to clean your oven or cooktop, Nikiforova suggests simply creating a paste of water and baking soda, applying it to your oven for a few hours, and scrubbing the tough spots with a scouring stick.

And if you can’t use your baking soda-vinegar mix right away, as Morris suggests, save the chemical reaction for an at-home science experiment.

This post was originally published on Apartment Therapy. Read it there: Why You Shouldn’t Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar for Cleaning, According to a Chemist

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Why You Shouldn’t Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar for Cleaning, According to a Chemist (2024)


Why You Shouldn’t Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar for Cleaning, According to a Chemist? ›

Baking soda is a base, and vinegar is an acid. When they're combined, acids “donate” protons to bases; in this case, it's acetic acid lending a hydrogen proton to the bicarbonate. When bicarbonate gains a hydrogen proton, it forms carbonic acid (or H2CO3) which is unstable and eventually decomposes.

Why you shouldn't clean with baking soda and vinegar? ›

Vinegar is acidic and basic soda is basic, so the by-products are sodium acetate, carbon dioxide, and water that are not toxic. The mixing reaction causes the baking soda to foam up and produce carbon dioxide gas.

What happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda chemistry? ›

Mixing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) causes a chemical reaction that produces a salt (sodium acetate) and water, as well as carbon dioxide gas.

What happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda and why? ›

When vinegar (dilute acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) mix together, the pair "foams up" to produce carbon dioxide gas, as well as liquid water, acetate ions and sodium ions. The carbon dioxide gas is what produces the bubbles.

How long do you leave baking soda and vinegar in toilet? ›

Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda onto the stain, and then pour another cup of vinegar over the baking soda. Watch the acid vs. base fizz up and let it sit for 15 minutes. Scrub the mixture into stains with a toilet brush.

Does cleaning with baking soda and vinegar disinfect? ›

Household disinfectants — vinegar and baking soda used on their own — were highly effective against potential bacterial pathogens but less effective than commercial household disinfectants.

How much baking soda and vinegar to react? ›

Adding vinegar to baking soda gives you an immediate reaction. Adding baking soda to vinegar, the reaction is delayed, but then fizzes the same amount. More vinegar is better. A 12 to 1 ratio of vinegar to baking soda caused a fizzing explosion!

Can you mix Dawn and vinegar and baking soda? ›

Diy Cleaning Hacks. Tired of stinky, retail cleaners? Try this: Vinegar Cleaner: 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp Dawn dish soap 1 tbsp white vinegar Directions: Fill spray bottle with water. Add Dawn.

How much chemical reaction is baking soda and vinegar? ›

The overall chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (weak acetic acid) is one mole of solid sodium bicarbonate reacts with one mole of liquid acetic acid to produce one mole each of carbon dioxide gas, liquid water, sodium ions, and acetate ions.

Is white vinegar and baking soda a good cleaner? ›

Adding vinegar and baking soda together creates a fizzy chemical reaction that can help dissolve stains and loosen up gunky messes. This makes them a handy cleaning combo, even though the actual solution left behind is basically salt water!

What can you not clean with baking soda? ›

Things You Should Never Clean With Baking Soda
  • 1) Antique silver. Although baking soda can pretty quickly remove tarnish from silverware, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea to use it. ...
  • 2) Marble. ...
  • 3) Ceramic cooktop. ...
  • 4) Aluminum. ...
  • 5) Gold-plated items.
Mar 12, 2021

Why put baking soda in your toilet at night? ›

Leaving those products in water overnight can also release fumes into your bathroom. The aforementioned baking soda and vinegar is a safer alternative for keeping your toilet bowl sparkling. You can add them to the toilet bowl at the end of the night for a good, cleansing soak until morning.

Can I leave vinegar in toilet overnight? ›

You can use straight or a diluted vinegar cleaning solution for the bathroom to clean bacteria, especially around the toilet. Cleaning with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar in the bathroom can work really well. To clean your toilet with vinegar, pour a cup of vinegar in the toilet bowl and let sit overnight.

Why put baking soda in back of toilet? ›

Odor Toilet Tank FAQ

White vinegar and baking soda in equal parts is a cost-efficient and effective means of getting rid odors in a toilet. Add them to the tank, mix them in and then use the toilet brush to gently scrub the tank. Let it sit for a few hours, scrub the tank again and flush.

Can you leave baking soda and vinegar in drain overnight? ›

Leave it in the drain for an hour or two or overnight, and then flush the drain with hot tap water. For larger drains, such as tubs and kitchen sinks, use about a quarter-cup of baking soda, a half-cup of water to move the powder down, and 2 cups of vinegar.

What kills germs better bleach or vinegar? ›

“Of course, vinegar does eliminate some things, but it's important to note it's not a complete solution to disinfectant. It is only 90% effective against bacteria and around 80 percent effective against viruses and mold or mildew. Bleach, however, eliminates 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and mold or mildew.

What should you not use white vinegar on? ›

  • When to Avoid Cleaning With Vinegar. Below, we highlight nine instances when you should skip the vinegar and grab a different cleaning agent for the job. ...
  • Clothes Iron. ...
  • Countertops. ...
  • Dishwasher. ...
  • Electronic Screens. ...
  • Flooring. ...
  • Knives. ...
  • Range.
Mar 22, 2023

Do you put baking soda or vinegar first? ›

Spray full-strength vinegar on first and let it sit for a few minutes. Wipe the area with a nonabrasive cloth or sponge. If any stains remain, sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub. Then wipe with a clean wet cloth to rinse.

Can you touch a baking soda and vinegar reaction? ›

Baking soda and vinegar are safe to touch. However, contact with the eyes should be avoided.

What happens if you add too much baking soda to vinegar? ›

What happens? As Sciencing puts it, "the cup will soon overflow with foam and bubbles." The reason this happens is that alkaline baking soda reacts to acidic vinegar by releasing carbon dioxide gas bubbles (just like soda bubbles), according to Hyperphysics.

Does Dawn really clean bathtubs? ›

That's right: Grab your dish soap and a broom, and you might be as pleasantly surprised as we were to learn that Dawn is apparently just as effective at banishing bathtub scum as it is at removing all that grime and grease from your dishes and pans. Plus, this technique is equal parts simple and fast!

Why does blue Dawn and vinegar work? ›

The reason? Dawn contains petroleum. It sounds counterintuitive, but it works. Vinegar removes residue and imparts shine.

What is the best homemade shower cleaner? ›

1 cup white vinegar. ⅓ cup washing up liquid. 8 drops essential oil of your choice (we like to use peppermint). This is to leave your bathroom smelling nice after the vinegar smell has faded.

What happens if you drink apple cider vinegar and baking soda together? ›

Mixing baking soda with apple cider vinegar may lead to a chemical reaction that produces gas, which might cause bloating in people who ingest the mixture. These two kitchen ingredients may also interact with certain medications and cause side effects of varying severity.

What can I use instead of baking soda and vinegar for cleaning? ›

What can you use instead of white vinegar?
  1. Baking soda. Like vinegar, baking soda is a kitchen staple that you can use for your cleaning chores. ...
  2. Liquid dish soap. When it comes to cleaning dirty surfaces in your home, there are few things as effective as soapy water. ...
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. ...
  4. Other types of vinegar.
Mar 14, 2022

Is Distilled Vinegar the same as white vinegar? ›

White and distilled are types of vinegar. They differ fundamentally in their acetic acid content. White, also known as spirit vinegar, has 5% to 20% acetic acid. This is generally higher as compared to distilled vinegar's 5%-8%.

What smells does baking soda get rid of? ›

Sprinkle, Sprinkle

Cooking smells, body odor, and pet dander can settle into fabric and furniture, but you can easily deodorize curtains, upholstery, and carpeting with baking soda.

How do you clean grout with baking soda? ›

Cleaning Grout with Baking Soda

Mix baking soda, a few drops of dish soap, and enough water to make a cleaning paste. Apply the paste liberally, let it sit for 20 minutes, then scrub the grout with a toothbrush and rinse.

Why is lemon and baking soda good for cleaning? ›

Alone they each have their own benefits: lemon is a potent antibacterial and its clean citrus smell leaves behind a fresh scent that countless commercial cleaning products have been trying to recreate for years; and baking soda is an almost perfect drawing agent to pull out stains, odors and even venom from stinging ...

How do you get brown stains out of a toilet? ›

Citric acid

More importantly, it's probably even more effective than vinegar for getting rid of that brown stain in the toilet. Simply pour a kettle of almost boiling water into the bowl, follow up with 250ml of citric acid, and leave it for some hours – preferably overnight. The next day, scrub and flush.

How do you clean a badly stained toilet? ›

Pour a half-cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use your toilet brush to scrub the stains. Add a sprinkle of baking soda and scrub again if the stains persist. Turn on the water and flush away stains and germs.

When should you not use baking soda to clean? ›

Things You Should Never Clean With Baking Soda
  1. 1) Antique silver. Although baking soda can pretty quickly remove tarnish from silverware, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea to use it. ...
  2. 2) Marble. ...
  3. 3) Ceramic cooktop. ...
  4. 4) Aluminum. ...
  5. 5) Gold-plated items.
Mar 12, 2021

Is it safe to touch baking soda and vinegar? ›

Baking soda and vinegar are safe to touch. However, contact with the eyes should be avoided.

Which is better to clean with vinegar or baking soda? ›

For instance, vinegar is potent at fighting mold while baking soda is great at fighting wine and coffee stains. The former is a better disinfectant but the latter is a phenomenal deodorizer.

Can you clean a toilet with baking soda? ›

First, make "flush" a family rule. Also, make a simple routine part of your weekly cleaning: Sprinkle the toilet with cup of baking soda. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then spray or squirt with vinegar (a mild acid) to moisten. Scrub with a bowl brush and flush away [source: Niagara County].

What not to mix with baking soda when cleaning? ›

Baking Soda + Vinegar

"Baking soda is basic and vinegar is acidic," says Bock. "When you put them together you get mostly water and sodium acetate. But really, just mostly water." Plus, vinegar causes baking soda to foam up. If stored in a closed container, the mixture can explode.

Is it safe to rinse with baking soda everyday? ›

A supplement to The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) summarized research on the effects of baking soda on oral health and found that: It's low-abrasive and safe for daily use.

Is it safe to mix vinegar and Dawn dish soap? ›

First, both ingredients are excellent at dissolving tough grime. However, vinegar alone will simply run off of most surfaces, while dish soap is too thick to use as a spray. But when you mix them together, you get an effective, sprayable cleaner that sticks to any surface!

What is the best ratio of vinegar and baking soda? ›

You should use a ratio of 1:2 baking soda to vinegar. In other words, if you're using ½ cup of baking soda, use 1 cup of vinegar, or if you're using a cup of baking soda, use 2 cups of vinegar.

Why does my drain still smell after baking soda and vinegar? ›

If a kitchen or bathroom sink drain still smells after removing trapped hair and using the baking soda and vinegar, there may be something caught in the p-trap that's causing the odor.

Is baking soda and vinegar safe for pipes? ›

With time, baking soda and vinegar may work as a natural drain cleaner on weaker drain clogs, and the benefits of regular drain cleaning can help keep your drains free of clogs. But for tough drain clogs that need to be dissolved right away, you may want to use a stronger drain cleaner, like Liquid-Plumr.

Why pour white vinegar down the drain? ›

Vinegar is both safe and beneficial to pour down your drain. It acts as a natural cleaning solution and can remove blockages and harmful bacteria that cause foul odors.

What is the best homemade drain cleaner? ›

Baking Soda + Salt

Mix 1/2 cup table salt and 1/2 cup baking soda together, and pour down drain. Let sit for about 30 minutes (or overnight if it's a tough clog).

How do you clean mold with vinegar and baking soda? ›

For really tough black mold removal, mix two parts baking soda with one part white vinegar and one part water. Stir the mixture until it becomes a thick paste. Spread your mixture liberally onto the surface and let it dry. Scrub away the black mold and stains, and wipe down with water.

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